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      • KCI등재

        사회적경제가 경제성장에 미치는 영향: 사회 자본을 중심으로

        여미영 ( Mee Young Yeo ),임재영 ( Jae Young Lim ) 국제지역학회 2015 국제지역연구 Vol.19 No.3

        본 연구는 사회적경제가 사회 자본에 영향을 미칠 수 있으며, 사회 자본은 경제성장에 미치는 영향을 분석하고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 2008년부터 2014년까지 유럽 29개국의 국가단위 패널데이터를 구축하고 사회 적경제와 관련된 사회자본 추정모형과 사회자본이 경제성장에 미치는 추정모형으로 구성된 2단계고정효과모형((Fixed Effect 2 Stage Least Square)을 이용하여 실증적으로 검증하였다. 추정결과 사회적 경제는 사회자본형성에 기여하였으며, 사회자본은 경제성장에 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. This study aims to investigate the potential impact of social economy on social capital, and the role of social capital in economic growth. Panel data of 29 European countries during 2008-2014 periods are constructed by country, and empirically analyzed using Fixed-effect Two-stage Least Squares model which is composed of the estimation model for social economy-related social capital and the impact of social capital on economic growth. The result of analysis suggests that social economy positively contributes to development of social capital, and social capital in turn improves economic growth.

      • KCI등재

        사회적 기업의 사회적 목적과 영리적 목적의 양립 가능성에 대한 탐색적 분석

        여미영 ( Meeyoung Yeo ),임재영 ( Jaeyoung Lim ) 경희대학교 사회과학연구원 2016 社會科學硏究 Vol.42 No.1

        사회적 기업은 취약계층에게 사회서비스 또는 일자리를 제공하는 ``사회적 목적``과 이윤창출이라는 ``영리적 목적``간 상호 상충되어 보이는 가치를 추구한다. 본 연구는 사회적 기업이 이러한 두 가지 상충된 목적이 양립가능한지에 관한 사례분석을 목적으로 한다. 분석결과, 성공한 해외사례에서 ``사회적 목적``과 영리적 목적``이 상호 양립할 수 있으며, 이를 동시에 추구하여 지속적인 사회적 기업으로 성장해왔음을 발견했다. 이는 우리나라 사회적 기업이 정부지원의 의존을 탈피하여 이윤창출이라는 기업 본연의 ``영리적 목적``을 달성하면서 ``사회적 목적``도 달성해야함을 보여주는 것이며 향후 정부의 정책방향도 사회적 목적과 영리적 목적을 양립해 나갈 수 있는 제도적 지원에 초점을 맞춰야 할 것이다. Generally, social enterprise has two conflicting values. One is the ``social purpose``, which includes social service and job creation targeted for socially vulnerable groups. The other is the ``commercial purpose``, mainly indicating profit creation. This study intends to conduct the case study on compatibility of two conflicting values. Based on the study of good foreign cases, we conclude that social purpose and commercial purpose might be compatible, and several cases show that the sustainability of social enterprises could be achieved by pursuing these two purposes. Furthermore, it suggests the possibility that social enterprises in Korea can accomplish commercial purpose, which is the nature of profit-maximizing firms, as well as social purpose without depending upon governmental support. Henceforth, government policy should focus on the public support for viable management of social enterprises.

      • KCI등재

        산업인력조기은퇴자 활용의 경제적 효과 분석방안 연구: 청년인턴제도를 중심으로

        여미영 ( Yeo Mee Young ),임재영 ( Lim Jae-young ) 한국보건사회연구원 2011 保健社會硏究 Vol.31 No.4

        본 연구는 청년실업 문제와 산업인력의 대규모 조기은퇴와 관련하여, 현재 시행되고 있는 청년인턴제도에 산업인력 조기은퇴자들을 활용함으로써 어떠한 효과가 나타나는지 고찰하고 그 크기는 어떠한지를 추정하였다. 분석결과로, 첫째 청년실업 층의 실업비용 절감효과와 관련해선, 20대 초ㆍ중반 실업상태로 인해 1인당 평생 약 7.3억 원에서 8억 원 정도의 장기 소득손실이 있다고 추론되었다. 이러한 장기 소득손실을 실업 비용으로 간주할 때, 현재 청년실업자 37.2만 명 중 10% 정도가 청년인턴제도를 통해 취업에 성공할 경우 약 28조원의 실업비용 절감효과가 발생한다고 추계되었다. 둘째, 산업인력 의 은퇴시기연기에 따른 연금재정 확충효과를 살펴본 결과, 산업인력 은퇴시기의 연기 에 따른 추가적인 연금보험료 수입이 연간 1조 2천억 원 정도로 추계되어 이 제도의 도입을 통해 연금재정의 건전성을 제고할 수 있을 것으로 고찰되었다. 본 논문의 분석 결과를 통해, 현행 청년인턴제도에 산업인력 조기은퇴자를 활용하는 방안의 실행은 청 년 실업비용 절감효과와, 연금재정 확충효과를 기대할 수 있어 동 방안이 비용효과적일 수 있음을 나타냈다. Considering the high level of unemployment rate of the young labor forces and a large scale of early retirement being expected with the pattern of population aging of Korean society, this study aims to estimate how much benefits are expected by utilizing the early retiree of the industrial workforce in the current Young Internship Program which has been performed for encouraging the young labor force to get a job. The expected benefits of the newly suggested policy above are estimated as follows: firstly, with respect to the young unemployment cost savings, the long term earning loss due to the unemployment of the young is estimated from 730 to 800 million won per each worker during whole lifetime. So if 10% of the current 372,000 unemployed young labor forces find employment through this policy, the unemployment cost savings were estimated at about 28 trillion won. Secondly, when the early retirees defer their retirement age, additional amount of national pension premium was estimated at 1,200 billion won per year, which might represent that activating this policy will improve the financial soundness of the National Pension. In conclusion, based on the expected benefits of this newly suggested policy, such as the young unemployment cost savings, additional national pension premium revenue, the utilization of the early retiree with the Young Internship Program might be regarded as cost-effective one.

      • 중,장년층의 노후준비에 관한 연구

        여미영 ( Mi Young Yeo ) 한국보건복지융합학회 2010 노인의료복지연구 Vol.1 No.1

        This research identifies the different measures as the preparation for the post-retirement life of mid aged people and senior citizens by their seeks a way in which they can enjoy the happy post-retirement life that is to come around. Towards this end, 579 mid aged people and the senior citizens who reside in the city of Daegu was analyzed from April 13, 2008 to June 21, 2008. For the analysis of the collected data, the first assumption was made that there would be demographic difference among the segmented markets by the types of lifestyle pursued by the mid aged people and senior citizens. The following research results were obtained after conducting empirical analysis with the assumptions mentioned above. As for the physical preparations by the general characteristics, men who do not have a religion and self-employed with low income were not making physical preparations effectively. As for the preparations for the emotional issues, those with higher education level, those with better state of the health, those with higher average monthly income and the research targets who are professionals were making effective emotional preparations. Difference was manifested for the economic preparations depending on the marital status, number of children, education level, occupation, average monthly income, and state of the health.

      • KCI등재
      • 노인의 건강관련행위가 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향

        오주은 ( Ju Eun Oh ),여미영 ( Mi Young Yeo ) 한국보건복지융합학회 2010 노인의료복지연구 Vol.1 No.3

        This study alms at analyzing the general characteristics of the seniors to figure out the influence of the health related behavior of the seniors, that is, health acknowledgment, health improvement behavior and health interests in the life the seniors and find out the relationships of their general characteristics, health related behavior, self-esteem and satisfaction of life, looking at the differences of satisfaction of life according to the general characteristics and self-esteem and the factors that influence the satisfaction of life. Delving into the relationships between the health related behavior according to the general characteristics(health perception, health improvement behavior, and health interests) and self-esteem and factors of satisfaction in life, among the health related behavior according to the general features, health perception appeared to affect the health perception when they receive lots of monthly allowances and their subjective physical status is good. Among the health related behavior according to the general features, for the health improvement behavior, female seniors between 60~64, with lots of monthly allowance, with their subjective health status good had good dietary habit, were interested much in exercise, were participating directly in exercise, were active in personal sanitation and disease prevention, had good interpersonal relationships, and were good at controlling their stress. Female seniors were showing more interest in health interests among the health related behavior according to the general features, and there was no significant factor between self-esteems according to the general features. In the satisfaction of life according to the general features, female seniors in their 65~69, with lots of monthly allowances and with good subjective health status showed high satisfaction in life. The satisfaction of life for the seniors appeared high when they are women, when they receive high monthly allowances, their subjective physical status is good, their perception of health is good, they have a lot interest in exercise, they participate directly in exercise, and when they control stress well.

      • 노인성질환 부양자의 부양부담에 영향을 미치는 요인

        박병석 ( Byeong Seok Park ),여미영 ( Mi Young Yeo ) 한국보건복지융합학회 2010 노인의료복지연구 Vol.1 No.2

        The study aimed to analyze burden of supporting the old and suggest improvement measures of policies. The current study performed literature study and corroborative analysis in order to accomplish the study purposes effectively. The current study consists as follows. After an introduction, Chapter 2 covered theoretical discussions and the existing prior studies. Chapter 3 is about a research method, a questionnaire and reliability assessment of the questionnaire. Chapter 4 examined influential factors on family caregivers`` physical, emotional and social burdens. Chapter 5 suggested measures to reduce family caregiver``s burden on the basis of the study results, and Chapter 6, the conclusion, summarized the above discussion and described the limits of the study. In conclusion, it was found that influential factors on supporting burdens vary according to general characteristics such as sex, education, monthly income, occupation and health conditions of caregivers. That is, supporting burdens were higher for women than men, lower education, smaller monthly income, housewives and other job holders and caregivers with bad health conditions. In verification of influential factors on supporting burdens of family caregivers for those with geriatric diseases increase, it was observed that there was significant difference in economic conditions, family conditions, social activity and personality, and also there was correlations between a sense of intimacy with a spouse and supporting burdens.

      • 노인들의 건강지각이 건강증진행위에 미치는 영향

        이소윤 ( Soo Yum Lee ),이은령 ( Eun Ryeong Lee ),여미영 ( Mi Young Yeo ) 한국보건복지융합학회 2010 노인의료복지연구 Vol.2 No.1

        This study aimed to analyze the primary factors which have effect on health promoting behavior of elderly and prompt the method to form the right health habit of elderly, so that it can be applied as the basic data for development of health promoting behavior program. The data was analyzed by SPSS 12.0 program, the internal consistency reliability analysis and t-test, ANOVA, and the result of study is as follows. 1) The health promoting behavior of general characteristic by the health perception In the health promoting behavior by sex distinction, the group with high health perception had high health promoting behavior, and in the health promoting behavior by sex distinction and health perception, there was relevance between sex distinction and health perception but there was no interaction effect between sex distinctions. In health promoting behavior by age, the group with high health perception had high health promoting behavior, and in the health promoting behavior by age and health perception, there was no relevance with age but health perception, and there was no interaction effect between the sex distinction and health perception. In the health promoting behavior by level of education and health perception, there was no relevance with level of education but health perception, and here was on interaction effect between the level of education and health perception. In the health promoting behavior by living arrangement and health perception, there was no relevance with living arrangements but health perception, and there were no interaction effects between living arrangements and health perception. In the health promoting behavior by monthly income and health perception, there was no relevance with monthly income but health perception, and there was no interaction effects between monthly income and health perception. In the health promoting behavior by current health status and health relevance with current health status but health perception, and there was no perception, there interaction effects between current health status and health perception. 2) The primary factor affect on health promoting behavior In the results of regression analysis of health promoting behavior adding health perception on general characteristic and life style, these independent variables were expressing 51.4% of the health promoting behavior, so it increased 13.2 % more than 38.2% of descriptivity of general characteristic and life style, and the value of F was 35.189, so there was statistical significance. The characteristics which had significant effect on health promoting behavior were sex distinction(b=-0.175), life style(b=0.352) and health perception standard(b=0.442).

      • KCI등재후보

        Levels of Malondialdehyde and Antioxidant Enzymes in Plasma from Patients with End Stage Renal Disease

        Mun, Kyo Cheol,Yeo, Mi Young 啓明大學校 醫科大學 1999 계명의대학술지 Vol.18 No.2

        The patients with end stage renal disease show several complications due to oxygen free radicals. There might be some alterations in damages related oxygen free radicals and antioxidant systems in patients with end stage renal disease. Malondialdehyde and three well-known antioxidant enzyme levels in plasma were measured before and after hemodialysis. Before dialysis, malondialdehyde level in the plasma from the patients with end stage renal disease was higher than those from healthy controls. Superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activities in patients were lower than those from healthy controls. Plasma catalase activity was similar with normal control value. After hemodialysis, malondialdehyde level was still higher. Superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activities were returned to normal level and catalase activity was increased after hemodialysis. Our results suggest that there is an overproduction of superoxide anion with an impairment in disposition of hydrogen peroxide inpatients with end stage renal disease. These alterations may contribute the patients with end stage renal disease susceptible to oxidant damages. Although single hemodiaysis is not helpful for protection of the damage induced by oxygen free radicals, it is helpful for normalizing the activities of antioxidant enzymes. especially superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase.

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