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        가치 사슬과 지역의 중진국 함정: 태국 동북부 지방의 상위 설탕 가치 사슬을 사례로

        최우혁 ( Woo Hyuk Choi ),에도안드리에세 ( Edo Andriesse ) 한국경제지리학회 2014 한국경제지리학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        In this paper insights from studies on the middle income trap and value chains analyses are combinedto investigate one particular industry in one particular region: the sugarcane industry in NortheasternThailand. Focusing on this region enables an in-depth focus on geographical differentiation of the middleincome trap. The empirical outcomes demonstrate that policymakers involved with sugar should look at theparticular challenges in Northeastern Thailand: 1. The role of brokers which is unaddressed in the currentregulatory environment; 2. A lack of information of the regulatory environment among growers; 3. Distrustbetween growers and millers; 4. Alack of implementation of R&D efforts; 5 .A lack of support from associations;6. The labor shortage problem, and 7. No incentives for growers, brokers and millers to improve qualityand embark on upgrading. Since agricultural value chains in Southeast Asia often start in relatively poorrural areas it is imperative that policymakers balance the interests of upstream, midstream and downstreamactors. Unfortunately, this is rather difficult as midstream actors (millers) and wholesalers are powerful andtherefore, are in the best position to defend their interests. Our insights could function as comparative materialfor similar studies within other Southeast Asian upstream value chains.

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