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        충청지역의 농촌협약 특성에 관한 연구 - 농촌 공간구조 분석과 농촌생활권 설정, 농촌다움(시설)자원 활용을 중심으로 -

        엄성준,김상범,안필균 한국농촌건축학회 2022 농촌건축 : 한국농촌건축학회논문집 Vol.24 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to present the implications of the rural living area setting and rural spatial structure analysis of the rural spatial strategy plan through case analysis. Following the decentralization of autonomy and the promotion of the transfer of state affairs to local areas, some of the general agricultural and fishing village development projects of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs were transferred to local areas. In addition, in 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs introduced a rural agreement system for 113 cities and counties. However, since the understanding of the field is still low, this study attempted to present implications through a case analysis of the structure of rural space and the establishment of rural living areas in three local governments in Chungcheong. As a result of the study, in the stage of establishing the living zone, it is necessary to comprehensively review the contents reviewed in the analysis of the current status and conditions. However, the two local governments had insufficient interpretation of the axis by function and the establishment of the base area, or were using the upper plan as it was. Second, the source of the data used in the survey on the distribution status of living SOC facilities is unclear. Since the distribution status of living SOC facilities overlaps with accessibility analysis, OD data analysis, and resident survey results and is used as the basis for setting living areas, the data source should be clearly marked, and verification should be possible. Third, amenity (facility) resources were classified and analyzed according to the conditions and characteristics of local governments. The local government that applied the guidelines as they were was A local government, and the remaining local governments conducted surveys and analysis according to the current status. Forth, since the establishment of the rural living area is the minimum unit supported by government policies through future rural agreements, it is necessary to distinguish them based on quantitative standards in the process of establishing them. Only one case area presented clear grounds and standards, and the rest of the case areas presented standards but are based on non-quantitative standards. In order for rural agreements to be sustainable in the future and benefit local residents, it is necessary to use or establish a government-level institution that can collect and produce objective data. In addition, it is necessary to find ways to specify and standardize the standards for setting the living area and specify them in the guidelines.

      • KCI등재

        스마트 빌리지, 그 계획과 도전

        엄성준,김상범,조숙영,안필균,Eom, Seong-Jun,Kim, Sang-Bum,Cho, Suk-Yeong,An, Phil-Gyun 한국농촌지도학회 2020 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.27 No.4

        Is the Fourth Industrial Revolution a revolution for cities only? Through the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Korea has entered quickly in the influence area of intelligent information technology such as IoT, AI, Big data, Cloud, ICT, Digital twin. However, as the information gap between the rural zone and the urban zone worsens, a policy was needed to reduce such a gap. Therefore, this research analyzed EU's smart village project, and investigated the problem and improvement of the actual smart village through the interview and field study with the person in charge of the actual smart village project in Korea. Based on the analytic result, 5 plans were deduced to improve Korea's smart village project. First, make the realistic adjustment of project period to assure the sustainability of smart village; second, make the new establishment of the department in charge of smart village project; third, construct the system of integrating and cooperating the policy that can embrace all the rural zone and the urban zone; the fourth, expand the application area of customized ICT technology according to the new rural policy environment; and finally introduce the residents' capacity development project through the rural guidance project.

      • KCI등재

        한계마을 정량적 기준제시를 위한 마을공동체 활동변화 분석 - 충청남도 부여군을 대상으로 -

        엄성준,리신호,김숙종,정상숙 한국농촌계획학회 2016 농촌계획 Vol.22 No.3

        The aim of this study is to suggest the quantitative standard of a marginal village. For the purpose, the study selected 43 villages with the population of 50 or less, the classification of a marginal village in accordance with advanced research and 47 villages with the population over 50 in Buyeo-gun region. The common reason of occurrence of a marginal village suggested by advanced research is a characteristic of a village or decline and extinction of a village rather than a simple index of population or aging rate. Therefore, the study assumed that decline of functions of the village would be caused by decline a function of communities consisting of the villagers. The study then assumed that the relatively low or 0 number or rate of participants would result in community functions. The study conducted t-test on basis of population and aging rate and an analysis to find the range with relatively large differences in the number of communities, participants and the rate of the participants, etc. The result showed that the community function began to decline when the population was less than 60~70 and the aging rate over 75%~85%. As the decline of functions of communities began in population of 70, the critical point was met when the population was 40 or less. With population of 40 or less, the young and the old group communities became extinct or showed rapid decrease in the number of participants. The study assumed that decline of functions of a village, a reason of occurrence of a marginal village would be decline of functions of communities, but there was no further analysis on decline or extinction of a village with population of 40 or less. There shall be further studies about whether a village of population of 40 or less is led to decline of a function or extinction of village communities.

      • KCI등재

        1910년대 고 지형도를 이용한 행정리 경계 구축에 관한 실험적 연구

        엄성준,조숙영,유수진,안필균,Eom, Seong-Jun,Cho, Suk-Yeong,You, Soo-Jin,An, Phil-Gyun 한국농촌건축학회 2021 농촌건축 : 한국농촌건축학회논문집 Vol.23 No.2

        This study aims to establish administrative boundaries by utilizing digitalized old topographical map. Various problems have arisen due to unclear administrative boundaries. For example, there are various problems such as conflict amongst residents to occupy a larger area, unnecessary waste of administrative power, and difficulty in collecting various data for administrative units (farm area, statistical data, spatial analysis, living ara analysis). Therefore, in this study, an experimental study was conducted to establish administrative boundaries by using an old topographical map containing information on villages before administrative reform in 1914. As a result, the boundaries of towns, towns and villages were largely consistent. In order to divide the administrative boundaries based on the legal district boundaries, the administrative boundaries were established by referring to the contents of village introduction and natural boundaries (roads, rivers, mountain ranges, etc.) provided in towns and villages. However, there was a limit in establishing a precise boundary as it was not possible to secure a high-quality digitalized old topographical map.

      • KCI등재

        RURITAGE 사업 개념의 농촌생활권 도입 방안

        엄성준,김상범,안필균 한국농촌건축학회 2021 농촌건축 : 한국농촌건축학회논문집 Vol.23 No.4

        This study aimed to present a plan that introduces the concept of 'RURITAGE' into the 'Rural Convention' by analyzing the contents of the EU's 'RURITAGE' and the 'Rural Convention.' For this study, the contents and reports discussed on the 'RURITAGE' homepage were analyzed. Also, the applicability was reviewed by analyzing the 'Rural Convention' report and guideline. 'RURITAGE' was resources and heritage, currently possessed by the region rather than large-scale development. 'The Rural Convention' was intended to solve the problem of point-projects through mid-to-long-term planning, integrated support system for construction, and spatial analysis of rural spatial. It was also a policy to increase the satisfaction of the residents with the quality of life by guaranteeing a certain level of living services anywhere in the country. The 'Rural Spatial Strategic Plan' and 'Rural Living Area Revitalization Plan', included in 'the Rural Convention' are judged to be difficult to immediately introduce the concept of 'RURITAGE' due to the limitations of the projects that can implement projects. However, the notion of 'RURITAGE' can be reflected to 'Rural Spatial Maintenance Plan’ seamlessly, which will be prepared in the 'Rural Living Area Revitalization Plan'.

      • 농촌협약과 생활권 설정 범위에 관한 연구

        엄성준 ( Seongjun Eom ),김상범 ( Sangbum Kim ),김수연 ( Suyeon Kim ),안필균 ( Philgyun An ),조한솔 ( Hansol Cho ) 한국농공학회 2022 한국농공학회 학술대회초록집 Vol.2022 No.-

        우리나라의 농촌 공간에 대한 종합적 계획과 사업간 연계성 없이 개별사업 위주의 산발적이고 단발적으로 투자가 반복되면서 농촌정책의 성과 목표 달성에 한계점을 노출하였다. 이러한 문제점을 극복하고 사업간 시너지 효과를 높이기 위해 농림축산식품부는 ‘20년부터 농촌협약을 도입하여 시행하고 있다. 농촌협약은 20년의 장기 계획인 농촌공간전략계획과 5년 단위 단기계획인 농촌생활권 활성화 계획을 수립하고 농림축산식품부 소관의 내역 사업을 대상 사업으로 시·군에 패키지로 지원하여 농촌의 활성화를 도모하려는 사업이다. 생활권 단위로 최대 300억 원 수준의 패키지 사업이 투입되기 때문에 생활권 구분은 농촌공간전략계획에서 매우 중요한 부분이다. 생활권 설정을 위해서는 농촌협약 가이드에서 제시하고 있는 지리적 연접성·물리적 한계, 공동 생활권, 공공서비스 동질성, 기능적 연계협력 가능성, 생태네트워크 및 환경 관리권, 상위·관련 계획의 계획권역 등이 고려되어야 하고 이을 위해서 자연지리, 인문·사회, 산업·경제, 문화·관광, 사회간접자본, 지역공동체 및 인적 현황 등 일반 현황과 기능별 축, 거점 권역, 농촌 공간서비스 및 서비스 이용현황 분석, 토지이용 및 보존 자원, 난개발 요소 발굴 등의 농촌 공간구조 분석을 실행해야 하며, 대내·외적인 여건 변화, 상위 및 관련 계획 검토, 정책 수요조사 및 분석, 종합 분석 및 계획과제 도출 등이 뒷받침되어야 한다. 그러나 생활권 설정에서 농촌 공간서비스 및 서비스 이용현황 분석은 한계가 있다. 시·군 단위 계획이다 보니 생활권의 범위가 시·군 경계를 초월할 수 없다는 것이다. 모바일 자료를 바탕으로 하는 OD 데이터 분석결과와 주민 설문조사 결과로 도출되는 주민들의 생활 SOC 시설 이용 형태와 생활권이 서로 불일치 하는 즉, 행정서비스를 제외한 나머지 저·중·고 서비스시설을 인접한 타 도의 대도시와 시·군 중심지를 이용하는 형태들이 발행하는 것이다. 생활 서비스시설의 접근성 분석에서 매우 열악한 마을이 주민 설문조사 결과 만족하게 나오고 실제 이동 1순위가 다른 지역으로 나오는 결과를 종합해 보면 결국 시·군지역에 한정된 생활권이라는 범위는 실제 주민들의 이동 형태에 따른 생활권과는 괴리되는 생활권으로 자칫 주민수요와 맞지 않는 정책들이 지역에 투입될 소지가 있다. 따라서 현재의 생활권 구분 범위는 행정 경계를 초월하는 범위로 확대할 필요가 있다. 특히 중·고차 서비스시설에 대한 생활권을 전국 단위로 중앙에서 설정하고 행정 경계를 초월하는 정책이 관련 시군과 협력을 통해 이루어질 수 있도록 법·제도가 보완되어야 하고, 시·군에서는 저차 서비스시설에 대한 소생활권을 구분하여 농촌 주민의 체감할 수 있는 서비스시설의 확충과 전달체계가 구축되도록 하여야 한다.

      • 농촌중심지활성화 사업의 공정한 평가를 위한 계층구조 표준값의 필요성

        엄성준 ( Seongjun Eom ),김상범 ( Sangbum Kim ),김수연 ( Suyeon Kim ),안필균 ( Philgyun An ),조한솔 ( Hansol Cho ) 한국농공학회 2022 한국농공학회 학술대회초록집 Vol.2022 No.-

        The project that can receive the largest project cost at the eup/myeon unit in rural areas is a rural center revitalization project, which raises the problem of supplementing the class structure analysis value, which is the standard for project selection. Since the number of facilities by eup/myeon varies, there is a large difference in analysis values even in the same first hierarchical. From this point of view, it may be controversial whether it is advantageous in terms of the efficiency of policy input to support rural center revitalization projects that receive more than 15 billion won in project costs. This study attempted to propose the need for a standard value or section of the centrality index by comparing the analysis values of the hierarchy of some five local governments among the local governments selected for the 21-year rural agreement. As a result of the analysis of the hierarchical structure of five local governments planning to revitalize rural centers, the centrality index of city A was 524.7, the centrality index of city B was 1160.1, the centrality index of city C was 611.33, the centrality index of city D was 505.8, and the centrality index of city E was 3979. More standards should be introduced, but as policy project costs are supported high when limited to the centrality index of the hierarchical structure, it is necessary to discuss ways to support project costs differently through the setting of appropriate centrality indexes.

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