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      • KCI등재

        차나무 자생개체군의 식물사회와 분포 특이성

        엄병철,김종원 한국자원식물학회 2017 한국자원식물학회지 Vol.30 No.2

        South Korea is the northernmost distributional territory on the Camellietea japonicae (evergreen broad-leaved forests of the warm-temperate zone) in East Asia. A total of 40 stands were collected in terms of an ecologically-naturalized wild tea population (WTP), and their species composition was analyzed by Zürich-Montpellier School’s method with preliminary regard to forest canopy idendtification. Stand types were characterized by ecological flora’s criteria such as Raunkiaer’s life-form, neophyte, zonal distribution, and nativeness of species. Expansion of WTP distribution into the interior of the peninsula was recognized, than expected. The highest and northernmost WTPs have been recorded at Mt. Palgong, Daegu (390 m a.s.l.) and Iksan Jeonbuk (latitude 36° 03′ 33″), respectively. Altitudinal and latitudinal WTP distribution of Korea under continental climate shows lower than Japanese situation under oceanic climate. Community structure generally involved a few human interferences. Syngeographically WTP distribution was limited on the warm-temperate zone and the southernmost cool-temperate southern·submontane zone. First driving force on distributional expansion of the WTP was anthropogenic, particularly in the northernmost distribution area. We finally confirmed an actual existence of the WTP in South Korea and suggested a long-term monitoring on the WTPs in national view of in-situ genetic resources with higher frost-resistance. 한반도는 동아시아에서 동백나무군강(난온대 낙엽활엽수림)의 최북단 지역이다. 총 40 개의 입지에서 생태학적으로 정의된 야생상의 자생 차나무 개체군에 대한 식생자료가 수집되었다. 우점 상관에 따라 식분을 구분하고, Z.-M. 학파의 식물사회학적 방법에 따라 현지 식생조사와 종조성에 따라 식물군락을 기재하였다. 식생 유형에 따라 생활형, 신귀화식물, 식생지리분포, 고유성 등을 포함하는 생태식물상 특성을 분석하였다. 자생개체군 분포지의 최고해발은 대구시 팔공산(해발 390 m) 이었고 최고위도는 익산시 함라산(latitude 36°03′ 33″)이었다. 대륙성 기후가 우세한 한반도에서의 차나무 자생개체군은해양성 기후가 우세한 일본에 비하여 수평적·수직적으로 모두낮은 분포를 보였다. 대부분의 자생개체군은 인간 간섭을 받아온 입지에 위치하였고, 자생개체군의 북한계 분포 확장의 동인으로 인간의 도움이 지목되었다. 자생개체군의 군락지리학적분포는 난온대와 냉온대 남부·저산지대에 제한되었다. 본 연구를 통해 한국에서 차나무 자생개체군의 실체가 확인되었고, 내동성이 높은 유전 자원이라는 관점에서 한반도 자생개체군의장기생태연구가 요구되었다.

      • KCI등재

        한국 난온대 식생분포대의 식물기후학적 재검토

        엄병철,김종원 한국하천호수학회 2020 생태와 환경 Vol.53 No.2

        In Korea, specific thermal elements such as annual mean temperature (AMT) 13℃, 14℃, and Kira’s coldness index (CI) -10℃, have been suggested about the northernmost distribution of the warm-temperate evergreen broad-leaved forest zone. We reviewed the relationship between three thermal elements and the actual distribution of evergreen broad-leaved woody plants or its communities. Thiessen and Kriging method using point-data calibrated by seasonal lapse rate according to altitude were utilized for the spatial distribution pattern analysis. Several phytoclimatic maps were also produced in order to compare different thermal values. We identified that the AMT 13℃ was the best thermal element to demarcate the northern limit of the warm-temperate forest zone. Its area was estimated ca. 20,334 km2 and larger than those of other thermal elements. We concluded that an indirectly fabricated index i.e. CI -10℃ is useless and it was enough for a direct value of AMT 13℃ to represent the northern-limit distribution of warm-temperate forest zone, at least in Korea. Further researches on the reciprocity between floristic regions and phytoclimate zones are raised.

      • KCI등재

        식물사회학적 식생자료의 종조성 균질성에 대하여

        김종원,엄병철 한국환경생태학회 2017 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.31 No.5

        식생자료의 종조성적 온전성(전형성과 대표성) 확보는 Z.-M. 학파의 정제된 식생자료(phytosociological relevé)와 식물군락(plant community)을 이용하는 국가식생자원에 대한 통합적 관리의 주요 선행 과정이다. 본 연구의 목적은 특정 단위식생으로 모둠화된 식생자료의 종조성 균질성에 대한 질적 양적 평가 도구를 개발하는 것이다. 식생자료의 이질적 요소가 적용된 새로운 균질도, 현존균질도(actual homotoneity: Hact)와 최적균질도(optimal homotoneity: Hopt)를 제안하였다. 사례 식생형에서 식물상 변수들, 새로 개발한 균질도, 선행연구의 유사 균질도(Pfeiffer’s homogeneity, basic homotoneity-coefficient, corrected homotoneity-coefficient, mean floristic similarity)와의 상관관계는 Spearman 순위 상관계수(Spearman's rank correlation coefficient)로 분석되었다. 현존균질도와 최적균질도는 각각 식생자료 간과 단위식생 간의 식물상 균질성 차이를 더욱 분명하게 드러내었다. 식생자료수로부터 가장 독립적인 균질도는 현존균질도였 다. 오랜 교란 역사를 지닌 한반도의 현존식생 조건에서 최적균질도는 현존균질도에 대한 더욱 정교한 해석이 가능한 보완적 수단이 되었다. 현존균질도와 최적균질도는 국가 식생자원에 대한 일관성과 객관성을 포함하는 식생자료의 DB 구축을 위한 균질한 식생자료 선별에 기여할 것으로 기대되었다. Securing the species compositional integrity (typicalness and representativeness) is the essential prerequisite for an integrated management of vegetation resources using the phytosociological relevés and plant communities of the Z.-M. school. This study is intended to develop a tool for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of species compositional homotoneity of a set of relevés per syntaxon. The new homotoneities, actual homotoneity (Hact), and optimal homotoneity (Hopt) taking into account the heterogeneous factors of relevés are proposed. The correlations between the floristic variables such as the vegetation type, the new homotoneities, and the previously studied homogeneous measures (e.g. Pfeiffer’s homogeneity, basic homotoneity-coefficient, corrected homotoneity-coefficient, and mean floristic similarity) are analyzed by using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. Hact and Hopt are effective in determining the difference of inter-synthesized units and of inter-relevés, respectively. Hact is the homotoneity that is the most independent of the number of relevés. On actual vegetation with long-term human impact in the Korean Peninsula, Hopt has become an aid to the more precise understanding of Hact as substantive homogeneousness of species composition of syntaxa. It is expected that Hact and Hopt can be used for the selection of a sort of homogeneous vegetation data to build a phytosociological relevé-database with consistency and objectiveness for national vegetation resources.

      • KCI등재

        안동 사문암 지역의 식물상과 생태와 보전

        박정석,김윤하,남희정,엄병철,이경연,김종원 한국자원식물학회 2022 한국자원식물학회지 Vol.35 No.4

        The ultramafic serpentine area, the small size of 3 ㎢, remains in Andong, South Korea. We researched the ecological flora and its structure through the 12 times field investigations from 2013 till 2018. A total of 527 taxa including the previously recorded species-list was analyzed. Among them, 331 taxa were filed up as a real flora of the serpentine area. On the vegetation land-cover map describing a characteristic aspect of species distribution, a matrix of the sparse forest by Pinus densiflora and the grassland patches were the main landscape. The study area was acknowledged as a home for the ethnobotanical species and grassland components, and clearly distinctive from the non-serpentine area. The original habitat was too deteriorated by introducing the non-site soils and exotic plants. Conclusionally a designation of a protected area and the long-term ecological monitoring were requested. 경북 안동에는 초염기성 사문암 지역 약 3 ㎢가 잔존한다. 2013년부터 2018년까지 총12차례의 현장 조사를 통해 지역 식물상과 그 구조에 대한 생태학적 연구가 이루어졌다. 선행 연구의 식물상 목록을 포함하여 총527분류군의 예비적 식물상을 기록하였고, 이로부터 사문암 입지에 대응하는 현존식물상(real flora)으로서 총 331분류군을 규명하였다. 식생피복도 분석으로부터 소나무 듬성숲(sparse forest)과 초원식생의 모자이크상관이 본 연구 지역의 특징적 경관이었다. 연구 대상의 사문암지역은 민족식물학적 식물종 및 초원식생 분자의 주요 거처로서 비사문암지역과의 분명한 차별성이 인정되었다. 서식처의원형은 외지(non-site) 토양의 유입과 이질적인(exotic) 식물종의 도입으로 인하여 심한 질적 쇠퇴가 진행되고 있었다. 결론적으로 국가 차원의 보호지역 지정과 생태학적 장기추적연구의필요성이 대두되었다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        Korean traditional village forest (Ma-Eul-Soop) and potential natural vegetation: A case study on the Sachon-Ri Garo-Soop in Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea

        임정철,최병기,김성열,엄병철,김종원 한국식물학회 2016 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.59 No.5

        Prediction of potential natural vegetation (PNV) requires autochthonous species distributions of a benchmark phytocoenosen. In Korea there remained unique forests or groves, i.e. a traditional Ma-Eul-Soop (MES), in the foothill zone which has influenced by the most aggressively anthropogenic activities since the Neolithic Age. Sachon-ri’s Garo-Soop (SGS) located at the southern-eastern Korean Peninsula has been reputed as the best conserved MES in Korea. We studied SGS for identifying components of the PNV. A total of 1,959 trees in the SGS were measured finescaled GPS locations and diameter at breast height (DBH). Distribution patterns of major species were interpreted by using the MES species ranking class (MSRC) framed by a matrix of phytogeographical and phytosociological autochthons. We consequently found that the SGS was composed of 29 autochthonous species. Cornus walteri, Hemiptelea davidii, Quercus aliena, Zelkova serrata, and Celtis sinensis were identified as the best matched PNV species to the floodplain behind riverbank. A lot of saplings occurring at the forest floor were the major components of PNV too. By the way many allochthonous species have been consistently introduced into the SGS in terms of a man-made forest of most previous works. We suggested that such PNV-unfriendly managements should be promptly stopped.

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