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      • KCI등재

        유럽 복지체제의 젠더효과분석에 기초한 친여성적 한국공적연금제도의 조건

        엄규숙(Um Kyusook) 한국유럽학회 2003 유럽연구 Vol.18 No.-

        The aim of this paper is to develop strategies necessary to enhance the quality of Korean Public Pension System for the betterment of the old-aged Korean women. The primary research method I adopt to achieve such an end is taking a detailed look at the nature of various types of European welfare regimes and how each fares with the welfare of the old-aged women. More specifically, I first lay out the defining characteristics of each welfare regimes and their corresponding gender-effects in turn. Then I select and analyze the pros and cons of England`s, Germany`s, and Sweden`s public pension system in regards to the welfare of old woman. For England represents the liberal welfare state, Germany the corporatist welfare state, and Sweden the social democratic welfare state. Detailed works I have done in this paper can be summed up as follows. Right after the brief introduction I give a general sketch of three distinctive types of European welfare regimes following Esping-Anderson`s suggestion. Then, in the third section after surveying the critiques raised against Esping-Anderson`s analysis from the Feminist point of view I lay out the gender effects of each welfare regime in turn. And in section four I analyze the gender effects of England`s, Germany`s and Sweden`s public pension system with especially two things in mind : first the gender and marital status of woman in general, and secondly woman`s typical career path and unpaid work of child-rearing and care providing. Among others I try to figure out how each pension system incorporates these woman`s concerns in its system. And finally in section 5, based on the analysis carried out in the above I suggest what we can do to improve Korea`s public pension system for the betterment of the old woman in Korea. Two things I put special emphasis on in the recommendation are these. First, we should soften strict earnings related benefit for contribution scheme to reduce unwelcome effects of the patriarchally commercialized labor market. Secondly and more positively, we should start to incorporate what has so far been left out in the periphery of labor market, i.e., woman`s unpaid work of child-rearing and care providing into the public pension system. Although nothing can solve all the delicates results from the complexities of the public institutions itself, at least with these two we can start to build a more or less women-friendly public pension system.

      • KCI등재

        발전국가에서 포용국가로 - 복지국가 발전과 민주화운동의 상관관계에 대한 시론

        엄규숙(Kyusook Um),황석만(Suk-Man Hwang) 한국인문사회과학회 2020 현상과 인식 Vol.44 No.3

        이 글은 우리나라 사회복지 발전을 민주화 진전과 연계하여 살펴본다. 한국 사회복지는 사회발전을 요구하는 민주세력의 힘이 강했을 때 이에 상응해서 발전해왔지만, 다른 나라에 비해 사회복지는 아직 양과 질에서 많은 문제를 갖고 있다. 하지만, 한국의 사회복지는 1998년 이후 국민기초생활보장법 제정에서 나타났듯이 사회권에 기반 한 복지 원칙으로 전환한 이래 빠른 속도로 확장되고 있으며, 특히 2017년 집권한 문 재인 정부는 포용적 복지국가라는 구호 아래 사회권 기반 복지제도로의 본질적인 변화를 시도하는 가운데, 1960년 이래의 발전국가가 남긴 경제성장 우선주의의 유산과 갈등하고 있다. 지금까지 지배적이었던 발전국가 복지정책의 유산의 영향으로 기존 복지국가의 제한적 확장에 그칠 가능성과 시민사회가 요구하는 포용적 복지국가 체제로의 변화 가능성이 있는데, 2010년 무상급식 논쟁에서부터 확인된 시민사회의 복지국가로의 전환 요구 및 최근 촛불 혁명은 포용국가로의 전환가능성을 높이는 요인으로 보인다. This article examines the development of Korean social welfare regime in line with the democratization. Korean social welfare developed correspondingly when the power of democratic forces demanding social development was strong. Even though current social welfare regime has many problems in quantity and quality compared to other advanced welfare countries, however, Korean social welfare has been expanding rapidly since the transition to welfare principles based on social rights as shown in the enactment of the National Basic Livelihood Security Act since 1998. In the same vein, current Moon government is attempting a transition to the full inclusive welfare regime. This attempt can result in two possibilities; the one is the limited expansion of current welfare regime under the influence of the developmental welfare regime left by developmental state since 1960, the other possibility is the move to the full inclusive welfare state regime long been required by civil society. We argue that the people’s power demonstrated in 2010 free lunch initiatives movement and candle light vigil movement increase the possibility of latter alternative.

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