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      • KCI등재

        중국의 지적재산권 보호제도

        양효령 한국기업법학회 2007 企業法硏究 Vol.21 No.1

        In China, intellectual property rights are called 'intellectual property', rights to possess intellectual products and industrial or commercial signs in accordance with laws. The rights include copyrights, patent rights, and trademarks. Legislation of intellectual property rights is grounded on the provisions of Articles 20 and 22 of the 1982 Constitution and the General Provisions of Civil Law. Patent rights and copyrights are provided for in the Patent Rights Act and the Copyrights Act, respectively. However, unlike Korea, China adopts a legislation method regulating invention, utility model, and design under the "Patent Act" in an integrated way. In addition, there are other administrative regulations related to intellectual property rights, rules of administrative agencies, and judicial interpretation by the Supreme People's Court. Though intellectual property rights related laws are currently in effect after the revision thereof according to the provisions of the TRIPS Agreement, which followed the intent of joining the WTO, the Chinese administration has failed to respond properly to infringements on intellectual property rights. It is because details and methods for implementing the laws have yet to reach to the lower levels of the administrative and judicial agencies. Hence, for Korean companies intending to enter the Chinese market, especially those involved in the IT business, a beneficial way to save their money and time is by prevention: take estimated risks into consideration for the protection of the companies' intellectual property rights. If the intellectual property rights of a company were infringed upon by a third party, the company would be advised to take other measures which China has introduced to protect the intellectual property rights, such as administrative dispositions, protective measures by the Customs Office, civil relief, and criminal punishments.

      • KCI등재

        중국 「외상투자법(外商投资法)」의 후속 법규 이행 현황과 시사점 ― 외상투자관리제도를 중심으로 ―

        양효령 서울시립대학교 서울시립대학교 법학연구소 2022 서울법학 Vol.30 No.2

        China's Foreign Investment Law is the basic law on foreign investment, and serves as a legal basis for establishing basic principles for foreign investment and providing a system to ensure the stability of foreign investment. The Chinese government is implementing administrative simplification and decentralization through interim and post management systems for foreign-invested companies. The Chinese government has also expanded investment liberalization by implementing ‘treatment as a Chinese national before entry’ and ‘negative list’ for foreign investment, reinforcing the information reporting system for foreign-invested and foreign-invested companies, and reorganizing the grievance handling system, improving the efficiency of corporate investment policies. Above all, the Chinese government attempts to legislate the investment policy for foreign enterprises by enacting and amending related follow-up laws in accordance with the Foreign Enterprise Investment Act in order to implement the above-mentioned foreign enterprise investment policy, and establish a legal basis to protect the legal rights and interests of foreign business investors and ensure fair competition. Therefore, in this article, the local government's efforts to enact legislation on foreign enterprise investment policies, changes to the negative list for foreign enterprise investment, establishment of registration and registration system for foreign-invested companies, and the main regulations on the reorganization of the corporate investment information reporting system and the grievance handling system of foreign-invested companies have been reviewed, and based on the review, the lack of clarity on the legal responsibility of local governments for foreign business investment policy management, lack of transparency in the procedure and implementation of negative list establishment, necessity of establishing self-management system for foreign-invested companies, strengthening of information reporting system for foreign-invested companies, and limitations of practicality of the grievance handling system Limitations of practicality of the system have been deduced as the implications as the suggestions necessary for foreign business investment activities of Korean companies that have entered China. 중국의 「외상투자법(外商投资法)」은 외상투자에 관한 기본법률로써 외상투자에 대한 기본원칙을 확립하고, 외상투자의 안정성을 담보할 수 있는 제도를 마련하는데 법적 토대가 되고 있다. 중국정부는 외상투자기업에 대한 사중・사후관리제도를 통해 행정의 간소화와 분권화를 시행하고 있으며, 외상투자 ‘진입 전 내국민대우’ 및 ‘네거티브 리스트’를 시행하여 투자 자유화를 확대하고, 외상투자 및 외상투자기업에 대한 정보보고제도를 강화하는 동시에 고충처리제도를 재정비하여 외상투자정책의 효율성을 제고하고 있다. 무엇보다 중국정부는 상술한 외상투자정책을 시행하기 위해 「외상투자법(外商投资法)」에 근거하여 관련 후속 법규를 제・개정하여 법적근거를 마련하고, 외상투자자의 합법적 권익을 보호하고 공정한 경쟁이 가능한 외상투자정책의 법제화를 꾀하고 있다. 따라서, 본문에서는 「외상투자법(外商投资法)」의 후속 법규를 중심으로 지방정부의 외상투자정책에 관한 법제화 노력, ‘외상투자 네거티브 리스트(外商投资准入特别管理措施(负面清单)의 변화, 외상투자기업의 등기・등록(登记注册) 제도의 확립, 외상투자정보보고제도(外商投资信息报告制度) 및 외상투자기업의 고층처리제도(外投资企业投诉工作机制)에 대한 재정비에 관해 살펴보고, 이에 근거하여 중국에 진출한 우리기업의 외상투자활동에 도움일 될 수 있는 제언으로 지방정부의 외상투자정책 관리에 관한 법률책임 명확성 결여, ‘네거티브 리스트(负面清单)’제정 절차와 시행에 관한 투명성 결여, 외상투자기업의 자체 관리시스템 확립의 필요성, 외상투자에 대한 정보보고제도 강화, 및 고충처리제도의 실용성 한계를 시사점으로 도출하고 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        중국 외자은행에 관한 법제 고찰

        양효령 한중법학회 2011 中國法硏究 Vol.15 No.-

        China’s banking system has shown a quantitative development since the its reform and opening up, but there still exist a double imbalance for its quality falls behind. However, China’s direction of economic development has been switching over from exportation industries to domestics and Chinese government is expected to strengthen the banking system centralizing on banks, and also distribute and mobilize the financial recourses for advanced banking business. China joined WTO in 2001, and it proposed its opened schedule for China’s henceforward financial market for 5 years. In case of China’s foreign-capital bank, ① China expanded its range of foreign capital related business and the branches of the official, ② revocation the regional restriction of handing Yuan and other regions,③ gradual revocation of customer restriction so that all chinese customers at China’s foreign-capital banks can access all the services they provide and enforced national treatment. Also, china permitted hard money, call money markets, issuing foreign credit cards, substitutional issuing foreign credit cards, the abolition of restrictions about Foreign-capital banks’ ownership, management and legal form by January 2005, permitted financial lease of foreign-capital banks and non-bank financial institution’s monthly installment plan for vehicles. China classifies its banks into four types of People’s bank of China as a central bank, Political bank, Commercial bank, and non-bank financial institutions. And the Foreign-capital banks are financial banking institution within China that is approved the establishment by China’s associating laws and regulations. Independent Foreign capital banks, branches and offices of foreign banks’ capitals are obtained from overseas, but in the case of China-Foreign partnership banks it should fulfill all the conditions that its foreign financial institutions’ investment proportions should not exceed 20 percent of total registrated capital, and in case of many out-of-area financial institutions, its total ownership ratio shouldn’t exceed 25 percent. For liaison factors of Foreign-fund banks’ capital, Chinese government established and enforcing the laws and regulations to manage the Foreign-capital banks, which represented as administration ordinance of foreign-capital banks, and minor regulations of it in 2006. In this paper, throughout the legislation of foreign-capital banks, we will examine present condition of WTO agreement and Chinese foreign-capital banks opening, the concept and features of the foreign-capital bank and its market entry, The foreign-capital banks’ foundation, alteration, closure, settlement, and legal responsibilities and review the problems of Korean banks’ entering chinese market and their remedies.

      • KCI등재

        중국에 대한 우리나라의 법제교류지원 현황과 과제

        양효령 한중법학회 2009 中國法硏究 Vol.12 No.-

        Legislative inter-change aids tend to focus on reformation support for legislative system in the field of development aid. The ‘Law and Development Movement’ was promoted in the United States in 1960s to backup the Western modern legislative system for developing countries while highlighting the importance of law for the market economy and the democracy toward third countries by the theory of modernization.It is no exaggeration to say that foreign government’s legislative inter-change aids toward China started out from the policy for reforming and opening of China. During past 30 years China has been carrying out the innovation and opening policy, and the established legislative system for market economics was the most needed due to the process of conversion into a socialistic market economic system. And the Western developed countries’ legislative inter-change aids built up through their legislating history not only contributed establishing China’s legislative system, but also played an important role for China to be less burdened by financial problems caused by learning how to legislate the economic-related laws that are needed in reforming its market economic system by providing material and physical supports. In Korea, we use various terminologies for projects of Legislative inter-change aids and they transform diversely depending on the character of the agency and any unified theories about project’s specific objects, methods, and ideologies to back up the projects are not yet settled because of its low necessity and recognition, so we could say it is still in the primary stage. Also it is not carried out through synthetic systems such as ODA, but recently operated in several government or research bodies, or law firms.It is necessary to consider the following contents about Korea’s legislative inter-change aids toward China. (1) Its rather passive attitude comparing to the economic exchanges, (2) The fact that it is considered to be a ‘Legislative inter-change supporting country’, not the ‘Legislative inter-change cooperating country’, (3) Necessity of understanding the Chinese people’s consciousness for their law and building trust with them. (4) Establishing organized and long-range plans and taking shares of duties through inter-cooperating between legislative bodies, (5) Transmitting the experience of executing the law that has superiority while selected and concentrated supporting is performed for legislation of such specific field, (6) Examining Korea’s historical proceedings of legislating, (7) Emphasizing the importance of educating in order to bring up the professionals for legislation field of China.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 민속문화재 보호와 활용에 관한 법제 연구

        양효령 전북대학교 동북아법연구소 2022 동북아법연구 Vol.16 No.3

        중국에서는 민속문화재를 ‘민속문물(文物)’로 칭하고 있으며, 기존에는 민간의 민속용구(民俗 器物)를 중심으로 이해하면서 문화재 분류체계에 포함시키지 않았으나, 민속학 연구가 활발히진행됨에 따라 민속문물을 ‘협의의 민속문물’로 보고, 「문물보호법(文物保護法)」의 문물(文物) 보호범위에 “역사상 각 시대별 각 민족의 사회제도, 사회생산, 사회생활을 반영하는 대표적 실물”로 규정하고 있다. 중국 민속문물로 지정되기 위해서는 ‘역사⋅예술⋅과학적 가치’의 요건을 구비해야 하며, 민속문물을 ‘역사⋅예술⋅과학적 가치를 가진 2급⋅3급의 진귀한 문물과 일반문물’에 포함하고있다. 즉, 중국에서는 민속문물을 ‘사회적 기능’의 속성에 기반을 둔 상대적으로 ‘현대성’이 강한근현대문물에 포함하고 있으며, 시기적으로는 1840년을 기점으로 지정하고 있다. 중국의 ‘이동 가능한 민속문물’은 문물소장기관 또는 소장가로부터 직접 수집하거나 문물 판매상 또는 문물 거래시장을 통해 수집하고 있으며, 주민거주 건축물 등의 ‘이동 불가능한 민속문물’은 정부관련부처에서 지정하고 있다. 민속문물에 대한 활용방법으로 ㉠ 문물의 소장, ㉡ 문물소장(馆藏)기관의 전시와 교환, ㉢ 문물 복제, ㉣ 문물 경매 등을 주로 이용하고 있다. 또한, 우리 민속문화재 범주에 포함하고 있는 ‘주(住)’에 속하는 민속마을과 고택을 중국에서는 ‘유명 역사 문화 도시(城)⋅진(鎭)⋅촌(村)’과 ‘전통민가(古民居)’로 지정하고 관련 법규를 통해 적극적으로 보호하고 활용하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        중국 외국인투자기업의 기업소송 유형과 대응방안에 관한 小考

        양효령 전남대학교 법학연구소 2013 법학논총 Vol.33 No.1

        Associate Professor, Law School of Chonbuk National UniversityThere are four types of solutions for conflicts in Chinese foreign-investedcompanies. Consultation, mediation, arbitration and litigations. Since China’sreform and opening up, China has enacted the corporation law due to thenecessity of corporate-related system as an economic unit. In accordance with thelegislation, civil and commercial litigations in China has been increasing gradually. China’s state-owned enterprises has reformed into corporations which appliesto the civil law and the commercial law, contrast to the previous state-ownedenterprises which applied to the administrative law and the economic law. Corporations can be divided into two types, local-invested and foreign-investedcompanies. Foreign-invested company is that foreign investors foundindependently or by joint investment in China. There are few types offoreign-invested companies which are joint stocks, joint venture, foreign-fundedcompany, foreign-invested limited company, foreign-invested holding company. Corporate litigations in China apply to the Civil procedure code and the specialregulation for the civil action liaisons. It also includes the characteristics of both thesubstantial law and the adjective law, due to the principle of unity of civil cases. Especially, the corporation law is applied to lawsuits in People’s court, and theSupreme people’s court’s judicial interpretation is considered in verdicts. China’s classifies the legal relations in corporations into two types of internaland external conflicts. Internal conflicts are related to its organization and internal juristic relations and the external conflicts are about productions andadministration matters. This thesis is about the representative litigation types by internal conflicts of theChinese foreign-invested companies, and the effective countermeasures andprecautions for corporate litigations of foreign-invested companies in China. 중국에서 외국인투자기업의 분쟁해결 방법에는 협의, 조정, 중재 및 소송 4가지가있으며, 개혁개방정책 시행 이후, 경제주체인 회사 및 관련제도의 필요성을 인식하면서 「회사법(公司法)」을 제정하고 이와 함께 관련 법제를 확립함에 따라 민상사소송중의 기업소송이 점진적으로 증가하기 시작하였다. 중국의 경우, 사회주의시장경제제도에 따라 종래의 행정법과 경제법의 적용을 받던 ‘국유기업’이 일반 민상법의 적용을 받는 ‘회사’로 개혁되면서, 투자주체를 중심으로 내국인이 설립한 기업인 ‘내국인투자기업(內資企業)’과 외국인(대만, 홍통, 마카오포함)이 투자주체가 되는 ‘외국인투자기업’으로 크게 분류하여 시행하고 있다. 이중,‘외국인투자기업’은 외국투자자가 중국법률의 규정에 근거하여 중국경내에서 중국투자자와 공동으로 투자하거나 또는 외국투자자가 단독으로 설립한 기업으로 중외합자경영기업(中外合資經營企業), 중외합작경영기업(中外合作經營企業), 외상독자기업(外資企業)과 외상투자주식유한회사(外商投資股分有限公司), 외상투자지주회사(投資性公司) 등이 있다. 중국에서의 외국투자기업과 관련한 기업소송은 민사소송에 속하며 「민사소송법」이 적용되나, 섭외사건에 해당하므로 「민사소송법」의 섭외민사소송절차에 대한 특별규정이 적용된다. 또한, 외국투자기업의 기업소송은 ‘민사합일주의 원칙’의 시행으로 인하여 민상사소송의 일반적인 특징과는 별도로 실체법상의 특징과 절차법상의특징을 찾아볼 수 있는데, 실체법상의 특징에는 다른 국가와는 달리 소송과정에서 중국인민법원의 경우 「회사법」의 규정을 적용하는 것과 동시에, 최고인민법원의 사법해석을 적용하여 판결을 하고 있다. 중국은 회사를 중심으로 발생하는 평등주체 간에 법률관계를 크게 2가지로 분류하고 있는데, 하나는 회사조직형태와 직접 관련이 있는 회사의 내부법률관계로써 이로인해 발생하는 분쟁을 ‘회사의 내부분쟁’이라고 하며, 또 다른 하나는 회사의 일상생산경영활동 중에 발생하는 회사의 외부법률관계로써, 이로 인하여 발생하는 분쟁을‘회사의 외부분쟁’이라고 한다. 따라서, 본 논문에서는 중국 외국인투자기업이 소송당사자 중의 일방의 신분으로발생한 모든 분쟁에 대해 논하기 보다는 회사의 내부분쟁에 관한 대표적인 소송유형에 대해 살펴보고, 이를 토대로 중국에서 외국인투자기업이 기업소송에 임할 때 필요한 대응방안과 예방책을 모색하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        중국 상업은행의 감독규제에 관한 법제 고찰

        양효령 법조협회 2012 法曹 Vol.61 No.8

        Securing a stability of the financial system of one nation is critical as it distributes the corporations and family resources and carries out the Payments and settlements. The basic purpose for a regulation and supervision of financial matters is to secure an asset soundness and a stability of a financial system, and it is carried out by the means of Restriction of market entry, Business regulations, Inspections, Restrictions. The open-door police of China's financial market used to be focused on securing foreign funds by inviting foreign banks and investing in them. As the reformation of economic system has accelerated, however, it had established and enforced the Central bank system and it also made a reform of inner management system and credit loan system. Commercial Bank of China takes charge of loan services by the rules of shareholder management, self risk taking of profits and losses, which is based on the management principles of Stability, Liquidity, Efficiency. It is also responsible for foreign civil liabilities alone. China's Regulation and supervision system has set up the Chinese Banking Regulatory Commission which supervises over many financial institutions such as commercial banks, Cash management service companies, Investment trust companies. It also supervises the market entries and liquidations of the commercial banks and legitimacy and risks of financial institutions. The Chinese Banking Regulatory Commission is regulating and supervising Chinese commercial banks by controling the entry of commercial banks and the system of management, business, liquidations. There are regulations for securing asset soundness, minimum registration funds, dept ratio, incorporation procedures to restrict market entries. And to control business matters, it's classified by two parts of business( debt-related, asset-related and intermediation businesses), and prohibition of business(trust investments and securities businesses, real estate investments, investments in financial companies). 한 나라의 금융시스템의 안정성 확보는 실물기업과 가계자원을 배분하고 지급결제기능을 수행하는 등의 중요한 의의를 갖는다. 금융에 대한 규제와 감독의 기본적인 목적은 금융기관의 건전성 및 금융제도의 안정성을 확보하려는데 있으며, 이는 진입규제, 업무규제, 검사, 제재 등의 수단으로 행하여진다. 중국정부의 금융시장에 대한 대외개방 정책은 초기에 외자은행의 유치를 통한 외환자금을 도입하고 외자기업에 대한 투자환경 조성에 주력하여 왔으나, 경제체제 개혁이 가속화됨에 따라 중앙은행체제를 기본적으로 확립ㆍ시행하고, 은행내부 관리조직제도와 신용대출 자금공급체계에 대한 개혁을 단행하여 급별 관리책임제도 및 기업형은행관리 제도를 시행하여 오고 있다. 중국 상업은행은 안정성, 유동성, 효율성의 경영원칙을 바탕으로 주주경영ㆍ자체 위험부담ㆍ손익의 자기부담을 원칙으로 중국법에 근거하여 대출업무를 담당하며, 대외적으로 민사책임을 독립적으로 부담하는 기업법인을 말한다. 중국 은행업에 대한 규제감독 시스템은 ‘중국은행업감독관리위원회’를 설립하여 상업은행, 금융자산관리회사, 신탁투자회사 및 기타 예금성 금융기관, 중국경외에 설립한 금융기관들에 대한 감독관리권을 행사하고, 상업은행과 기타 금융기관의 본점 및 지점에 대한 감독관리 등의 시장진입에 관한 감독관리, 은행업 금융기관의 경영 합법성과 위험에 대한 감독관리 및 위기관리와 시장퇴출에 관한 감독관리를 시행하고 있다. ‘중국은행업감독관리위원회’의 중국 상업은행에 대한 감독규제는 크게 상업은행의 시장진입ㆍ경영지배 구조ㆍ거래업무 및 상업은행의 청산에 관한 규제로 분류할 수 있다. 시장진입에 관한 규제에는 건전성확보ㆍ최저등록자본금ㆍ자산부채비율ㆍ설립 절차에 관한 규정을 두고 있으며, 거래업무에 관한 규제에는 은행의 특성에 따라 크게 경영업무(부채업무, 자산업무, 중개업무)와 경영금지업무(신탁투자와 증권업, 부동산투자 및 금융회사에 대한 투자)로 분류하여 규정하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        중국국제경제무역중재위원회(CIETAC)의 운영시스템과 「국제투자분쟁중재규칙(試行)」에 관한 고찰

        양효령 전북대학교 동북아법연구소 2019 동북아법연구 Vol.12 No.3

        국제투자분쟁은 투자유치국과 타방국가 국민 간의 투자분쟁(ISD)에 관한 국제중재를 말한다. 중국은 외자도입국인 동시에 대외 투자국으로서, 중국정부가 시행하고 있는 ‘일대일로(一带 一路)정책’으로 중국기업의 대외경제 투자활동 과정에서 발생하는 국제투자분쟁에 대한 예방과 대응체제의 마련이 필요하게 되었다. ‘중국국제경제무역중재위원회(CIETAC)’는 국내중재기관과는 별도로 국제상사 분쟁사건을 전 담하여 처리할 수 있는 독립성을 갖춘 민간 상설 중재기관이다. 중국기업들의 국제투자분쟁을 ‘국제투자분쟁해결센터(International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes: ICSID)가 아닌 자국의 중재기관인 ‘CIETAC 투자분쟁해결센터(혹은 홍콩CIETAC중재센터)’에서 해결할 수 있도 록 2017년 12월부터 「국제투자분쟁중재규칙」을 시행함으로써, 중국 중재제도의 영역을 확대하 고 대외적으로는 경제분야 뿐만 아니라 법제분야에서도 국제적 지위를 확보하기 위한 토대를 마련하고 있다. 「국제투자분쟁중재규칙」은 국제투자분쟁기관의 중재규칙을 참조하고 중국정부가 그동안 체 결한 BIT(양자간투자협정)의 관련 규정 및 ‘CIETAC’의 국제중재 경험과 중국특색을 반영하여 본칙(전문)과 부칙(附件)에 총 58개 조문을 규정하고 있다. 당해 중재규칙에는 투자분쟁 중재절 차·공개심리·중재인명부 작성·중재지·중재판정부 관할권·중재병합·제3자에 대한 중재비 용 지원·중국특색을 반영한 ‘중재와 조정절차의 상호결합’에 관한 규정, 그리고 부칙(附件)(1)과 (2)에서 각각 투자분쟁중재 비용기준 및 수납 방식, 긴급중재인 절차의 신청과 수리(受理) 등에 관한 규정을 두어 중재규칙의 국제화와 효용성을 제고하고 있다. International Investment Disputes refers to international arbitration on Investor-State Dispute (ISD). As a country that invests foreign capital at the same time as it introduces foreign capital, China is in the process of transitioning from a trade giant to a trading power. As part of the Chinese government’s “the Belt and Road Initiative” (BRI) policy and in the process of frequent foreign investment by Chinese enterprises, China needs to establish a preventive framework and response system for international investment disputes. Accordingly, in order to resolve the international investment disputes of Chinese companies in the Investment Dispute Settlement Center of CIETAC (or Hong Kong CIETAC Arbitration Center) not in the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) has enforced the Regulation for Arbitration of International Investment Disputes in and after December 2017. This is for China to enlarge the scope of the Chinese arbitration system and to lay the foundation for securing the international status not only in the economic sector but also in the legal sector. The Regulation for Arbitration of International Investment Disputes consists of 58 articles, which are composed of the main provisions (preamble) and the supplementary provisions and reflecting the results of research and analysis of arbitration rules of international investment dispute organizations and applying the relevant provisions of the Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) concluded by the Chinese government, the following provisions have been enacted to enhance the internationalization and practicality of the arbitration rules: Arbitration procedures for investment disputes, public inquiry, the preparation of the arbitration list, the place of arbitration, jurisdiction of arbitration tribunal, concurrence of arbitration, support for arbitration fees for a third party, regulations on “Mutual Combination of Arbitration and Mediation Procedures” reflecting CIETAC's experience of international arbitration and the characteristics of China, provision on transparency enhancement of arbitration procedures, etc. In addition, the supplementary provisions (1) and (2) prescribe the basis of investment dispute arbitration cost, the method of acceptance, the application and the acceptance of the emergency arbitrator procedure, etc.

      • KCI등재후보

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