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      • KCI등재

        한국의 중국 지역별 수출유발효과와 수출결정요인 분석

        양평섭 한중사회과학학회 2007 한중사회과학연구 Vol.5 No.1

        韓國對中國的輸出中, 中間原料占有흔大的比重, 對在地理位置上與韓國接近的地區輸出頻繁。 從中韓地區間的貿易來看, 95%以上在北部沿海, 東部沿海, 南部沿海地區。 從進出中國市場的472個韓國制造業的買賣結構分析來看, 山東省在地理位置上和韓國最近, 幷且和韓國的貿易最爲頻繁。 從韓國進口的中間原料占有比重高, 最終原料也占有相當高的比重。 從輸出地區和貿易模式分析來看, 韓國企業可分爲4種類型:1. 在地理位置上與韓國隣近的山東省和天津市以加工貿易爲主, 廣東主要通過香港進行中介貿易。2. 在成品的內需銷讐及中國國內供應困難的零部件和中間原料的出口的産業中, 江蘇省相對來說主要是零部件的輸出型投資。 3. 在中國的市場主要是渤海灣的北京市, 河北省, 遼寧省和華東地區的上海市和浙江省, 以及一些中部地區。 4. 一些企業爲了確保中國的資源, 主要在吉林省進行投資。 在本論文中, 分析了韓國對中國出口的主要原因, 韓國對中國的出口對各個地區的輸出額, 産業生産, 國內消費, 以及對中國投資股빈的産生的影響, 通過分析可得以下結論:1. 中國的出口對韓國對中國的輸出産生了積極的影響, 把沿海地區和中西部地區分開分析, 在沿海地區, 一些地區的出口是韓國對中國輸出增加的主要原因, 相反在中西部地區, 不影響韓國對中國的輸出。 2. 中國的産業生産흔難影響韓國對中國的輸出。 這樣的結果意味着中國的地區化産業生産結構和韓國對中國的地區化出口結構間的關聯相對薄弱。 這種現象是因爲韓國對中國的出口和投資只偏重于部分地區。 3. 韓國對中國的出口和投資關系中, 對中國投資的創出效果比出口代替效果大。 旣韓國對中國的出口和投資兩者是相互彌補的關系。 在沿海地區的國內消費, 出口中, 韓國對中國的投資起決定性作用, 相反中西部的一些地區, 韓國對中國的投資是影響國內消費的重要原因, 但在一些地區影響不大。 4. 由于投資一定程度上改善了貿易指數, 對華東地區的投資最大, 其次是華北地區。 相反, 韓國企業投資最多的山東省和廣東省改善貿易指數的效果相對來說比較小。 通過這些結果來看, 爲了持續擴大韓國對中國的出口, 必須强化除沿海地區其他的輸出市場。特別是除沿海地區以外, 考慮到中國通過西部大開發戰略, 中部굴起, 振興東北三省的計劃謀求發展, 要想獲得中國的內需市場, 必須加强投資和出口戰略。

      • KCI등재후보

        對中國 투자와 貿易의 相互 連性 분석

        양평섭 한국아시아학회 2005 아시아연구 Vol.7 No.2

        This paper is designed to examine whether Korea's trade and investment relationship with China is a complementary one or a substitutive one. By beginning with the assumption that one of the reasons for the rapid growth in Korea's export to China is that Korean companies operating in China are importing raw materials and components from Korea, this study analyzes the relationship between investment and trade. In terms of analyzing methods, it identifies what impact the investment has on the export to China by analyzing the purchasing and sales patterns of Korean companies operating in China and also infers how the investment has influenced the trade between Korea and China by estimating Korea's export and import function with China. Through this analysis, this study comes to draw a conclusion that Korea's investment and trade relation with China has played a complementary role rather than a substitutive one so far. Furthermore, this paper examines that as the purchasing and sales patterns of Korean companies operating in China have changed, what impact these changes will have on the mid and long term trade relation between Korea and China as well.

      • KCI등재

        중국 진출 한국기업의 매입,매출 전략과 대중국 투자의 수출유발효과

        양평섭,서청석 慶熙大學校 社會科學硏究院 2007 社會科學硏究 Vol.33 No.1

        The article analyzes the impact of Korea`s investment in China on its trade with China by studying Korean companies` purchasing pattern of intermediate goods and their final product sales strategies. Firstly, there is a difference by different industries on the inducing effect they generate on the export and import of their investment. It is particularly the case with electronic and electric industries as they contribute more than others to the surplus cause of Korea`s trade with China. On the contrary, in relative terms however, light industry including fabric, leather and fur contribute less to the improvement in the bilateral trade structure. Secondly, the findings cannot sufficiently prove the causal relationship in the investment location as determinate to the improvement of trade balance. By locations, those companies operating in East China has helped trade balance to improve in a much more significant way than those in North China. On the contrary, the largest recipient of Korean companies` investment, i.e. Shandong province, contributed the least to the balancing efforts. Investment in the northeastern China recorded negative effect in trade balance. Thirdly, the longer the operation at work, the higher the acquisition of intermediate goods localized, thereby marginalizing the improvement effect on trade balance as inducement effect on the export to China reduces. To date, Korean companies operating in China contributed much to the expansion of Korea`s export to China by heavily dependent on the motherland`s support of major parts and materials. However, recent changes in China`s foreign trade policy have engendered negative effects on the Korean investment companies that are in processing trade with Korean intermediate goods. In addition, there is a growing possibility that the export inducement effect on Korean companies in China may further reduce as their dependence on China`s source of procurement increases. 본 논문은 한국의 대중국 투자의 현황, 특징, 발전 과정을 살펴보고, 중국에 진출해 있는 한국기업의 매입과 매출구조에 대한 실사를 통해 중국 투자가 대중 수출과 수입을 유발하는 효과에 대해 분석하였다. 분석에 따르면 중국의 WTO 가입은 한국기업의 중국 진출 동기와 패턴에 많은 변화가 나타나고 있다. 1990년대 중반까지는 중국의 저임금과 원자재를 활용하기 위한 투자가 대종을 이루었으나, 중국의 WTO 가입을 계기로 중국의 내수시장을 타깃으로 하는 투자가 증가하고 있다. 이러한 대중국 투자동기의 변화는 중국에 진출한 한국기업의 매입과 매출전략에도 영향을 미치고 있으며, 이러한 전략의 변화가 투자에 따른 대중 수출과 수입 유발효과에도 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 나타났다.

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