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      • KCI등재

        탈식민주의와 민중, 민족주의

        양종근(Jong-Keun Yang) 신영어영문학회 2009 신영어영문학 Vol.44 No.-

        This paper examines the possibility and importance of Nationalism and Democracy in the era of “globalization.” Many different kinds of conflicts, contradictions and antagonisms are lying under the seemingly organic and unified surface of the social formation. It is true that no one can deny the importance and the urgency of the democratic issues, but to achieve democracy in its real sense what should come first is to solve the various problems mentioned above. “People” have been fulfilling the great role in the democratic and national reunification movement so far, and to make a strong solidarity and collaboration among the isolated and oppressed groups in the struggles, the people alliance policy holds good still and is more effective than ever.

      • 계급에 관한 불편한 진실

        양종근(Yang, Jong Keun) 대구대학교 인문과학연구소 2012 人文科學硏究 Vol.38 No.-

        The purpose of this article is to introduce the theory of Gaspar Miklos Tamas, especially focusing on the truth about the proletariat. According to him, The working class has a contradiction between its belief in identity and a sense of historical duty of the revolution. He insisted that there are two different kinds of socialism, which can be distinguished as that of Rousseau and Marx. The socialism of Rousseau emphasizes the superiority of the proletariat when it comes to its aspect of morality and culture, while Marxist socialism strives to abolish the class struggles. The proletariat in Europe receive both ideas at the same time, which leads to losing hegemony in the struggle against the bourgeoisie in the meanwhile. His research carries a possibility of reflecting the strategies of the proletariat for the post cold war.

      • KCI등재

        이데올로기와 실재계의 윤리

        양종근(Jong-Keun Yang) 신영어영문학회 2006 신영어영문학 Vol.34 No.-

        What lies beneath the theory of Slavoj ?i?ek is ‘ethics of the Real.’ As a prominent successor of Lacan, ?i?ek criticizes Althusser’s theory of ideology and advances to find the possibility of separating a subject from its alienation by the dominance of the Subject (the Other). According to him, unlike Althusser’s explanation of ideology and ideological appellation by the Subject, there must be a gap which lies between subject and the Other, but we cannot recognize it because of fantasy whose role conceals the fact that there isn’t the Other as we usually think. In addition, with the term ‘fundamental antagonism,’ he describes both subject and other as unaccessible and impossible to grasp their whole and entire meaning. ?i?ek’s works can stimulate both deconstructionists and Marxist intellectuals to reconsider their theories on subject and its relationships with the social formation.

      • KCI등재

        식민주의, 언어, 이데올로기: 파농, 응구기, 아체베를 중심으로

        양종근(Jong- Keun Yang) 한국영미어문학회 2013 영미어문학 Vol.- No.106

        This paper examines the importance of post-colonial perspective, especially focusing on the matter of nationalism and language, by scrutinizing the theories of Fanon, Ngugi, and Achebe. For these writers, the essential problem in the African politics and cultures is (post-)colonial tendencies, which make its people feel helpless before and inferior to the white people. Fanon symbolically criticizes the desires of a black man to wear a white mask and finds the solution for the liberation and equality through the struggles of black common people against the dominant bourgeoisie who exploits the working class and farmers, and oppresses resistance to the western imperialism which colludes with the colonized bourgeois govemment. What is distinctive in Ngugi's notion of nationalism is his assertion for using the native language. According to him, as spokespeople of the oppressed, writers should consider the means of writing, asking such a question as "In which language I should write?" or "Who is expected to be a reader of my work?" etc. On the contrary, Achebe is concerned with the availability of English in his writing for the colonized. He doesn't hesitate to use English for his works because English is the most widely used language in his country and English can help the African cultures to be understood without distortion by the western cultures. Despite the differences among the notions and methods of their theories, we can affirm the importance and urgency of the request for a post-colonial perspective.

      • KCI등재

        스피박의 현대이론에 대한 해체적 개입 - 초기 저서를 중심으로

        양종근(Jong-keun Yang) 한국영미어문학회 2007 영미어문학 Vol.- No.82

          This paper examines the decontructive interventions into the contemporary theories such as Deleuze, Foucault, Psychoanalysis and Marxism in the early works of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak.<BR>  She criticizes Deleuze and Foucault"s optimistic points of view on the possibility of the subaltern self-presentation and of the intellectual representation. As a consequence, according to her, Deleuze and Foucault cannot see the fact that there is a constitutive contradiction between the subject and the ideology, and that it is hardly possible for the subaltern to be heard in the discursive environment. And she discloses her discontent with psychoanalysis in the respect that it is too much focused on the phallic centered order of the world. Accordingly, it is necessary, she suggests, to include its counterpart “womb-envy” into the production of the theory.<BR>  Her early works show a strong affinity with marxism. She still adheres to use marxist terms like class, ideology, exploitation rather than oppression or antagonism and surplus value, etc. But she proceeds to raise a question how marxist theory includes women"s household labour into the text of production and alienation.<BR>  Her interventions as a deconstructive, feminist and marxist theorist lead us to the evocation of the globalized mechanism and international division of labour. Spivak"s strenuous effort to reveal the International dominant relations is closely connected with the renunciation of the privileged subject and the emancipation of the subaltern.

      • KCI등재

        지젝을 경유하여 레닌 다시 읽기 : 진리, 이데올로기, 실천

        양종근(Yang Jong-Keun) 신영어영문학회 2011 신영어영문학 Vol.50 No.-

        This paper scrutinizes how Slavoj Žižek registers the signifier "Vladimir Lenin" in the field of contemporary discourse. As is often the case with the modern theorists, "Lenin" means a dangerous, out-of-date, and totalitarian symbol which is rejected as a taboo even to the left-wing of western society. Regardless of the prevalent reluctance, Žižek recognizes Lenin as an important subject who practiced "the Politics of Truth." According to Žižek, Lenin won the Revolution in the midst of the objections among socialist colleagues and uncertainty of its result. Žižek interprets Lenin's revolutionary analysis of the Czar situation and his courageous decision toward uprising as an ethical action of the real. His interpretation gives a good opportunity to reconsider the meaning of those who struggled for a just cause, only to end up in failure.

      • KCI등재

        실재계의 윤리와 마르크스주의

        양종근(Jong Keun Yang) 한국비평이론학회 2006 비평과이론 Vol.11 No.1

          This essay explores some possibilities of comparing the politics of the ethics of psychoanalysis developed by Slavoj ?i?ek who is strongly affected by Jacques Lacan to the marxist theory of ideology. ?i?ek"s main concern is to separate subject from dominance of ideology. ?i?ek named his solution for subject"s emancipation from the Other “the ethics of the real.” As a Lacanian, ?i?ek paraphrases and reinterprets Lacan"s works from a vantage point with a focus on political contexts. ?i?ek finds that subject and the Other are commonly void and unaccessible by way of Hegelian concept of “negation of negation.”<BR>  ?i?ek emphasizes the possibility of ‘the Real’, which enables the subject not to be completely enthralled to the Symbolic and make changes in it so that the real ethical aspects of the subject can be achieved. While ?i?ek"s theory can be an acute criticism to the right-wing intellectuals, it can also be a good lesson to the Marxist intellectuals in that his theory may help them to avoid totalitarian tendencies, and it can exert performative efficiency to subvert the existing Symbolic order.

      • KCI등재

        모빌리티, 디아스포라, 난민 문학 -강영숙의 『리나』와 최진영의 『해가 지는 곳으로』를 중심으로

        양종근 ( Yang Jong-keun ) 제주대학교 탐라문화연구원 2021 탐라문화 Vol.- No.68

        본 논문은 강영숙의 『리나』(2011)와 최진영의 『해가 지는 곳으로』(2017)를 통해 탈북 난민의 문제와 재난 난민의 문제를 고찰하고 있다. 난민에 관련된 문제는 민족-국가에 기반한 근대사회가 양산하는 갈등, 억압, 폭력, 혐오 등의 비인간적이고 비윤리적인 문제점들을 폭로함으로써 우리시대에 대한 반성과 성찰의 계기를 제공한다. 강영숙의 『리나』에서 리나는 북한을 탈출하지만 수차례 반복되는 인신매매를 거치면서 값싼 노동자와 창녀 되기를 반복한다. 전 지구적으로 성별화 된 자본주의적 노동 분업 체제 속에서 탈북 난민 신분인 리나는 ‘하위 주체’의 신분으로 전락해 버렸지만, 자신에게 주어진 비참한 상황을 지속적으로 돌파해 나간다. 혈연에 기반한 실제 가족을 뒤로하고 리나는 자신이 선택한 새로운 유사가족의 형태를 이루며 살아간다. 최진영의 『해가 지는 곳으로』는 한국에 창궐한 바이러스로 인해 국가 시스템이 붕괴되어 러시아를 통해 서쪽으로 해가 지는 곳만 바라보며 탈출하는 이야기이다. 이 작품은 난민이 된 3가족의 서사를 통해, 재난 이후를 꿈꾸는 것이 과연 가능한가를 묻고 있으며, 더불어 재난 이전에는 어떠했나를 반성하게 한다. 이 작품에서 도리와 지나의 동성애는 남성적인 일방적, 폭력적, 쾌락적 욕망에 기반한 이성애적 사랑에 대한 대안으로 제시된다. 근대의 모빌리티는 양면적인 성격을 지니고 있다. 과학 기술이 가져올 새로운 모빌리티와 이를 어떻게 인문학적으로 사유해야 하는가의 문제는 과거의 비극적 모빌리티를 반성하고 이를 반복하지 않기 위해 필수적인 과제가 될 것이다. This paper examines the problems of North Korean refugees and the problems of disaster refugees through Kang Young-sook’s Rina (2011) and Choi Jin-young’s Toward where the Sun Sets (2017). The problems related to refugees provide an opportunity for reflection and introspection on our times by exposing inhuman and unethical nation-state-based adversaries such as conflicts, oppression, violence, and disgust produced by modern society. In Rina, Rina escapes North Korea but repeats being a cheap worker and prostitute through repeated human trafficking. In the globally gendered capitalist labor division system, Rina, a refugee in North Korea, has fallen into ‘a subaltern’, but continues to break through the miserable situation given to her. Leaving behind the real family based on blood, Rina lives in the form of a new quasi-family she chose. Toward where the Sun Sets is a story of exodus escaping from South Korea where the country system collapsed due to a virus toward where the Sun sets. This work is based on the narrative of the three families who became refugees, asking how it is possible to dream after the disaster and what it was like before the disaster. In this work, Dori and Gina’s homosexuality are presented as alternatives to heterosexual love based on masculine one-sided, violent and hedonic desires. Modern mobilities have a double-sided character. The new mobility of science and technology and how to think about it in a humanities way will be an essential task to reflect on the tragic mobility of the past and not to repeat it.

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