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      • KCI등재

        소설 속의 `くれる類`동사에 대한 한국어와 영어의 번역양상 - 하목수석(夏目漱石)의 『こころ』를 중심으로 -

        양정순 ( Yang Jungsoon ) 경희대학교 비교문화연구소 2017 比較文化硏究 Vol.46 No.-

        본고는 근대소설 『こころ』안에서 사용된 `くれる類` 동사가 번역가에 의해 재생산될 때 나타날 수 있는 번역 양상을 `표현주체와 상대에 따른 사용`과 `이동대상`에 초점을 두어 분석했다. `표현주체와 상대에 따른 사용`은 다음과 같다. `くれる類` 동사의 사전적 어휘용법에 머무르지 않고 장면에 따라 번역되었다. 그런데 `주는 자`가 손위의 인물일 때 사용된 `くれる`에 대한 한국어 역은 `주는 자`가 부모라면 전부는 아니지만 가급적 그 행위를 높여서 번역하는 경향이 보였다. 정중도에 대한 영어 역의 차이는 `くれる類` 동사가 부탁ㆍ의뢰ㆍ명령과 같은 용법으로 사용될 때 나타났는데, `くれる`보다 `くださる` 쪽에서 `please`의 사용이 보였다. `이동대상`에 따른 번역 양상은 다음과 같다. 본동사로 사용될 때의 한국어 역은 `くれる` `くださる`에 대응하는 `주다` `주시다`로 번역되었지만, 영어 역은 이동대상의 특징에 따라 번역 어휘가 다양했으며 구체화된 행위의 표현으로 번역되었다. 보조동사로 사용될 때의 한국어 역과 영어 역은 행위의 이동 이외에 사물의 이동이 포함되었는지 아닌지에 따라 번역 어휘가 다르게 나타났다. 한국어 역은 구체적인 사물과 더불어 행위의 이동이 있을 때는 `-주다` `-달라` `-주시다` 등과 같은 수익을 나타내는 번역이 우세했다. 추상적인 사항과 함께 행위의 이동이 있을 때와 이동 대상에 행위만 있을 때의 한국어 역은 수익을 나타내는 번역도 있었지만, 전항동사의 행위로 번역된 예도 보였다. 영어 역은 구체적인 사물 및 추상적인 사항이 포함된 행위의 이동이 있을 때나 행위의 이동만 있을 때도 전항 동사의 행위로 번역된 예가 우세했다. 부탁ㆍ의뢰를 나타내는 표현에 한국어 역은 `-달라` `-주세요`와 같이 `くれる`와 `くださる`에 대응하는 번역이 있었던 반면, 영어역은 `must` `ask` `wish` `would` `would like to` `please`와 같이 문 구조나 언어기능 항목에 초점을 두어 행위를 구체화 시키는 번역이 중심을 이뤘다. This study analyzed how an aspect of translation can be shown on the `Kureru type(くれる類)` verbs in 『Kokoro』, which was a Japanese modern novel when it was reproduced by translators. It focused on `the use in accordance with a subject of expression and the other person` and `the object of movement`. `The use in accordance with a subject of expression and the other person` could be summarized as follows: The `Kureru type` verbs were not translated only in accordance with the use of vocabulary in a dictionary. `Kudasaru` was used in many examples of letter writing when `the giver` was younger and it was translated to a polite form in Korean. `Kureru` had a characteristic when `the giver` was older in Korean translation. The act of parents was translated to an honorific form if parents were `givers` regardless of whether a listener was an internal character or an external character in parent-child relationships. The degree of politeness was different in English translation when the `Kureru type` verbs were used for asking a favor·request·command. `Please` was used more for `Kudasaru` than `Kureru`. An aspect of translation in accordance with `the object of movement` could be summarized as follows: The `Kureru type` verbs were used as main verbs. `Kureru` and `Kudasaru` were translated to `Juda` `Jusida` in Korean translation, but they were translated to various vocabulary words in accordance with the characteristic of `the object of movement` and were translated to imply a specific act, the process of possession and the result of possession in English translation. The `Kureru type` verbs were also used as auxiliary verbs. The translated vocabulary words for Korean translation and English translation were different in accordance with whether the movement of things other than the movement of act was included or not. Examples were translated predominantly to expressions of profit such as `-Jada` `-Dalla` `-Jusida` when there was a movement of act as well as specific things in Korean translation. Also, some examples were translated to expressions of profit when there was the movement of act with an abstract matter and there was only the act of the object of movement, but many examples were translated to the act of first verbs. Examples were translated predominantly to the act of first verbs when there was the movement which included specific things and abstract matters or there was only the movement of act in English translation. Expressions of asking a favor·request such as `Kureru` and `Kudasaru` were translated to `-Dalla` `-Juseyo` in Korean translation, but they were translated to expressions which specify an act while focusing on the structure of sentences or the function of language, such as `must`, `ask`, `wish`, `would`, and `would like to` `please` in English translation.

      • KCI등재

        소설 『こころ』에 나타난 감정표현 ‘경(驚)’에 관한 번역 양상 - 한국어 번역 작품과 영어 번역 작품을 중심으로 -

        양정순 ( Yang Jungsoon ) 경희대학교 비교문화연구소 2018 비교문화연구 Vol.51 No.-

        감정표현의 종류에는 감정을 묘사하는 어휘, 감탄문ㆍ수사의문 등의 감정표현을 위한 문 구성, 간투사 표현, 발상태도의 부사, 문체 등이 제시되고 있다. 본고는 이러한 감정표현 가운데서 감정을 묘사하는 어휘를 중심으로, 『こころ』에 나타난 ‘驚’의 감정 표현의 번역 양상을 분석했다. 그 결과 ‘驚’에 관한 번역 양상을 보면 사전에 제시한 대로의 어휘로 번역되는 경우도 있었지만 꼭 그렇지만은 아니라는 것을 알 수 있었다. 일본어 문에서 사용된 ‘驚’의 감정 어휘에 대해, 한국어 역에서는 대체로 ‘동사⇒동사, 형용사’, ‘부사+동사⇒동사’ ‘부사⇒부사’로 번역되었지만, 감정표현을 강조하기 위해 다른 어휘가 더해진 경우가 있었다. 일부 ‘명사’는 용언을 이용해 번역되기도 했다. 상황에 따라 번역어휘는 ‘Surprise類’ 뿐 아니라 ‘Fear類’과 ‘Sadness類’의 어휘까지도 다양하게 사용되었다. 영어 역의 경우, 한국어 역에서 보였던 것과 다른 양상을 보였다. 주로 ‘동사⇒be+동사의 과거분사’, ‘부사+동사⇒be+동사의 과거분사’ ‘부사⇒be+동사의 과거분사’로 번역되었으며, ‘Surprise類’, ‘Fear類’ 등의 감정을 표현하는 동사 외에 감정 주체의 상태를 대체 표현할 수 있는 동사로 까지도 이용되는 등 매우 다양했다. 문중에 감정주체가 있는 경우의 한국어 역은 대체로 일본어 문과 일 대 일 대응 방식을 보였다. 문중에 감정주체가 없는 경우도 유사한 성향을 보이면서도, 3인칭인 경우에는 생략된 요소가 복원 가능하도록 유도한 번역이 보였다. 영어 역을 보면, 문중에 감정주체가 있는 경우에서만 아니라, 문중에 감정주체가 없는 경우도 생략된 감정주체 및 이를 판단하는 판단주체까지도 복원시켜 번역했다. 일본어와 한국어와 달리 주어는 감정을 느끼는 사람만 온 것이 아니라, 사건, 행위, 감정을 일으키는 원인이 제시되기도 했다. Types of emotional expressions are comprised of vocabulary that describes emotion and composition of sentences to express emotion such as an exclamatory sentence and a rhetorical question, expressions of interjection, adverbs of attitude for an idea, and a style of writing. This study is focused on vocabulary that describes emotion and analyzes the aspect of translation when emotional expression of ‘Kyo(驚)’ is shown in 『Kokoro』. As a result, the aspect of translation for expression of ‘Kyo(驚)’ showed that it was translated to vocabulary as suggested in the dictionary in some cases. However, it was not always translated as suggested in the dictionary. Vocabulary that describes the emotion of ‘Kyo(驚)’ in Japanese sentences is mostly translated to corresponding parts of speech in Korean. Some adverbs needed to add ‘verbs’ when they were translated. Different vocabulary was added or used to maximize emotion. However, the corresponding part of speech in English was different from Korean. Examples of Japanese sentences expressing ‘Kyo(驚)’ by verbs were translated to expression of participles for passive verbs such as ‘surprise’ ‘astonish’ ‘amaze’ ‘shock’ ‘frighten’ ‘stun’ in many cases. Idioms were also translated with focus on the function of sentences rather than the form of sentences. Those expressed in adverbs did not accompany verbs of ‘Kyo(驚)’. They were translated to expression of participles for passive verbs and adjectives such as ‘surprise’ ‘astonish’ ‘amaze’ ‘shock’ ‘frighten’ ‘stun’ in many cases. Main agents of emotion were showat the first person and the third person in simple sentences. Translation of emotional expressions when a main agent was the first person showed that the fundamental word order of Japanese was translated as in Korean. However, adverbs of time and adverbs of degree were ended to be added. The first person as the main agent of emotion was positioned at the place of subject when it was translated in English. However, things or causes of events were positioned at the place of subject in some cases to show the degree of ‘Kyo(驚)’ which the main agent experienced. The expression of conjecture and supposition or a certain visual and auditory basis was added to translate the expression of emotion when the main agent of emotion was the third person. Simple sentences without the main agent of emotion showed that their subjects could be omitted even if they were essential components because they could be known through context in Korean. These omitted subjects were found and translated in English. Those subjects were not necessarily human who was the main agent of emotion. They could be things or causes of events that specified the expression of emotion.

      • KCI등재

        동·서양인의 업무공간 LED조명환경 연구

        양정순(Yang Jungsoon) 한국조명·전기설비학회 2017 조명·전기설비학회논문지 Vol.31 No.7

        The purpose of this study is to clarify the preference characteristics of the lighting environment in the East and the West working space through the research on the light environment perception of Koreans and Europeans. As a result of the experiment, The color temperature is preferred to 4000K for both Koreans and Europeans in suitable lighting environment for the work space. The preferred lighting method is direct and indirect lighting and indirect lighting in Europe, and Koreans prefer direct lighting or direct and indirect lighting. For the illumination level, 700lx-1000lx were preferred to Koreans and 500lx-700lx to Europeans. We could find additional grounds for interpretation of the work environment lighting preference result in the study of psychological cognitive evaluation and expectation lighting environment according to work characteristics. Also, we could understand the similarity and difference of light recognition in Korea and Europe. The interpretation of the results shows that the determination of conformity to the work personality in Europe is highly related to the comfort of the lighting environment, and the possibility of categorization of the lighting environment in Korea can be seen. Also, in the work space, correlated color temperature of rich spectrum by combination of Cool White, Warm White and RGB LED chip was evaluated highly even in the white lighting environment. In addition, in Korea, high illumination level is required for the reading and writing objects itself. In Europe, it is preferable that the lighting environment enhances the visual sensibility with the brightness distribution of the entire space in addition to the appropriate illumination level of the object itself. In Europe, where the lighting industry is advanced, the work space has highly evaluated the value of the space design in which the overall harmonious brightness distribution is recognized by the expansion of space and visual comfort through direct and indirect lighting and indirect lighting. This design direction should also be noted in the interior of a country. Through this research process, it is revealed that the significance of this study is to reveal the importance of research on the local users in the globalization strategy of the lighting industry and propose research methods.

      • KCI등재

        야간 도시공간 범죄예방환경설계(CPTED)에 있어 조명환경에 관한 연구

        양정순 ( Jungsoon Yang ) 한국공간디자인학회 2019 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.14 No.3

        (Background and Purpose) The safety of an urban space at night, in particular, is the most basic requirement to enhance the quality of life of urban people and strengthen a city’s competitiveness. A well-planned lighting scheme in an urban space can give a feeling of safety and prevent crime. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) is a crime prevention design methodology realized through environmental planning. CPTED is understood as essential in the process of spatial planning in Korea, and the government is trying to systematically integrate it into laws and institutions. However, it is difficult to utilize CPTED because it is ambiguous in its method of application and procedures when applied to making urban spaces feel safe at night. Therefore, this study attempts to address the need to find a way to identify and solve problems with CPTED related to urban safety at night. (Method) In the course of conducting this research, domestic and foreign literature, systems and guidelines, and related projects are surveyed first. In the process of analysis, the content on the application of CPTED to the domestic urban environment at night suggests only the problem of securing the lighting or visibility, but there is a lack of a systematic approach and specificity in its procedures and implementation. In addition, it has been concluded that the lighting environment in the domestic CPTED system and project is recognized as simply an additional element and is applied without spatial understanding, a clear approach, or criteria for the method of application. Therefore, effective methods of application, such as supplementing the system of CPTED and establishing guidelines for a lighting plan are required. (Results) As a result of the study, the entire direction of the laws, regulations, and administrative guidelines should be presented along with their methods of application, such as implementation plans reflecting localities and the introduction of a certification system. It was determined that it would be necessary for experts to establish application guidelines for the lighting environment and a checklist for the management and operation of the system by general citizens. In this paper, the elements of the lighting environment that must be addressed in the CPTED guidelines are deduced. These elements include the concept or direction of the lighting environment, spatial understanding and perception, brightness distribution, color, light pollution, efficiency and management, and the relationship with the surrounding scenery. (Conclusions) Through the research process, it was confirmed that the lighting design of CPTED is like the direction of a desirable lighting plan for urban spaces. In addition, with respect to CPTED, this study is significant in establishing the main lighting factors that should be presented in procedural supplementary methods and guidelines.

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