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        에이브러햄 링컨 대통령과 공화당 급진파간의 갈등: 1864년 대선을 중심으로

        양재열 ( Jae Yul Yang ) 대구사학회 2015 대구사학 Vol.119 No.-

        Abraham Lincoln, 16th president, has been re-elected of the United States by a popular Majority. The election passed off peaceably and without the necessity of military interference; and it now becomes citizens of all parties to yield a willing and cheerful obedience to the authorities thus constituted by the popular suffrages. Under U.S. constitutional Government, such obedience is absolutely requisite to the permanent safety and prosperity of the Republic. But Lincoln``s reelection was hard task to him. Because of Radical Republicans, i.e. Charles Sumner, Thaddeus Stevens, William Blair, Salmon P. Chase and Benjamin Wade were obstacle to re-election of presidential election to Lincoln. Lincoln’s nomination was opposed by a radical Republicans, which the President clearly wanted seated despite its opposition to them. They rejected the only delegates from Mo. who were instructed and pledged for Lincoln, and admitted the destructive, who were pledged against Lincoln, and, in fact, voted against him. The conservative was chosen in a manner more legitimate and regular than the destructive Radicals. In American historical context, The re-election of Lincoln was impressive. In 1836-1877(so called, the Political Nation) the Presidential and congressional term were short. President Lincoln was powerful president in Antebellum and PostBelum american history. That was the results of reelection of 16th President Abraham Lincoln. (yeungnam university / yangjaey@ynu.ac.kr)

      • 19세기 미국 정치사와 계량사학

        양재열(Yang Jae Yul) 계명사학회 2006 계명사학 Vol.17 No.-

        This theses aim to study the historiography and quantitative historical methods in 19th century american political history. From first chapter of these dissertation it observes the change of methodology in american political history. Also writer investigated the methodological techniques of academic school in 19th century. First of all, we used quantitative history and collective history which deeply concerned with this dissertation. Secondly, writer used single variable and 2-3 variables and multi variables in chapter 2. It focused in voting behaviors in Roll-Call voting in the United States Congress. There is no clear and simple definition of quantitative history. Instead, three overlapping uses recur in the literatures. First, quantification refers to works with tables and graphs that measure and count evidence. Second, beyond describing events, figures offer more analytical possibilities than regular words use to former measures. Third, most quantitative historians use the computer for handling their data and describing or analysing it statistically. In this dissertation. we may uses roll-call voting behaviors in U. S. Congress. The Roll-Call vote is being recorded in the Congressional Globe and many scholars investigated these record in multi variables. And it appears that numerical formula where the analysis voting behaviors is various, it also interprets this numerical formula into historical meanings. Also the analysis of 19th century political history is not only analysed voting behaviors but voter groups and candidate groups necessary. The research methodology is being various, the scholars still focused in the rollcall voting behaviors. From early the american political history schools which received the effect of social sciences developed the quantitative histories. In Korea, few western historians are doing an actual proofs feeding analysis and thought the literature and description is best ways. With interdiscipled technologies, changing methodologies were occurred in korea. These scholars used a graphic, sum, plus, and minus et. c. which is statistical methods. When researching an history subject of each researcher, scholars weighted the unit which will be admirable. In Clio's mind we may put the human and social sciences together.

      • 미국 제30차 연방의회(1847년 3월 4일-1849년 3월 3일) 선거와 제커리 테일러 대통령

        양재열(Yang Jae-Yul) 계명사학회 2007 계명사학 Vol.18 No.-

        This Theme aims to study the Zachary Taylor boom of 1847 in the light of the extended elections for the 30th United States Congress. It demonstrates the shift in historical emphases which close study of other congressional elections in the 1840's may reveal. Only when viewed in the perspective of the sequential nature of those elections, the Taylor boom can be seen for what it essentially was, at least in its inception. It is an answer to the pressing, temporary need of the Whig party for a candidate whose name could win support in the crucial congressional elections in the South in 1847. The Taylor candidacy of presidential election may possibly be representative of a number of historical problems of these years. The dark horse is war hero, not Henry Clay. but Zachary Taylor. It emphasizes the desirability of renewed research within the framework of a correct appreciation of the congressional election process. The Whig party opposed the Mexican war. the Democratic party want to 'All Mexico land', the South good opportunity in extend the slavery system. Mexican War. diplomatic problems with Spain, Great Britain, economic problem were expressed new era. National issues, internal conflicts in Democratic party and sectional conflicts are made Taylor president and Whig party majority party.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        1840년대 미국의 운하건설을 둘러싼 정치적 갈등

        양재열 ( Jae Yul Yang ) 한국미국사학회 2010 미국사연구 Vol.31 No.-

        This Study is to investigate political conflicts between West and Northern Canals in the United states in 1840’s. Especially, it may focused on American Government’s positions to construction of Canals. This study is to compare the Sectional and Political Parties Variables. In American History, 19th Century was constructed much Canals - it may call ‘The Canal Era.’ The transportation increased and overpassed trades Mississippi river and Great Lakes, and Atlantic Ocean. To attempt to understand the Canal Era we must consider the thousands of miles of rivers that were constructed and operated over 1840’s by people. They used their governments and organized companies to build a canal network that often served them well until depression struck or the railroad passed by their Canals. These Canals depended upon the will of the electorate and the interested group in power. Whether they were public or private, canals were always dependent in some degree upon the democratic political process. Political leaders - United States Senate or congressman - often tied their fortunes to Canals. The Canals were the work of men who were almost devoted to their interests. Most important thing was such that the canals were operated in a regional or sectional and national system in U.S. Congress. In United States Congress and State Congress, Congress men voted Canal Bills by sectionalism and regionalism most interested variable. The voting behavior in 29th Congress were not only parties opinion but sectionalism and regionalism. But most important factor in voting behavior of congress men was regionalism.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        에이브러햄 링컨대통령의 정치적 정의: 노예해방령과 수정헌법 13조를 중심으로

        양재열 ( Jae Yul Yang ) 대구사학회 2014 대구사학 Vol.116 No.-

        On the mount of the Civil War, on January 1, 1863, Abraham Lincoln Proclaimed Emancipation of black Slavery. However, what completed the long journey to secure the personal liberty and civil rights of blacks was the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Less than two years after the national personal liberty law failed, Lincoln sought to establish the legal system that should forever safeguard liberty by moving to constitutionalize Emancipation Proclamation of 1863. On January 3, 1865, Republican Radical House of Representatives, James Ashley proposed the original draft of the Thirteenth Amendment whose passage put an end to the longstanding national disputes over the personal liberty laws of the North and signified the realization of the radicalism embodied in the personal liberty laws: Peculiar system in Slavery end. By launching Slavery legislation and even by succeeding in passing it at every critical moment, furthermore, they even revolutionized the meaning of the Civil War, which was not to restore the Union but to make a radical and fundamental change to the Constitution and race relations(Slavery). This was also possible only because Abraham Lincoln and Republican radicals were in the vanguard of the antislavery struggle to repudiate the federal Fugitive Slave Law and developed radical abolition of slavery systemIndeed, the 13th Amendment was a radical change to the Constitution and political Justice of Lincoln. Lincoln was political unjustice and he is professional politician because He spoiled vote tickets Democratic Representatives. The Civil War was ``Lincoln`s War`` because Reconstruciton of America was half completed by President Lincoln. After the War, united States of America was accomplished Industrial Revolution and democratic nation to late 19th century. (Yeungnam University / yangjaey@daum.net)

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