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      • KCI등재

        공적개발원조(ODA)를 활용한 해외건설사업 수주의 실효성에 관한 연구

        박지연(Ji Yeon Park),양욱재(Wook Jae Yang) 한국콘텐츠학회 2018 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.18 No.6

        최근 국내 건설시장이 활기를 잃어가는 바, 새로운 활로는 찾는 측면에서 공적개발원조(ODA)를 활용한 해외건설시장 진출에 대한 논의가 진행되고 있다. 본 연구를 통해 아시아 지역에 대한 ODA 실적과 해외건설수주의 상관관계를 벡터오차수정모형(VECM)을 통해 실증적으로 도출하고, ODA를 활용한 해외 건설사업 수주의 실효성을 밝혀내고자 하는 목적이 있다. 연구결과, ODA 금액과 해외건설수주의 영향 관계가 예상과는 달리 낮은 상관관계를 보였다. 이는 영리 목적의 건설사업과 공공복리 증진을 위한 ODA사업은 근본적 성격이 다르고, ODA지원시점과 해외건설수주 시점이 상이하기 때문인 것으로 보인다. 또한, 우리나라는 여타 선진국에 비교해 ODA공여 경험과 규모 면에서도 이들에 비해 월등히 적다. 마지막으로, 이들의 사업규모에 많은 차이가 있었다. 결과적으로, 기존의 연구와 달리 이들의 관계에 대해 통계적 자료에 기초한 실증적 연구를 시도했다는 점에 본 연구의 의의를 둔다. 향후 ODA경험의 축적, 시계열 데이터 보완 등을 통해 보다 면밀한 관계가 도출될 것으로 기대되고, 이는 이론적, 실무적 근거로 제공할 수 있을 것이다. While the local construction market has lost its steam in recent years, it is discussed that the overseas construction projects should be activated by using the Official Development Assistance (ODA) in terms of finding a new way. This study empirically identifies the relationship between ODA and the foreign construction orders, and discovers the effectiveness of orders for overseas construction projects using the ODA. Therefore, based on the past 25 years of time-series data on Asia, the VECM model was used to identify the relationship between the Asia country’s ODA and construction orders. As a result, it has shown a lower-than-expected correlation between the value of ODA and the construction orders. There are several reasons for this; This is because profit-purpose construction projects and ODA for public welfare are fundamentally different, and the timing of ODA applications and overseas construction orders are different. Also, compared to other developed countries, Korea has far less experience and scale of ODA. At last, there are huge differences in the size of ODA and construction orders. In conclusion, although the effectiveness of overseas construction orders based on ODA was not clearly disclosed, the significance of this study is that it attempted to conduct a empirical study on the relationship between ODA and overseas construction orders. Further relationships are expected to be drawn through the accumulation of future ODA experience and the supplementation of time series data, which can provide on a theoretical and practical basis.

      • KCI우수등재

        주거지역의 상업적 젠트리피케이션에 따른 물리적, 경제적, 사회적 효과

        최막중(Choi, Mack Joong),양욱재(Yang, Wook Jae) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2018 國土計劃 Vol.53 No.1

        While commercial/retail gentrification in residential area has been criticized for its socioeconomic effects of rent hikes and ensuing displacement of tenants, this paper attempts to provide a more comprehensive picture of the effects, including negative and positive external effects of land use changes on physical environment from the planning point of view. The questionnaire survey was conducted to assess various effects of commercial gentrification for the residents in a downtown residential area in Seoul called Seochon (West village), and four factors are identified in factor analysis: amenity, convenience, economic, and social factors. Main findings derived from regression of four factor scores on the overall assessment score are as follows. First, changes in physical environment (amenity and convenience factors) play a primary role in assessing gentrification effects. Second, positive externality of land use changes (convenience factor) is more influential than negative externality (amenity factor), leading to an increase in house rents. Third, the rent hikes (economic factor) in turn have double-sided effects, positive or negative, depending on housing tenure i.e. owners vs. tenants.

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