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      • KCI등재

        청소년 사이클리스트의 최대 스프린트 사이클링 중 에너지 수요 기여도 분석

        양우휘,박현태 한국운동생리학회 2019 운동과학 Vol.28 No.1

        PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine all different energy systems contribution during the maximal sprint cycling in youth cyclists. METHODS: Fifteen male and female youth cyclists participated in this study. A simulated maximal 10 sec maximal sprint cycling was carried out. During maximal sprint cycling, energy contribution (phosphagen, WPCR; glycolytic, WLa -; oxidative system WOXI in kJ and %), maximal lactate production rate (VLamax), difference of lactate (ΔLa-), highest lactate (Peak La-), peak power (Wpeak) and anaerobicalactic time (tAlac) were analyzed using off VO2 kinetics, trapezoidal method, O2-lactate equivalent, and caloric quotient. RESULTS: During the maximal sprint cycling, WPCR was significantly higher than WLa - and WOXI (p=.008; d: 0.98, p<.001; d: 2.79, respectively). Also, WLa - was significantly higher than WOXI (p<.001; d: 2.56). Additionally, low negative and moderate positive correlations were observed between tAlac, Wpeak and WPCR in kJ (r=.43, r=.63, respectively). Furthermore, high and moderate positive correlations were calculated for ΔLa-, Peak La-, VLamax and WLa - (r=.91, r=.86, r=.68, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Phosphagen and glycolytic energy systems were predominantly used during maximal sprint cycling. Therefore, physical training program for cycling athletes should be directed to the development of anaerobic metabolism because anaerobic performance is crucial during the short term cycling sprint phase.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of individualized low-intensity mat Pilates on aerobic capacity and recovery ability in adults

        문나람,양우휘 한국운동영양학회 2022 Physical Activity and Nutrition (Phys Act Nutr) Vol.26 No.4

        [Purpose] Although Pilates is one of the most widely performed physical activities in Korea, no physiological evidence is available regarding its energy recovery ability. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of individualized low-intensity mat Pilates on aerobic capacity and recovery ability in adults. [Methods] Ten physically active women participated in this study. Pre- and post-lactate threshold (LT) tests were performed to compare jogging/running speeds (S; km·h−1) and heart rates (HR; beats·min−1) at 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 mmol·L−1 lactate concentrations (La−). Subjects performed 1 h of low-intensity mat Pilates twice a week for four weeks. During these sessions, exercise intensity was determined based on the heart rate corresponding to individualized low-intensity recovery zone 1, which was estimated using a mathematical model of log-log LT1 (from pre-test; < 2 mmol·L−1). All physiological variables were measured before and after exercise intervention. [Results] Significant differences were found in body mass increase and body mass index increase between the pre- and post-tests (p = 0.016 and p = 0.014, respectively, effect size (ES) = 0.13; ES = −0.11). Levels of La− between 1.0 and 1.4 m·s−1 in the post-LT test tended to decrease, although such decrease was not significantly different. Moderate to high positive correlations between differences (Δ) of S and ΔHR at 1.5, 3.0, and 4.0 mmol·L−1 La− were observed. [Conclusion] Positive correlations between ΔS and ΔHR at certain La− levels indicate that low-intensity mat Pilates based on heart rate corresponding to individualized recovery zone 1 might be recommended for physically active adults.

      • KCI등재

        Resistance exercise: a mighty tool that adapts, destroys, rebuilds and modulates the molecular and structural environment of skeletal muscle

        Käthe Bersiner,박소영,Kirill Schaaf,양우휘,Christian Theis,Daniel Jacko,Sebastian Gehlert 한국운동영양학회 2023 Physical Activity and Nutrition (Phys Act Nutr) Vol.27 No.2

        [Purpose] Skeletal muscle regulates health and performance by maintaining or increasing strength and muscle mass. Although the molecular mechanisms in response to resistance exercise (RE) significantly target the activation of protein synthesis, a plethora of other mechanisms and structures must be involved in orchestrating the communication, repair, and restoration of homeostasis after RE stimulation. In practice, RE can be modulated by variations in intensity, continuity and volume, which affect molecular responses and skeletal muscle adaptation. Knowledge of these aspects is important with respect to planning of training programs and assessing the impact of RE training on skeletal muscle. [Methods] In this narrative review, we introduce general aspects of skeletal muscle substructures that adapt in response to RE. We further highlighted the molecular mechanisms that control human skeletal muscle anabolism, degradation, repair and memory in response to acute and repeated RE and linked these aspects to major training variables. [Results] Although RE is a key stimulus for the activation of skeletal muscle anabolism, it also induces myofibrillar damage. Nevertheless, to increase muscle mass accompanied by a corresponding adaptation of the essential substructures of the sarcomeric environment, RE must be continuously repeated. This requires the permanent engagement of molecular mechanisms that re-establish skeletal muscle integrity after each RE–induced muscle damage. [Conclusion] Various molecular regulators coordinately control the adaptation of skeletal muscle after acute and repeated RE and expand their actions far beyond muscle growth. Variations of key resistance training variables likely affect these mechanisms without affecting muscle growth.

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