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      • 정상인(正常人) 혈청(血淸)의 Propionibacterium acnes Serotype I 및 Serotype II에 대한 항체(抗體)

        최철순,서용열,양용태,Choi, Chul-S.,Seo, Yang-Y.,Yang, Yong-T. 대한미생물학회 1979 大韓微生物學會誌 Vol.14 No.1

        Antibodies to Propionibacterium acnes(Corynebacterium parvum) serotype I and serotype II in normal human sera were measured using a microtitre bacterial agglutination test. Of 168 sera tested, 53 sera(31.0%) exhibited higher agglutinin titres to serotype I than to serotype II and 34 sera(20.2%) gave higher titers to serotype II than to serotype I. Eighty-one sera(48.3%), however, showed similar antibody titres to both types. Antibodies to serotype I(x) and serotype II(y) showed high correlation(r=0.73, p<0.01) and regression equation was Y=1,078+0.73X. The mean antibody titre($log_2$) of 529 normal sera(male 447 and female 82) to serotype I was $5.49{\pm}1.36$, but there was no significant difference between male($5.45{\pm}1.36$) and female($5.74{\pm}1.36$). Bacterial agglutinin to Propionibacterium acnes in normal sera belonged to a 2-mercaptoethanol resistant IgG class.

      • Some Observations in the 'Normal' Mice

        Yang, Yong. T.,Lew, Joon,Choi, T.K.,Pyun, W.S. 中央醫學社 1973 中央醫學 Vol.25 No.1

        한 實驗動物飼育場으로부터 供給된 正常마우스중 그 相當數에서 肝과 脾臟아 非正常的임이 判明되었다. 이들 臟器에 있어서의 非正常的인 所見은 肝에서의 囊腫形成과 肝 및 脾臟實質組織에서의 病理學的變化를 包含한다. 이 硏究로서 이런 非正常的인 肝 및 脾臟의 變化가 Taenia taeniaeformis의 感染에 起因한것임이 立證되었으며 同 動物飼育場의 마우스가 이 寄生蟲에 의하어 광범위하게 感染되어 있음이 示唆되었다.

      • Shope Papillona Virus에 의한 가토의 유각종 및 암전환 피부암조직의 Histone 단백비교 연구

        양용태,김용숙,최철순,이희성 중앙대학교 의과대학 의과학연구소 1987 中央醫大誌 Vol.12 No.1

        In order to isolate and analyze histone fraction of Shope papolloma virus(SPV)-induced papollomas and papilloma-transformed cancer developed in adult domestic rabbits,a series of experiments were conducted in this study and the results are summarized as follows: 1. Omoculation of SPV into deilated back skin of New Zealand white rabbit resulted in the development of typical papillomas at the site of virus inoculum,SPV, was prepared from papilloma tissue induced in cottontail rabbits by the inculation of SPV and has been kept in 50% buffered glycerin at 4℃ for almost 20 years, and this study firmly established that SPV and its tumor-forming activity is extemely stable under the conditions of the storage. 2. As excepted, spontaneous regression of tumors occured in a high proportion od rabbits carrying SPV-induced papillomas by 8 weeks postinoculation. Of 4 rabbits in which spontaneous regression of papillomas did not occur, there observed no development of cancerous transformation from the papillomas during the proionged period of observation up to 30 weeks following the SPV inoculation. 4. Attempts were unsuccessful to demonstrate the presemce of the tumor-specific antigens and SPV-related antigens in the tissue of "old" papillomas by double agar gel diffusion, counterimmunoelectrophoresis and indirect florescent antibody technic. 5. Electron micrographs of "fresh" and "old" papillomas failed to reveal the presemce of mature SPV virions or virus particles in the tumor tissue examined. 6. Histone fractions, i.e, H1 H2a,H2b,H3and H4, were successfully isolated from "fresh" and "old" papillomas and from normal rabbit skin tissue, and fractions were characterized by amino acid analysis and by polycrylamide disc gel electrophoresis. The major findings of histone studies include the followings: ⅰ) The yields of whole histone were 7.348㎎/g of normal rabbit skin, 14.091㎎/g of "fresh" papilloma and 9.903㎎/g of "old" papilloma tissue, respectively. ⅱ) The yields of DNA were 6.252㎎/g of normal rabbit skin, 16.772㎎/g of "fresh"papilloma and 10.988㎎/g of "old" papilloma tissue, respectively.Consequently, the DNA to histone ratios were 1:1.175 for normal beggit skin, 1:0.840 for "fresh"papilloma and 1:0.901 for "old" papilloma tissue. ⅲ) The relative amiunts of 5 fractions of histrone i.e, H1 H2a,H2b,H3 and H4, were 15.11, 24.97, 32.62, 8.15 and 19.15% for normal rabbit skin, 8.34, 25.26, 41.84,.3.55,and 21.03% for "fresh"papilloma and 9.44,25.03,35.10,4.88and 25.55% for "old" papilloma tissue, respectively.

      • Shope Rabbit Papillomavirus DNA의 Cloning 및 특성 규명

        신승식,양용태,정상인,최철순,구자현,고재경 중앙대학교 의과대학 의과학연구소 1989 中央醫大誌 Vol.14 No.2

        Shope rabbit papillomavirus (SRPV), a member of Genus papillomavirus of Family Papovariridae, causes benign tumors (papillomas) of squamous epithelium both in its natural host, i.e.,, cottontail rabbits and in its artificial host, i.e., domestic rabbits. So far, SRPV has never been successfully cultivated in tissue culture cells, and the lack of reliable tissue culture system for transformation assay has seriously hindered the progress in the oncogenic study of this well-known DNA tumor virus. Therefore, the only possible way of obtaining SRPV in, the laboratory is to inoculate cottontail rabbits with SRPV and to harvest the virus-loaded papilloma tissues. This study was undertaken 1) to isolate SRPV DNA from SRPV-induced papillomas of either cottontail rabbits or domestic rabbits, 2) to determine the restriction endonuclease cleavage sites of such purified SRPV DNA, 3) to carry out cloning of SRPV DNA in E. coli with the use of pBR322 vector and 4) to test the oncogenicity of cloned SRPV DNA-pBR322 recombinants in the domestic rabbits through inoculation experiments. The results are summarized as follows. 1. Though repeated attempts failed to isolate purified Shope rabbit papillomavirus DNA from the domestic rabbit papillomas (DRP), a good yields of purified SRPV DNA were successfully isolated from the cottontial rabbit papillomas (GRP). 2. With the purified SRPV DNA from GRP, the presence of cleavage sites for a number of restriction endonucleases was confirmed and extended, and the approximate molecular length of isolated SRPV DNA was determined to be 8 kbp. 3. Molecular cloning of isolated SRPV DNA was completed in E. coli YMC-10, using pBR322 as the vector, at the Eco RI and Sal I cleavage site, respectively. The cloned products were either Eco RI-site cloned SRPV DNA-pBR322 recombinant or Sal I site-cloned SRPV DAN-pBR322 recombinant. 4. Inoculations of cloned SRPV DNA-pBR322 recombinants into the domestic rabbits' skin failed to establish the oncogenic potential of the cloned products.

      • Shope Rabbit Papilloma Virus에 의한 종양발생에 관한 연구

        任春彬,梁容泰 중앙대학교 의과대학 의과학연구소 1975 中央醫大誌 Vol.1 No.1

        A study was made with Shope rabbit papilloma virus(RPV) on 1) papilloma induction and cancerous transformation in adult rabbits and 2) the progress of Shope papillomas induced in newborn rabbits, in order to confirm and extend the oncogenicity of RPV in adult rabbits and to observe the applicability of newborn rabbits for tumor induction by RPV. Virus inoculum was prepared from cottontail rabbits papilloma tissues stored in buffered glycerin (cottontail Shope T-730,1968.5.6.). Inoculation of RPV was made either by multiple puncture method into adult's rabbit skin or by intradermal injection into newborn rabbit's skin. Following RPV inoculation observations were made on the development of papilloma, cancerous transformation and spontaneous regression of induced papillomas. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Typical papillomas developed in adult rabbits at the site of RPV inoculation(10^-1,10^-2, and 10^-3) with a latent period of 2 to 5 weeks, and this confirmed a well-known stability of RPV during such a long period of storage in 50% buffered glycerin. 2. of 5 adult rabbits in which papillomas developed after RPV inoculation, cancerous transformation was observed in 2 rabbits approximately 1 year after virus inoculation at the sites where high concentration of RPV was inoculated. 3. RPV inoculation (10^-1) into newborn rabbit's skin also resulted in the development of papillomas at the site of virus inoculation. The result of papilloma induction in newborn rabbits indicated that the latent periods were at least 1 to 2 weeks shorter and rather homogeneous than those in the adult rabbits, and that the papillomas appeared to persist longer than in adult rabbits.

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