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      • KCI등재후보

        Design of Ultra-sonication Pre-Treatment System for Microalgae CELL Wall Degradation

        양승연,마리아판 비나야감,원동찬,안명숙,이성화 한국인터넷방송통신학회 2016 Journal of Advanced Smart Convergence Vol.5 No.2

        Cell walls of microalgae consist of a polysaccharide and glycoprotein matrix providing the cells with a formidable defense against its environment. Anaerobic digestion (AD) of microalgae is primarily inhibited by the chemical composition of their cell walls containing biopolymers able to resist bacterial degradation. Adoption of pre-treatments such as thermal, thermal hydrolysis, ultrasound and enzymatic hydrolysis have the potential to remove these inhibitory compounds and enhance biogas yields by degrading the cell wall, and releasing the intracellular algogenic organic matter (AOM). This paper preproposal stage investigated the effect of different pre-treatments on microalgae cell wall, and their impact on the quantity of soluble biomass released in the media and thus on the digestion process yields. This Paper present optimum approach to degradation of the cell wall by ultra-sonication with practical design specification parameter for ultrasound based pretreatment system. As a result of this paper presents, a microalgae system in a wastewater treatment flowsheet for residual nutrient uptake can be justified by processing the waste biomass for energy recovery. As a conclusion on this result, Low energy harvesting technologies and pre-treatment of the algal biomass are required to improve the overall energy balance of this integrated system.

      • 일제강점기 대전지역의 사립교육기관 설립운동 : Movement for Establishing Private Education Institutions in Daejeon under Japanese Ru

        양승연 충남대학교 충청문화연구소 2010 충청문화연구 Vol.4 No.-

        After 3.1 independence movement, the passion for education among Chosun people rose at a remarkable pace. This was due to the theory of cultivation of national ability that aimed to have people be prepared for the future independence by nurturing national capabilities. Along with this, the desire for better life through education was also another factor that increased the passion for education. However, the Japanese authority was indifferent to establishing educational institutions that could serve the interests of Chosun people. For this reason, Chosun people waged a movement of establishing public schools, or built private educational institutions such as private schools or night schools in their village by themselves. As private educational institutions established in Daejon, there were private schools and night schools for normal education, and training schools for job training, and a kindergarten for childhood education. Of them, the private schools and night schools were responsible for classes taught in public schools. However, they had to go through difficulties associated with operation cost. What's more, the Japanese authority officially announced rules on private schools in 1930s, and carried out the closing of schools on a large scale. Due to the rules, most of the night schools and private schools that could not meet the requirements set by the Japanese authority had to be closed, and only a part of them could survive. Thus, poor children who lost their learning place scrambled to the remaining schools. Then the private general educational institutions grew on a large scale, but their difficulties in operation were also aggravated. These schools were barely managed with the help of people, parents and others who strongly felt the necessity of education.

      • KCI등재후보

        수처리시설용 광대역 통합망 연계형 실시간 계측 관리 시스템 UI개발

        양승연,김진태,오환진,이민우 한국위성정보통신학회 2015 한국위성정보통신학회논문지 Vol.10 No.4

        본 논문에서는 수처리 시설용 광대역 통합망 연계 실시간 계측관리 시스템 UI 개발을 제안한다. 수처리시설용 광대역 통합망을 통해 서버로 수신된 센서 및 영상 데이터를 Web과 연동하기 위한 프로그램을 개발하며, 이와 별도로 독립적으로 운영이 가능한 UI를 개발한다. 전송된 센서 및 영상데이터를 원격 모니터링 하기 위한 웹 서버를 구축하며 센서 데이터, 영상 데이터를 Web기반의 UI를 통해 감시 및 제어가 가능하도록 개발하였다. 제안하는 수처리 시설용 광대역 통합망 연계형 실시간 계측관리 시스템을 통하여 센서를 통한 측정시간, 농도, 수심 계면 등의 현재 상태를 파악할 수 있으며 영상 모니터링을 통하여 실시간으로 수처리 시설의 정상적인 동작여부와 보안 및 화재 등의 인명피해 여부 를 확인 할 수 있다. 뿐만 아니라 실시간 계측 관리 시스템을 실시간으로 모니터링 할 수 있는 UI 개발로 인해 실시간으로 정보를 한눈에 볼 수 있다. In this paper, we propose a real-tim measurement management system UI development linked the Water treatment facilities broadband Convergence Network. The sensor and the image data received by the server develop a program to interact with Web through water treatment facilities broadband convergence network. So, Separately develop UI capable of independently operating. Building a web server for remote monitoring of the transmission sensor and the image data. And Monitoring and control is possible the sensor data and image data through the Web-based UI. We can grasp the current state such as measurement time, concentration and depth of interface through the proposed real-time measurement management system UI development liked the water treatment facilities broadband convergence network. So, we can check in whether the normal operation of water treatment facilities and whether the casualties such as fire and security. As well as real time to see the information at a glance due to UI development can be raal-time monitoring of real-time measurement management system.

      • KCI등재

        보육교사-영아 상호작용에 대한 코칭프로그램 효과 분석

        양승연,도미향 한국코칭학회 2015 코칭연구 Vol.8 No.1

        본 연구는 보육교사-영아 상호작용에 대한 코칭프로그램의 효과를 분석하는데 목적이 있 다. 보육교사-영아 상호작용을 평가하기 위한 도구는 강숙현(1994)이 개발한 ‛한국판유아교육 프로그램 평가척도’ 중에서 영아기 프로그램(교사-영아 간 상호작용)을 홍근민(1997)이 5점 척 도로 수정한 것을 사용하였다. 본 연구의 대상은 어린이집에 근무하는 0세-2세반 보육교사 20명, 8회기로 150분간씩 코칭 프로그램을 실시하였으며, 연구에서 실시한 코칭프로그램은 영아기 발달과 보육교사의 역할, 코칭의 이해, 코칭의 기술, 코칭 대화모델을 습득하고 실습하는 과정으로 구성되었다. 연구결과 코칭프로그램을 적용하기 이전의 보육현장에서 교사는 주로 일방적이고, 지시적인 상호작용을 하였지만 코칭프로그램을 적용한 후 교사는 영아가 스스로 문제를 해결하고 원하는 상태에 있도록 지지하고 격려하는 상호작용을 하는 모습을 보였다. 이는 코칭의 중립 언어를 미래 지향적인 질문으로서 사용하면서 영아의 내면에 잠재된 자원을 이끌어 내어 영아 스스로 계획하고 문제를 해결할 수 있도록 하는데 매우 효과적임을 볼 수 있었다. 본 연구는 보육교사-영아 상호작용을 증진을 돕는 새로운 방법을 제시함으로써 추후 관련 프로그램의 개발을 위한 기반을 제공하였다는데 의의가 있다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of coaching program on the interactions between child care teachers and infants. For this study, the 20 child care teachers(2 of 1 year old class teachers, 8 of 18 months old class teachers, and 10 of 30 months old class teachers) working at the child care center in Seoul Mapogu has participated in the coaching program twice a week for 150 minutes, attending 8 sessions. The coaching program of this study includes early childhood development and role of child care teachers, understanding of coaching, and coaching dialogue model. For the measurement, within the ‘Korea Assessment Profile for Early Childhood Programs’ developed by Kang (1994), revised items by Hong (1997) regarding the interaction between teachers and infants was used to evaluate the interactions between teachers and infants. The results of this study is as follows: before participating in this program, most interactions between child care teachers and infants were teacher-centered, one-sided and directive. But after the program, their interactions were more supportive and encouraging for infants to solve their matters on their own. It shows that using coaching’s neutral language and future oriented questions of this program would be effective for children to plan and solve something by themselves through encouraging their potentials to be performed. The child care teachers running this program could bring infants’ potentials out, see the problem on infants’ viewpoints, and interact with infants to help them to solve their problems on their own. It also suggests that new way of helping interactions between child care teachers and infants.

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