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      • 女高生의 體格이 體力에 미치는 相關性에 관한 硏究 : 島嶼地域 (濟州道)을 中心으로

        揚性周 부산여자대학 1983 釜山女子專門大學 論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        I examined about 742 girls Students in Jae-Ju lsland from Oct. 10 1984 till Dec 20, 1984 , to estimate the mutual relation between physique and physical Strength and its result is as following. <Ⅰ> Body Measurement i) the period of growth proved to continue till 17 yeays old. ii) The age of maximum growing time and amount are as following : a) height: from age of 15 to 16: 0.13cm b) weight: from age of 14 to 15: 1.69kg c) breadth of breast : from age 16 to 17: 1.17cm d) one ’' s sittingheight:fromage 15 to 16:0.39cm <Ⅱ> Measurement of physical strength Distinction between maximum and minimum according ages in every kind of athletics. i) 100 race : maximum 14 years old )0.51 Second minimum 17 years old ii) Standing broad jump :maxi 17 years old ) 2. 63m mini 18 years old iii) hanging down by the bar ; max i l8 years old ) 8.2O sec mini 15 years old iv) ball throwing :maxi 18 years )1.71m mini 14 years v) body-liffing: maxi 17 years )3.04times mini 15 years <Ⅲ> Mutual Relation between physique and physical strength (1) Item which has highest mutual relation between physique and physical strength i) height : at the standing broad jump r = + 0.781 , so this has the middle class relation, and other items have non-relation or opposite relation. ii) weight : at hanging down by the bar r =+ 0.142 , so this has lower relation at ball throwing, r =+ 0.190, so this shows lower relation. iii) breadth of breast : at ball throwing r =+ 0.196 , so this also shows lower relation. iv) sitting height : at ball throwing, r =+ 0.154 at standing bread jump r =+0.112 so this shows lower relation, other items show opposite relation.

      • 체육의 개념변천과정에 관한 연구

        양성주 釜山女子專門大學 2001 釜山女子專門大學 論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate what the concept of physical education was in each age or country and how it changed. This study is divided into two parts on the basis of the time when the concept of physical education was established. In the first part, this study investigates how the facts and ideas about physical education had changed in different ages and regions before the concept was established. In the second part, this study investigates how the concept of physical education, was defined by leading scholars ofter the concept was established. In the primitive Ages, the aims of physical education were to develop and intensify physical abilities and to enhance group consciousness and cooperative spirit so that individuals or groups could survive. In the Age of Ancient States, the need for the systematized physical education was recognized. Physical education was performed differently depending in the regional circumstance and institutions and the military or religious purposes. In the Age of Ancient Greece, the most advanced concept of physical education was established. Physical education was recognized as the means to ensure the harmonious development of mind and body, and became a major subject of education. In the Age of Homer, ‘physical education' was recognized as the means to bring up out standing people; in sparta,as the means to train soldiers on the basis of militarism; in Athens, as an important subject to ensure individual’s and training and to bring up harmonious persons. In the Age of Rome, the essential ualities of ‘Physical education' disappeared because of the political purpose. 교육적 측면에서 발전해온 오늘날의 체육은 신체적 · 정신적 · 정서적 · 지적으로 균형있게 발달할 수 있는 전인적인 교육과제로서 매우 중요하며 광범위하고 깊이 있는 시각에서 체육의 발전과정과 현재를 조명할 필요성이 있는 것이다. 체육의 시대적 변천과정에 대한 이해는 체육의 동향을 이해하고 문제를 해결하며 새로운방향으로 정립하는데 무한한 가능성을 심어주고 있다. 전문체육인으로서 변화에 대하여 새로운 사실과 결과를 밝히는 연구가 필요하며 종합적인 여러 분야를 연구하는 관점에서 생각 하면 체육개념의 변천과정에 관한 연구는 매우 빈약한 것이 현실이다. 이런 의미에서 현재와 미래를 준비하기 위해서 과거를 배우고 이해하고 지혜롭게 해석하는데 있다. 현재 우리는 인구의 증가,도시화,산업화,여가시간의 증가,생활에 대한 태도 변화 등으로 문화의 대중화와 생활의 변혁이 급속도로 변화하고 있다. 이러한 변화에 체육도 직면하고 있으며 특히 스포츠의 대중화,고급화,국제화,프로화 등으로 도덕적 · 윤리적 기준에 의한 교육의 관점에서 좀 더 나은 체육을 설정하여 정립되어야 할 것이다.

      • 體脂肪의 過多가 健康에 미치는 影響

        楊性周 부산여자대학 1989 釜山女子專門大學 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        경제성장과 함께 사회가 풍요로움에 따라 영양과다 및 영양異常에 대하여 많이 冊究되어 왔고, 現在도 進行되고 있으나 아직도 확실한 지침서는 나오지 않고 있다. 영양이상이 질병을 유발하는 것은 분명 하지만 기본적으로 요구되는 음식의 규정은 무엇인가 하는 문제에 부딪히게 되면 미지의 세계로 들 어가게 된다. 모든 질병은 유전적 영향과 환경적 영향에 좌우된다는 것은 당연하다. 체내에 섭취되는 음식물은 환경적 요소의 부분이며 질병에 상당한 영향을 끼치고 있다. 과잉의 영양섭취가 비만을 일으키는 것은 분명하지만 그 病因에는 시상하부장애, hormone 이상, 유전적 요인과 정신적 요인 및 문화적 습관둥을 들 수 있다. 과잉의 체지방 축적이 건강을 해치게 되느냐 하는 것이다. 비만은 고혈압, 동맥경화, 당뇨병, 뇌혈관 및 심장병, 담석증, 호흡기 질환 등을 일으키게 되어 비만증과 관련이 없는 질병이 거의 없을 정도로 되었다. 수술을 할 때나 마취를 할 때도 위험성이 커서 비만인 경우 수술 후 정맥혈전이나 폐색전을 일으키는 일이 2배나 더 많다. 비만인 경유 평균 사망율도 40-69세의 남자는 42% , 여자는 36% 나 사망율이 더 높아 진다는 것이다. 비만하게 되면 배에 기름살이 붙어 횡경막을 위로 치켜 올리는 것이 되어 폐활량이 줄고, 환기 능력도 저하되어 동맥혈액속에 산소함량이 떨어지게 되며 이것이 심하면 얼굴이 파량게 되는 청색증이 되거나 적혈구 과다증이 되게 된다. 심장의 부담이 커서 심장이 확장되고 맥박은 낮아지며 심장에서 나오는 혈액량도 늘어나게 되어 나중에는 심부전증으로 된다. 체중의 증가가 심한 사람인 경우에는 하체 관 절염이 정상 체중의 사람보다 치료하기가 어렵게 된다. 비만의 치료는 Calorie control 에 목표를 두기 때문에 calorie 섭취를 줄이기 위하여 단식, 약물복용, 식이요법, 운동 동의 방법이 었다. 그러나 단식 및 약물복용은 나름대로의 고통과 부작용의 위험성이 있다. 비만 치료의 가장 좋은 방법은 식이요법에 따른 음식물 섭취 조절과 energy를 소비시키는 방법인 규칙적인 운동이라 할 수 있다.

      • 19世紀에 있어서 國民主義 運動과 體育에 관한 硏究

        楊性周 부산여자대학 1988 釜山女子專門大學 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        Centering around Friedrich Ludwig Jahn’s Turnen the fater of German gymnastics, this study is about the thought and the quality of that age which dominated the activities of Physical education and referred to how to inspire to German wich the national spirit and how to bind together the German race as a unification body. Jahn thought that a nation is the chief object who creates the civilization, and also thought physical education of the basic foundation to edcate a citizen of the basic faundation to educate a citizen. He emphasizes Turnen as the will training through training the body. Jahn Who ins ists on nationalism founded the liberal idea was sometimes prohibited about the Turnen because the activities for the physical and social matters, which is drawing attention to the statesman. So he said that physical education was the method for a racial aim and Jahn’s Turnen had a deep realation to nationalism in that crisis ages of Germany and promoted the nationalistic activitics. He used most of words in mother tongue and made the people feel as a member of the commumty He also inspired the national spirit throgh the national uniforms as well as love for his country by teaching the German history. He demanded obedience, frugality, strictness, keeping rules, and lovo for his country to the physical educators. As mentioned above, regardless of calass, position, age, Jahn united the national Spirit with equality based on human right which was derived from liberal idea. Hazenheid Turnen Platz as the center, he developed the ‘Turnen’on a basis of German spririt and as a result he implantted the national spirit in their mind to unite his country.

      • 定量的 體重減量이 心理的 狀態에 미치는 影響

        楊性周 부산여자대학 1994 釜山女子專門大學 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        All 24 students in 4 groups were chosen as the subjects for this study A group(6collegian wrest1ers), B groups(6 high school wrestlers), C groups education majors with similar physical conditions to other groups. A group actieved 8.4% of weight reduction by regular diet as well as typical training and intensity exercise on 80% \'02 max, while B Group lost their body weight by 7.2% according to the controled diet and regular training and C Group reduced 6.1% of their weight by way of usual training and perspiration method. Body composition, 6 physical fitness factors, cardiorespiratory function, blood components, MMPI ineach group were measured for analytic comparison. The results from the study which aimed at revealing the effective and practical method of weight reduction to insure maximum physical capacity were as follows 1. During the scheduled 6 days, 6.1-8.4% of the subjects origina1 body weight was significantly reduced. 2. Deficiency of nutrition, especially fat, was noticed in B and C Groups who employed their usual experienced type of weight reduction. 3. The results of MMPI before and after weight reduction showed that supperior athletes had a very pacific state of mind, while low-career subjects tended to be passive and unrestfull, showing a high psychopathic deviate (Ma) scale.

      • 목표설정이 운동수행에 미치는 영향

        양성주 부산여자대학 2000 釜山女子專門大學 論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        This dissertation was intended to demonstrate through an empirical research, The fact that goal setting a reciprocal influence upon motor performance, especially the fact that either specific goal setting. Influenced enough improvement m a motor performance and a desirable improvement in motor performance could be achieved only through the interaction of both goal setting. The experiment I showed that a improved moter performance regardless of certain goal setting situation and that a negative Knowledge of result interacted to induce more significant improvement in motor performance than a Posivive one especially in case of Skill-oriented goal setting situations. Thus the research hypothesis 1 and 2 turned out to be supported enough. The influences through training were significant. The final Sixth of measurements showed the influence of very Conspicuous increase in moter Performance, As a result the Yesearch hypothesis 3 was accepted. The experiment 2 was designed in order to evince how goal setting interacted to induce in fluence upon moter performance. Therefore the experiment 2 showed that a positive Knowledge of result increased motor performance by resetting a higher goal wiled it decreased motor performance in case of either keeping a given goal or giving an lower goal.

      • 근대체육의 개념변천과정에 관한 연구

        양성주 부산여자대학 2003 釜山女子專門大學 論文集 Vol.25 No.-

        It can be said that 'Modem Physical Education' began with the history of mankind different countries and different ages have taken steps in the development of ‘Modem Physical Educa-tion’ as an academic discipline. The purpose of this study is to investigate what the concept of 'Modem Physical Education'was in each age or country and how it changed. This study is divided into two parts on the basis of the time when the concept of ‘'Modem Physical Education' was established. In the Modem Age, naturalists and school of Philanthropists saw 'Physical education' in the aspect of physical training. Performed Physical activities centering around gymnastics, and systematized 'Physical education' as a regular school subject. In England, in the meantime, undifferentiated sport development largely by nobles. These two aspects were developed to a symbolic picture called the Revival of olympian ‘'Physical education' Came to be recognized as an independent field of culture. In conclusion, in spite of the conceptual differences of ‘Physical education’' among ages and regions, its essential meaning such as Physical training, pleasure, Self-discovery, etc through physical activities was the same. The conceptual, differences of 'Physical education’'came to develop according to what they wanted to get through physical activities, in other words, whether 'Physical education' was used ad a means or a purpose.

      • 현대체육의 개념변천과정에 관한 연구

        양성주 부산여자대학 2004 釜山女子專門大學 論文集 Vol.26 No.-

        If can be said that ‘physical education’began with the history of mankind. Different countries and different ages have taken different steps in the development of ‘physical education' as an academic discipline. The purpose of this study is to investigate what the concept of ‘physical education' was in each age or country and how it changed. This study is divided into two parts on the basis of the time when the concept of ‘physical education' was established. In the Present Age, ‘Physicl education’ implies ‘Sport for All. Until the 1960s, when the world was separated in bi-polar systems based on ideology, democratic countries used ‘physical education' as a means of persconality development, and communist countries used it as a means to establish socialist countries. In the next period, all countries maintain sport type of ‘physical education'. In the future, there will be a contrast beteeen ‘Technosport’ as an advanced sport and ‘Ecosport’ as a popularized sport. In conclusion, in spite of the conceptual differences of ‘physical education' among ages and regions, its essential meaning such as physical training, pleasure, self-discovery, etc htrough physical activities was the same. The conceptual differences of ‘physical education’ came to develop according to what they wanted to get through physical activities, in other words, whether ‘physical education' was used as a means or a purpose.

      • 최고 수행을 위한 목표설정에 관한 연구

        양성주 부산여자대학 1990 釜山女子專門大學 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        This chapter has provided strong empirical and experiential support for the utility of using goal setting in helping athletes attain personal growth and peak performance. Goals are effective because they influence psychological states such as self-confidence, direct attention to important aspects of the task. Mobilize effort, increase persistence and foster the development of new learning strategies. A number of recognized guidelines should be followed when goal setting with athletes. These include setting behaviorally measurable goals, difficult yet realistic goals, short range as well as long range goals, performance as opposed to outcome goals, practice and competition goals, and positive as opposed to negative goals. Equally important guidelines are identifying target dates for attaining goals, identifying goal achievement strategies, recording goals once they have been identified, providing goal evaluation procedures and providing for goal support. Lastiy, common problems must be recognized which arise when goal setting. These include setting too many goals too soon, failing to recognize individual differences, Setting goals that are too general, failing to modify unrealistic goals, failing to set performance goals, and failing to create a supportive goal setting atmosphere. These problems can be easily avoided or controlled if they are recognized at the on set of the goal setting process. Like other psychological skills, goal setting is not a magic formula that guarantees success. Goal setting is a tool, a very effective tool, that When combined with hard work and discipline can help coaches. Sport psychologists and athletes reap the fruits of personal athletic growth and peak performance. It is highly recommended, then, that coaches and sport psychologists at all levels of competition engage in goal setting with their athletes.

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