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        从韩国语专业毕业论文主题看韩国学的关注动向 - 以吉林大学珠海学院为中心

        양동훈 고려대학교세종캠퍼스 한국학연구소 2018 한국학연구 Vol.66 No.-

        韩国学是一门学术性和实用性都很强的专业,一方面,作为一门学问,研究范围过于宽泛就会失去学术研究价值;另一方面,过于注重其实用性,则会偏离学术研究的本质。因此,如何在学术性和实用性之间保持平衡就成为影响韩国学发展的一个至关重要的课题。本论文以2015年5月至2018年5月期间吉林大学珠海学院韩国语专业369名学生的毕业论文为研究对象,旨在通过研究韩国语专业学生毕业论文主题来观察和分析韩国学的关注范围和研究动态,进而为今后韩国语专业的发展以及韩国学的信息建构提供有价值的参考。 In this paper, a study based on grasping the trend of interest in Korean Studies was performed for education of development of Korean Language Department and information construction of Korean Studies. Korean Studies is not only multidisciplinary but also highly applicative, and if scholastic research is extensive, it can be a little misleading, and on the contrary, if practicability is reinforced, the essence of scholastic research can be neglected. Therefore, it can be said that grasping the trend of interest is an important part for solution to the essence of learning and for solution to satisfaction in schools. Accordingly, this study identified the trend of interest in Korean Studies with the graduation theses of 369 students which were released from May 2015 to May 2018 in the Korean Language Department at Zhuhai College of Jilin University, and based on this, it can be said that there was a scholastic significance in that a foundation of establishment of the educational directions and information construction for Korean Studies were prepared.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        국내 노사관계 연구의 지평과 과제

        양동훈,정선욱 한국인사조직학회 2015 인사조직연구 Vol.23 No.1

        This article conducts a comprehensive literature review of industrial relations (IR) research published in Korean, and sets forth future research agenda. Three hundred and fifteen IR-related articles from six major management journals –Korean Journal of Management (KJM), Journal of Organization and Management (JOM), Korean Journal of Industrial Relations (KJIR), Quarterly Journal of Labor Policy (QJLP), Business Administration Study (BAS), and Korean Journal of Business Administration (KJBA) – for the period 1994~2014 were selected and analyzed by research topic, research design, research methodology, and unit of analysis. Overall, 138 articles were published in KJIR, 49 in JOM, 34 in KJM, 42 in QJLP, 38 in KJBA, and 14 in BAS. The most frequent research topic was outcomes and changes in workplace IR (37%), followed by the relationship between industrial relations actors, such as employers, unions, and government (26%). In terms of research methodology, the majority of the studies were empirical (95%) and over half were cross-sectional (62%). Secondary data (35%) was the most common form of data used, followed by survey data (34%). Establishment/firm-level analysis (40%) was slightly more common than individual-level analysis (37%). Four notable results were found. First, as with most other IR studies, Korean research continues to examine practical IR issues, such as temporary work, work shifts, emotional labor, industrial unions, wage peak systems, and the extension of the statutory retirement age. Second, a growing number of studies have employed secondary data sets from various sources, including the Korea Labor Institute (KLI), the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET), and the Ministry of Employment and Labor (MoEL). Third, a growing number of well-designed, in-depth case studies have provided new theories and practical implications. Examples include the studies of Hyundai Motors by Kwon and Yoon (2012) and Park (2013), the study of Yuhan Kimberly by Jung (2012), the study of Chosun Brewery Company by Park and Lim (2013), and the study of Posco by Park (2012). Finally, a growing number of studies have conducted industrial- and national-level rather than individual- and workplace-level IR analyses. The present study ends by recommending three research directions which deserve close attention. The first is that more attention should be paid to the polarization of Korea’s industrial relations and the IR issues of small and mid-sized firms, considering that current studies tend to focus on the IR issues of large firms overlooking the real issues of small and mid-sized firms. Second, the legalization of labor relations deserves further scholarly attention. With the decrease in union density and a recent series of controversial labor issues, we have seen that labor relations tend to rely on court’s decision. Given the possible drawbacks of this, such as worsening labor-management relationship and lower receptivity of court’s decision by each party, the present study calls for the in-depth theoretical and practical analysis of how to maintain the autonomy of collective bargaining and thus restore trust between labor and management, while being complemented with court’s decision when necessary. The third possible research direction is for more attention to be paid to the internationalization of Korean firms and subsequent IR actors’ responses. Possible research topics include labor disputes, cross-cultural management, labor standards and union recognition in foreign subsidiaries, the transfer of Korean HR/IR practices to foreign subsidiaries, and labor unions’ response to outsourcing or the shifting of production to other countries. 본 연구는 지난 20년간 경영학 분야에서 이루어진 노사관계 연구들을 주제별, 연구방법별로 분류하고 과거 연구동향을 정리하여 미흡한 부분을 미래 연구과제로 제시하고자 한다. 저자들은 문제해결 중심적이라는 노사관계학의 성격을 감안하여 경영학 분야 6개 저널(인사조직연구, 조직과 인사관리연구, 산업관계연구, 대한경영학회지, 경영학연구, 노동정책연구)에 발간된 논문 315편을 주제별로 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 작업장 혁신 및 숙련, 노동유연화, 제도적 압력과 작업장 변화등 작업장 노사관계의 결과 및 변화를 다룬 연구가 가장 많았고(37%), 그 다음으로 노사관계 주체간 관계, 즉 단체교섭, 노사갈등, 협상 및 조정, 근로자 참여 등에 연구가 많았다(26%). 방법론 측면에서는 실증연구가 대부분(95%)을 차지하였고, 횡단적 자료(62%) 사용이 많았다. 자료 수집 면에서는 2차 자료(35%)와 설문조사(34%)가 주를 이뤘고, 분석수준은 사업장/기업 수준(40%)과 개인 수준(37%)이 많았다. 몇 가지 주목할 만한 연구 동향은 다음과 같다. 학문 특성을 반영하듯 비정규직, 산별노조, 임금피크제 등 시대상황을 반영한 연구가 많았고, 다양한 2차 자료를 활용한 사업장 수준의 연구가 눈에 띄게 증가하였다. 가설검증연구에 비해 사례연구는 매우 적었으나 체계적인 사례분석방법론을 활용하여 심도깊은 질적연구 결과물을 제공함으로써 새로운 이론 개발 가능성 및 풍부한 시사점을 제공하고 있었다. 또한 작업장수준과 개인 단위의 연구 외에 초기업적 차원의 제도, 관행 및 시스템에 대한 연구가 점차 증가한 점도 관찰되었다. 향후 연구 주제로서 저자들은 노사관계 양극화에 대한 방안, 노조조직률 하락에 따른 적절한 근로자대표성의 보완, 노동입법과 단체교섭 간의 역할분담, 글로벌 노사관계에 대한 대응방안 등을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        이익유연화가 정보비대칭에 미치는 영향

        양동훈 한국회계정보학회 2008 회계정보연구 Vol.26 No.2

        본 연구는 이익유연화가 자본시장에서 기업 내부자와 외부의 시장참여자간에 존재하는 정보비대칭(information asymmetry)에 미치는 영향을 분석하는 데에 주요 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 재무분석가의 이익예측치 편차를 정보비대칭의 실증적 대용치로 삼아 종속변수로 하는 한편 과거 5년 동안 이익의 표준편차를 이익유연화 정도를 나타내는 독립변수로 이용하여 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 분석결과, 본 연구에서 예측한 바와 일치하게 이익이 유연화 될수록 정보비대칭이 줄어드는 현상이 관찰되었다. 이러한 연구시도는 발생주의 회계제도 하에서 흔히 일어나는 이익유연화(또는 이익변동성의 감소)가 정보비대칭을 줄여 궁극적으로는 기업의 자본조달비용의 감소 등의 효익을 달성시켜줄 수도 있다는 단서를 제공한다. This study empirically investigates the influence of income smoothing on information asymmetry between inside managers of the firm and outside market participants. The results indicate that there exists a systematically negative association between income smoothing and information asymmetry proxied by analyst forecast dispersion. This finding suggests that firms with relatively less volatile earnings series allow investors to increase the consensus of their assessment of future earnings, thereby affecting them to perceive the firm is less risky. An open question is whether this strategic, if any, management of reported earnings influences the firm's cost of capital by using earnings to convey private information to investors.

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