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      • KCI등재

        중국의 정책지식 확산 과정에서 간보(簡報)의 역할과 한계

        양갑용 ( Gab Yong Yang ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2012 中國硏究 Vol.54 No.-

        Internal materials are particularly important for understanding the flows and developments of policy knowledge in China. Understanding the diffusion of policy knowledge, which refers to that the decision makers of policies exchange and pull together their opinions through various channels, is the key for the studies of policy knowledge diffusion. Brief reports(簡報) provide the firsthand evidences that prove the diffusion of policy knowledge. They are internal materials for circulations only inside an organization. Previous studies about policy decision making in China largely discussed the organizations of decision coordination and explained how the mechanisms of policy decision making diffuse, and how these mechanisms influence policy decision makings. Based upon existing literature, this study tries to understand and disclose the channels through which opinions and/or suggestions diffuse when the China`s policy departments set up their agendas. In this study, I explore the processes during which the opinions and proposals are diffused through different intermediaries before and/or after they are submitted to the decision coordination organizations. In other words, this study investigates the brief reports which serve as the intermediaries and channels of the diffusion of policy knowledge.

      • KCI등재

        중국 외교정책 생산기제와 싱크탱크 -조어도 문제를 중심으로

        양갑용 ( Gab Yong Yang ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2011 中國硏究 Vol.52 No.-

        This article is focused on china`s policy-making mechanism toward a diaoyudao(釣魚島)issue. Through this issue, I really want to know what is policy-making mechanism and how to form networks. The style of chinese policy decision gradually is changing. Besides the actors and mechanisms involved in chinese foreign policy-making are also increasing. The role of government official and think tank towards the china`s foreign policy more and more are also increasing. The role and functions of ministry of Foreign Affairs is changing. In relation to diaoyudao issue, the influence of the military is generally related to recognization of the nature of diaoyudao issue. Through depth interviews and documentary materials, I basically described basic policy-making mechanism and role on the diaoyudao issue.

      • KCI등재

        개혁기 중국 정치학의 회복과 발전 -복단대학 사례를 중심으로-

        양갑용 ( Gab Yong Yang ) 한중사회과학학회 2011 한중사회과학연구 Vol.9 No.1

        During the reform era, recovery and reconstruction of chinese politics was triggered by political necessity. Political leaders supported the restoration and development of political science at that time. But, this was not due to internal needs of chinese politics. Although recovery and reconstruction of chinese politics was not due to academic needs, conditions were so bad at that time. States were actively try to mobilize resources, and encouraged the recovery of chinese politics. To this end, state established the "Workshop on Political Science" to cultivate teachers. This center first time was founded in 1980 to cultivate teachers in the Fudan university. For this reason, Fudan University became to one of the center of chinese politics.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 현대중국연구 -연구기구와 연구동향을 중심으로-

        양갑용 ( Gab Yong Yang ) 한중사회과학학회 2014 한중사회과학연구 Vol.12 No.2

        Chinese Studies in Japan have a long history and tradition. Chinese Studies in Japan, has put out a good outcome in a study that combines field survey theory and research in particular. China Research institutions in Japan are distributed in various think tanks, university institute, and academic society. The China research institutes in Japan, cooperation system between institutions are in place. Research trends are as follows. In the field of area studies, the proportion of research in China occupies less than half. Research funding support is also a lively business. Many of the research theme, I have concentrated on the study of diplomacy and politics of China. Korea must strive to be able to embody the results of Japanese studies such.

      • KCI등재후보

        후진타오 시기와 시진핑 시기 집체학습 연구: 계승과 변화의 중첩과 이반

        양갑용 ( Yang Gab Yong ) 국민대학교 중국지식네트워크 2017 중국지식네트워크 Vol.10 No.-

        정치국 집체학습은 중국의 미래 전략과 정책 수단을 소통하고 향우하는 인식의 중요한 수단이며 동시에 중국의 미래 전략을 과거 사례로부터 확인할 수 있는 전조현상의 유효한 수단이기도 하다. 본 논문은 16대부터 18대 정치국 집체학습의 전과정을 분석하고 있다. 탐색 과정에서 집체학습이 시간 변화에 따라 어떠한 형식과 내용으로 변화되었는지를 검토하고 있다. 특히 시진핑 집권 이후 18대 집체학습을 16대, 17대 집체학습과 비교하여 어떠한 차이를 보이는지 그리고 그 특징은 무엇인지를 분석하여 19대 시진핑 집권 후반기의 이른바 치국이정의 전략과 정책 중점을 전망하고 있다. 政治局集體學習是針對中國未來戰略和政策手段進行溝通和分享認識的手段, 同時也是讀?未來戰略、尋?過去線索確認前兆現象的有效手段。本論文主要分析從16大到18大的政治局集體學習的全過程。因爲從胡錦?執政的16大開始, 中央政治局集體學習步入正軌, 所以本文將從16大開始深入分析。探究在這一過程中, 集體學習隨着時間推移發生了?些形式或者內容上的變化。特別是分析習近平執政以后, 18大政治局集體學習與16大、17大有?些差異、和特征, 從而推測19大之后習近平執政下半期的治國理政戰略和政策重点。

      • KCI등재

        시진핑시대 중앙영도소조의 역할 변화 가능성 연구

        양갑용 ( Gab Yong Yang ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2014 中國硏究 Vol.60 No.-

        In general, the universal recognition of the role and function of the CCP central leading small group, are as follows. Administrative organization in charge of the party, the party central leading small group, to integrate the intention between departments in important policy decisions on behalf of the party role. Even Xijinping period, two functions are still valid, it is functioning in a systematic manner. However, we believe that it is possible that strong of power and the power reorganization also plays a role to some extent Central Leading Group is through not only an important role, a redefinition of the function and role in the decision-making process. In addition to the coordination function of the policy function to assist through the adjustment of the function and role and strengthening of division of labor center Leading Group. In this article, a new called "strengthening of the power of one person through the Redefining the role of the Central Leading Small Group" I have argued that there is a role if possible.

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