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      • New Global History and the Challenge of Subaltern Studies ― Plea for a Global History from Below

        앙겔리카 에플레 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2010 로컬리티 인문학 Vol.0 No.3

        This article links together two conflicting approaches within the European andUS-American academic discipline of history: New Global History and SubalternStudies. New Global History aims to overcome Eurocentrism by focusing on thehistory of “Spaceship Earth” (Bruce Mazlish) instead of national histories. Byconfronting this suggestion with the criticism of the Subaltern Studies Group—mainly from Dipesh Chakrabarty and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak—the articleshows the profound but hidden influence of Western historical thinking on NewGlobal History. It becomes obvious that New Global History has not succeeded inovercoming Eurocentrism due to its concentration on anonymous global structuresand its failure to include individual experiences. The Subaltern Studies’ approach tohistory, on the other hand, fails to grasp global structures. The article concludes witha plea for a “global history from below”. This global history from below ties in withthe challenge of Subaltern Studies and applies their criticism to global history. Whathistorians have to do is show how the local is formed globally and, at the same time,how the global is put together locally. The article assumes that this is only possiblewhen the historian discloses the “centrism” of his or her narration by making itexplicit—be it a “centrism” focusing on Europe, Asia, or whatever region in theworld.

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