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        푸틴 대통령 취임사의 담화 분석과 개념적 은유

        안혁 한국슬라브․유라시아학회 2023 슬라브학보 Vol.38 No.1

        This study aims to analyze the content of the inaugural addresses of Russian President Putin and to identify their distinctive features. Typically, a president's inaugural address outlines gratitude towards supporters and plans for governing the nation. However, as the first message delivered by a new president to the people, the inaugural address is of great importance. Vladimir Putin has been inaugurated as the president of Russian Federation in 2000, 2004, 2012, and 2018, and analyzing his inaugural addresses can reveal his attitudes towards the people and towards the presidency itself for more than 20 years at the core of Russian power. By analyzing these speeches from a discourse analysis perspective, it is possible to identify five thematic structures, including greetings, gratitude towards the people, a vision and plan for governing, promises to fulfill campaign pledges, and a strong finish. Additionally, another distinctive feature is the use of diverse conceptual metaphors and frames on the metaphors. Inaugural addresses conceptualize the president as the father figure, Putin seeks to be perceived as a strong leader, modeling the nation as a family with strict rules. The Russian people are implicitly asked to revere and obey the rules. This suggests that Putin aimed to gain both strong leadership and the obedience of the people. This study focuses on analyzing speeches with specific themes using discourse analysis and conceptual metaphors from cognitive linguistics. 본 연구는 러시아 연방의 푸틴 대통령의 취임사를 내용적으로 분석하여 그 특징을 밝혀내는 것이다. 대통령의 취임사는 전형적으로 지지자에 대한 감사와 국정 운영의 계획 등을 밝히는 것을 내용으로 한다. 그러나 대통령으로서 국민에게 처음으로 전하는 메시지라는 점에서 취임사는 매우 중요하다. 블라디미르 푸틴 대통령은 2000년, 2004년, 2012년, 2018년에 대통령에 취임했다. 전체적으로 20년이 넘는 기간에 러시아 권력의 핵심에 있었던 푸틴 대통령의 취임사를 분석함으로써 푸틴 대통령의 국민에 대한 태도, 대통령 직에 대한 태도를 알 수 있을 것이다. 네 번의 취임사를 담화 분석이라는 관점에서 분석하여 내용적 특성을 고찰하여 다섯가지의 주제 구조를 가지는 것을 알 수 있었다. 인사말과 국민에 대한 감사, 국정 운영의 비전과 계획, 공약 완수의 약속, 고조된 마무리가 공통적 주제 구조라고 볼 수 있다. 그리고 또 다른 특징인 취임사에 나타나는 개념적 은유와 그게 기반한 프레임이다. 대통령은 가장으로 개념화하는 은유를 통해 강한 리더로 인지되려고 하며, 여기서 대통령은 엄격한 아버지로 모델링되고 이는 국가가 하나의 가정이며, 상명하복의 엄격한 규칙을 가진 가족이라는 프레임으로 덮여진다. 이를 통해 푸틴 대통령이 얻고자 했던 것은 강력한 리더쉽과 국민들의 순종적인 호응이라고 할 것이다. 이러한 담화 분석적 방법론과 인지언어학의 개념적 은유를 통해 특정 주제를 가진 담화를 분석하는 것이 본 연구의 내용이다.

      • KCI등재

        Семиотическая категория концепции «направленности» в пространстве русского языка

        안혁 한국슬라브어학회 2013 슬라브어연구 Vol.18 No.1

        Direction is a crucial part of movement and diverse grammatical/conceptual categories express directionality in languages. Cognitive Linguistics aims to provide rational description about linguistic phenomena and to formulate a theory based on the description. Research on language should include not only linguistic phenomena, but also so-called physical reality in which we live. Concept of movement is realized differently in languages and Russian verbs of motion (VoM) become a good example showing cultural specificity of Russian. Unprefixed Russian VoM are categorized by the manner of the motion and the path is expressed in the construction of VoM. Construction contains elements affecting the meaning of the whole construction such as definiteness of participant and types of transitivity, etc. It is necessary to consider all the contextual elements of a construction as well as the lexical meaning of VoM, and this paper illustrates the first step of investigating relationship of a semantic category. Semiotics is a useful instrument to analyze the given phenomenon of linguistic category. The sematic extension of a linguistic category can be explained by the idea of SEMIOSIS in language. Я пытался показывать соотносительность значения глагола и его образнойсхемы. Но существует несколько проблем связаны с концептами: например, конкретность,абстрактность, источник, цель, фон, и даже движение. Они могут быть слишком субъективны. Но уже я отмечал, что в когнитивной лингвистике базой семантического исследованияявляется опыт человека. Но мне надо найти границы и концепты, которые другие люди тожемогут испытывать в своих жизнях. Прототипное значение глаголаувеличивается до значения изменения места, и потом оттуда производит значение изменениясостояния. Оно может обозначать в практическом предложении ‘генерацию’, ‘ликвидацию’предмета или презентное состояние предмета.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        마그네슘이온이 적출한 기니피그 대동맥평활근과 흰쥐 자궁평활근의 수축성에 미치는 효과에 관한 연구

        안혁,황상익,Ahn, Hyuk,Hwang, Sang-Ik 대한흉부심장혈관외과학회 1990 Journal of Chest Surgery (J Chest Surg) Vol.23 No.3

        It is well known that extracellular Calcium plays a very important role in several steps of smooth muscle excitability and contractility, and there have been many concerns about factors influencing the distribution of extracellular Ca++ and the Ca++ flux through the cell membrane of the smooth muscle. Based on the assumption that Mg++ may also play an important role in the excitation and contraction processes of the smooth muscle by taking part in affecting Ca++ distribution and flux, many researches are being performed about the exact role of Mg++, especially in the vascular smooth muscle. But yet the effect of Mg++ in the smooth muscle activity is not clarified, and moreover the mechanism of Mg++ action is almost completely unknown. Present study attempted to clarify the effect of Mg++ on the excitability and contractility in the multiunit and unitary smooth muscle, and the mechanism concerned in it. The preparations used were the guinea-pig aortic strip as the experimental material of the multiunit smooth muscle and the rat uterine strip as the one of the unitary smooth muscle. The tissues were isolated from the sacrificed animal and were prepared for recording the isometric contraction. The effects of Mg++ and Ca++ were examined on the electrically driven or spontaneous contraction of the preparations. And the effects of these ions were also studied on the K+ or norepinephrine contracture. All experiments were performed in tris-buffered Tyrode solution which was aerated with 100% 02 and kept at 35oC. The results obtained were as follows: 1] Mg++ suppressed the phasic contraction induced by electrical field stimulation dose-dependently in the guinea-pig aortic strip, while the high concentration of Ca++ never recovered the decreased tension. These phenomena were not changed by the a - or b - adrenergic blocker. 2]Mg++ played the suppressing effect on the low concentration [20 and 40 mM] of K+-contracture in the aortic muscle, but the effect was not shown in the case of 100mM K+-contracture. 3] Mg++ also suppressed the contracture induced by norepinephrine in the aortic preparation. And the effect of Mg++ was most prominent in the contracture by the lowest [10 mM] concentration of norepinephrine. 4] In both the spontaneous and electrically driven contractions of the uterine strip, Mg++ decreased the amplitude of peak tension, and by the high concentration of Ca++ the amplitude of tension was recovered unlike the aortic muscle. 5] The frequency of the uterine spontaneous contraction increased as the [Ca++] / [Mg++] ratio increased up to 2, but the frequency decreased above this level. 6] Mg++ decreased the tension of the low[20 and 40mM] K+-contracture in the uterine smooth muscle, but the effect did not appear in the 100mM K+-contracture. From the above results, the following conclusion could be made. 1] Mg++ seems to suppress the contractility directly by acting on the smooth muscle itself, besides through the indirect action on the nerve terminal, in both the aortic and uterine smooth muscles. 2] The fact that the depressant effect of Mg++ on the K+-contracture is in inverse proportion to an increase of K+ concentration appears resulted from the extent of the opening state of the Ca++ channel. 3] Mg++ may play a depressant role on both the potential dependent and the receptor-operated Ca++ channels. 4] The relationship between the actions of Mg++ and Ca++ seems to be competitive in uterine muscle and non-competitive in aortic strip.

      • KCI등재

        노인주거 안전사고 예방을 위한 디자인 체크리스트 개발에 관한 연구

        안혁,신윤석 사단법인 인문사회과학기술융합학회 2017 예술인문사회융합멀티미디어논문지 Vol.7 No.7

        가족 구성 변화에서 자녀와 따로 생활하는 노인 가구의 증가에 따라 사회적으로 노인 주거 안전사고에 대한 관심이 커질 수밖에 없다. 그러나 노인주거 환경 내 어떤 점이 안전사고를 유발하고 어떻게 예방하는지에 대한 방안은 미흡한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 선행 연구되었던 노인 주거 관련 안전사고 발생 요인에 따른 노인 주거시설 디자인의 문제점에 관한 논문을 비교하여 노인 주거 안전사고 시설에 대한 요인을 7개의 공간 영역, 50개의 선택항목으로 구성하였다. 노인시설 설계 분야 전문 건축사 10인이 체크한 항목 중 7개 이상 체크된 사항을 채택하여 다시 39개의 평가항목으로 안전사고 발생 요인을 도출하여 노인주거 시설에서 개선이 필요한 디자인 요소를 검토할 수 있는 체크리스트를 개발하였다. 노인주거시설을 대상으로 체크리스트를 적용하여 안전도를 평가해본 결과 공간영역에서 항목별 개선할 부분을 파악할 수 있었다. 본 연구에서 개발한 체크리스트를 활용하여 노인주거 시설을 검토·보완한다면 안전사고를 사전에 예방할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. As the number of senior citizens who live apart from their children has been increasing, the risk of safety accidents in their residences has become a pressing social issue. But thus far, the causes of and the preventive measures for the safety accident have not been studied extensively. For this reason, in this study, we compared the papers on the problems of the elderly residential facility design by the factors of the safety accident related to the elderly residence related to the previous study, and compared the factors for the elderly residence safety accident facility with the seven spatial domains, 50 selection items Respectively. ten expert architects in the aged facility design field adopted items checked by seven or more checked items, 39 items of evaluation items and factors of the occurrence of safety accidents were derived again, improvement in elderly people and residential facilities We developed a checklist that can examine the necessary design elements. Through the safety evaluation of the residential facilities that was performed by applying the checklist, items that could be improved were identified in each spatial area. It is expected that many of the safety accidents affecting senior citizens could be prevented if their residential facilities were checked and improved.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        유아기의 개심술14례 보고

        안혁,서경필,Ahn, Kyuk,Suh, Kyung-Phill 대한흉부심장혈관외과학회 1981 Journal of Chest Surgery (J Chest Surg) Vol.14 No.4

        Fourteen Infants with congenital cardiac anomalies underwent primary surgical Intervention within the first 12 months of life. There were eight patients with ventricular septal defect, two with total anomalous pulmonary venous return [TAPVR], and the remainders with tetralogy of Fallot, transposition of great arteries [d-TGA], Taussing-Bing malformation, and coronary A-V fistula. The age of the patients ranged from 5 to 12 months, with a mean age of 9.9 months. The mean weight was 6.7 Kg [3.8 to 9.5 KS]. Congestive heart failure persisting despite intensive medical treatment was present In 8 patients [56%], and was the most common indication for operation. Early operation was necessary in 5 of these patients [35%], because of failure to thrive and recurrent pulmonary infection. In one patient with TOF, frequent hypoxic spell prompted the necessity for early operation. In cases of VSD, TAP. VR, TOF, and coronary A-V fistula, Intracardiac repair was done with conventional cardiopulmonary bypass, chemical cold cardioplegia, and topical myocardial cooling. Deep hypothermic circulatory arrest with surface induced cooling, followed by core cooling and core rewarming, was employed .for better exposure in the cases of d-TGA and Taussing-Bing malformation. The results were however, not satisfactory. The overall mortality was 28 per cent. There were no deaths in the eight patients with VSD. The one with coronary A-V fistula survived. The other 5 cases all expired either on the table or immediately after operation. The non-fatal post-operative complications included low cardiac output, respiratory insufficiency, bleeding, and temporary A-V block. The causes of death were prolonged circulatory arrest time in d-TGA, complete A-V block and low cardiac output in TOF and Taussing-Bing malformation and prolonged bypass time and Inadequate correction in TAPVR.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 정(情)과 한(恨)의 러시아어 상응관계 연구

        안혁 한국슬라브어학회 2012 슬라브어연구 Vol.17 No.2

        CHUNG and HAN, both terms of emotion are known as characteristic of Korean people. The present research aims to give a definition which can be understood by the people who do not share the emotion’s context. Definition of a concept can be induced from diverse contexts where the emotions play roles. It is necessary to consider not only the lexical meaning of the terms, but also the constructional or situational elements. Possessor, cause, and other factors of an emotion have to be investigated in order to define the emotion. Understanding JEONG and HAN requires special conceptual processes and Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT) provides a number of useful ideas such as JEONG IS A LIQUID IN A CONTAINER, HAN IS A THING, etc. Both emotions share some metaphor formulae, and have different ones at the same time. A list of the metaphor formulae is attempted in the paper. Another goal of this paper is to clarify the emotional concepts in Korean. Maybe it cannot be finalized in this work, but it becomes an important work toward the ultimate goal – to show the system of Korean emotions. The last discussion is about the correspondence of Korean JEONG and HAN and emotional terms in other languages, especially Russian. There already exist a number of interesting previous articles related to this topic. For example, Wierzbicka (1998) has analyzed “sadness” and “anger” in Russian. Russian has two words for the concept of “sadness” – PEČAL’ (печаль) and GRUST’ (грусть) and Wierzbicka argues that PEČAL’ implies a specific/ concrete cause while GRUST’ does not. She provides various linguistic evidences, for example, a certain collocational construction is not allowed such as “svetlaja pečal’ vs. *svetlaja grust’”and PEČAL’ need a specific/ concrete experiencer more frequently than GRUST’. Both sadness is defined her 51 Semantic Primitives. This kind of work shows a lot of insights useful to understand a different culture. The current research also plans to do a similar work for Korean emotional concepts. As a conclusion, the empirical analysis of JEONG and HAN is a first step toward explanation of Korean emotion terms from the view of Cognitive Linguistics. The present work will become a data source for culture study about Korea.

      • KCI등재

        인공지능 시대의 한국 대학에서 러시아어 교수법

        안혁 한국슬라브․유라시아학회 2017 슬라브학보 Vol.32 No.4

        Artificial intelligence is no longer a fiction in novels, and it becomes a reality that can be encountered almost every day in your smart phones. Kids who are much familiar with smartphones have become college students. Teaching them foreign languages must be different from the traditional way to teach foreign languages. In order to achieve the goal of building an education system that learns culture and history through foreign languages, it is necessary to construct an effective learning system of foreign languages. This paper suggests that three ideas are necessary to improve situation of teaching and learning Russian. First, classrooms should be an environment that enables various foreign language learning activities as well as watching multimedia materials. Second, we analyze the strengths and weaknesses of existing textbooks to help teachers select textbooks. And finally, a coordinator‐professor must coordinate the whole curriculum of Russian language and a coordinator advises students about their enrollment. In addition to learning how to communicate, foreign language learning allows the students to acquire diverse perspectives on the world. Therefore, it is expected that current teachers will have to research and develop a new teaching methodology for the learners who are familiar with artificial intelligence technology and the internet.

      • KCI등재

        Coordination of Anti-Spoofing Mechanisms in Partial Deployments

        안혁,이희조,Adrian Perrig 한국통신학회 2016 Journal of communications and networks Vol.18 No.6

        Internet protocol (IP) spoofing is a serious problem onthe Internet. It is an attractive technique for adversaries who wishto amplify their network attacks and retain anonymity. Many approacheshave been proposed to prevent IP spoofing attacks; however,they do not address a significant deployment issue, i.e., filteringinefficiency caused by a lack of deployment incentives foradopters. To defeat attacks effectively, one mechanism must bewidely deployed on the network; however, the majority of the antispoofingmechanisms are unsuitable to solve the deployment issueby themselves. Each mechanism can work separately; however,their defensive power is considerably weak when insuffi-ciently deployed. If we coordinate partially deployed mechanismssuch that they work together, they demonstrate considerably superiorperformance by creating a synergy effect that overcomestheir limited deployment. Therefore, we propose a universal antispoofing(UAS) mechanism that incorporates existing mechanismsto thwart IP spoofing attacks. In the proposed mechanism, intermediaterouters utilize any existing anti-spoofing mechanism thatcan ascertain if a packet is spoofed and records this decision inthe packet header. The edge routers of a victim network can estimatethe forgery of a packet based on this information sent by theupstream routers. The results of experiments conducted with realInternet topologies indicate that UAS reduces false alarms up to84.5% compared to the case where each mechanism operates individually.

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