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        체육철학 : 마틴 부버의 체육사상

        안진규(AnJin-Kyu),진윤수(JinYoon-Soo) 한국체육학회 2003 한국체육학회지 Vol.42 No.4

        The purpose of study was to explore the relationship between the concepts of physical education and Martin Buber's 'I-Thou' concept. Martin Buber didn't articulate through theory of physical education, but it is possible to see connections between modern physical education theory and the principal aim of his thought by analyzing his thoughts on education and his 'I-Thou' conception of relationships.- Martin buber's thoughts physical education can be summarized as follows-1. M. Buber indicated an aim of physical education very similar to that of modern physical education theorists, As with all education, the aim is to develop a whole person. To this end, the primary focus of physical education is the 'I-Thou' relationship.2. Conventional physical education and a Buber-oriented way have things to offer the development of physical and cognitive and motor development each other. Noticeably, modern physical teaching can offer programs for the achievement of Martin Buber's aim of character education and, in thus, physical educator can be helped to better recognize the need to prepare varieties of curriculum for developing individual character and autonomy and to choosing curriculums for bring up whole persons.3. Martin Buber indicates that the right teacher imagine is very important for achieving the aim of education. A student may learn the wrong way by a bad imagine of teacher, although the teacher has good programs and the methods of teaching for bring up person as a whole. The aims of character education can be achieved by an anthropocentric teacher.The requirement of an anthropocentric teacher is to understand the standpoint of the student and recognize students' capability creativity and individual difference : The teacher should not have partiality. In particular the teacher should have the modesty to develop himself and be consciousness of the responsibility for the whole person.4. Ideally students heartily respond to the teacher's call for having an 'I-Thou' Relationship.The minimum necessary requirement for having an 'I-Thou' Relationship is that students love themselves, because students who love themselves can love others. Students are able to accept responsibility for their own actions while being open to information and criticism.To conclude, Martin Buber's thought on education and the 'I-Thou' Relationship indicate that modern physical education comes out of a community of education, because the field of the -'I-It' Relationship is larger than that of the 'I-Thou' Relationship.Therefore Martin Buber requires physical educatiors to focus on the 'I-Thou' Relationship for recovering the validity of modern physical education, which will contribute to establishing the characters of the physical educator and the student.

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