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        휴면기간중의 Populus euramericana cv . gelrica 수피 (樹皮) 조직내에서 일어나는 과산화물제거산소 활성 및 식물 호르몬의 변화에 관한 연구

        안영희,유원형,이기영 한국목재공학회 1989 목재공학 Vol.17 No.3

        포플라 細胞의 Sucrose gradient 遠心分離에 나타난 細胞분획은 6개의 band 및 침전으로 分離되었다. Peroxidase의 活性變化는 休眠期에 높아졌으며, 自發的 休眠이 타파되면서 낮아지기 시작하였다. 休眠期에 급격히 높아진 Peroxidase 活性은 Peroxidative 活性을 지닌 細胞內 Microbody에 存在하는 것으로 사료된다. Catalase의 活性은 11月, 12月, 1月의 休眠期에 活性이 낮았으며, IAA의 농도는 休眠初期에 감소하기 시작하여, 12月에 最低가 되었다. 自發休眠이 타파된 1月부터는 IAA 농도가 증가하기 시작하여 4月의 發芽期까지 계속되었다. 이와같은 Peroxidase, Catalase를 비롯한 IAA의 變化는 봄철의 發芽 및 再生長과 가을철 休眠調節에 영향을 미치는 것으로 사료된다.

      • 女大生의 意思決定能力과 家庭環境에 관한 硏究

        安玲姬 慶尙大學校 1982 論文集 Vol.21 No.3

        The present study Was attempted to investigate correlative aspect through measurement on the abilities of decision-making and home environment of women students residing in university. The questionnaires, 246 women students who are residing in third and fourth grades, Gyeongsang University, have participated in this survey. On the basis of the findings of the study, the following conclusions have been drawn. 1. Among the kinds of decision-making, the path in life after graduation, heterosexual problem and tendencies of interest were highly responded to the questions. Most of the respondents showed 2 or 3 items as a means of solution to the problem. 2. As for the advices on decision-making, the questionnaires who were from higher level group of home environment have affluently accepted them than the one from the opposite group. Their leading advisers including instructors were parents, brothers and sisters. On the one hand, a number of respondents from lower level group developed a tendency to take friends' advice, while the other mass depended upon counsels given by another advisers. 3. In those days conducting the investigation, the greater part of questionnaires' decisions already advanced, or were going forward with satisfaction that was above the average. Viewed from the level of home environment, there has been remarkable difference between higher level of group and lower one. 4. In the line of types making a decision, the order of degree comes out as follows; 55.42% in deliberateness, 26.56% in quickness, 18.02% in indecision. 5. It has been also concluded through this study that all items on the abilities of decision-making had respectively significant difference related to a few variable factors which were comprised in the home environments.

      • 15世紀 國語의 聲調硏究

        安英姬 淑明女子大學校 1965 論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        The main purpose of this research is to find out that Korean language in the 15th century had no tone language as the Sino-tibetie family languages have Although the analysis and conclusion of this study seem partially incomplete to Proae the point satisfactorily there are some concrete and valuable evidences for each of the following assertions. 1. In comparing Sino-tibetie language with Korean language of the 15th century the characteristics of the former tone language have the isolating words, monosyllable words, and the voiced sound system in the plosive sound of phoneme; while the latter one is an agglutinative language, a polysyllable language, and a language which needs not for the tone having different meanings in itself because of it involving no voiced sound in the plosive system. 2. Even though some scholars still claim that the tone sign was used in the reference books and the tone occupied the considerable proportions in phoneme, it is hard to admit there was the tone in Korean language of the 15th century. For the tone, if ever used those days, could not be vanished only within a century at all, judging from a historical view of phoneme. 3. It can be defined that the founders of Hoonminjing-um adapted artificially the use of the tone to Korean Language that had in fact no tone in imitation of the Chinese tone system. 4. Applying the tone language artificially seemed to be done for the national language policy to replenish to a certain degree the expressing meanings deficient in the phonogram characters and to make the difference of dialects into one standard pronunciation of the national language. 5. As the Chinese tone language led the rhythm of the peotry, so was the tone sign (Bang Chum) of Korean language applied for rhyming in the poem composition. 6. The mrak of the tone sign of Korean language used in the 15th century is to be defined as the artificial one being different from the actual pronunciation. To abolish the use of it is due to a little knowledge of grammar, but not due to the changes of phoneme. For the higher knowledge needs for the appreciation of phoneme.

      • 特殊集團語의 意味特性에 關한 考察 : 宮延語·山蔘採取人語·白丁語를 中心으로 A focus on courtmen's language, ginseng language and butchers' language

        安英姬 淑明女子大學校 1986 論文集 Vol.27 No.-

        A special group language has a meaning of a special language when is shows language conditions. The pre-condition of a special group language depends on whether a meaningful object is existed. The meaningful object derived from a special group language is the centered concept in the meaning structure of special words, Special group languages of three types in this research are tending to almost Sisappear as practical languages and remain as special output in words. In fact these special languages used to be living languages and had own language boundary. Thus if we observe these special languages, we could use them as sanguage materials. In the future we can expect the establishment of a special social group and new special language. Therefore, the research on a special group language will provide a basis for an emerging special language. In conclusion, a language condition of a special group language is limited by a meaningful object and this meaningful object becomes a basis of a meaning structure and produces a language meaning The characteristics of a meaning of a special group language are as follows: 1) it functions as a meaning action. 2) a special group language has a common meaning. 3) a meaning transformation has limitation. In a meaning expression of a special group language, a court language expresses itself according to function of Chinese letters. A ginseng collector language has an expressive attitude by language sacred nature. A butcher language is a special language of which expressive consciousness is well developed rhethorically. This research did not cover fully various factors on a meaning of special groups and only emphasized the principle of a meaning of them. In the future we need to study special languages more comprehensively.

      • KCI등재

        경성제국대학 영문과 출신 조선 엘리트의 의식 연구

        안영희,정혜영 계명대학교 인문과학연구소 2020 동서인문학 Vol.0 No.59

        Keijo Imperial University (after this referred to as KIU) played a crucial role in the emergence of English literature as an academic discipline in colonial Korea. First, the English majors at KIU were exposed to the Western world and culture not directly but through the medium of Imperial Japan. That is to say, pre-modern Korea had a precarious encounter with the modern English-American world through modern Japan, catching a glimpse of the Western modernity through the prism of Japan. Second, besides the medium of Imperial Japan, colonial Korea was faced with another daunting barrier to the encounter with the Western world. There was an invisible gap between them, or between “the colony and the empire,” and English literature reflecting modern Western societies was a study far removed from the reality of colonial Korea. Third, KIU was a double-edged sword in colonial Korea. It was a training institution for administrative officers and thus a reflection of the political desires of Imperial Japan. Since the English literature majors at KIU were standing on the border between the two words both ideologically and emotionally, taking a look into their historical context can be instrumental in understanding the significance of colonial modernity. 조선에서 영문학이 학문으로 등장하는 데는 경성제국대학(이하 ‘경성제대’)의 역할이 절대적이었다. 첫째, 경성제대에 ‘영문학’ 전공이 개설되기는 했지만, 식민지 조선과 영미세계의 접촉은 ‘직접적’이 아닌 일본제국을 매개로 하는 ‘간접적’ 접촉이었다. ‘전근대적 조선’과 ‘근대적 영미세계’는 ‘근대 일본’을 매개로 불안정한 조우를 하고 있었다. 둘째, 식민지 조선과 근대 영미세계 사이에는 ‘근대일본’이라는 매개물만 끼어 있었던 것은 아니다. 조선과 영미세계 사이에는 또 다른 극복하기 힘든 ‘장애물’이 존재하고 있었다. 조선과 영미세계 사이에는 ‘식민지 대 제국’이라는 보이지 않는 간극이 있었고, 영미세계를 대변하는 영문학은 식민지 조선의 현실과는 동떨어진 학문이기도 하였다. 셋째, 식민지 조선에서 경성제대는 양날의 칼이었다. 경성제대는 일본제국의 정치적, 정신적 욕망이 투영된 ‘행정관료 양성기관’이며, 근대조선 건설의 견인차 역할을 하는 ‘근대적 학문의 출발’점이기도 하였다. 이런 점에서 경성제대 영문과 학생은 이념적으로 또는 정서적으로 ‘경계선’에 위치했던 사람이다. 이들이 처한 역사적 상황은 식민지 근대의 의미를 파악하는 데 중요한 근거가 될 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 방언의 역사층위분석법 이론의 연구사

        안영희 중국어문학회 2019 中國語文學誌 Vol.0 No.66

        . 印欧语研究传统的历史分析法在汉语方言的研究当中具有一定的局限性。 因为汉语方言普遍存在文读与白读,历史比较需要哪一种读法去做比较是一个 难题。由此汉语方言研究学界提出了一种新的研究方法论,即“历史层次分析 法”。本文就此历史层次分析法理论的建立过程进行了整理和综述,并且也提出 了一些笔者的观点。在第二章介绍了汉语方言接触和历史层次分析理论的基本 观点;第三章对方言学者之间对历史层次分析法理论建设中的不同观点进行了 归纳和总结;第四章则简单介绍了笔者对其历史层次分析法的一些见解。 本文对历史层次分析法的主要观点为,第一、语言本体的语音变化不属于 层次,但受接触影响的本体变化应该属于层次;第二、语言接触的基本单位为 词汇,最小单位为音节,其音位单位的层次现象是借用后受本体音变现象的结 果;第三、借词也有自身的语音系统,则需要用来进行层次分析。 历史层次分析理论尚未发展成熟,目前仍为起步阶段,还需进一步讨论和 扩展。比如要结合少数民族语言和汉语言接触研究的领域,并以类型学的角度 去进行语言接触理论的建设。

      • KCI등재

        한자 '內'의 고대 한국한자음 재구

        안영희 사단법인 한국언어학회 2019 언어학 Vol.0 No.84

        This paper reconstructed and analyzed the Ancient Sino-Korean sound of ‘内’ by studying on the diachronic phonology of Chinese which aims at analyzing the sound of ‘内’ in Korean borrowing system. An effect on the development of Sino-Korean caused by the contact of Korean and the Southern dialect of Chinese which is thought to come from Archaic Chinese should also be considered. In Ancient Chinese, the sound of ‘内’ can be reconstructed as *nuoi, while in Archaic Chinese as ‘**nuubs’. The ending –s in Archaic Chinese is thought to be the origin of falling tone(去聲) in Ancient Chinese and being influenced by the ending –s there existed such a phonological change as bs>-ds which caused a phonological change happen to ‘内’ as *nuubs(**nuuds)>*nuoi>nei. Since there existed another phonological change as –ub>-ɯd, I assumed another phonological change that could happen to ‘内’ as **nuubs(**nɯɯds)>nei. In this paper, the Ancient Sino-Korean sound of ‘内’ is also reconstructed. Considering the Ancient Chinese sound **nuubs, ‘*눖(눕)/*놊(놉)’ is reconstructed. At the same time, ‘*ᄂᆞᆳ(ᄂᆞᆯ)/*늜(늘)’ is also reconstructed by considering the Ancient Chinese sound **nɯɯds. Based on the Ancient Sino-Korean sound of ‘内’, the sound of ‘内’ in Korean borrowing system can be assumed as ‘누/노’ or ‘ᄂᆞ/느’.

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