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      • 문선명(文鮮明)의 종교적 배경과 『原理講論』에 나타난 그의 사상 분석

        안수강(Ahn, Su-Kang) 신학과 실천학회 2017 신학과 복음 Vol.3 No.-

        The object of this study is to criticize Seon-Myeong Moon’s religious background and his thought in Divine Principle(『原理講論』) from perspective of reformed theology. Moon was born in Jeongju in 1920 and passed away in 2012. He was ‘The Unification Church’(統一敎) originator and a heretical thinker who laid the foundation of Divine Principle for the whole of his life. The most typical thoughts of the Unification Church include ‘new viewpoint of Messianism’, ‘the unification of all things’, ‘the congruence of religions’, ‘beginning of the world in religious sect leader’ on the basis of Divine Principle. Moon proclaimed that his teachings should be built on the earth according to the guidance of Divine Principle. Until now many theological articles on Seon-Myeong Moon’s life and thoughts mainly have been demonstrated ‘religious thoughts’, ‘national consciousness’, ‘unification theory’, ‘peace theory’, ‘teaching of Divine Principle’, ‘mission works’, ‘The Unification Church’, ‘organizational system’, and so on. I will deal with the main aspects of his thoughts such as ‘theological background and meaning’, ‘critical analysis on Divine Principle’, ‘remarkable activities of the Unification Church’, and so on. Especially analyzing Moon’s faith and theological thoughts through Divine Principle, I will clarify what was his main perspectives on the heretical nature. I am looking forward to future extensions of this research into other various themes such as ‘religious syncretism’, ‘view of history’, ‘view of religion’, ‘theodicy of Unificationism’, ‘view of marriage’, and so forth.

      • 이용도 관련 문헌지(文獻誌) 및 연구동향 고찰

        안수강(Ahn, Su-Kang) 신학과 실천학회 2017 신학과 복음 Vol.4 No.-

        The revival movement of Yong-Do Lee(1901-1933) which took place about the time of 1930s under a colonial policy of Japan, had a remarkable effect on the Korean church. Even though he had disappeared from the stage of Korean Christianity when he was 32 years old, many scholars have considered his mysticism as a significant aspect in the history of the Korean protestant church Until now main topics of theological articles on his life and thoughts mainly have been demonstrated his mystic tendency and spirituality such as “the mysticism of suffering Christ”(Gyeong-Bae Min), “the mysticism of love”(Bong-Bae Park), “the mysticism of enthusiasm”(Dong-Sik Ryu), “the mysticism of fanaticism”(Yeong-Gwan Park), “the Christ-mysticism”(Sun-Hwan Byeon), “the mysticism of the cross”(Seong-Beom Yun), “Mystical Unity” (Su-Kang Ahn), “Asian Spirituality ”(Dae-Il Wang), “the spiritual influences”(Su-Cheon Kim), “Religious Spirituality”(Ok-Sung Cha), “Culture and Spirituality”(Sang-Il Kim), and so on. The purpose of this study is to investigate the main documents and the research trends related to Yong-Do Lee. The all sorts of documents could be summarized as follows. First, main sources related to Yong-Do Lee: complete works, sermon collection, life-history, official journal of ‘Jesus Church’, In-Seo Kim’s works, articles of the Kidoksinbo, public records of the General Assembly of the Korean Presbyterian Church, and so on. Second, main sources related to research trends: classic works of old scholars, books of academic associations, theological journals, theses and dissertations, and so on.

      • 길선주에 관한 선행연구 내용 분석 및 현재적 함의 제시: 그의 말세사상을 중심으로

        안수강(Su-Kang Ahn) 신학과 실천학회 2023 신학과 복음 Vol.15 No.-

        This paper aims to analyze the previous studies on pastor Seon-Ju Gil and to suggest present implications, focusing on his thought of eschatology. The author considers the prominent discourses on Gil’s thought of eschatology and present implications in the previous studies as follows: Firstly, the author considered the practice of love for the Korean people such as brotherly love, contextualization of Christianity, eradication of communist ideas, and so on from the perspective of ‘eschatology-patriotism’. Secondly, the author argued the true faith of Christians such as the establishment of biblical fundamentalism, the pursuit of spirituality, the refusal of the Shinto shrine worship, and so on from the perspective of ‘eschatology-faith routes’. Thirdly, the author dealt with the thought of eschatology such as the birth point of apocalyptic thought, the theory of the imminent second coming, prophecy about the time of the second coming, the theory of millennium, and so on from the perspective of ‘eschatology-views of eschatology’. Fourthly, the author suggested the practical lessons and implications based on the results of this study to today’s Korean Christians such as the practice of patriotism, the transmission of true faith and the inspiration of internal spirituality, the education of eschatology, and so on.

      • 변선환(邊鮮煥)의 “타종교와 신학” 소고

        안수강(Ahn, Su-Kang) 신학과 실천학회 2016 신학과 복음 Vol.2 No.-

        This study intends to show Seon-Hwan Byeon’s religious pluralism through his “Other Religions and Theology” in perspective of reformed theology. Especially focussing on his indigenous theology and religious dialog, I will clarify what is the main viewpoints of his argument. On the basis of religious pluralism, he urged that Korean Church should practice indigenization and interreligious dialogue. As a consequence, his theology relativized the authority of the unique Christiam Gospel and denied the doctrine of biblical justification. The main points Byeon left behind use on the basis of his indigenous theology and religious pluralism could be summarized as follows: ①religious dialog between Christianity and other various religions ②creative indigenization of Korean Christianity ③principle of parity between Christianity and other religions ④ways to overcome exclusivity for other religions ⑤consideration on cosmic Christ ⑥restoration of humanity through religious pluralism ⑦research on new paradigm for Christian missions

      • KCI등재

        개혁주의신학 관점에서 본 영계(靈溪) 길선주(吉善宙) 목사의 ‘자유의지론’

        안수강(Su Kang Ahn) 고신대학교 개혁주의학술원 2024 갱신과 부흥 Vol.33 No.-

        본고의 연구 목적은 영계(靈溪) 길선주(吉善宙) 목사의 자유의지론을 개혁주의신학 관점에서 분석하려는 데 있다. 본 연구자는 그의 자유의지론에 나타난 핵심적인 사상들과 논점들에 대하여 다음과 같이 숙고했다. 첫째, 거시적인 틀에서 길선주의 신학체계에 나타난 행위언약, 선천적 원죄와 자범죄, 부패와 타락, 자유의지, 모든 인간에게 내재된 종교심(宗敎心) 등에 관하여 분석했다. 둘째, 길선주의 ‘구원과 자유의지의 상관성 논지’에 기초하여 칭의론에 관한 논증, 자유의지와 칭의의 관계성, 창세기 15장 6절 진술에 관한 이해와 해석, 신인협동설 등을 중심으로 고찰했다. 셋째, 길선주의 ‘선택과 자유의지의 상관성 논지’에 기초하여 예지예정, 선행적(先行的) 은총과 이 은총에 대한 인간 편의 응답 등에 초점을 맞추어 조망했다. 넷째, 길선주의 ‘심판과 자유의지의 상관성 논지’에 기초하여 하나님의 전능하신 속성과 심판 유형의 다양성, 심판의 정당성, 인간이 감당해야 할 모든 죄책(罪責) 등에 주안점을 두어 살폈다. 길선주의 신학사상에 비추어 추후 그와 관련된 담론을 외연하여 이 주제 외에도 세대주의적 전천년설, 시한부 종말론, 삼계론(새 예루살렘; 무궁안식세계; 지옥), 조상림보, 그리스도의 다섯 차례 강림, 그리스도의 다섯 차례 부활, 성경의 우화적 해석, 그리스도 재림의 내증과 외증 등 다양한 영역으로 확장되기를 바란다. This research aims to explore Rev. Yeong-gyae Seon-Ju Gil’s theory of free will from the reformed theological standpoint. I considered the important thoughts and points revealed in his theory of free will as follows. Firstly, in macroscopic approach I analyzed the covenant of works, the innate original sin and the actual sin, the corruption and decline, free will, religious mind of human beings, and so on in his theological system. Secondly, on the basis of Gil’s ‘demonstration of the correlation between salvation and free will’, I focused on the argument on justification, the relationship between free will and justification, the understanding and interpretation of Genesis 15:6, synergism between God and man, and so on. Thirdly, on the basis of Gil’s ‘demonstration of the correlation between election and free will’, I studied foreknowledge predestination, antecedent grace and human response, and so on. Fourthly, on the basis of Gil’s ‘demonstration of the correlation between judgment and free will’, I examined the divine omnipotence and the various types of judgments, the legitimacy of judgment, human responsibility for all sins, and so on. In light of Seon-Ju Gil’s theological thought, I suggest future extensions of this discourse into his other various themes such as dispensational premillennialism, the eschatology setting a date for the end, theory of the three boundaries(New Jerusalem; the world of endless rest; hell), limbus patrum, the five adventures of Christ, the five resurrections of Christ, allegorical interpretation of the Bible, internal and external evidence in relation to the second coming of Christ, and other related areas.

      • KCI등재

        개혁주의신학 관점에서의 마테오 리치(Matteo Ricci)의 『天主實義』 분석

        안수강 ( Ahn Su-kang ) 한국복음주의역사신학회 2021 역사신학 논총 Vol.39 No.-

        이 연구에서는 마테오 리치(利馬竇)의 역작 『天主實義』(T'ien-chu Shih-i)를 개혁주의신학 관점에서 분석하고자 한다. 이 저작은 조선 중후기 천주교의 사상을 분석해볼 수 있는 가장 소중한 초기 문헌들 중의 하나로 꼽힌다. 마테오 리치의 『天主實義』에 적용된 논증 양상은 보유론(補儒論)에 바탕을 두어 방법론적인 면에서 세 방면으로 전개되어 있으며 중국 유학자(서광계)의 다양한 질문 내용들, 서광계의 질문에 서양 학자(마테오 리치)가 논리적으로 답변한 내용들과 담론들, 그리고 질의응답한 핵심들을 간추려 정리한 내용들이 기술되어 있다. 이 연구에서는 마테오 리치가 『天主實義』에 논증한 내용을 바탕으로 이 문헌의 각 편(篇/章)에 진술된 요지들과 신학적 의미들, 그의 보유론 관점 등에 주안점을 두어 고찰했다. 마테오 리치의 『天主實義』에 편성되어 있는 여덟 가지의 핵심적인 주제들을 간추려 정리하면 다음과 같다: 천주가 만유를 창조하여 주재하시며 안량(安養)하심을 논함; 세상 사람들이 천주에 대해 곡해하고 있는 점을 설명함; 인간의 영혼불멸을 논하고 영혼이 동물의 각혼(覺魂)과 다름을 설명함; 귀신과 사람의 혼에 대한 이론점(異論點)을 설명하고 만유를 한 몸으로 볼 수 없다는 점을 논함; 윤회(輪回)의 여섯 방도와 살생을 금하는 오류를 논박하며 재계(齋戒)와 소식(素食)을 올리는 올바른 뜻을 설명함; 의지가 소멸되지 않음을 설명하고 사후 반드시 천당과 지옥의 상벌로 세인들이 행한 선악에 응보(應報)가 있음을 밝힘; 인간본성의 본래적인 선을 논하고 천주신자의 바른 배움을 서술함; 서양풍속이 숭상하는 바를 일괄하고 성직자의 독신생활이 갖는 의미를 논하며 천주께서 강생(降生)하심을 밝힘. This research aims to analyze Matteo Ricci’s masterpiece T'ien-chu Shih-i from the perspective of the Reformed Theology. T'ien-chu Shih-i is one of the most precious literature sources for the analysis of the early doctrinal thought of Catholicism in the middle and late Joseon. The methodology of arguments in Matteo Ricci’s T'ien-chu Shih-i was found to consist of three parts, founded on Fu-ru-lun such as various questions of the Chinese scholar(Xu Guangqi), logical answers and discourses of the Western scholar(Matteo Ricci), and core summary of questions and answers. On the basis of Matteo Ricci’s arguments, I focused on the major themes in eight chapters and theological meanings, his views of Fu-ru-lun, and so on. The eight key themes of Matteo Ricci’s T'ien-chu Shih-i could be summarized as follows: a discussion on the creation of heaven, and on the way He exercises authority and sustains them; an explanation of mistaken views concerning the Lord of Heaven current among men; the human soul is not extinguished and is greatly different from the souls of birds and beasts; a discussion on spiritual beings and the soul of man and an explanation as to why the phenomena of the world cannot be described as forming an organic unity; refutation of false teachings concerning reincarnation in the Six Directions and the taking of life, and an explanation of the true meaning of fasting; an explanation as to why man cannot be free of motives, and discussion of why the good and evil done on earth by man must be rewarded or punished in Heaven and Hell; a discussion on the Confucian teaching that human nature is fundamentally good, and an exposition of the orthodox Way of learning of those who adhere to the religion of the Lord of Heaven; a summary of Western customs, a discussion on the meaning and history of celibacy among the clergy, and an explanation of the reason why the Lord of Heaven was born in the West.

      • KCI등재

        알렌의 일기를 통해서 본 제중원(濟衆院) 의료선교사역

        안수강(Su?Kang Ahn) 한국기독교학회 2016 한국기독교신학논총 Vol.100 No.-

        본 논문은 『알렌의 日記』를 통해 제중원 의료사역을 고찰함으로써 알렌이 전개한 의료사역의 순항과 난항, 그리고 선교사적 의미를 밝히려는데 목적을 둔다. 이 주제에 대한 연구와 선교사적 관점을 적용하는 방법론은 아직까지 시도되지 않았다. 미국장로교단 소속 알렌은 1884년 9월 20일에 제물포에 입항했다. 그러나 전도사역을 금하는 조선의 엄격한 국법 때문에 1884년 입국한 이래 조선인들을 대상으로 복음전파를 통한 직접적인 선교방안을 모색하지 않았으며 의료선교에 최선을 다했다. 스크랜톤과 헤론은 복음사역은 오직 직접적으로 복음을 전해야 한다고 강력하게 주장했지만 알렌은 이들 선교사들과는 달리 선교사역을 수행함에 있어서 다른 관점을 견지했다. 그는 의료사역을 통하여 복음사역의 목적을 성취할 수 있을 것으로 확신했던 것이다. 사실 그가 남긴 공적들은 의료선교와 실천을 바탕으로 결실했다. 알렌이 자신의 의료선교 사역을 기반으로 보여준 중요한 논점들은 다음과 같이 정리할 수 있다. 첫째, 한국선교 초기 단계에는 제중원에서의 의료사역이 가장 안전하고 효과적인 선교였다는 점을 보여준다. 둘째, 제중원은 초기 선교사들이 향후 직접적인 선교를 준비할 수 있도록 관문의 역할을 담당했다는 점이다. 셋째, 알렌의 의료선교사역은 왕실과 선교사들뿐만 아니라 선교사들과 한국인 환자들을 하나로 결속시켜주었다. 넷째, 한국인 환자들을 돌보는 것만으로도 간접선교를 실천할 수 있었고 기독교의 도덕성과 종교적 가치를 그들 사회에 심어줄 수 있었다. 다섯째, 제중원은 한국 최초의 근대식 병원이었으며, 이후 한국에 후속 기독교병원들이 발흥하는 효시가 되었다. The object of this study is to show Horace Newton Allen’s medical mission work centering on Jejungwon through his Diary, focusing on ‘hardness and easiness’ and from ‘the viewpoint of mission history’. The research on this subject and the methodology of ‘the viewpoint of mission history’ have not been attempted yet. Allen who had belonged to the Presbyterian Church of the United States of America arrived in Jemulpo on September 20, 1884. He could not preach the Gospel directly to the people of Choseon because of the strict law of Choseon Dynasty to prohibit sharing the gospel with the people. Thus since he arrived in 1884, he did his best to practice medical mission. William B. Scranton and John Heron forcefully declared that missionary works could not be done without directly preaching the Gospel. But Allen had different viewpoints on his mission work unlike these missionaries. He was convinced that he could reach the object of evangelism through medical work. In fact, his great achievements were based on his medical mission and practice. The main viewpoints of medical mission work Allen left to us with his medical mission could be summarized as follows. First, the most safe and effective mission was to work at Jejungwon in early Korean mission era. Second, Jejungwon was the very gateway to early missionaries to prepare direct mission work in the future. Third, Allen’s medical mission work was the link that holds not only the royal family and missionaries but also missionaries and Korean patients together. Fourth, taking care of Korean patients itself was to be a indirect mission, and to instill Christian moral and religious values into their society. Fifth, Jejungwon was the first Korean modern hospital and served as the prototype for future development of Korean Christian hospitals.

      • KCI등재

        황사영(黃嗣永)의 “백서”(帛書) 고찰

        안수강 ( Su Kang Ahn ) 한국복음주의역사신학회 2012 역사신학 논총 Vol.24 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to investigate the main outline of Sa-Yeong Hwang`s personal ethics of Catholicism and energetic determination for mission to Choseon through his letter(“Silk Letter”, 帛書) to Bishop Alexandre de Gouvea(湯士選). The Catholic Church was known as an unethical religion of `mugunmubu`(`no-king and no-father`, 無君無父), thus, a great persecution against it was an inevitable consequence. In the Confucian cultural system, there were two absolute requirements to support the family and dynasty, namely devotional royalty to the king and filial piety to parents. But the Catholic Church was misunderstood as a barbarian religion of gainsaying these two fundamental principles. When the Sinyu Persecution(辛酉敎難) erupted in January 1801, the Choseon Catholic Church was facing the time of suffering. Sa-Yeong Hwang fled to Baeron in Jecheon, Chungcheong-do. Meanwhile, Sim Hwang(黃心) expounded to him on the events leading up to the beheading of Priest Wen-Mo Chou(周文謨) including the serious situation of the persecution. Consequently, more than 300 christians were martyred according to the official records. When he heard of the bad news, he decided write “Silk Letter”. He wrote this letter on a piece of fine silk with the intention to inform Alexandre de Gouvea in Beijing of the very tough context of the Choseon Catholic Church and many sincere martyrs who held to their faith and died triumphantly during the Sinyu Persecution. He expected the Pope to end the harsh persecution as soon as possible and Choseon Catholic Church would have precious freedom of belief. Sa-Yeong Hwang`s “Silk Letter” includes not only a main request that Chinese emperor warns Choseon to allow Catholic missionaries to enter Choseon but also the very serious future plans: appointing an agent king to rule Choseon and requesting several hundred warships, fifty to sixty thousand trained soldiers, a few wise scholars, strong weapons and cannons. He was convinced that the Pope would scare and threaten the Choseon government so that it would accept Catholicism without any opposition. In the negative, Sa-Yeong Hwang`s “Silk Letter” has many ethical arguments which are difficult to be accepted in the aspects of christian ethics because he developed his argument logically without the true christian ethics. The main negative viewpoints Sa-Yeong Hwang left behind us on the basis of his “Silk Letter” could be summarized as follows: ① teleological ethics and situation ethics ② humanism on the basis of free will ③ ultramontanism ④ distorted patriotism ⑤ triple relationship of `nation-patriotism-faith` ⑥ emphasis on mission by force of arms “Christians live in their own hometowns, but only as sojourners; they bear their share in all things as citizens, but endure all hardships as foreigners. Every foreign land is home to them, and every home is foreign. …… Their existence is on earth, but their citizenship is in heaven. …… They love all, and are persecuted by all.”(Epistle to Diognetus)

      • KCI등재

        장로교단 합동/통합의 분열과 일치 운동 및 합동 측의 신학적 정체성 고찰 -합동 측 관점을 중심으로-

        안수강 ( Ahn Su-kang ) 한국복음주의역사신학회 2018 역사신학 논총 Vol.33 No.-

        본 연구는 한국장로교단 합동 측과 통합 측 간 분열과 일치 운동의 역사, 그리고 합동 측의 신학적 정체성을 합동교단의 입장에서 분석하려는데 목적을 두었다. 1959년 합동 측과 통합 측은 세계교회협희회(W.C.C.) 난제라는 중차대한 사유로 인하여 분열되었다. 1960년대 양 교단은 재(再) 합동을 위하여 모든 정치적 노력을 경주했지만 끝내 신학적 일치는 실현하지 못함으로써 역시 하나가 되지 못했다. 본 논문 제2장에서는 장로교 합동 측과 통합 측의 분열과 관련하여 합동 측 김요나, 통합 측 이영헌, 김인수, 고신 측 양낙흥 등 여러 신학자들의 역사적 관점들을 살펴보았으며, 분열의 직접적인 원인이 무엇이었는지, 그리고 부차적인 원인들은 무엇이었는지에 대해 분석했다. 제3장에서는 합동교단과 통합교단 간 일치와 재분열을 조명함에 있어 양 교단의 정치적신, 학적 인 관점에 초점을 두어 고찰했다. 제4장에서는 장로교 합동 교단의 신학적 정체성을 파악하기 위해 1959년도부터 1998년도에 이르기까지 교단 총회에서 결정한 주요 결의사항들을 발췌하여 다루었다. 부연하여, 향후 이 연구가 ‘한국 에큐메니칼 운동에 대한 평가’, ‘한국 에큐메니칼 운동의 개혁한’, ‘국장로교단의 연합’, ‘한국장로교회의 화해’, ‘세계교회협희회의 에큐메니칼 신학’등과 같은 연구 영역으로 더욱 확장되어지기를 기대한다. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the division and re-union of the Korean Presbyterian Churchs(Hapdong/Tonghap) and the theological identity of Hapdong focusing on the view of Hapdong Presbyterian Church. The W.C.C.(World Council of Churches) dilemma between Hapdong and Tonghap was the main cause of division in 1959. And the attempt for re-union in the 1960s also failed because of the lack of the theological agreement despite all their political efforts. In chapter 2, I surveyed the historical views of various theologians such as Yo-Na Kim(Hapdong), Yeong-Heon Lee and In-Su Kim(Tonghap), Nak-Heung Yang(Gosin) in relation to the division of Hapdong and Tonghap. And I analyzed the immediate causes and secondary causes of the division of the Korean Presbyterian Church. In chapter 3, I treated with the re-union and re-division of the Korean Presbyterian Church between Hapdong and Tonghap focusing on the views of the political and theological issues. In chapter 4, I considered the theological identity of Hapdong. In order to achieve this purpose I researched the major decisions of the General Assembly of the Korean Presbyterian Church(Hapdong) from 1959 to 1998. In addition, I suggest future extensions of this research into other thoughts such as ‘evaluation of the Korean ecumenical movement’, ‘reformation of the Korean ecumenical movement’, ‘re-union of the Korean Presbyterian Denominations’, ‘reconciliation of the Korean Presbyterian Church’, ‘ecumenical theology of the World Council of Churches’, and so forth.

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