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      • 브라질 전통의약 식물자원의 한의학적 활용가능성 연구

        안상영(Sangyoung Ahn),한창현(Changhyun Han),박상영(Sangyoung Park),권오민(Ohmin Kwon),안상우(Sangwoo Ahn) 한국한의학연구원 2010 한국한의학연구원논문집 Vol.16 No.1

        Hanyak, Korean herbal medicine is defined as the herbs understood and explained by traditional Korean medical theories. Considering this definition, there are broad prospective of every species being consilienced and utilized as Korean herbal medicine. Most varied plant species are in tropical regions, and its of these regions posses its own particular traditional medicine. Brazil posses the most varied and abundant plant species and also characteristic traditional medicine, formed by the combination of native indians and immigrants from Africa and Europe. Brazilian traditional medicine are practices by ‘garrafeiros’ , ‘raizeiros’ , or ‘curandeiros’ and in Caatinga uses herbs in ritual ceremonies. But threatened by modernization, these knowledge may be vanished in a prompt time. Therefore we carried this research in the propose of understanding as well as preserving their traditional medical knowledge. We revised publications about the medical plants and summarized 314 species of 94 families according to repetitive references. The most cited families were COMPOSITAE, LABIATAE, LEGUMINOSAE, RUBIACEAE, SOLANACEAE, UMBELLIFERAE, VERBENACEAE. Also cited major medical efficacies which further medical uses in combinations or modification of current traditional Korean medicine should be studied. This study provides overall prospect of the plants resources of Brazil and their uses. It may serve in the consilience and understanding of varied traditional medicine by traditional Korean Medicine.

      • 제천 한약재의 역사에 기반한 한방산업 전략

        안상영(Ahn Sangyoung),권오민(Kwon Ohmin),박상영(Park Sangyoung),안상우(Ahn Sangwoo) 한국한의학연구원 2008 한국한의학연구원논문집 Vol.14 No.1

        Revising 11 historical topography of Jecheon city we could notice that this territory was traditionally producing high quality medicinal plants. This view is supported as it was tributed to the King. Production of medicinal plants continue these days, Jecheon being one of the largest production of medicinal plants in Korea. Abundant production of diverse medicinal plants of high quality seems to be linked with the soil, climate and environmental characteristics unique of Jecheon. Therefore we propose to develop new type of herbal medicin drugs like Gobang(膏方) which could distinguish from other places. Gobang matchs well to the requirement of current days being convenient to carry and of good taste. Also is appropriate to treat chronic diseases. Its primordial abundant herbal medicines of high quality for the development of Gobang where Jecheon can provide.

      • 食治의 개념 정립 및 적용 이론의 이해

        안상영(Ahn Sangyoung),이민호(Lee Minho),표보영(Pyo Boyong),하정용(Ha Jeongyong),안상우(Ahn Sangwoo) 한국한의학연구원 2008 한국한의학연구원논문집 Vol.14 No.2

        Alimentotherapy refers to the treatment or prevention by means of food. As food is consumed in everyday life and its constituents varies enormously, the practice of alimentotherapy was often misunderstood. By the research on ancient classics we could find 3 prospective about this practice. Firstly, alimentotherapy was used during the recovery and also for prevention. This is a type of Life-nurturing method, which we suggest to be called life-nurturing alimentotherapy. Secondly, it was also used as a dietary prescription made by physicians. Sometimes they made prescriptions combining materials derived from food with herbal medication. This practice was exclusively made by physicians as they had to consider the characteristic of each food as well as the condition of the patient. Thirdly, sometime alimentotherapy was used in cuisine form. They used food components in major part and herbal medicine used as additional ingredients. It was primarily focused on the taste and in some part its functional aspects. The underlying theories in alimentotherapy is exactly the same as used for understanding herbal medicine in TKM. Therefore, except in the case of life-nurturing method, it should be used by expert physicians. Finally, we suggest to differentiate the terms of alimentotherapy in the aspect of life-nurturing, dietary prescriptions and cuisine to prevent confusions.

      • 世宗代의 醫官 盧重禮의 삶과 醫史學에의 貢獻

        이민호(Lee Minho),안상영(Ahn Sangyoung),권오민(Kwon Ohmin),하정용(Ha Jeongyong),안상우(Ahn Sangwoo) 한국한의학연구원 2008 한국한의학연구원논문집 Vol.14 No.2

        Noh Jungrye(盧重禮) can be cited as an representative royal doctor of early Chosun dynasty. He collaborated in the development of korean medicine out of the influence of chinese medicine. He made an systematical approach on supply and propagation of The Native Herb Medicine(鄕藥) which promoted the independence of Korean medicine. The edition of 「HyangYakJibSungBang(鄕藥集成方)」 (Compendium of Prescriptions from the Countryside) was the result of this effort establishing the originality of Korean medicine. He also strengthened in the medical support new born child editing 「TaeSanYoRok(胎産要錄)」 as their mortal rate was high in that time. In social-political aspect, being appointed in Dangsanggwan(堂上官) as a doctor, was controversial as even after his death this discussion kept on. On the other hand this designation prompt other doctors to devote in Korean medicine.

      • 한의학적 어원이 남아 있는 지명

        박수진(Park sujin),안상우(Ahn Sangwoo),안상영(Ahn Sangyoung),이선아(Lee Suna) 한국한의학연구원 2008 한국한의학연구원논문집 Vol.14 No.1

        Names attributed to villages varies from governmental administrative division to simple modest names called from the habitants. Actually, scarce names only called from the habitants remains today. While these names reflect abundant cultural, social and historical aspects we made this research based on those nominations related only to Korean traditional medicineCKTM). We could find that the most KTM related village name was famine relieve or/and medicinal plant designation like Puerariae village. Also there was names of doctors like Dasan. Another big portion was from the medicinal mineral waters like Yakbawegol which said has the properties for dermatologic desease. We suggest this study may use as a clue in the field of KTM history research.

      • Benjamin Hobson의 생애 연구

        박상영(Park Sangyoung),권오민(Kwon Ohmin),안상영(Ahn Sangwoo),안상우(Ahn Sangwoo) 한국한의학연구원 2008 한국한의학연구원논문집 Vol.14 No.2

        This study investigates the life of Benjamin Hobson(合信, 1816.1.2-1873.2.13) -the writer of five books of western medicine which influenced the establish of 「ShinGiCheonHeom(身機踐驗)」-in order to expand our base to study 「ShinGiCheonHeom」. Findings and results of the investigation are as follows. 1. Treatise on Physiology(『全體新論』) excited a deeper interest among the Chinese literati and was so eagerly sought after that a reprint of it was made for sale. The income of works of Hobson's probably excited a deeper interest among the Korean literati also. 2. We found Hobson had written many works. Among those we must pay attention to A Medical Vocabulary in English and Chinese; (『醫學英華字釋』)Through this book we can reach agreeable translation of 『ShinGiCheonHeom』. 3. Evangelism and philanthropism promoted activities of Hobson as a doctor and as a an introducer of western medicine. But ignorance of oriental medicine-Hobson thought medical science in China was at a low level-lied in these activities and passion to do it. Nowadays we must wipe out thought of this way through the scientific way.

      • 近ㆍ現代(1860年代-1945年) 延邊의 醫療衛生環境과 ‘朝醫學’

        이민호(Lee Minho),하정용(Ha Jeongyong),안상영(Ahn Sangyoung),권오민(Kwon Ohmin),안상우(Ahn Sangwoo) 한국한의학연구원 2008 한국한의학연구원논문집 Vol.14 No.3

        This paper treats with transitional development of medico-hygienical situation in district Yanbian along with the evolution in specific field of medicine. This work is particularly important in shaping TKM identity as TCM embraces Chao medicine asserting it as one included in TCM. This research deals with themes of migration of Chao minorities to this territory and their medico-hygienical situation. Lifted bans on immigration in late Qing dynasty with uncertainty of Korea(Chosun) triggered the immigration to this district. The flow was heavily strengthened under the influence of Westerners and Japanese imperialism into china which consequently provoked the ruin of Qing dynasty. the civil war between republicans and communist and the socio-political changes in Korea. As population growths, the establishment of hospitals and immigration of healthcare professionals were also increased. Though this district is located in Chinese mainland the influence of Japanese was also relevant which lead to medical practice reflecting both sides. Mutual combination and influence of western (contemporary) medicine, TCM and TKM practices made the particularity of Chao medicine.

      • 崔宗峻의 年表 作成을 위한 역사적 고찰

        하정용(Ha Jeongyong),이민호(Lee Minho),권오민(Kwon Ohmin),안상영(Ahn Sangyoung),안상우(Ahn Sangwoo) 한국한의학연구원 2008 한국한의학연구원논문집 Vol.14 No.3

        The prime minister(樞密相公) Choi jongjun writes『Eouichwaryobang(御醫撮要方)』A.D. 1226 that is a Goryeo Period (A.D.918~1392). But today that has vanished, now. Inspite of the important worth of that book in Korea Traditional Medicine, there is no study about writer. So I research all the historical source about him. And I confront a historical source with the era for making a chronological table of Choi jongjun. I beliebe this survey make a great contribution towards the historical research of KTM. Now to conclude, In A.D. 1226, Choi Jongjun was Jung chuwonbusa(中樞院副使) or Chumseowonsa(簽書院事).

      • 한의약 문화산업의 성격분류와 현황분석

        권오민(Kwon Ohmin),이민호(Lee Minho),하정용(Ha Jeongyong),박상영(Park Sangyoung),안상영(Ahn Sangyoung),안상우(Ahn Sangwoo) 한국한의학연구원 2008 한국한의학연구원논문집 Vol.14 No.3

        Below are the indications that cultural events in traditional Korean medicine nationwide give to the prospective 2013 DongUiBoGarn World traditionalㆍAlternative Medicine Expo, especially to the selection of the Expo's site. If the DongUiBoGarn Expo is held as outdoor event, it can secure merits of current local council events' advantages: linking lived experiences to natural and historical resources. As in case of the EXOM and Hanghang EXPO that are held as indoor activivies in metropolitan area, if held the DongUiBoGam Expo can secure easily large-scale academic activities and health lectures. Thus, the key point for the DongUiBoGam Expo's success will be how to combine the good points of currently-held cultural outdoor and indoor activities in the field of traditional Korean medicine nationwide.

      • 黃子厚의 『鄕藥集成方』批判과 그 含意

        이민호(Lee Minho),하정용(Ha Jeongyong),박상영(Park Sangyoung),안상영(Ahn Sangyoung),안상우(Ahn Sangwoo) 한국한의학연구원 2008 한국한의학연구원논문집 Vol.14 No.2

        In order to unravel the implication on the Hwang Jahu's, a well-known medical doctor, critique of 「HyangYakJibSungBang(鄕藥集成方)」(Compendium of Prescriptions from the Countryside)'s publication, this essay calls for an investigation of socio-economical situations and systematic support for the development of native herbal drugs of that time. In the period of King SeJong various systematic aspects supporting the development and utilization of native herbal drugs were created. In this ambient. Hwang Jahu also dedicated his life in the application of native herbal drugs. Though Hwang strongly recommended the use of native herbal herbs while importing insufficient resources from China. He gave a critique of 「HyangYakJibSungBang(鄕藥集成方)」's publication. Hwang's critique didn't lie on the book itself but on the practicality of this large volume from the public. He insisted more on the necessities of practical and easy accessible books for emergency situations. Throughout the emphasis on wide distribution of compact medical books and the utilization of acupuncture and moxibustion, in part reveals his pragmatic stand.

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