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        Analysis of the Visual Quality of Riverfront Skyline Through the Feature of Height and Spatial Arrangement of Tall Building

        아유 완디라 뿌스삐따사리,권종욱 대한건축학회 2019 Architectural research Vol.21 No.4

        In modern times, numerous cities are competing to create the unique skyline adjacent to the water. Tall buildings locatedacross the river have a great contribution to the skyline of a riverfront city and can be a precious asset for the city. Moreover, inseveral cities, tall buildings and their impact on the urban skyline are a matter that should be considered and regulated in urbandesign. Therefore, as a prominent element in a larger visual setting of the city, tall buildings should improve the visual quality ofthe skyline rather than diminish that quality. This research attempts to provide an objective method to analyze the visual quality ofthe skyline made by a group of tall buildings through their feature of heights and spatial arrangement from riverfront views. Theanalysis is determined by the design variables of building heights variation, heights transition, density, and spacing of a group oftall buildings. A comparative case study of tall buildings in Yeouido and Lujiazui was conducted to prove the effectiveness of theanalysis. The proposed method can be used in a simple way in the quantitative approach to quantify the visual quality of the skyline. In conclusion, Yeuido’s skyline is not quite interesting from the riverfront view in terms of height variation and continuity of theskyline view because they are dispersed. Conversely, Lujiazui’s skyline from the riverfront vantage points has a good quality in allaspects of the feature of height and spatial arrangements of tall buildings cluster. These factors can be used for the urban designer onhow proposed tall buildings within the cluster should appropriately respond to adding image on the skyline.

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