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        동해 연안 수괴 특성에 따른 식물플랑크톤 우점종의 계절 변동

        심정민,권기영,김상우,윤병선,Shim, Jeong-Min,Kwon, Ki-Young,Kim, Sang-Woo,Yoon, Byong-Seon 해양환경안전학회 2015 해양환경안전학회지 Vol.21 No.5

        동해 연안 식물플랑크톤의 계절별 분포 특성과 해양환경 요인과의 상호관계를 파악하기 위하여 2009년 2월, 5월, 8월 및 11월에 연안 18개 정점에 대해 조사하였다. 조사기간 중 출현한 식물플랑크톤은 규조강 37종, 와편모조강 22종, 유글레나조강 1종, 규질편모조강 3종 및 은편모조강 1종으로 나뉘었다. 현존량은 $1.2{\times}10^3-246.6{\times}10^3cells/L$(평균 $24.8{\times}10^3cells/L$)의 분포 범위를 보였으며 5월에 가장 높았다. 주요 우점종은 Leptocylindrus danicus, Chaetoceros affinis, Pseudo-nitzschia pungens 및 Thalassionema nitzschioides 등이 출현하였다. 해양환경 요인과의 상관분석 결과 식물플랑크톤 현존량은 pH, 용존산소, 클로로필-a 및 부유물질과 양의 상관관계를 보였으며, 규산규소와는 음의 상관관계를 보였다. 식물플랑크톤 우점종의 계절 변동은 등밀도선 상의 수온(T)-염분(S)도로 구분한 수괴 특성에 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났으며, 특히 5월은 수온, 8월은 염분 분포와 관계가 있었다. 현존량과 종조성을 바탕으로 다원척도 분석을 한 식물플랑크톤의 공간적인 분포는 경북 죽변과 울진을 기점으로 강원연안 그룹(Group A)과 경북연안 그룹(Group B)으로 나뉘어졌다. In order to understand the seasonal change of phytoplankton as well as the effect of water physico-chemical parameters, we investigated 18 stations in coastal areas of the East Sea in February, May, August and November in 2009. The taxa of phytoplankton observed in this study were classified as 37 Bacillariophyceae, 22 Dinophyceae, 1 Euglenophyceae, 3 Dictyophyceae and 1 Cryptophyceae. Phytoplankton abundance ranged from $1.2{\times}10^3cells/L$ to $246.6{\times}10^3cells/L$(with a mean value of $24.8{\times}10^3cells/L$), the highest biomass was observed in May. The dominant species were Leptocylindrus danicus, Chaetoceros affinis, Pseudo-nitzschia pungens, Thalassionema nitzschioides and etc. Pearson's correlation co-efficient between phytoplankton abundance and other water parameters showed the positive relationships with pH, DO, Secchi-disk depth, and SS, the negative relationships with $SiO_2-Si$. Seasonal patterns of phytoplankton dominant species were affected by the characteristics of water masses based on T-S diagram analysis. In particular, phytoplankton distributional patterns were related with water temperature in May and salinity in August, respectively. According to the result of MDS(Multi-dimensional scaling) using the phytoplankton abundance and species composition, the spatial distribution of phytoplankton were characterized with Ganwon(Group A) and Gyeongbuk(Group B) at the coastal areas of Jukbyeon or Uljin.


        인체 치간부위 치조골 결손에 사용된 합성골의 효과에 관한 연구

        심정민,최광춘,손성회,Shim, Jeong-Min,Choi, Kwang-Choon,Son, Seong-Heul 대한치주과학회 1993 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.23 No.2

        Various alloplastic materials have been used on the periodontally diseased ossous defects. Hydroxyapatite, which is used the most common alloplastic material is a non-resorbable form of calcium phosphate and natural coral which is a biodegradable by carbonic anhydrase in osteoclast was introduced recently. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the clinical effects of porous hydoxyapatite and natural coral on the human periodontal defects. Four males and three females who had adult periodontitis were selected for this study. The teeth that had similar bone loss radiographically and periodontal pocket deeper than 5mm were selected. Gingival recession, pocket depth, plaque index(Silness & Loe), sulcus bleeding index and tooth mobility (measured by Periotest$^{(r)}$) were examined before graft. Before insertion of alloplastic materials, the depth from CEJ to bone crest and from CEJ to base of the osseous defect was recorded. Porous particulate hydroxyapatite(Interpore 200$^{(r)}$, A group) was place on the defect and natural coral(Biocoral$^{(r)}$, B group) was placed on the defect of the opposing tooth. Six months post-surgically the same parameters were recorded by reentry procedures. A and B group showed 0.6mm of mean recession. Mean reduction of pocket depth were 5mm for A group and 4.9mm of B group. Reduced SBI and tooth mobility were recorded. Osseous defect fills of the original defects were 2.9mm for A and 3mm for B group. Percentage defect fills were 71% for A and 59% for B group. The difference of defect fill between pre- and post-insertion was statstically significant(p<0.05). But the difference between the two groups was not significant statistically(p<0.05). The clinical impression at 6 month re-entry and the numerical date indicate that natural coral as well as porous particulate hydoxyapatite has a definite potential as an alloplastic implant in the treatment of periodontal osseous defects.

      • KCI등재

        <뉴욕타임즈>의 무용평론가 존 마틴의 비평적 성향에 관한 연구

        심정민 ( Jeong Min Shim ) 대한무용학회 2007 대한무용학회논문집 Vol.53 No.-

        John Martin(1893-1985) was the first full-time dance critic on a major American newspaper. He was asked to write dance reviews for the New York Times in 1927 and continued to work as a dance critic until 1962 when he retired form the newspaper. With him modem dance criticism in America began in earnest The aim of this research is to determine the critical characteristics of John Martin`s dance reviews in New York Times. At first, Martin`s reviews helped to teach his readers how to look at and appreciate the new modern dance. Secondly, Martin most often practiced reporting and description of dance events in his reviews. Thirdly, Martin made sparing use of analytical detail in dance movement and choreography. Fourthly, Martin evaluated performances and dancers quickly and fast without evident analysis of them. And then, Martin mentioned audience`s response to performances that had direct or indirect influence on the readers John Martin was one of the most influential dance critic of his time. His 1,459 writings about dance arts during 35 years informed indifferent audiences and encouraged dancers in America.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        프랑스 누벨바그와 초기 컨템포러리댄스인 누벨당스의 상관성 연구

        심정민 ( Shim Jeong Min ) 무용역사기록학회 2021 무용역사기록학 Vol.60 No.-

        프랑스 누벨바그(Nouvelle Vague)는 1950-60년대 기성 영화에 대해 반기를 들면서 신선한 발상, 다양한 표현양식, 기술상의 혁신을 추구하였다. 이러한 누벨바그라는 새로운 예술적 물결이 누벨당스(Nouvelle Danse)와 어떠한 유의미한 상관성을 띠는지를 연구하는 게 본 논문의 목적이다. 누벨당스는 1980년대 프랑스를 중심으로 서유럽에 나타난 새로운 ‘젊은 춤(Jeune Danse)’으로서 안무적 혁신뿐 아니라 시청각적 장치, 의상, 음악과 소리 등의 전반적인 연출에 있어서도 기존의 무용예술과는 다른 양상을 띠기 시작하였다. 이러한 누벨당스는 컨템포러리댄스의 초기 형태로서 오늘날 서유럽을 넘어 전세계적으로 동시대적인 창작춤의 정체성을 확립하게 만든 경향이라고 할 수 있다. 연구의 방법은 문헌연구를 중심으로 누벨바그와 누벨당스의 개념이나 성향 중에서 서로 연관성과 유사성이 있는 것으로 파악되는 요소들을 도출하여 논의를 진척시키는 방법을 취하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 누벨바그와 누벨당스의 개념이나 성향 중에서 상관성이 있는 것으로 파악되는 요소들에 대해서 기존 방법론에 대한 불복종, 작가로서의 안무가, 시각예술의 도입, 몽타주 혹은 콜라주 기법, 즉흥 활용, 댄스필름의 활성화, 관객의 비판적 관조와 사유에 대해 논의하였다. 이러한 요소들은 크게 네 가지로 분류하여 연관관계를 파악할 수 있는데 다음과 같다. 첫째, 시대적, 개념적 공감대를 형성한 부분으로 기존 방법론에 대한 불복종과 작가로서의 안무가 개념을 들 수 있다. 둘째, 시각예술의 도입, 몽타주 혹은 콜라주 기법, 즉흥 활용 등에서 연출 기법의 상관성을 확인할 수 있다. 셋째, 누벨바그 영화에서 가장 직접적인 영향을 받은 영역은 댄스필름이다. 넷째, 비판적 감상 태도를 유도하거나 선호한 점에서도 누벨바그와 누벨당스의 상관성을 확인할 수 있다. The French Nouvelle Vague was a new wave in the 1950s and 1960s that led to new changes in the French film industry, which had been struggling with a slump. Young film directors who rebelled against established film conventions sought fresh ideas, various expressions, and technological innovations. This new artistic wave, Nouvelle Vague, is also significantly correlated with Nouvelle Danse. Nouvelle Danse is a new "Jeune Danse" that appeared in Western Europe in the 1980s, with France at the center, starting to diverge from traditional dance art, not only in choreographic innovation but also in overall production of audio-visual devices, costumes, music and sounds. This Nouvelle Danse is an early form of contemporary dance that has led to the establishment of contemporary creative dance identity beyond Western Europe today. In this study, it is possible to grasp the relationship between Nouvelle Vague and Nouvelle Danse by classifying the correlated factors among the concepts and propensities of the two into four broad categories. First, as a part that formed the consensus of the times and conceptual, the concept of a choreographer as an artist and disobedience to the existing methodology appeared. Second, the correlation of directing techniques can be confirmed in the introduction of visual art, montage or collage technique, and improvisation. Third, the area that was most directly influenced by Nouvelle Vague's film was probably dance film. Fourth, it is possible to confirm the correlation between Nouvelle Vague and Nouvelle Danse in their inducing or favoring critical attitudes of appreciation.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        현장적 관점에서 본 한국춤협회 40년의 의미와 과제

        심정민 ( Shim Jeong-min ) 한국무용연구학회 2021 한국무용연구 Vol.39 No.2

        한국춤으로 특성화되어 40년의 역사를 거쳐 온 한국춤협회의 의미와 가치는 높다. 이러한 활동이 가능한 동력으로는 한국무용계 인사들과 인재들을 폭넓게 아우르는 조직체로서 전통의 계승과 동시대적인 창작이라는 일관된 목표를 지향해왔기 때문이다. 이를 바탕으로 학술, 교육, 공연의 영역에서 균형과 조화를 이뤄온 것이 한국춤협회를 다른 협회나 학회와 차별시키는 정체성이다. 21세기도 20년 이상 흐르고 있는 현시점에서 한국춤협회의 미래지향적인 발전을 위해 고려해봐야 할 사항도 존재한다. 이에 대해 현장적 관점에서 접근하자면 우선, 경연의 공정성 관리 등을 위해 선진적 (운영)체계를 확립할 필요가 있다. 또한, 전통의 계승과 동시대적인 창작의 영역을 구분하여 사업을 추진할 필요가 있다. 유사한 맥락에서, 한국춤의 다양한 분류에 대한 용어 정립과 내용 구분도 고려해볼 만하다. 더 나아가, 21세기에 급변하는 사회적 추세나 예술적 경향에 대한 이해는 동시대적인 창작을 위해 주요한 바탕이 될 수 있다. 마지막으로, 한국춤협회가 한국무용계를 이끄는 역할을 한다는 전제하에 한국무용계에 만연한 계파 의식을 타파하고 상생의 힘을 통해 미래지향적인 발전을 도모할 수 있도록 현장 문화를 바꿔나가야 한다. The meaning and value of the Korean Dance Association, which has been characterized as a Korean dance and has been through 40 years of history, is high. The driving force behind these activities is that as an organization that encompasses a wide range of people and talents in the Korean dance world, it has aimed for a consistent goal of inheriting tradition and contemporary creation. Based on this, balance and harmony have been achieved in the fields of academics, education, and performance, which is the identity that differentiates the Korean Dance Association from other associations and academic societies. There are also issues to be considered for the development of the Korean Dance Association. First of all, it is necessary to establish an advanced system to manage the fairness of the contest. In addition, it is necessary to promote the business by separating the areas of succession of tradition and contemporary creation. In a similar context, it is worth considering the definition of terms and content classification for the classification of various Korean dances. Furthermore, an understanding of contemporary conditions or trends can be a major basis for contemporary creation. Lastly, on the premise that the Korean Dance Association plays a leading role in the Korean dance world, it is necessary to change the culture of the field so that it can break through the faction consciousness prevalent in the Korean dance world and promote future-oriented development through the power of win-win.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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