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      • 복대동맥을 결찰한 토끼에서 본 혈압 및 세포외 체액량의 변동

        申孝淑 우석대학교 의과대학 1969 우석의대잡지 Vol.6 No.2

        Arterial blood pressure, plasma volume, and thiocyanate space variations were observed in the abdominal aorta constricted rabbits. In 13 rabbits observations were made after 5 days of partial constriction and in 17 rabbits observations were made after 8 days. Twenty five rabbits served as the normal control group. After opening the abdomen partial constriction (1/2-l/3 of the original diameter) of abdominal aorta at 5-6mm proximal to the external iliac artery was performed. Arterial blood pressure was measured through a canula inserted into the carotid artery by means of a mercury manometer. Plasma volume was estimated by means of T-1824 dilution and extracellular fluid was measured by means of Na SCN dilution. The following results were obtained. 1. Blood pressure was 107.9±10.32 ㎜Hg in normal group, 122±7.51㎜Hg after 5 days of aortic constriction, and 119±9.29 ㎜Hg after 8 days. 2. Total plasma volume was 6.0±1.02 ㎖/100gm body weight in normal group, 6.6±2.08 ㎖/100gm body weight after 5 days of constriction and 6.2±1.33 ㎖/100 gm body weight after 8 days. 3. Total blood volume was 9.6±1.54 ㎖/100 gm body weight in normal group, 10.1±2.39 ㎖/100 gm body weight after 5 days and 10.6±4.32 ㎖/100 gm body weight after 8 days the partial constriction of abdominal aorta. 4. SCN space was 517.7±114.7 ㎖, 28.5±3.46% of body weight in normal group, 446.1±56.02㎖, 27.6±3.92% of body weight after 5 days of constriction and 563.2±115.9㎖, 33.7±6.39% of body weight after 8 days of constriction.

      • KCI등재

        소련군정기 북한의 교육개혁

        신효숙 경남대학교 북한대학원 1999 현대북한연구 Vol.2 No.1

        Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the contents and nature of the reforms in the North Korean education system during the shaping period of the North Korean regime after the liberation of the Korean peninsula in 1945. Specifically addressed will be the Soviet Union"s policy toward North Korean education, the formation and implementation of reforms in education by the dominant group in North Korea, and the concrete substance and its characteristics of the reforms in school education. Since the Soviet Union had set up a pro-Soviet Union regime in North Korea, the educational policy and the direction of the reforms in education reflected the Soviet-Union"s general policy toward North Korea. As a result, North Korean educational reforms were based on the "progressive democratic ideology" which aimed at raising human beings with Socialist minds. The reforms were to supply and foster the Socialist Ideology based on understanding the Soviet-Union, forming scientific perspectives, cherishing labor, Marxism-Leninism and anti-Imperialism. After the liquidation of the Japanese Imperialistic educational legacy, the Left-wing centered North Korean leadership drove the school education reforms on the basis of equal opportunity and the embodiment of Socialist Ideology. The North Korean education administration, recruited by officers with socialist minds, made reforms based on Soviet-style education system because of assistance from the Soviet-Korean and Soviet Advisors. The characteristics of the North Korean education reforms were as follows: the implementation of the people"s compulsory educational system; the revision of legal and physical condition to provide equal opportunity for the workers and the farmers; the gradual abolishment of private schools and the nationalization of schools; creating Soviet-influenced curriculum and textbooks; establishment of the Socialistic school education system; and political-thought education and re-education of the teachers. North Korea established the foundation of the Socialistic school education system three years after liberation in 1945. The Soviet-influenced education system of North Korea creates complications for educational integration if the possibility of National unification occurs.

      • KCI등재

        한반도 평화교육의 방향 탐색: 남북한 주민 갈등과 통합교육을 위한 제언

        신효숙 기독교통일학회 2023 기독교와 통일 Vol.14 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of peace education research and the actual state of conflict and interaction research between North Korean defectors and South Korean residents, and to propose the direction of integrated education research for North Korean defectors and South Korean residents as peace education. First of all, it is examined that the peace study from the perspective of conflict resolution was made in the necessity of understanding the intractable conflict of the Korean peninsula and the conflict transformation perspective. Discussions on unification-oriented peace education that critically examines unification education, and the contents, achievements, and limitations of de-division education, mutual understanding education, and conflict transformation education were examined. Peace education on the Korean peninsula began to focus on the issue of inter-Korean integration in the division system. The issue of conflict and integration of South and North Korean residents is an important area of peace education, so the characteristics, achievements and limitations of the study on conflict and interaction between North Korean defectors and South Korean residents were analyzed. Finally, it is suggested that the integrated study of North Korean defectors and South Korean residents actively utilizes the perspectives of intercultural understanding of peace education, psychological and emotional approach, and conflict transformation. In addition, it is suggested that mutual understanding and integrated education between North Korean defectors and South Korean residents should be dealt with as core areas of peace education and an educational promotion system should be established for this. 본 연구는 평화교육 연구의 특징, 남북한 주민의 갈등과 상호작용 연구의 실태를 분석하여 평화교육으로서 남북한 주민 통합교육 연구의 방향을 제안하는 데 있다. 우선 갈등해결 관점에서의 평화연구가 한반도의 고질갈등 이해 및 갈등전환적 시각의 필요성에서 이루어졌음을 살펴본다. 통일교육을 비판적으로 성찰하는 통일지향적 평화교육 논의들, 그리고 평화교육 프로그램을 탈분단교육, 상호이해교육, 갈등전환교육의 내용, 성과, 그리고 한계를 살펴보았다. 한반도 상황에서의 평화교육은 분단체제에서의 남북주민 통합의 문제에 초점을 맞추기 시작했다. 남북한 주민의 갈등과 통합의 문제는 평화교육의 중요 영역이다. 따라서 탈북민과 남한주민 간 갈등과 상호작용, 통합에 관한 연구의 특징, 성과, 그리고 한계를 분석하였다. 마지막으로 남북한 주민 통합연구가 평화교육의 상호문화이해와 심리정서적 접근 및 갈등전환의 관점을 적극 활용 할 것을 제시하였다. 또한 평화교육의 핵심 영역으로 남북주민 상호이해와 통합교육이 다루어지고 이를 위한 교육추진체계가 확립되어야 함을 제시하였다.

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