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        복합구성 띄어쓰기에 대한 인지 교육적 제언(提言)

        신호철 ( Ho Choel Shin ) 단국대학교 한국문화기술연구소 2011 한국문화기술 Vol.11 No.-

        This paper has discussed about educational proposal for spacing words in complex constructions words. In other words, not setting up spacing words in complex construction words by the unit of the standard grammar, ``word``, but to set up the unit by the concept of cognitive psychology, ``Chunk``. The Chunk is a memory saving unit which only holds the meaning in short term memory. Human beings have the ability to listen to several lists of numbers or words just once and immediately recall it in same order. The longest and biggest memory unit that humans can recall is called the ``Chunk``. In order to solve the problems of spacing words in complex constructions words, there was a try of applying the concept of ``Chunk`` instead of using the unit of standard grammar, ``words``. The phrases that looks like compound words, ``학교-문법``, ``국어-교육``, ``오늘 밤`` can be solved easily by the concept of ``Chunk``.

      • 국어교육의 상보적 통합 -문법 영역을 중심으로-

        신호철 ( Ho Choel Shin ) 한국문법교육학회 2007 문법 교육 Vol.7 No.-

        This paper is about the integration of Korean education. Until nowadays the discussion about the integration of Korean education was aimed at exclusive integration. Therefore it was ignoring the existence of other domain and only considering the part of its own. However this kind of integration is not harmonic and symbiotic way of integration. In order to have a genuine concept of integration of Korean education, it should be aimed at complementary integration. To develop the discussion about this, first of all, on chapter 2, it deals about the pre-existing discussion about integration and it contains each concepts of `integration`. There are many ways to integrate but it ultimately leads to exclusive integration. On chapter 3, it contains the context that pre-existing discussion about the integration excludes other domain and it assimilates and consolidates which that is the image of exclusive integration. This paper asserts that not like the exclusive, it should be harmonic between other domains and be a complementary integration which preserve and develop others. Each concepts and principles of complementary integration is discussed on separate paragraph and it proposed principles of complementary integration as intention and degree and the basic element as explanatory and exemplary element.

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