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        韓國古代史硏究의 定着過程

        신형식(Shin, Hyong-Sik) 백산학회 2014 白山學報 Vol.- No.98

        한국고대사는 그 기록이 없어 대체로 중국측 문헌에 의존할 수 밖에 없었으며, 그 서술체제도 중국측의 방식을 따라서 활용되어 온 것은 사실이다. 다행히 『삼국사기』와 『삼국유사』가 존재한 고려시대까지는 어느정도 그 윤곽을 찾을 수 있었다. 조선왕조가 성립되어 왕권이 본 궤도에 오르면서 우리나라의 왕통을 정리하고 고대사의 계보를 확인할 필요성에서 『東國通鑑』(1484)을 통해 왕통(왕조)의 계보와 綱常倫理의 틀을 마련하게 되었다. 그 후 18세기 이르러 국학에 대한 인식을 찾기 시작하여 『東史綱目』(1778)에서 체제의 변화(기전체ㆍ편년체에서 강목체로)와 우리역사의 계보(단군-기자-마한-통일신라-고려-조선)를 정리할 수 있었다. 이러한 변화는 단순한 체제와 방식의 극복이 아니라 官撰의 틀을 벗어나고 역사서술 내용이 정치중심에서 사회ㆍ문화ㆍ지리ㆍ외교의 범위로 확대되어 전통사학의 바탕이 마련될 수 있었다. 그 후 일제 강점기에 이르러 식민지사학ㆍ민족주의사학ㆍ사회경제사학등 여러 가지 학문의 변화가 있었으나 朴殷植ㆍ申采浩ㆍ張道斌등 민족주의사학자들은 국사를 항일투쟁, 자주독립운동의 바탕으로 강조하면서 고대사의 중요성을 부각시켰다. 동시에 올바른 역사이해를 위해 엄격한 사료비판과 다양한 참고자료를 이용하여 실증사학을 개발하여 해방이후 근대사학의 기틀을 마련하게 되었고 그 주인공이 李丙燾라 할 수 있다. 본고에서 『삼국사기』이후 『동국통감』ㆍ『동사강목』을 거쳐 일제 강점기의 식민지사학의 문제점을 극복하고 민족사학을 통해 전통사학으로서의 한국고대사가 실증사학으로 본 궤도에 오르게 한 두계사학에 이르기까지의 과정을 정리하였다. Korean ancient history can not understand the concrete facts by lacking Korean records. Therefore the greater part of the historical realities depended upon the Chinese documents. Moreover as the method of register and description were Chinese traditional systems, Korean original styles could not exist. For the understandine of our ancient history and historic editing, we must search for the process of history records. Even though Samguksaki had the Confucian and Chinese colors and Samgukyusa had unofficial chronocles, the two books are the origins of our ancient history. But after two books, we had no traditional records until the early Chosun dynasty. In the early Chosun dynasty(15 century) several kings demanded the compliation history for the Korean traditions and kings powerful leadership in these cases, the ancient historic genealogy confirmed by 「Samguksajyoly o」 and 「Dongguktonggam」. And in the 18century the historic genealogy were changed as the complete dynasty named unified Silla by 「Dongsagangmok」. From tthis case, Korean traditianal history studies made fixed. In the Japanese colonial period, the studies of Korean ancient history made progress by the famous scholars including Park-unsik, Shin-chaeho, Jeong-inbo and Chang-dobin. These scholars changed the existing historical system including description, criticism of records and subjectivity of nation. They taught us the meaning of history and anti-Japan movement as history is spirit of nation. This is the beginning of modern history. Specially Chang-dobin insisted the historicial circulation in our history(Foundation of country-struggle<development> unification-highly flourishing-decline). This theory is equal doctrine of A Toynbee(Genesis-Growth-Breakdown-Disintegration) These various historical theories were the backgrownd of Lee-byongdo's positivism. He re-arranged the new systhesized by pure historic investication and critism. Also the conpleted positive historic learning and formed the new system of Korean ancient history. He showed the historic methods and meanings to next generation. Therefore the Korean ancient history studies improved the conditions, methods and directions. The hero of the positive history theories is Lee-byongdo. He combined the several theories and established the system of Korea ancient history and gave lessons the history methods to next generations.


        Nifedipine이 건강 치은 조직의 치은 섬유모세포에 미치는 영향

        신형식,한희란,김명은,Shin, Hyung-Shik,Han, Hee-Ran,Kim, Myung-Eun 대한치주과학회 1996 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.26 No.3

        Gingival overgrowth is a well known side effect of several drugs, including nifedipine, phenytoin, cyclosporin, dilitiazem, verapamil. A number of studies have been performed to investigate the mechanism by which nifedipine(a calcium channel blocking agent) affects the gingival tissue. The aim of the present work was to investigate the effect of nifedipine on healthy gingival fibroblasts with special emphasis on determining the changes in cellular proliferation and protein and collagen synthesis. Gingival fibroblasts were obtained from the explants of healthy gingiva of extracted 3rd molars or premolar teeth extracted from the patients for orthodontic treatment. To evaluate the effect of nifedipine on cell proliferation, the cells were seeded at a cell density of $1{\times}10^4$cells/well in 24-well culture plates and treated with 100 and 200ng/ml of nifedipine for 10days. After trypsinization, the cells were counted with a haemocytometer on 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 10th days. Then, MTT assay was carried out. For total protein and percent collagen synthesis, $3{\mu}Ci/ml$ $^3H-proline$ was added to each well for the final 4 hours of the incubation period. The results indicate that nifedipine does not influence cell proliferation in healthy gingival fibroblast in vitro and has a specific effect in reducing total protein and percent collagen synthesis. On the above the findings, exogenous nifedipine does not influence on healthy human gingival fibroblast proliferation and protein and collagen synthesis.


        미노클린 첨부제의 만성 변연성 치주염의 치료효과에 대한 유효성과 안전성의 평가

        신형식,한경윤,정종평,Shin, Hyung-Shik,Han, Kyung-Yoon,Chung, Jong-Pyung 대한치주과학회 1994 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.24 No.3

        The benefits in using controlled delivery approaches include improved pharmacokinetic response, greater ability to localize the drung adjacent to the disease, and more control of local concentration at a lower total dosage. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Minocline strip on chronic marginal periodontitis. Minocline Strip was applied in the periodontal pocket of 94 patients with a clinically diagnosed as a chronic marginal periodontitis, 4 sites for each patients with a 5mm probing pocket depth were selected in split mouth design and were divided into two group, ie., placebo group ($C_1$, $C_2$) and experimental group ($E_1$, $E_2$). Supragingival scaling and oral hygiene instruction were performed 1 week before experiment. Minocline Strip was applied on day 0 and 7, weekly, Clinical and microbiological tests were performed on day 0, 7, 14, 28 and 42. The results were as follows ; 1. Minocline Strip showed significant improvement on Chronic Marginal Periodontitis in 77 patients (82.0%) and improvement rate was more than 66.7% of all investigational items. 2. Only 6 patients complained mild pruritis during the early therapy but not needed discontinuence of the therapy. 3. The availability of Minocline Strip was 72 patients (76.6%) synthetically evaluating efficacy and safety. In conclusion, Minocline Strip appears to be effective and safe for the treatment of Chronic Marginal Periodontitis.


        중증 외상성 뇌부종 환자에서 양측 전두-측두부 감압적 개두술의 의의

        신형식,김진용,김태홍,황용순,김상진,박상근,Shin, Hyung Shik,Kim, Jin Yong,Kim, Tae Hong,Hwang, Yong Soon,Kim, Sang Jin,Park, Sang Keun 대한신경외과학회 2000 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.29 No.9

        Objective : The treatment of malignant posttraumatic brain swelling remains a frustrating endeavor for neurosurgeon. Mortality and morbidity rates remain high depite advances in medical treatment of increased intracranial pressure. If conventional therapy fails in patients suffering from intracranial hypertension, there is only small number of second-tier option left including decompressive craniectomy. The role of decompressive craniectomy in posttraumatic brain swelling remains controversial. We assessed the efficacy and indications of decompressive craniectomy. Methods : The authors performed decompressive bifrontotemporal craniectomy in 22 patients with malignant posttraumatic brain swelling. Epidural pressure monotoring was performed in all patients. The clnical data and surgical outcomes were reviewed retrospectively. Result : The favorable outcome(GOS score 4-5) was 59%(13 of 22 patients), whereas the mortality rate was 32% (7 of 22 patients). Two patients(9%) remained in severely disabled state. Increased rate of favorable outcome was seen in the patients who had 8 or more of GCS score at admission and exhibited B wave in ICP monitoring and who showed steady state or slow deterioration in clinical course. Conclusion : If conservative therapy fails, decompressive bifrontotemporal craniectomy should be considered in the management of malignant posttraumatic brain swelling before irreversible ischemic brain damage occur.

      • KCI등재

        한국 신생아의 출생체중 데이터 보정

        신형식,Shin, Hyungsik 한국정보통신학회 2017 한국정보통신학회논문지 Vol.21 No.2

        신생아의 출생체중은 자궁내발육부전이나 과체중출생아를 진단하는 데 사용되는 등, 의학적으로 여러 가지 중요한 정보를 제공한다. 본 논문에서는 2011년부터 2013년까지 한국에서 태어난 신생아의 출생체중 데이터를 분석하고, 생물학적으로 부자연스러운 체중 분포를 관찰할 수 있음을 보인다. 이러한 비상식적인 체중 분포는 데이터 수집과정 등에서 오류가 존재함을 의미하는데, 특히 임신주수가 28주에서 32주인 신생아들의 체중 데이터에서 현저한 오류 데이터를 관찰할 수 있다. 이를 보정하기 위해, 본 논문은 가우시안 혼합 모델을 사용하여 오류 데이터와 정상 데이터를 예측하고, 오류 데이터로 예측된 자료들을 삭제하는 과정을 제안한다. 제안된 보정 과정을 통하여 보다 자연스럽고 의학적으로 의미 있는 출생체중 백분율을 구할 수 있음을 보인다. Birth weight of a new born baby provides very important information in evaluating many clinical issues such as fetal growth restriction. This paper analyzes birth weight data of babies born in Korea from 2011 to 2013, and it shows that there is a biologically implausible distribution of birth weights in the data. This implies that some errors may be generated in the data collection process. In particular, this paper analyzes the relationship between gestational period and birth weight, and it is shown that the birth weight data mostly of gestational periods from 28 to 32 weeks have noticeable errors. Therefore, this paper employs the finite Gaussian mixture model to classify the collected data points into two classes: non-corrupted and corrupted. After the classification the paper removes data points that have been predicted to be corrupted. This adjustment scheme provides more natural and medically plausible percentile values of birth weights for all the gestational periods.

      • KCI등재

        북한이 본 고구려사

        申瀅植(Shin, Hyong-Sik) 백산학회 2003 白山學報 Vol.- No.67

        Ⅰ. Special Characteristics of Describing North Korean History Historical research as carried out in North Korea, and the system of describing history used in North Korea, is fundamentally different from those of South Korea since there is no private academic research facility of any type in North Korea, writings published by national entities, such as the Association of Social Sciences (Historical Research Center) directly carry the official opinions of North Korea. Accordingly, individual opinions in North Korea are not permitted and only a national unified opinion exists in print. This fact is well shown in History of Chosun <3>, a history of Koguryo by the North Korean official compilation board, and even in the table of contents of History of Koguryo <1-3>, independently written by Son Yeong-Jong. Each writing differs in its assertions and contents concerning the conditions of North and South Korea, and so actual comparison becomes difficult. Also, in the book Korean History, issued by the North Korean compilation center, the contributors certainly recognize a clarified individual opinion. One point that stands out is that the contents of the historical description of North Korea differs depending on the period. For example, in the first edition of History of Chosun(1979) there was a unified Silla, but in the second edition (1991) there was a later Silla, and unified Silla was not recognized. In addition, in the case of North Koreas official general remarks in Hiistory of Chosun, striking changes in the descriptions from the old to the new editions can be seen. Some of these changes can be seen in the following paragraphs.

      • KCI등재

        百濟 前期 社會의 性格

        신형식(Shin Hyong-sik) 한국고대학회 2003 先史와 古代 Vol.19 No.-

        We can find the typical features of Baejge in the 3rd century. That times, the Baekje's society was liked her country as the Oriental Despotism with huge defence structures, magnificent royal palaces, and hydraulic systems. Baejge found a state with profitable circumstances early against foreign invasions. In the 3rd century, Baekje had a great national crisis including Chinese invasions, but the King Go-ie(234-288) set up the 6-ministerial cabinet. And in the reign of King Kun-cho(346-375), Baekje became the most powerful Kingship, and She controlled the yellow sea. In the early days of Baekje, She complied the powerful State than Koguryo and Shilla. And Baekje developed the agricultural society and push into yellow sea to China and Japan.

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