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        해외 초·중등학교 한국어교육을 위한 교육과정 설계 원리

        김호정 ( Kim Hojung ),신필여 ( Shin Pilyeo ),강남욱 ( Kang Namwook ) 국어교육학회 2020 國語敎育學硏究 Vol.55 No.4

        본 연구는 해외 초·중등학교 한국어 교육과정이 현지의 상황·맥락적 특수성에 부합하며 국가별 외국어 교육 정책과 현재 교육 제도 내에서 능동적이고 유연하게 대응되기 위해서 어떠한 원리를 기반으로 설계되어야 하는지를 모색해 보는 것에 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 최근 해외 외국어 교육 과정의 동향과 학술적인 경향은 어떠하였는지를 분석하고자 하였다. 그 결과 해외 여러 국가에서 외국어 교육 과정 설계 시 거시적 통용 방향에 대한 합의가 이루어지고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 다음으로 해외 초·중등학교의 한국어교육 현황과 교육과정을 살펴본 결과 한국어를 정규 교과목으로 채택하고 있는 국가는 꾸준히 증가 추세에 있었으나 교육과정의 다양성과 표준화의 문제, 추상적이고 개념적인 포괄 준거와 구체적이고 개별적인 국지 준거 사이의 간극 문제, 상호 비교의 척도로서의 호환성 확보 문제에 대한 선결해야 할 부분들도 확인되었다. 이러한 주요 쟁점과 연구 문제를 기반으로 해외 초·중등학교 한국어교육 과정을 설계하는 것에 요구되는 속성들과 그 개념들을 논리적인 정합성을 기하여 구성하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 상위의 4대 원리(principle)인 ‘유연성(flexibility), 응집성(coherence), 용이성(availability), 국제통용성(standardness)’과 하위의 원리 속성을 대표하는 ‘개방성(openness), 다원성(plurality), 체계성(systemicity), 연계성(connectivity), 투명성(transparency), 실제성(authenticity), 비교가능성(comparability), 호환성(compatibility)’의 원칙(rule) 8가지를 제안하였다. The purpose of this study was to determine the principles that should serve as the basis for designing the Korean language curriculum for overseas K-12 schools to ensure that it complies with the local situation, has context specificity, and responds actively and flexibly within the purview of the foreign language education policy of the concerned country and the current education system. To this end, we first tried to analyze the recent trends in foreign language curriculum. As a result, we confirmed that there was consensus on the direction of macroscopic usage, especially through the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, when designing foreign language curriculum in overseas countries. Next, as a result of examining the current status of Korean language education and curriculum at overseas elementary and secondary schools, we found that the number of countries adopting Korean as a regular subject was steadily increasing. As a measure of mutual comparison, we identified not only the diversity of curriculum, or the gap between ambiguous, abstract, and broad criteria and specific and individual local standards, but also the issues for ensuring compatibility. Based on these issues and our understanding, we tried to construct key concepts and principles required for designing the Korean language curriculum for overseas K-12 schools with logical consistency. Consequently, we proposed a bi-hierarchic framework for curriculum design comprising the four principles of Flexibility, Coherence, Availability, and Standardness, which encompass eight rules, namely Openness, Plurality, Systematicity, Connectivity, Transparency, Authenticity, Comparability, and Compatibility.

      • KCI등재

        한국어교육에서의 ‘매개(mediation)’ 영역 설정의 필요성과 방향

        김호정 ( Kim¸ Hojung ),강남욱 ( Kang¸ Namwook ),신필여 ( Shin¸ Pilyeo ),박민신 ( Park¸ Minsin ) 한국언어문화교육학회 2021 언어와 문화 Vol.17 No.3

        This study aims to discuss the establishment rationale and utilization of “mediation,” which is the sub-domain of the curriculum, in < The Curriculum of Korean as a Foreign Language for Primary and Secondary Schools Overseas (2021) >. To this end, we first extended the concept of “mediation” from a limited concept of linguistic activity that helps third-party communication as direct communication is not possible in “relational mediation” that establishes and manages interpersonal relationships and a “cognitive mediation” that enables access to knowledge and concepts. By expanding the concept of mediation in this way, mediation was divided into mediation activities and mediation strategies to examine each subtype and concept. Based on these discussions, the rationale for introducing the domain of mediation in Korean language education was the need to promote communication between Korean users and learners' peer groups, attitudes and speech tone, and multimedia utilization in education. And lastly, for the utilization of “mediation” in Korean language education, the necessity of the validation of descriptors, development of teaching/learning materials, and development of evaluation tools such as self-assessment grids was suggested (Seoul National University, Gyeongin National University of Education, Seoul National University, Busan University of Foreign Studies)

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