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      • KCI등재후보

        티타늄합금의 후방압출 공정해석 및 상분율 최적화

        신태진,이유환,염종택,홍성석,박노광,심인옥,이종수,황상무,Shin Tae-Jin,Lee You-Hwan,Yeum Jong-Taek,Hong Sung-Suk,Park No-Kwang,Shim In-Ok,Lee Chong-Soo,Hwang Sang-Moo 한국군사과학기술학회 2004 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        Titanium alloys are vital elements for developing advanced structural components, especially in aerospace applications. However, process design for successful forming of titanium alloys is a difficult task, which has to be achieved within a very narrow range of process parameters. In this paper is a finite element based optimal design technique is presented and applied to volume fraction optimization process design in backward extrusion of titanium alloys.

      • KCI등재

        생리음향을 이용한 도어 닫힘음의 정량적 평가를 위한 새로운 음질요소의 개발

        신태진(Shin, Tae-Jin),이승민(Lee, Seung-Min),이상권(Lee, Sang-Kwon) 한국소음진동공학회 2013 한국소음진동공학회 논문집 Vol.23 No.1

        In previous works, psychoacoustic parameters have been used for objective quantification. However, these parameters do not agree well with subjective assessment. Therefore, the correlation between psychoacoustic parameters and the subjective rating of door closing sounds of sampled cars is low, and it is not sufficient to use psychoacoustic parameters as an objective metric to quantify the sound quality of door closing sounds. In this paper, a new method is proposed to objectively quantify the sound quality based on physiological acoustics and statistical signal processing. The gammatone filter, as a pre-processing, is used in models of the auditory system and kurtosis, which is the fourth-order moment of temporal signal, and is used to extract information about sound quality quantification for door closing sounds. The new metric obtained through the proposed method is highly correlated with subjective rating, and it is successfully applied to the quantification of the sound quality of door closing sounds.

      • KCI등재

        시장 및 제휴 특성을 고려한 항공노선의 운항빈도에 관한 실증연구-동아시아 시장을 중심으로-

        신태진 ( Tae-jin Shin ),노태우 ( Tae-woo Roh ),이윤철 ( Yun-cheol Lee ) 한국항공경영학회 2016 한국항공경영학회지 Vol.14 No.6

        항공사 및 노선과 관련한 기존 연구는 글로벌 제휴 형성을 중심으로 성과 혹은 수요 예측의 관점에서 성과를 높이거나 수요 예측의 정확성을 높이는 데 초점을 맞추고 있다. 이에 반해 항공노선의 운항빈도에 미치는 요인들에 대해 종합적인 분석은 부족한 실정이다. 본 연구는 노선의 운항빈도에 미치는 설명 요인을 시장 특성과 제휴 특성으로 구분하고 각 특성이 노선의 운항빈도에 미치는 영향에 관해 분석하였다. 본 연구는 항공사의 여러 자원 중 핵심적 요인이라 할 수 있는 `노선(route)`을 분석 단위로 하여 각국의 시장 특성과 제휴 특성이 항공 노선의 운항빈도에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 실증하였다. 본 연구에서는 한국의 인천국제공항(ICN)에서 출발한 모든 국제노선(international)을 대상으로한 2008~2015년 동안의 1,309개의 패널 데이터(panel data)를 대상으로 GLS 회귀분석을 진행하여 노선의 시장특성, 제휴특성과 노선의 운항빈도 사이의 관계를 분석하였다. 연구 결과 노선의 운항빈도에 영향을 미치는 요인 중 시장 특성에서는 1인당 GDP 수준이 운항빈도에 긍정적인 영향을 미친 것으로 나타났고, 1인당 GDP 성장률은 유의미하지 않았다. 또한, 노선의 운항 거리가 멀수록, 노선의 운항빈도는 감소하였다. 노선의 운항빈도에 영향을 미치는 요인 중 제휴 특성에서는 해당 노선의 제휴 개수가 운항빈도에 유의미한 영향을 미쳤으나, 해당 전체 노선 중 제휴에 가입한 항공사들의 비율인 제휴 가입은 유의미한 영향을 미치지 못했다. 다시 말해서, 시장 특성 요인 중 소득 수준(income level)이 노선의 운항빈도에 영향을 미쳤고 제휴 특성 요인 중 제휴 개수(number of alliances)가 노선의 운항빈도에 유의미한 결과를 보인 것으로 해석할 수 있다. Existing studies relating to the performance of airline routes have focused on increasing the performances by forming global alliances. Accordingly, there is a need for a comprehensive analysis of the various factors affecting the routes. This paper provides some evidence on the effects that global alliances and market conditions have on the flight frequency of international airline routes. We gathered biannual data on the frequency of nonstop flights offered by carriers on routes originating from Korea to East Asian countries between 2008-2015. Using a generalized least squares regression method we identified variables that affect international flight frequency. Our research supported our hypothesis that the GDP per capita has a positive impact on international flight frequency, whereas the GDP per capita growth and route distance do not support the hypothesis. Our research findings supported our hypothesis that the number of global alliances has a positive impact on international flight frequency whereas the ratio of alliance does not support the hypothesis.

      • KCI등재

        뇌파 측정을 이용한 차량 깜빡이 소리의 음질 평가

        신태진(Shin, Tae-Jin),이영준(Lee, Young-Jun),이상권(Lee, Sang-Kwon) 한국소음진동공학회 2012 한국소음진동공학회 논문집 Vol.22 No.11

        This paper presents the correlation between psychological and physiological acoustics for the automotive sound. The research purpose of this paper is to evaluate the sound quality of turn-signal sound of a passenger car based EEG signal. The previous method for the objective evaluation of sound quality is to use sound metrics based on psychological acoustics. This method uses not only psychological acoustics but also physiological acoustics. For this work, the sounds of 7 premium passenger cars are recorded and evaluated subjectively by 30 persons. The correlation between this subjective rating and sound metrics is calculated based on psychological acoustics. Finally the correlation between the subjective rating and the EEG signal measured on the brain is also calculated. Throughout these results the new evaluation system for the sound quality on interior sound of a passenger car has been developed based on bio-signal.

      • KCI등재

        생명보험기업의 태국시장 현지화 전략에 관한 탐색적 연구

        신태진(Tae-Jin Shin),노태우(Tae-Woo Roh),이강문(Kang-Moon Lee) 한국무역연구원 2017 무역연구 Vol.13 No.3

        Samsung Life Insurance, a leading life insurance company in Korea, entered the Thai market in 1997 and established Thai Samsung Life Insurance. In the last five years, GGP (Green Global Project) has been participated by both local and headquarter employees. As a result, Thai Samsung has been recognized as a company that successfully fulfills its social responsibilities in Asia, especially in Thailand. In this regard, this study investigates the literature on CSR of global corporations and interviews executives of Samsung Life who have made efforts for localized CSR. This study focuses on overcoming the liabilities of foreignness that Samsung Life Insurance experienced when it entered the Thailand market. Through our case analysis, we find out that CSR activities in the insurance industry such as the life insurance will help localization of the company. In addition, this study deals with the fact that continuous CSR activities, rather than one-off events, are positively recognized both internally and externally in the local market. Finally, we found that the cooperation with local partners is of utmost importance in CSR activities for localization when MNEs enter the emerging countries.

      • KCI등재

        인천국제공항 장기전략 수립 방향성에 관한 연구

        신태진 ( Tae-jin Shin ),김지희 ( Ji-hee Kim ),이윤철 ( Yun-cheol Lee ) 한국항공경영학회 2016 한국항공경영학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        인천공항은 2001년 개항 이래 한국의 관문 공항으로 서비스 차원에서 세계 최고 공항으로 평가받고있다. 본 연구에서는 공항 관련 환경변화에 대응하여 인천공항이 장기적인 경쟁우위를 지속하기 위해 어떤 전략적 방향성을 설정할 것인지를 도출해 보았다. 공항전략의 구성요소는 본원적 공항 서비스 프로세스, 상업시설 및 인접 지역개발, 항공화물 서비스, 지상 교통 연결로 구분될 수 있다. 글로벌 경쟁공항의 이들 구성요소에서 어떤 새로운 시도를 하고 있는지 살펴보기 위해 스키폴, 두바이, 쳅락콕 공항을 벤치마킹해 보았다. 본 연구에서 제시하는 인천공항의 장기전략 방향성에 영향을 미치는 요인은 세 가지로 압축된다. 첫째, 기술적 변화요인으로, 사물인터넷, 빅데이터, 3D 프린팅, 친환경 기술 등에 의한 변화요인이다. 인천공항은 새로운 기술이 산업에 적용되고, 이를 통해 다른 차원의 부가가치가 창출되는 모습을 상징적으로 보여주는 혁신자가 되어야 한다. 둘째, 산업 구조적 변화요인이다. 한국의 산업구조가 변화함에 따라 공항은 글로벌 인적 교류 및 물류가 가장 빈번히 이루어지는 지리적 이점을 최대한 살릴 수 있는 ‘산업의허브’가 되어야 한다. 이를 위해서 공항 인접 지역을 금융, 의료산업 등 교류가 중요한 산업의 중심으로 발전시켜야 한다. 셋째, 거시 환경적 변화요인이다. 중국의 부상, 남북통일 등 동북아의 교통 물류 시스템을 근본적으로 변화시키는 요인이다. 인천공항은 ‘기술과 산업의 허브’를 기반으로 동북아 ‘종합 교통의허브’로 자리매김해야 한다. 나아가 지속적으로 신뢰·존경받는 공항이 되기 위해서는 이 모든 과정에 공유가치창출(CSV)을 기반으로 해야 한다. Incheon International Airport, the main gateway to Korea since 2001, has a reputation as the number one airport in the world, based on service. This research aims to propose strategic direction to better sustain a long-term competitive advantage in the constantly changing environment of the air transportation industry. The main components of airport management strategy can be categorized into four areas: 1) airport service process, 2) development of commercial facilities and neighboring areas, 3) air cargo service, and 4) ground transportation connections. To assess the competitive challenges in the airport industry, this research has benchmarked three airports: Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, Dubai International Airport, and Hong Kong International Airport. There are three primary aspects of airport operation requiring long-term strategic direction at Incheon International Airport. The first area is technology-driven innovation represented by IoT(internet of things), Big Data analysis, 3D printing, and Eco-Technology. Incheon International Airport needs to be an industry-leading innovator in applying new technology and making value-added staffing and hiring decisions. The second area requiring strategic direction is addressing structural changes in the airport industry. Incheon Airport should be an ‘Industrial hub’ to take full advantage of its geographic location and important role in logistics and personal exchange in accordance with industry transitions in Korea. Incheon Airport needs to develop its neighboring area to become a core of interchange based industry, including finance, healthcare, etc. The third area of airport operations requiring direction is addressing and adapting to changing macroeconomics. The economic rise of China and the potential unification of North and South Korea are important factors affecting fundamental aspects of Korea``s transportation system. Incheon airport should be regarded as a ‘comprehensive transportation hub’ and an ‘integrated hub of technology and industry.’ Finally, the entire aforementioned process should be based on CSV(creating shared value) in order to leap forward to becoming an airport with sustainable trust and honor.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        Ti-6Al-4V 합금의 고온 성형시 미세조직 예측에 관한 연구

        이유환,신태진,박노광,심인옥,황상무,이종수,Lee You Hwan,Shin Tae Jin,Park No Kwang,Shim In Ok,Hwang Sang Moo,Lee Chong Soo 한국군사과학기술학회 2004 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.7 No.4

        A study has been made to investigate the high temperature deformation behavior of Ti-6Al-4V alloyand to predict the final microstructure under given forming conditions. Equiaxed and $Widmanst\ddot{a}tten$ microstructures of Ti-6Al-4V alloys were prepared as initial microstructures. By performing the compression tests at high temperatures$(700\~1100^{\circ}C)$ and at a wide range of strain rates$(10^{-4}\~10^2/s)$, various parameters such as strain rate sensitivity(m) and activation energy(Q) were calculated and used to establish constitutive equations. When the specimens were deformed up to strain 0.6, equiaxed microstructure did not show any significant changes in microstructure, while $Widmanst\ddot{a}tten$ microstructure revealed considerable flow softening, which was attributed to the globularization of a platelet at the temperature range of $800\~970^{\circ}C$ and at the strain rate range of $10^{-4}\~10^{-2}/s$. To predict the final microstructure after forming, finite element analysis was performed considering the microstructural evolution during the deformation. The grain size and the volume fraction of second phase of deformed body were predicted and compared with the experimental results.

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