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      • KCI등재

        인문,사회과학편 : 한국 실업스포츠 복지의 발전방안

        신충식(ChungSickShin) 한국체육학회 2006 한국체육학회지 Vol.45 No.1

        This research considered the managerial regulations of welfare work or welfare legislation for the people of gymnastics in order to offer more desirable developmental plans by analyzing the present welfare conditions.Welfare facilities, retirement, livelihood protection, athlete treatment, insurance, and pensions were set up as the subordinate factors of the Korean corporate sports welfare and the method of qualitative research was used through a one-on-one talk in this study.The following is these developmental plans of korean corporate sports welfare.First, the athletes of corporate sports should consist of an athlete's conference to get their own interests and they require more strong unity and combination of corporate sport athletes than before, after the declaration of democratization June, 29, 1987, according to the effect of tremendous labor-management disputes as labor-management or our government have paid attention to enterprise welfare.Second, an enterprise should lead to the activity of industrial-educational cooperation and athletes should guide local residents and colleagues as an object to promote their health by spreading physical training for living.Third, in order to exert the administration of physical training effectively, the executive officials of physical training or government officials who were in charge of the administration of physical training and were mostly taken up general executive posts now should be specialized, and it is required to train the executive officials of physical training or to establish educational systems as well.

      • KCI등재

        인문,사회과학편 : 국내외 체육단체의 윤리경영 현황: 사회공헌활동을 중심으로

        이승철(SeungChulLee),신충식(ChungSickShin),이준원(JunWonLee),나상현(SangHyunNa),홍석표(SeokPyoHong),권민혁(MinHyukKwon) 한국체육학회 2011 한국체육학회지 Vol.50 No.5

        본 연구에서는 체육단체의 범위를 현재 국내의 체육단체를 대표할 수 있는 조직들로 국민체육진흥공단, 대한체육회와 산하경기연맹, 국민생활체육협의회, 국내외 프로스포츠 연맹과 구단을 연구대상으로 하였다. 조사방법은 문헌조사로 국내외 체육단체의 자료와 보고서를 수집하고 각 단체의 홈페이지와 신문사의 데이터베이스를 방문하여 윤리경영과 사회공헌 활동의 사례들에 대한 자료들을 수집하였다. 수집된 자료는 귀납적 내용분석을 통해 국내외 프로스포츠 구단의 윤리경영 사례를 부문별로 분류하였다. 분류기준에 따른 윤리경영 차원에서의 사회공헌활동은 사회복지분야, 교육, 학교, 학술연구분야, 문화예술 및 체육 분야, 국제구호 및 교류활동 분야, 의료보건분야, 응급 및 재난구호 분야, 환경보전과 기타로 분류하고 빈도분석을 통해 국내외 프로구단의 윤리경영 현황을 비교, 분석하였다. 본 연구의 결과, 높은 외부적, 내부적 성향을 띠고 있는 체육단체의 특성상 각자의 재능을 최대한 활용해서 사회적 이득과 가업적 이득 모두를 창출해 내는 장기적인 CSR 활동과 윤리경영이 필수적이다. The purpose of this study was to assess and compare the levels of moral management practice among sport organizations in domestic and foreign countries, The subjects of research included KSPO, KOC and its subsidiary federations, Korea Counsil of Sport for All, and professional sport federations and clubs of both domestic and foreign countries. For the analysis, sport organizations` websites, tangible reports and documents, and newspaper article database were utilized to extract data related to each sport organization`s moral management practice and CSR activities. Based on the result of inductive content analysis, collected data were then categorized into the following domains: social welfare, education, school, academic research, cultural arts and sports, international relief and exchange, healthcare, disaster relief, environmental protection, and others. Frequency analysis of these CSR activities reflecting the values of moral management practice were used to compare the levels of moral management practice among different sport organizations. The result of the analysis showed that sport organizations showed either highly intrinsic or extrinsic orientation towards its moral management practice. Therefore, it should be noted that, by utilizing its unique resources, all sport organizations should exert efforts to achieve both organizational and social benefits through CSR activities in the long run.

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