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      • KCI등재

        원혼의 해원(解冤): 토니 모리슨의 "빌러비드"와 황석영의 "손님"

        신진범 한국중앙영어영문학회 2009 영어영문학연구 Vol.51 No.4

        Toni Morrison’s Beloved and Sok-yong Hwang’s The Guest mainly deal with the consoling of vindictive ghosts. Hwang’s The Guest(New York, Seven Stories Press) was translated into English by Kyung-ja Chun and Maya West in 2005 and got several positive reviews from prestigious journals including The Nation. Both writers have been influenced by the magical realism of Jorge Luis Borges and Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Morrison and Hwang introduce a revised magical realism and new types of ghosts in their novels. The ghosts in these novels play a major role in rehabilitating the repressed history and the concealed trauma of a diverse cast of characters, and in making other traumatized people overcome their divided selves. In a sense, these ghosts are both healers and destroyers. As healers, they give comfort and vitality to the characters, and, as destroyers they first open the wound and then lead readers and characters to investigate it and finally suture it. The ghosts in these novels stubbornly resist going to the world beyond. They think that they have to be in harmony with their beloved people and that they have to receive the proper respect and mourning. They have to tell their untold stories before they go to the world beyond. By allowing the ghosts to speak freely, Morrison and Hwang intersect multi-layered narratives to right/write the twisted truth and history. Morrison and Hwang emphasize the roles of mediators in these novels. In Beloved, Baby Suggs, Denver, Ella, and Paul D are mediators, who, like exorcists or shamans, maintain order and seek the wisdom of survival. Likewise, Uncle Somae, Yohan Ryu’s wife, and Yosop Ryu in The Guest take the role of mediators who soothe the traumatized ghosts and provide people who are living in this life with various ways and methods to cope with present difficulties.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        질병과 트라우마의 치유: 문학과 의학의 관점에서 읽는 토니 모리슨의 『자비』

        신진범 한국중앙영어영문학회 2015 영어영문학연구 Vol.57 No.3

        Toni Morrison’s A Mercy deals with the cure of smallpox and several characters’ traumas. Vaark, Rebekka, and Sorrow suffer from smallpox, so Lina and the blacksmith use different treatments from their complex ethnic heritage to cure them. Despite of their different approaches to the disease, they use similar talking cure practices. Morrison also emphasizes the recovery of the two traumatic female characters, Sorrow and Florens. Sorrow who suffers from various psychic disorders overcomes her madness to find a way for her second child’s survival. Florens, who has an unforgettable abandonment trauma, and has a devastating affair with the blacksmith writes her way into clarity by inscribing mysterious letters in a room of Vaark’s grand house with a nail. Depicting the complex treatment of psychic and physical diseases and trauma, Morrison emphasizes that the complete survivals of main characters lie in the different but mixed treatment of root doctor-like characters, the realization of motherhood, and the acquisition of clarity by writing unspeakable trauma.

      • KCI등재

        조라 닐 허스턴의 『노예 수용소 : “마지막 흑인 화물” 이야기』에 나타난 노예무역의 마지막 노예의 증언

        신진범 한국중앙영어영문학회 2020 영어영문학연구 Vol.62 No.3

        Zora Neale Hurston’s Barracoon: The Story of the Last “Black Cargo” is a novel published after her death. This novel differs from other major slave narratives in some veins. It tells traumatic experiences of an African from the point of view of the sold person. Writing this novel, Hurston had a difficult time understanding the fact that Africans sold fellow Africans, and white people bought Africans. She had believed otherwise till then. The tragedy of Cudjo and other 115 Africans who were the cargoes of the slave ship, Clotilda, started from the hubris and greed of an American slave trader, Timothy Meaher. He bet that he could import slavers even though the American law strictly prohibited the importation of African slaves. Hurston traced the footprints of those African slaves who built a school, a church, and a graveyard having unfulfilled dreams where they could go back to their motherland, Africa. During interviews, Hurston showed respect towards Cudjo, listened to his sorrowful stories, shared soul foods, and regarded him as one of her black ancestors. As for Cudjo, even though he looked like a devout believer of Christianity, his inner eyes and heart seemed to turn to Africa and many orishas who could be his beloved ancestors and African gods, and wholeheartedly gave a gesture of welcome and consolation.

      • KCI등재

        사설 PSTN에서 2W 전화 신호의 이더넷 변환 프로토콜

        신진범,조길석,이동관,김태현 한국군사과학기술학회 2021 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.24 No.6

        In this paper, we proposed a protocol to convert 2W telephone analog signals to Ethernet data in a private PSTN 2W tactical voice system. There are several kinds of operational problems in the tactical telephone network where 2W telephone copper lines are installed hundreds of meters away from the PBX in a headquarter site. The reason is that it is difficult to install and maintain the 2W telephone copper cable in severe operational fields and to meet safety and stability operational requirements of the telephone line under lighting and electromagnetic environments. In order to solve these challenging demands, we proposed an efficient method that the 2W analog interface signals between a private PBX system and a 2W telephone is converted to Ethernet messages using the optical Ethernet data communication network already deployed in the tactical weapon system. Thus, it is not necessary to install an additional optic cable for the ethernet telephone line and to maintain the private PSTN 2W telephone network. Also it provides safe and secure telecommunication operation under lightning and electromagnetic environments. This paper presents the conversion protocol from 2W telephone signals over Ethernet interface between PBX systems and 2W telephones, the mutual exchange protocol of ethernet messages between two converters, and the rule to process analog signal interface. Finally, we demonstrate that the proposed technique can provide a feasible solution in the tactical weapon system by analyzing its performance and experimental results such as the bandwidth of 2W telephone ethernet network and the transmission latency of voice signal, and the stability of optic ethernet voice network along with the ethernet data network.

      • KCI등재

        함정 기반 다중 무장 호환 운용을 위한 발사제어기 아키텍처

        신진범,조길석,유명환,김태현,Shin, JinBeom,Cho, KilSeok,Yoo, MyongHwan,Kim, TaeHyon 한국군사과학기술학회 2020 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        In this paper, we have proposed hardware and software architecture of a launch control unit for the compatibility between air defense weapon systems loaded on shipboard. Until now, there is no compatibility between weapon systems loaded in battleships of korean navy. In the case of HaeGung system recently completed the test and evaluations, although it will be deployed on several kinds of shipboards, it has no compatibility and flexibility with other air defense weapon systems. Recently it reports that a long range air defense weapon system will be carried on future korean destroyer KDDX. Because the HaeGung and a long range air defense system will be operated together in KDDX, it is necessary to provide the compatibility between two weapon systems. So we have proposed architecture to provide the compatibility of the launch control unit that controls the launching system and the missile interface unit, and the missile in each weapon systems.

      • KCI등재

        문학과 치유: 문학치료적 관점에서 읽는 솔 벨로우의 『허공에 매달린 사나이』

        신진범 한국현대영미소설학회 2023 현대영미소설 Vol.30 No.2

        Saul Bellow's Dangling Man is a novel written in the form of a journal. The main character of this novel, Joseph, is waiting for military induction, which is delayed for some reasons. He does not have a job and spends over ten hours in his room reading all sections of the two newspapers. He becomes angry when he meets his acquaintances and family members. He steadily writes about his encounters with death and his conversations with his alter ego, the Spirit of Alternatives. After visiting his childhood home, he has inner peace and determination to take certain actions. There he realizes that all situations, including his house, will change. In this article, I analyze this novel by emphasizing the therapeutic elements of journal writing. By engaging in consistent journal writing, individuals like Joseph can gradually explore their complex inner thoughts and develop a profound self-awareness. The practice of expressive journal writing can bring about insight for journal keepers. In the final scene of this novel, Joseph is no longer dangling because he chooses his own future. Joseph gains clarity through continuous journaling reviewing his activities. His new resolutions are reflected in his kind behaviors and grateful attitudes. His invincible anger transforms into gratitude, and he can read books peacefully all day long, which represents that he has overcome his alienation and bore-out conditions.

      • KCI등재

        이기종 지휘통제체계 연동을 위한 무장정보 처리 표준화 설계 방안

        신진범,배정일,이동관,고혜승,Shin, JinBeom,Bae, JungIl,Lee, DongGowan,Koh, Hye-Seung 한국군사과학기술학회 2015 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.18 No.6

        In this paper, we have proposed a design method for standardization of weapon information exchange between a weapon control computer of guided missile system and a high echelon command and control system. Because the weapon control computer based on diverse combat platforms is operated with several kinds of a high echelon system, it is necessary to provide a standardized design method for weapon information exchange between mutual system. In fact, it is possible to standardize a interface design specification of weapon information message because weapon information message is closely related to standard tactical data link message. It is essential that the interface design specification of weapon information is submitted to that of tactical data link information. It seems that this interface design specification is very useful in development process of the future weapon system.

      • KCI등재

        트라우마와 치유: 문학과 의학의 관점으로 읽는 토니 모리슨의 『고향』

        신진범 한국중앙영어영문학회 2014 영어영문학연구 Vol.56 No.3

        Toni Morrison’s Home describes the unspeakable traumas of main characters, Frank Money and Cee. Their traumas are from Korean war experiences, poverty, racial discrimination and the evil experiment of a white doctor. Morrison shows a long cure process of treating unbearable traumas. Like Morrison’s other novels, there are also wise black women and men who can heal the wounded Cee and help Frank find a safe way to rescue his sister. They are healers unlike the selfish white doctor, Beau who is reflecting a long history of medical apartheid in U. S. A. In this paper, I point out the importance of italicized chapters of this novel which are similar to the counseling session between a psychotherapist and a patient. Those chapters give Frank clarity and make him find a method to repent his sins and heal his traumas. At the ending of this novel, Frank and Cee give a proper burial and mourn for an unknown black man under the beheaded and split but surviving sweet bay tree. Morrison emphasizes the fact that like that tree, they will survive regardless of their misfortune and burdensome traumas.

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