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      • KCI등재

        Writing/Righting His(s)tory

        Synn, Jin-beom(신진범) 건국대학교 스토리앤이미지텔링연구소 2016 스토리&이미지텔링 Vol.12 No.-

        윌리엄 스타이런의 『냇 터너의 고백』은 흑인 영웅을 자신에게 친절을 보여준 마가렛 화이트헤드와 성관계를 꿈꾸는 광신자로 묘사한 작품이다. 스타이런의 말에 따르면 그의 목적은 터너의 내면의 생각을 상상하는 것이었다. 이 소설을 탄생시킨 스타이런의 의도와 환경을 고려해 볼 때, 이 소설은 새로 고쳐 쓰거나 고려되어야 할 많은 문제점을 가지고 있다. 지금까지 터너의 반란을 다룬 여러 작품이 쓰여 졌다. 그리고 올해에는 터너의 삶을 다룬 <국가의 탄생>이 선댄스 영화제에서 상연되었고 높은 평가를 받았다. 한 소설을 개작하는 작품들이 꾸준히 등장하는 이유는 터너의 이야기와 그와 관련된 역사를 쓰고 올바르게 하는 지칠 줄 모르는 노력과 긴밀하게 관련되어 있다. 필자는 이 논문에서 여러 과장된 요소들과 고착화된 묘사를 살펴보았다. 어떤 측면에서 볼 때 스타이런의 소설은 그 자체의 중요성을 가지고 있다. 하지만 그의 소설은 독자들로 하여금 터너의 복잡한 특성을 보여주는 더 균형 잡힌 작품들을 읽도록 만들었다. 이런 맥락에서 볼 때 셜리 앤 윌리엄스의 『데사 로즈』와 카일 베이커의 『냇 터너』는 균형 잡힌 재현의 본보기를 보여주는 작품으로 평가될 수 있다. William Styron’s The Confessions of Nat Turner depicts Nat Turner as a black hero who is a fanatic that continuously dreams of sexual intercourse with Margaret Whitehead, a white woman who shows kindness towards him. According to Styron’s words, his aim was to imagine Turner’s inner thoughts. Considering Styron’s intentions and circumstances where this novel was born, it seems that Styron’s novel has many gaps to be filled and reconsidered. So far, many stories based on Turner’s insurrection have been written. This year, Birth of a Nation, a movie depicting Turner’s life was premiered at Sundance and the movie was highly esteemed. The reasons why revisionists" works still appear are closely related with the resilient efforts of writing and righting Turner’s story and his history. In this article, several exaggerations and stereotyped depictions are discussed. Styron’s novel has its own importances in some aspects. However, it also made readers want to read more balanced works which can better represent the complex characteristics of Turner. In this vein, Sherley Anne Williams’ Dessa Rose and Kyle Baker"s Nat Turner respectively provided examples of balanced representations.

      • KCI등재

        다문화주의시대에 다시 생각해 보는 인종문제

        신진범(Jin Beom Synn) 미래영어영문학회 2016 영어영문학 Vol.21 No.1

        This paper focuses on Koreans' concept of race and their views on African Americans and other foreign workers in Korea. This paper mainly consists of three parts. In the first part, I did the research about the current Koreans’ concept of race in the context of Multiculturalism and in the second part, a case study of African Americans and their literary works, and in the last part, the survival strategy of the ear of Multiculturalism. Koreans usually think little of race problem and its harmful effect, for they have only one national identity. However, in this age of globalization, Koreans have to meet many different races in the field of business and international activities. LA riot resulted in harmful results on both Koreans and African Americans, shows the importance of understanding the existence of other people. Many foreign workers in Korea have suffered from racial discrimination, among them, some returned to their mother lands with crippled bodies or as dead bodies. They are, in fact, the victims of Korean Dream. In a sense, we, Koreans unconsciously are inclined to imitate the racial discrimination of American WASP. To open and widen a horizon of race related concept, we have to reexamine the long and complex history of racial discrimination and its trauma. Then we need to conjure up a new, open-minded concept of racial difference and its importance which is similar to Alice Walker's "Grandmother's garden" full of different and colorful flowers.

      • KCI등재

        17세기말 미국의 계급, 인종, 종교와 토니 모리슨의 『자비』

        신진범 ( Jin Beom Synn ) 한국아메리카학회 2012 美國學論集 Vol.44 No.2

        In her 9th novel, A Mercy, Toni Morrison returned to 17th century America to show its early unformed economical, religious, and racial background, which had more flexibility and hybridity, and embraced multi-racial ethnic groups. That era was a time when religion, class, and race were purposefully inter-connected, and slyly separated for the manipulation of the slavery system. To show the chaotic and corrupted new world religion, Morrison portrayed several Christians and religious leaders, who sexually abused ethnic women and a white man indentee, as narrow-minded, sexually repressed and diverted. The main reason why the victims were exposed to sexual exploitations was because of the differences in race and class. Bacon`s Rebellion in this novel which was mainly caused by class difference, played a trigger role in white men`s legislating further race-related laws in America which helped the slavery system find its justification. Morrison emphasized white men`s strange but vicious project which excluded religion from the slavery system. By eliminating the religious factor from the slavery system and racial discrimination, they put in its place visible African Americans` black skin as the main defect and devilish trait, which gave them cause to enslave numerous African Americans for a long time. Morrison artistically demonstrated a parallel between American Indian, Lina and British, Rebekka`s religious choices for their individual survivals. Through Lina, Morrison sought to reflect on the syncretic ability and religion of an American Indian whose tribe became extinct because of the Europeans` germ war during which Europeans supplied poisonous blanks filled with smallpox that were taken from European hospitals. Morrison problematized Rebekka`s changing, and pretentious religious attitudes because her tricky retreat to the dogmatic and chilling religion might be harmful to herself and other members of her plantation. Through this novel, Morrison wondered aloud if the world has the possibility of finding not only God`s mercy, but humanity`s mercy as well.

      • KCI등재

        사파이어의 『푸쉬』와 리 다니엘즈의 <프레셔스 : 사파이어의 소설 『푸쉬』의 각색> 비교

        신진범(Synn, Jin-beom) 건국대학교 스토리앤이미지텔링연구소 2017 스토리&이미지텔링 Vol.13 No.-

        이 논문에서는 소설과 영화라는 두 매체의 다른 재현 방식에 강조점을 두면서 사파이어의 『푸쉬』와 리 다니엘즈의 <프레셔스: 사파이어의 소설 『푸쉬』의 각색> 을 비교하였다. 리 다니엘즈는 오렌지색을 상징으로 사용하며 모녀 관계의 회복에 초점을 맞춘 반면, 사파이어는 저널 쓰기 치료와 대안학교 학생들이 함께 쓰고 엮은 책을 강조한다. 소설에는 영화로 옮기기에는 많은 잔인한 부분들이 있기에 다니엘즈는 비참한 근친상간 부분들을 축소시키고 높은 자존감과 사랑을 줄 수 있는 마음을 가지지 못한, 가해자이자 희생자인 프레셔스의 어머니를 묘사하기 위해 프레셔스와 어머니 사이의 반목의 분량을 더 늘렸다. 사파이어와 다니엘즈는 프레셔스의 현실감과 희망을 고무시키기 위해 모두 말콤 X, 앨리스 워커 등과 같은 역사적, 문학적 인물을 사용한다. 하지만 이런 등장인물에서도 미묘한 차이가 있다. 사파이어의 인물들은 밀접하게 문학적인 인물들과 연결이 된 반면 다니엘즈는 정치적인 인물들을 강조한다. 작가와 감독 모두의 장점을 고려할 때, 두 작품들은 등장인물들 사이에서의 프레셔스의 잠재력과 조화 그리고 상호관련성을 보여준다. 비록 두 매체의 접근방식이 서로 다르지만, 두 작품 모두 프레셔스의 희망, 회복, 그리고 생존을 향한 여정에 초점을 맞추고 있다. This article deals with a comparison of Sapphire’s novel, Push and Lee Daniels’ movie adaptation, Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire. This article gives emphases on the different representations of two media: novel and film. Sapphire lays emphases on the effect of journal writing cure and a compiled book students of an alternative school co-author; while Lee Daniels focuses on the reconciliation of mother-daughter relationship by using the symbol of orange color. The novel has many cruel parts to be made into a film, for that reason, Daniels shortens the miserable incest scenes and lengthens the struggle of Precious and her mother, Mary, to exhibit that the mother is both an inflictor and a victim who doesn’t have high self-esteem and a love-giving heart. Both Sapphire and Daniels use the historic and literary figures like Malcolm X, Alice Walker and others to inspire Precious’ sense of reality and hope. There exists, however, a subtle difference in these figures: Sapphire’s are closely related with literary figures, while Daniels emphasizes political figures. Considering their own strengths, both works show Precious’ potentials and the harmony and interrelatedness among the characters. Though the approaches of these two are different, they focus on Precious’ journey into hope, recovery, and survival.

      • KCI등재

        토니 모리슨의 『빌러비드』: 영화와 소설 비교

        신진범 ( Jin Beom Synn ) 한국비교문학회 2010 比較文學 Vol.51 No.-

        Toni Morrison`s Beloved was made into a film in 1999 by director Jonathan Demme. Oprah Winfrey, who acted as Sethe, made a great contribution to this film as both a producer and an actress. The film Beloved was mainly criticized for its main actress Thandie Newton who acted as Beloved. Demme made Beloved into a grotesque character similar to wild animals, who, unlike Morrison`s novel, behaved strangely and couldn`t represent Beloved`s multiple identities. As for the rest of the characters, Winfrey, Kimberly Elise who acted as Denver, Beah Richards who acted as Baby Suggs, and Danny Glover who acted as Paul D. were cheered by the audience and movie reviewers. Especially Richards gave a magical performance in the "Clearing" where she led a ceremony that was full of crying, weeping, shouting, laughing, and dancing. Her sermon and religious ritual are regarded as one of the best scenes of this film. In spite of unfriendly criticisms related to length, character, Hollywoodian techniques and CGI, this film played a major role in developing African American films in that through this film Demme showed the slavery system`s atrocity and its trauma without exaggeration which were too terrible to represent or relate on the screen. The film Beloved faithfully reproduced Cincinnati in the 1800s, the Underground Railroad, the plantation life style, hog raising, circus, and factories.

      • KCI등재

        토니 모리슨의『빌러비드』와 흑인 역사의 복원

        신진범(Synn, Jin-beom) 건국대학교 스토리앤이미지텔링연구소 2016 스토리&이미지텔링 Vol.11 No.-

        토니 모리슨의『빌러비드』는 아프리카에서 남북전쟁 이후 미국남부까지 흑인들의 왜곡된 역사를 복원하는 작품이다. 모리슨은 시스, 폴 디, 그리고 빌러비드를 포함하는 다양한 등장인물들이 그들의 인종적 유산을 기억하도록 대서양 중앙항로로 이름 붙여진 무서운 항로와 시스의 스위트 홈, 그리고 사슬에 묶인 죄수로 경험한 폴 디의 상흔이 가득한 고통을 거리낌 없이 묘사한다. 숨겨진 흑인 역사의 복원을, 참을 수 없는 노예선의 상태, 폴 디에게 상흔을 주는 사슬에 묶인 죄수로서의 수감생활과 노동, 그리고 인종차별과 노예제도를 강화하는데 일조한 골상학의 시점에서 살펴보았다. 모리슨은 잊힌 흑인들의 역사를 다시 쓰고 바로 잡기 위해, 재기억, 생존 전략, 온당한 애도, 그리고 많은 흑인들이 박탈당한 자존감 회복의 중요성을 강조하고 있다. Toni Morrison"s Beloved seeks to restore the distorted history of African Americans from Africa to the postbellum South. To make various characters including Sethe, Paul D, and Beloved remember their racial heritage, Morrison unflinchingly depicts a horrible route called Middle Passage, Sethe"s Sweet Home experiences, and Paul D"s traumatic suffering as chain gang. The restoration of black hidden history was mainly analyzed in terms of the unbearable conditions of slave ship, Paul D"s traumatic chain gang imprisonment and labor, and the development of phrenology which helps to solidify racial discrimination and slavery system. By rewriting/righting the history of forgotten African Americans, Morrison emphasized the importance of rememory, survival strategies, proper mourning, and the reclamation of self-esteem of which many African Americans were deprived.

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