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        신원철(Won Chul Shin),황용희(Yong Hee Hwang),정재은(Jae Eun Jung),오길선(Gil Sun Oh),심우성(Woo Sung Shim),임동성(Dong Sung Lim),박재근(Jae Keun Park),염귀종(Kui Jong Yeom) 대한영상의학기술학회 2005 대한영상의학기술학회 논문지 Vol.2005 No.1

        To assess the role of Defecography and Cinedefecography for the diagnosis of chronic idiopathic constipation. A retrospective study of 122 constipated patients (33 male, 89 female) of mean age 49.5±1.5 (11-84) years who underwent defecography and cinedefecography was done. Non-relaxing puborectalis syndrome, rectocele, rectal intussusception, and sigmoidocele were observed in 43(35%), 38(31%), 22(18%), and 9(7%) of the patients, respectively. Normal cinedefecography finding was observed in 31(25%) patients. More than one abnormal finding was found in 20(16%) patients. Incidence of non-relaxing puborectalis syndrome in male was higher than that in female (M: F=55:28 %, P < 0.01). In younger female patients group( age < 40 years; 33 patients), incidence of rectocele(46%), and non-relaxing puborectalis syndrome (36%) were higher than incidences of rectal intussusception (12 %) and sigmoidocele (6 %) (P < 0.005). In older female patients group( age ≥ 40 years; 56 patients), incidences of rectocele, non-relaxing puborectalis syndrome, rectal intussusception and sigmoidocele were 41, 23, 23, and 9 percents, respectively (P < 0.05). Defecography and cinedefecography were effective diagnostic tool for idiopathic constipation, so the radiological technologist should be interested in the knowledge and technique of this study.

      • KCI등재

        노사협의회 제도의 형성과 전개(1945-1997)

        신원철 ( Won Chul Shin ) 한국사회사학회 2013 사회와 역사 Vol.0 No.98

        대한민국 헌법 제정 과정에서 노동자의 경영참가권이 배제된 것이 한국 노사협의제의 전개에서 첫 번째 중요한 분기점이었다. 이후 1950년대에 노조가 결성된 사업체에는 단체교섭의 보조기구로서 기업별로 노자위원회 혹은 노사위원회가 설치되었고, 1960년대의 노사협의회 관행과 법규는 이들 배경이로 만들어졌다. 이시기에 한국생산성본부와 한국노총은 노동기본권들 전제로 산업민주주의를 지향하는 노사협의제를 적극 옹호했지만 정부와 경영자는 이에 소극적이었고, 이 구상은 결국 실현될 수 없었다. 1970년대 개발독재체제 하에서 노사협회는 급속히 확대 되지만, 위로부터의 동원기구로 규정되면서 본래의 협의기능이 형해화되었다. 1987년 노동자 대투쟁 이후 노사협의회 제도에 대한 국가의 개입이 대폭 축소된 상황에서 한국노총과 민주노총은 노사협의회 제도에 대해서 비판적인 태도를 취하면서 단체교섭을 중심으로 한 경영참가를 추진했고, 경영지는 경영권 논리를 내세우며 강력히 반대했다. 한국의 경영지는 노사협의회 제도에 실질적인 관심을 보이지 않았고, 이에 따라 한국에서 노사협의회 제도는 양적으로는 꾸준히 팽창했지만, 내실있는 제도로 기능하지 못하고 있다. It was the first important turning point in the evolution of Korean Joint Consultation Committees(hereafter, JCCs) when worker’s rights to participate in company management were exclude from the first Constitution of the Republic of Korea. In the 1950s, labor-capital committees or labor-management committees were established in the companies with unionized workers, and functioning as supplementaries to collective bargaining processes. The practices and legal articles on the JCCs in the 1960s were made out of the existing practices of the above committees. Both the Korean Productivity Center and the Federation of Korean Trade Unions made much efforts to introduce the JCCs premised on the basic labor rights and industrial democracy in the 1960s, but they failed because the Korean government and managers had no interests in those joint committees. In the 1970s the JCCs expanded rapidly under the developmental dictatorship which imposed those committees from above for mobilizing workers and at the same time began to deteriorate. Since the great workers’ struggles in 1987, the government’s intervention in the JCCs has reduced distinctively. As criticizing the JCCs for labor-control devices, both the FKTU and the new democratic unionism tried to participate in managing companies through collective bargaining procedures. Korean managers, however, fiercely oppose it, supporting the prerogatives of the management. As even managers have not paid much attention to the JCCs, those committees could have only expanded by the law, but do not function so well.

      • Shoulder Axial 검사 시 Modified Lawrence Method의 유용성 고찰

        신원철(Won-Chul Shin),이양섭(Yang-Sub Lee),정시몬(Si-Mon Chung),원대연(Dae-Yeon Won),전종안(Jong-Ahn Chun),신기용(Ki-Yong Shin),박재근(Jae-Keun Park),임동성(Dong-Sung Lim),유재헌(Jae-Hyeon Lyoo) 대한영상의학기술학회 2013 대한영상의학기술학회 논문지 Vol.2013 No.-

        Purpose : DR을 이용한 견관절의 축방향 촬영에서 영상의 질을 높이고 검사의 편의성과 검사 소요시간을 단축시킬 수 있는 변형된 촬영법을 적용하여 유용성을 알아보고자 하였다. Materials and Methods : 2012년 8월부터 2012년 10월까지 본원에 내원하여 견관절 축방향 검사를 시행한 환자 중 견관절의 수술병력이 없고 운동가동범위가 외전이 50° 이상 가능한 20명(남자 12명, 여자 8명)을 대상으로 하였다. Modified Lawrence method 1은선 자세에서 검사측 손은 지지대를 붙잡고 머리와 가슴을 45~90° 구부린 자세로 하였고, 중심 X선은 상완골두의 관절로 머리쪽을 향해서 수직으로 입사하였다. Modified Lawrence method 2는 동일한 자세에서 입사각을 15~20°로 수직 입사하여 영상을 획득하였다. Lawrence method는 기존의 촬영법과 같았고, tiltable standing DR method는 환자가 앉은 자세에서 검출기 위에 팔을 올리고 중심 X선은 상완골두의 관절을 향해 검출기와 평행한 상태에서 X선관을 5~15° 기울여서 수직으로 입사하였다. 설문지는 4개의 영상과 8개 항목으로 구성되었고, 영상의학과 의사 2명, 정형외과 의사 4명, 방사선사 14명에게 4점 척도로 평가하여 평균을 산출하였다. 촬영법에 대해서는 blind test를 하였다 Rseults : 각 검사의 평균소요시간은 modified Lawrence method 1과 2가 각각 52초와 56초, tiltable standing DR method는 1분 43초, Lawrence method는 3분 9초가 소요되 었다. Modified Lawrence method1이 tiltable standing DR method보다 51초, Lawrence method 보다 2분17초가 단축되었다. Modified Lawrence method 2가 평균 62.75점으로 가장 우수한 영상으로 평가되었고, modified Lawrence method 1이 50.13점, tiltable standing DR method가 48.36점, Lawrence method가 38.75점 순으로 나타났다. Modified Lawrence method 2가 8개 평가항목 중 6개 항목에서 가장 우수하다고 하였고, 전체적인 액와의 구조가 가장 잘 관찰되는 것으로 평가되었다.Conclusion : 선 자세에서 DR을 이용한 modified Lawrence method 촬영법은 단순하고 쉽게 적용할 수 있는 검사법으로서 기존 검사에 비해서 양질의 우수한 영상을 획득할 수 있었고, 검사소요시간을 단축할 수 있는 유용한 검사법이라고 사료된다. Purpose : The usefulness of a modified method of shoulder axial projection using DR was evaluated to improve image quality and to shorten the time for the examination. Materials and Methods : Of the patients who visit to out hospital and underwent an axial examination of shoulder joint from August 2012 to October 2012, twenty people(twelve men and eight women) that over 50° of shoulder abduction is possible with no operation history of shoulder joint participated in the study. In standing position, 45∼50° bending posture of upper body with the exam-side hand on a support stand and the incident X-ray toward the joint of humeral head and detector vertically was defined as modified Lawrence method 1. In the same position, the incident X-ray of 15∼20° off the vertical was defined as modified Lawrence method 2. In sitting position, the incident X-ray toward the humeral head and 5∼15° off the vertical of the detector with the arm on the table detector was defined as tiltable standing DR method. The questionnaire composed of 4 images and 8 items was evaluated by 2 radiologists, 4 orthopedic surgeons, and 14 radiological technologists on a 4-point scale. Results : The mean times for modified Lawrence method 1 and 2 were 52 seconds and 56 seconds respectively. Tiltable standing DR method was 1.43minutes, and Lawrence method was as 2.09minutes. Modified Lawrence method 1 was shortened by 51 seconds in comparison with tiltable standing DR method, and 2.28 minutes compared to Lawrence method. Modified Lawrence method 2 was evaluated as the best image quality with 62.75 point on the mean. Modified Lawrence method 1 was 50.13 point, tiltable standing method was 48.36 point, and Lawrence method was 38.75 point each. Modified Lawrence method 2 was evaluated that it showed the overall axillary structure well and represented excellence on 6 items out of 8 items of questionnaire. Conclusion : Modified Lawrence method using DR system in standing position was easily applicable, and would be useful in that showed better image quality than the

      • KCI등재

        임금 형태의 변화와 노사 갈등

        신원철 ( Won-chul Shin ) 한국사회사학회 2012 사회와 역사 Vol.0 No.94

        이 논문은 한국의 고용관계에서 성과급제와 시간급제라는 임금지급방식의 변화 와 이를 둘러싼 노사 간의 갈등을 살펴보았다. 식민지 조선에 청부급제가 방직공장 과 고무공장 등을 중심으로 보급되어 있었으며, 1920년대와 1930년대에는 고용주 가 실시한 단가인하를 둘러싸고 노동쟁의가 빈번하게 일어났다. 1950년대 대기업 에서도 주물공장 등 기계화가 곤란한 공정에서 집단성과급 형태가 이용되었다. 1960년대와 1970년대까지 30%를 넘는 기업에서 능률급제를 채택하고 있었는데, 단순성과급에서 탈피해서 시간 및 동작연구에 기초해서 근대적 능률급을 도입하려 는 시도는 별로 성공을 거두지 못한 것으로 보인다. 1970년대에 가발, 의류, 제과 등 경공업 분야에서 단순성과급이 ‘도급제’라는 이름으로 널리 이용되었는데, 이는 장시간 노동을 이끌어내는 장치로 이용되었다. 시간급제가 정착된 대기업에서는 1980년대 이후 생산직 노동자에게도 고과승급과 상여금 차등지급이 적용되었는데 이 또한 장시간 노동을 이끌어내기 위한 유인장치였다. 1987년 노동자대투쟁을 통해서 이러한 장치가 일시적으로 약화되었지만, 경영자들은 곧 새로운 능력주의 인사제도를 통해 대응하였다. This article deals with changes in the method of wage payment and labor disputes involving it in modern Korea. Piece works were prevalent in the industries such as textiles and rubbers in the Japanese colonial period, and labor conflicts arose frequently against cuts in the piece rates initiated by employers. In 1950s the management in the major companies applied the group incentive wage system to such jobs as in foundries which were difficult to mechanize. In 1960s~70s over 30% of the companies adopted incentive payment systems, but most of which were simple piece rates. And it seems that plans for modernizing the incentive wage system through the time and motion study proved unsuccessful. Enforcing their workers to work long hours employers used simple piece rates widely in light industries manufacturing wigs, apparel and confectioneries in 1970s. The management of the major large companies, where time rates were established in 1970s, adopted merit pay plans and differentiated bonus plans. Both plans were also devices mainly for enforcing employees to work long hours. Workers Great Struggles in 1987 weakened those devices temporarily, but managers responded by introducing new personnel appraisal system.

      • KCI등재

        생동하는 자연물 -홉킨즈의 이미지들

        신원철(Won-Chul Shin) 신영어영문학회 2008 신영어영문학 Vol.41 No.-

        Hopkins’ poems are a result of radical experiment in poetic words, rhythm and imagery. The originality of his imagery reminds us John Donne, but there is not so much affective relationship between the two poets. Only the originality is common point of them. The imagery of Hopkins covers all nature things including air, water, light, darkness and plant. These are all so vivid in his poems that we can even feel them with our fingers. Air, water, light, darkness are all alive, moving and wriggling in his poems. The plant, the vine is so fresh and juicy that we can feel a kind of strong vitality in the poem “Patience”. This vitality or moving is to express the grace of God and his pleasure is also rapturous. I think this vitality or moving is rooted from Keats’ sensual poems. Hopkins wrote many times on the genius of John Keats in his letters and he seems to be affected much from Keats poetry. The climax of Hopkins imagery is his kinetic imagery and this imagery of moving could make his poetry the most attractive one in the history of English literature. Thus the modernist poets including T. S. Eliot could find the best example which can escape from the vagueness of Georgian poets.

      • KCI등재

        1960년대 법규범과 정부 노동정책의 괴리

        신원철 ( Won Chul Shin ) 한국사회사학회 2016 사회와 역사 Vol.0 No.109

        노동기본권이 법률로 보장되어도 노동 현실에서는 사용자에 의해 무시되는 경우가 많다. 이 논문은 1960년대 진주 조일견직의 사례를 통해서 사용자의 부당노동행위에 대한 정부의 정책이 노동조합 결성에 미친 효과를 사업장 수준에서 파악하고자 했다. 1966년에 조일견직의 사용자는 노동조합 결성을 공공연하게 탄압했고, 근로기준법을 노골적으로 위반했다. 섬유노조는 근로기준법을 무기로 삼아서 행정관청의 협력을 얻어내어 사용자를 압박함으로써 노동조합을 인정받고자 했다. 하지만 행정관청은 사용자의 부당노동행위와 근로기준법위반을 사실상 방관하는 한편, 노동자들이 작업을 거부하고 저항할 때는 이를 신속하게 처벌했다. 1960년대에 조일견직 노동자들은 노동조합을 결성할 권리를 사실상 박탈당했음을 볼 수 있다. 또, 근로기준법의 규범적 효력 또한 허구적인 것이었다. 1960년대 박정희 정부는 노동자들의 단결권 보장에 소극적이었으며, 그런 점에서 1970년대의 억압적 노동정책은 1960년대와 일정한 연속성을 또한 지니고 있다. Even though basic labor rights are guaranteed by law, workers’ rights are often ignored by employers in reality. With a case study on the Cho-il silk weaving company in 1960s, this paper tries to find out the effects of the government’s policy on unfair labor practices of employers on the unionization movement at the establishment level. In 1966 the employer of the company oppressed openly workers’ unionization and showed flagrant disregards for the Labor Standard Act. The Korean Textile Workers’ Union tried to take advantage of the Act and to make the employer to recognize the union with the help from the local authorities. The authorities, however, actually acted on the sidelines on the employer’s unfair labor practices and violations of the Act. On the other hand, the authorities punished workers swiftly who refused to work and went into strikes. The weaving workers in the Cho-il company were actually deprived of their rights to organize union in 1960s. The legal norm of the Labor Standard Act was also ineffective. In 1960s the Park Chung-hee government reacted negatively to guarantee the workers’ right to organize, which means that the repressive labor policy of the Park regime of 1970s has continuity with that of 1960s.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        일본 조선대기업의 고용조정

        신원철(Shin, Won-chul) 비판사회학회 2016 경제와 사회 Vol.- No.110

        일본 기업의 고용조정은 기업분절적이며 경영주도적 특징을 지닌다. 대기업의 정규직에게는 배치전환 및 출향(出向)을 통해 고용이 보장되며, 감원은 자발적 희망퇴직의 형태를 취한다. 이러한 규칙은 임시공이나 하청공과 같은 비정규직에게는 적용되지 않으며, 고용조정의 사회적, 경제적 비용은 대부분 이들에게 전가된다. 고용조정에 대한 노동 측의 발언권은 취약하다. 퇴직자의 선발과정에서 선임권 원리는 고려되지 않고 경영자가 결정한 선발기준이 관철된다. 미쓰비시 나가사키조선소에서 이러한 고용조정제도는 20세기에 세 차례의 고용감축을 거치면서 진화해왔다. 1920년대에 퇴직수당제도를 활용하는 기업분절적 고용조정이 시작되고, 이는 퇴직수당법을 통해서 강화되었다. 태평양전쟁 종전 이후 노동조합이 고용조정에 대한 협의권을 확보했지만, 노동조합이 퇴직일시금의 확대에 주력하면서 기업분절적 고용조정 장치는 오히려 강화되었다. 1960년대 중반 제2조합이 다수파가 된 이후 기업분절적이며 경영자 주도적 고용조정제도가 정착되었다. 배치전환 및 출향(휴직파견), 퇴직위로금과 희망퇴직 등의 관행과 사내 하청고용이 그 핵심적인 장치들이었다. 1970년대 오일쇼크 이후의 침체기에 노동조합은 경영자가 주도하는 고용감축의 보조 장치로 기능했다. The employment adjustment process of the Japanese firms can be characterized as segmentalist and the management-dominated one. For permanent workers employed by major companies, job security is guaranteed through practices of ‘dispatch service’ and ‘reassignment and transfer.’ Workforce reductions for permanent workers usually take place through voluntary redundancy. These rules, however, do not apply to the contingent workforce such as temporary workers or subcontracting workers. Most of the social and economic costs of employment adjustment are passed onto these workers. Labor has a weak voice over employment adjustment issues and the management makes decisions on the criteria for selecting redundant workers without considering seniority rules. In the 20th century the above-mentioned employment adjustment institutions have been evolved through three rounds of workforce reductions in the Mitsubishi Nagasaki shipyard. At first the segmentalist mode of workforce reduction was set on foot in 1920s through retirement allowance rules and reinforced by the retirement allowance act. After the end of the Pacific War the newly established trade union gained some consultation rights for workforce reductions. The trade union made efforts to increase the retirement allowance, which reinforced the segmentalism of the employment adjustment. Since the second union became majorities in the mid- 1960s in the shipyard, the segmentalist and the management dominated employment adjustment institution have been firmly established. The essential parts of the institution were the rules and practices of ‘dispatch service’ and ‘reassignment and transfer’, voluntary redundancy with retirement consolation benefit, and the increasing subcontracting workers. During the economic depressions after the oil shocks in 1970s the union functioned as a supplementary apparatus for the workforce reductions led by the management.

      • KCI등재후보

        실비아 플라스의 죽음연습

        신원철 ( Shin¸ Won-chul ) 동국대학교 영어권문화연구소 2013 영어권문화연구 Vol.6 No.2

        In Sylvia Plath's short life the pressure of death followed her endlessly. When she was only 9 years old, her father died because of his glycosuria which had forced him cut his leg. Sylvia Plath's mother had to bring up her children by herself and devote her whole life for them. Plath's early life can be said much chained to her mother's unreasonable love and we can read a kind of Electra Complex in her poems. Marrying Ted Hughes could not solve her problem but resulted in his betrayal and their separation. This unhappy family history seemed to make her write those dark poems in which her father, mother and husband were written as twisted characters. Her poems “Colossus,” “Daddy” and “Lady Lazarus” seem to be succeeded or related closely each other, the third is the climax of this succession. Plath wanted her freedom from all stress. At last she chose to kill herself in the cruelest and definite way.

      • KCI등재

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