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      • KCI등재

        제4차「수산업법」전부개정의 의의와 과제

        신용민,정겨운 한국수산경영학회 2023 수산경영론집 Vol.54 No.4

        This study examines the significance and problems of the Fourth Amendment to the Fisheries Act, which went into effect in January 2023. Following the passage of the Aquaculture Industry Development Act, the fourth amendment to the Fisheries Act sought to reform the fisheries legislative framework, while also including significant changes. In particular, a number of new systems for managing fishing gear have been implemented, and local governments now have some autonomy in fisheries management, which has allowed for adjustments to be made to meet the needs of the fishing industry and changes in socioeconomic situations. However, as independent legislation for each fisheries sector continues, the subject of regulation under the Fisheries Act, as well as the Act's position as a basic legal system, has been continuously reduced, overshadowing the Act's objective. As a result, a full-fledged assessment of changing the legislation's name in the future is required, as well as addressing issues such as the lack of difference in the legislative purpose clause and the necessity for further revision of the definition clause. Therefore, any future revisions to the Fisheries Act should aim to overhaul the existing framework, including fishing licenses and permits.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        양식어업 규모화를 위한 대기업 진입 여건 분석

        신용민,정겨운 한국해양비즈니스학회 2019 해양비즈니스 Vol.- No.43

        The purpose of this study is to examine the possibility of large-scale capital inflows when the government enacts the "Aquaculture Industry Development Act." The enactment of the "Aquaculture Industry Development Act" is intended to mitigate restrictions on entry into aquaculture, compared to the "Fisheries Act." It is necessary to develop technology and expand new investment to overcome the problems caused by the structural small-scale of aquaculture in Korea. Existing aquaculture workers are concerned about possible damage to some regulations of the “Aquaculture Industry Development Act.” It is because there is not yet a concrete and specific plan, although the legislative restrictions on the entry license and conditions for large corporations. Therefore, In this study, we first compare the restrictions on the entrance of large corporations between the existing "Fisheries Act" and the "Restrictions on Restricted Entrance of Large Enterprises" in the "Aquaculture Industry Development Act". Secondly, we review whether the actual large corporations have adequate legal and institutional conditions for entry into aquaculture, and finally, we find out the specific strategic species to be farmed.

      • KCI등재

        Estimating the Effects of Environmental Taxation on the Offshore Fisheries

        신용민,정겨운 한국경제통상학회 2019 경제연구 Vol.37 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to examine the supply of non- taxable oil, which is regarded as a representative fisheries subsidy in the Republic of Korea. Ultimately, this study aims to estimate the effects of environmental taxation on the cost structure of offshore fisheries. To this, we estimate the CO2 emissions of offshore fisheries and the cost function of its. In particular, we compared the translog cost function and the Fourier cost function. As a result of comparing each cost function model, Fourier cost function model well-satisfies the concavity of the cost function. Besides, using Fourier cost function model, the elasticity of fishery cost has been estimated. Lastly, we analyzed whether environmental taxation is valid or not to achieve political goals in the offshore fisheries.

      • EU의 원양어업정책에 관한 연구

        신용민,이상고 한국수산경영학회 2005 추계학술발표회 Vol.2005 No.-

        EU는 세계 3위의 어업생산지역임에도 불구하고 가공어류와 양식수산물에 대한 세계 최대의 소비시장을 가진 탓에 만성적인 수산물 공급부족을 겪고 있다. 이에 따라 EU는 일찍부터 제3국과의 어업협정을 통한 원양어장 진출을 적극적으로 추진해 왔다. EU의 원양ㅇ어장 진출정책을 시기별로 분로하면 1세대 유형에서부터 4세도 유형으로 구분가능하다. 수역별로는 크게 유럽북부와 남부수역으로 분리되어 있으나, 어업협정 휴형으로는 북유럽형, 발틱형, 북미형, 중남미형, 그리고 ACP형으로 세분화 할 수 있다. EU는 특히 대부분의 쌍무어업협정을 아프리카, 인도양, 서태평양 연안국들과 맺고 있어, 이들 국가와의 쌍무적 어업관계가 EU 원양어업정책에 있어 매우 중요하다. 최근 원양어장의 자원부족현상이 점차 심각해짐에 따라 EU 위원회는 그들의 공동어업정책 개혁안에 제3국과 의 어업협력강화 방안을 수립하였다. 이는 연안 국과의 어업관계를 단순입어에서 동반자적 입어관계로 발전시키는 한편, 어업 외적인 부문의 협력을 포함하는 포괄적 접근 정책을 추진하고 있다. 이러한 EU의 움직임은 단순한 어획쿼터할당에 대한 입어료지급 방식은 조업국과 연안국 간의 신뢰관계 증진에 그다지 도움이 되지 못한다는 것을 의미한다. 따라서 조업국은 연안국에 대한 자원관리기술을 지원해 주고, 자원평가에도 공동으로 참여함으로써 양국간 협력적 수산자원관리정책을 지향하도록 하여서 한다는 것을 시사하고 있다.

      • 다호리유적 목관묘 시기의 묘제

        신용민 한국고고미술연구소 2009 고고학지 Vol.- No.특집호

        본고는 창원 다호리 고분 목관묘 유구와 관련하여 진·변한지역 목관묘의 매장주체부와 부장유물에 대하여 속성분석을 시도하였다. 창원 다호리 1호분은 지금까지 조사된 진·변한지역 목관묘 중에서 가장 특출한 목관묘 유구가 분명함이 금번 연구에서 확인되었다. 뿐만 아니라 당시 목관묘 조영사회에서 이미 각 집단 간에 신분적 위계를 달리하면서 매장주체부의 조영 및 유물 부장에서도 차이를 보이고 있었음을 밝히는데 어느 정도 성과를 얻을 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        어업용 면세유 폐지시 근해저인망어업의 생산자잉여 변화에 관한 연구

        신용민,전용한 한국해양비즈니스학회 2017 해양비즈니스 Vol.- No.38

        This study’s purpose is to analyze the changes of Korean offshore trawling fisheries’ producer surplus in case of prohibition of tax-free oil for Fisheries following TPP and WTO/DDA agreements. The analysis methods were composed of three steps: first, standardizing individual offshore trawling fisheries’ fishing efforts through the Gavaris generalized linear model. Second, deducing the producer surplus through applying index Clarke, Yoshimoto, Pooley (CYP) surplus production model to estimate Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) and then utilizing bioeconomic model to estimate fishing efforts, catch, and fishery resources based on Open Access (OA) and Maximum Economic Yield (MEY) standards. Third, estimating supply curve through bioeconomic model based on OA and MEY standards. The analysis results show, with the prohibition of tax-free oil for fisheries, offshore trawling fisheries’ fishing efforts decrease due to the increase in oil price while resources increase, and producer surplus decreases with the decrease in price and catch. Like this, once tax-free oil for fisheries is prohibited, due the increase in oil price, offshore trawling fisheries’ business is expected to severely deteriorate. Thus, in case of prohibition of tax-free oil for fisheries, there should be effective measures to overcome the decrease in producer surplus and to maintain the sustainability of offshore trawling fisheries.

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