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      • KCI등재

        Crisis Communications during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Case Study of Faculty’s Pedagogy, Strategy, and Frame of Mind

        신소현,K. Damon Aiken,Stephanie A. Hamel 한국경영커뮤니케이션학회 2023 Business Communication Research and Practice Vol.6 No.1

        Objectives: The purpose of this work is to uncover how university faculty engaged in communications with their students during the early period of the COVID-19 pandemic. The research design is exploratory and seeks to evaluate specific approaches, coping strategies, and frames of mind. Methods: A qualitative case study method was used. The unique nature and setting of our study during the COVID-19 pandemic required the use of qualitative, semi-structured, one-to-one depth interviews (within a California, U.S. business school). Results: This work encapsulates how the faculty define crisis communications and thus identifies practices in place. It reveals the importance of communication openness, regularity, and frequency. Additionally, various nurturing and action-facilitating coping strategies are uncovered. By categorizing the results according to five major frames of mind, the work provides perspective relative to how faculty mindsets influence their crisis communications. These findings lay the groundwork for future studies of this important topic. Conclusions: Faculty’s communications during a crisis are not only paramount in successfully navigating course objectives, but they are also critically important to students’ overarching social and emotional health. The results of this work lead to pragmatic guidelines for faculty as well as specific recommendations for university administrators. Faculty can start with self-reflection and self-education. They should strive to be prepared for the next crisis, understand their optimal strategies, and realize how their frames of mind influence communication practices. University administrators should work to develop and implement training programs, they are recommended to prepare guidelines for various crises, and they need to write and share post-crisis reports.

      • KCI등재

        사이버공간에서 국가의 적대적 허위조작정보 작전에 대한 규율

        신소현 세종연구소 2022 국가전략 Vol.28 No.4

        Like the folk tale of ‘Seodongyo’, false information has been intentionally disseminated throughout human history. However, when state or state-sponsored organisation intentionally distributes false information, which harms or (seriously) threatens the national security or interest of Republic of Korea, on the Internet, it leads to an unparalleled speed and widespread ripple effect compared to the past due to the characteristics of cyberspace. Therefore, states, international organisations, and non-governmental organisations are working hard to prepare legislation to respond to psychological and influence operations using disinformation, while ROK has not even made an issue of disinformation because of the 2012 Cyber Command and National Intelligence Service’s guilty verdict of online opinion manipulation. In this article, after examining the existing international law system that regulates psychological and influence operations using disinformation in wartime and peacetime, international trends in response to state-sponsored disinformation would be analysed. Then, it investigates the Supreme Court ruling in the so-called internet comment manipulation case and the current situation of the ROK, and looks for the reform of Korean legal system responding to the states’ hostile disinformation against the ROK. 서동요 설화처럼 허위조작정보의 유포는 역사와 함께 늘 있어온 일이다. 그러나 국가 또는 국가배후 조직이 대한민국의 국가안보 및 국익을 해하거나 (중대하게) 위협하는 허위정보를 인터넷 상에서 고의로 유포하는 행위는 사이버공간의 특성과 결합하여 과거와는 비교할 수 없는 빠른 속도와 광범위한 파급력을 갖는다. 이에 국가들과 국제기구 및 비정부기구들은 허위조작정보를 이용한 심리・영향작전에 대응하기 위한 법제 정비에 힘쓰고 있는 반면, 대한민국은 2012년 사이버사령부와 국가정보원의 온라인 여론조작 사건의 유죄 판결의 여파로 그 논의조차 시작하지 못하고 있다. 이 논문은 전・평시로 나누어 국가의 허위조작정보를 이용한 심리・영향작전을 규율하는 기존의 국제법 체제를 검토한 후, 이러한 허위조작정보에 대응하는 국제적인 동향을 분석한다. 마지막으로 소위 댓글 공작 사건의 대법원 판결과 대한민국의 현실을 살펴보고, 타국이 대한민국을 대상으로 적대적 허위조작정보 작전을 펼칠 경우에 대비하여 어떤 방향성의 법제 정비를 하여야 하는지에 대하여 검토한다.

      • KCI등재

        원산지 개념의 구성 차원이 소비자의 제품평가에 미치는 영향: 동기성향의 효과

        신소현,김상욱,채서일 한국마케팅학회 2008 ASIA MARKETING JOURNAL Vol.10 No.2

        Considerably many numbers of studies on country-of-origin(hereafter COO) effects have been presented in international business and marketing areas. Recent studies have been included the effects of COO of manufacture, parts, and design, as well as the effects of brand origin, reflected by the accelerating convergent manufacture circumstances and increasingly competitive environments. Moderating constructs such as knowledge of product category and involvement as individual variables, have been also introduced and researched in various angles. In addition, how the effects of COO occur as processes is also argued in previous studies. This research has attempted to explain business corporation's strategic decisions on choosing a domain of its product manufacturing for several critical reasons, for cost reduction or better image. We displayed two constructs of brand and manufacture in a positive and negative country image group to reconfirm the existence of the effects of COO. Additionally, the effects of respondents' regulatory fit between their motivational focus and the contents of product messages have been declared. Furthermore the respondents' motivational focus moderates the main effect of COO on product evaluations in a positive 'made-in' combination, while, surprisingly, it does not statistically moderate in a negative, except attitude. Based on the results, implications and suggestions on how to plan and execute more effective marketing strategies regarding COO dimensions, especially COO of manufacture, are separately presented for each situations when it has already been determined and when it is to be. 원산지 관련 연구는 오랫동안 마케팅과 국제경영 분야에서 연구되어 왔다. 최근 원산지 관련 연구는 급속도로 글로벌화 되어 가는 기업환경을 반영하여 원산지 효과의 존재를 입증 및 분석하고자 하는 연구흐름과 원산지 효과의 발생과정을 설명하고자 하는 연구흐름으로 분화 및 발전해왔다. 본 연구는 최근 단순한 원가절감 차원을 넘어서 브랜드 자체와 브랜드원산지의 경쟁력을 제고시키는 전략적 수단으로 활용되고 있는 제조원산지의 선택과 관련된 기업 활동의 효과를 설명하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 제조원산지와 브랜드원산지를 긍정조합 및 부정조합으로 구분하여 원산지효과를 검증하였으며, 이 과정에서 소비자의 동기성향(조절초점)이 갖는 조절효과를 살펴보았다. 연구 결과 긍정적인 원산지의 조합(예컨대, 일본에서 생산된 프랑스 브랜드 오디오)의 경우가 부정적인 조합(예컨대, 중국에서 생산된 독일 브랜드 의류)의 경우보다 호의적인 반응을 유발함으로써 제조국 원산지효과가 있음이 확인 되었다. 또한 개인의 동기성향이 제품에 대한 메시지의 내용과 일치할 때 제품에 대한 평가가 좋아지는 조절적 적합성(regulatory fit) 효과가 존재한다는 것도 확인 되었다. 끝으로 동기성향의 조절효과를 보았을 때, 긍정적인 원산지 조합에서는 개인의 동기성향에 따라 제품평가가 달라져 조절효과를 입증할 수 있었으나, 부정적인 원산지 조합에서는 동기성향의 조절효과가 태도 부분에서만 부분 지지되고 품질지각과 구매의도 부분에서는 지지되지 않아서 동기성향의 조절효과가 존재한다는 점을 부분적으로만 확인할 수 있었다. 연구결과를 토대로 기업이 제조원산지를 결정할 때 고려할 요소와 이미 제조원산지가 결정된 상황에서 보다 효과적인 마케팅 전략을 수립하기 위한 시사점을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        국제인도법상 무력충돌의 분류를 위한 사이버 공격의 귀속 연구

        신소현 한양대학교 법학연구소 2020 법학논총 Vol.37 No.2

        For attribution of cyber attacks, it should be first identified from which device or network system cyber attacks were launched and then be secondly analysed with legal interpretation such as to whom the cyber attacks are attributable and who is responsible for the cyber attacks in the legal sense. In case of internal conflict between a territorial state and an organised armed group (OAG), other state could intervene on the side of OAG. Depending on the relationship between the intervening state and OAG, the concerned internal conflict would possibly be internationalised. Since there is no treaty laws about to what extent the state should exert control over OAG for internationalisation, article 4A(2) of Geneva Convention III could be analogically interpreted. In order for irregulars such as members of militia, volunteer corps, or other OAG to qualify as prisoner of war (POW) / combatants, the condition of ‘belonging to a party to the conflict’ stipulated at article 4A(2) should be fulfilled. The ICJ effective control test is for state responsibility and the ICTY overall test is for classification of a given armed conflict to impose individual criminality. Although there is an argument that these two tests from different jurisprudence give an example of normative conflict, it should be borne in mind that the two tests are applied for different purposes in separate legal context. Irregular forces of OAG are entitled to POW because they play a similar role in an armed conflict. For the purpose of classification, the overall test seems more appropriate to apply but simultaneously, the contextual balance of IHL between regular and irregular forces given the POW status has to be considered. For the consistency in classification of both kinetic and cyber armed conflicts, the same control test would be applied to the attribution of cyber attacks. 전통적으로 전쟁법 규범은 국제적・비국제적 무력충돌의 이분법적 체계를 갖고 발전하여 왔으므로 무력충돌의 성격을 규명하여 그 체계에 비추어 분류하는 일은 가장 선행되어야 할 중요한 작업이다. 사이버 공간에서의 귀속은 일차적인 기술적 귀속과 이차적인 법률적 귀속으로 나뉘는데, 사이버 공격이 시작된 기기와 네트워크 등을 특정하고 그 공격을 실행한 주체의 정체를 밝히는 것은 사실적인 기술적 귀속이고 이후 그러한 사이버 공격에 법적 해석을 덧붙여 법적으로 누구의 행위로 간주되는지, 위법성이 있다면 그 법적 책임은 누구에게 부여되는지를 밝히는 것이 법률적인 귀속이다. 내전의 와중에 타국이 조직된 무장집단을 지원하면서 개입하는 경우, 그 타국과 조직된 무장집단 간의 관계의 내용에 따라 해당 무력충돌은 국제화되기도 한다. 그러나 이에 대한 국제법 규정이 없어 해석의 영역에 맡겨져 있는데, 제네바 제3협약 제4조 제A(2)항은 그 해석의 단초를 제공한다. 동항에 열거된 조건들은 군사조직과 유사한 내부체계를 무장집단이 갖추도록 하는 것이어서 이 논문 주제와 관련하여 주로 문제되는 부분은 “충돌 당사국에 속하여”이다. 어떠한 경우에 조직된 사이버 무장집단이 충돌 당사국에 속하는지를 검토하기 위해 여태까지 국제법상 제시된 귀속이론들을 검토한다. ICJ가 확인한 실효적 통제 테스트는 한 국가에게 무장집단의 국제적 위법행위에 대한 국가책임을 부여하고자 적용한 귀속이론이고, 전반적 통제 테스트는 충돌의 상황에서 개인이 참여하여 전쟁범죄를 저지른데 대한 형사책임을 부여하기 위해 그 기초가 되는 무력충돌을 분류하는데 적용한 귀속이론으로서 각각의 법적 목적과 결과가 다르다. 무력충돌의 분류를 위한 목적만을 고려한다면 전반적 통제가 타당해 보이는 측면도 있으나, 동시에 제4조 제A(2)항은 비정규군인 조직된 무장집단에게 일정한 요건 하에서 국가의 정규군에 준하는 포로의 지위를 부여하는 것이므로 이를 위한 귀속은 국가의 정규군에 대한 통제와 적어도 유사한 수준이어야 한다고 볼 수도 있어 실효적 통제도 무시할 수만은 없다. 국가에 속하는 것으로 판단된 후에도 조직된 무장집단 및 그 구성원들의 위법행위(전쟁범죄)에 대한 책임에 대한 귀속은 별도로 판단된다. 사이버 공격의 국가귀속은 사이버 공간 및 사이버 작전 고유의 특성으로 인해 더욱 난해한 과정을 거치지만, 물리적 공간과는 다른 귀속이론을 적용해야 할 마땅한 이유를 찾을 수 없고 사이버 무력충돌에도 국제인도법이 적용된다는 기본 전제를 고려하면 현재로서는 사이버 및 물리적 공간에서 동일한 귀속이론을 택하여야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        사이버 억지와 미국의 선제적 방어전략의 국제법적 검토

        신소현 경희대학교 법학연구소 2020 경희법학 Vol.55 No.2

        Cyber deterrence has a different dynamic from nuclear deterrence in terms of cyber weapons, actors, and its deterring methods. In spite that deterrence theory has mainly developed with nuclear weapons, states try to reflect deterrence logics in their cyber security law and policies. US recently established ‘defend forward’ strategy through National Cyber Security Strategy and other presidential instruments and US DoD took the strategy of ‘persistent engagement’ to implement it. ‘Defend forward’ means that American authorities will defend forward to disrupt or halt malicious cyber activity at its source, including activity that falls below the level of armed conflict to protect their infrastructure and national interests. It is notable that the US has asserted an entitlement to take preemptive military action in exercise of self-defence when there is an imminent forseeable threat of an armed attack. The logical structure of ‘defend forward’ strategy seems remarkably similar with that of preemptive self-defence. Both are developed in the name of defence but the details of defence forward remain unclear. If certain cyber operations would be forward carried out to defend in other states’ cyberspace, it must at least bring about the violation of sovereignty without its proper legal justification. Now that the content of sovereignty in cyberspace whether it offers a primary obligation as a norm has not yet settled, the implementation of ‘defend forward’ strategy could lead to chaotic lawfare between states. Even though there are many unsettled issues regarding applicable international law to cyberspace, the problems of preemptive self-defence and countermeasures would be arisen with regard to ‘defend forward’ logic. In this regard, it is inevitable to analyse this new strategy and prepare its impact on the US-ROK military ally. 미국은 2018년 국가사이버안보전략 및 대통령안보메모, 대통령정책지침 등을 통해 그동안 발전시켜오던 사이버 억지의 일환으로 ‘선제적 방어’(defend forward)라는 새로운 억지전략을 수립하였고, 미 국방부는 사이버전략에서 ‘지속적 관여’(persistent engagement)라는 작전 개념을 도입했다. 미국은 국가사이버전략에서 무력사용보다 낮은 단계에서도 평시 사이버 작전을 지속적으로 수행하면서 악성 사이버 활동을 그 근원부터 방해하고 중지시키기 위하여 선제적 방어를 하기로 했다. 사이버 억지의 맥락에서 도입된 선제적 방어를 위한 구체적인 사이버 작전의 내용이 무엇인지가 불분명하므로 국제법적으로 많은 문제의 소지가 있다. 예전부터 미국이 주장해 온 선제적 자위권과의 논리적 유사성을 보이는 선제적 방어전략은 종국에는 사이버 공간에서의 자위권 행사의 문제로 귀결될 수 있으며, 무력사용에 이르지 않은 사이버 작전을 수행하는 경우에는 대응조치가 문제된다. 사이버 공간에서 적용되는 국제법이 형성중인 가운데 발표된 선제적 방어전략은 규범적 공백을 이용한 강대국의 전략적 우위를 실현하도록 할 수 있다. 한국의 국가사이버전략 및 국군의 사이버전략은 현재 미국과 비교할 때 다소 뒤쳐져 있으므로 한미 군사동맹을 고려할 때 사이버 억지전략과 선제적 방어에 대한 국제법적연구‧분석 및 전략과 정책의 수립이 요구된다.

      • KCI등재

        Identification of Novel Methylation Markers in Hepatocellular Carcinoma using a Methylation Array

        신소현,김백희,장자준,서경석,강경훈 대한의학회 2010 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.25 No.8

        Promoter CpG island hypermethylation has become recognized as an important mechanism for inactivating tumor suppressor genes or tumor-related genes in human cancers of various tissues. Gene inactivation in association with promoter CpG island hypermethylation has been reported to be four times more frequent than genetic changes in human colorectal cancers. Hepatocellular carcinoma is also one of the human cancer types in which aberrant promoter CpG island hypermethylation is frequently found. However, the number of genes identified to date as hypermethylated for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)is fewer than that for colorectal cancer or gastric cancer, which can be attributed to fewer attempts to perform genome-wide methylation profiling for HCC. In the present study, we used bead-array technology and coupled methylation-specific PCR to identify new genes showing cancer-specific methylation in HCC. Twenty-four new genes have been identified as hypermethylated at their promoter CpG island loci in a cancer-specific manner. Of these,TNFRSF10C, HOXA9, NPY, and IRF5 were frequently hypermethylated in hepatocellular carcinoma tissue samples and their methylation was found to be closely associated with inactivation of gene expression. Further study will be required to elucidate the clinicopathological implications of these newly found DNA methylation markers in hepatocellular carcinoma.

      • KCI등재

        상온에서 작동되는 전고체전지 용 PEO/PPC 기반의 복합 고체 전해질

        신소현,김성훈,조용현,안욱 한국전기화학회 2022 한국전기화학회지 Vol.25 No.3

        For the commercialization of all-solid-state batteries, it is essential to develop a solid electrolyte that can be operable at room temperature, and it is necessary to manufacture allsolid- state batteries by adopting materials with high ionic conductivity. Therefore, in order to increase the ionic conductivity of the existing oxide-based solid, Li7La3Zr2O12 (LLZO) doped with heterogeneous elements was used as a filler material (Al and Nb-LLZO). An electrolyte with garnet-type inorganic filler doped was prepared. The binary metal element and the polymer mixture of poly(ethylene oxide)/poly(propylene carbonate) (PEO/PPC) (1:1) are uniformly manufactured at a ratio of 1:2.4, The electrochemical performance was tested at room temperature and 60 oC to verify room temperature operability of the all-solid-state battery. The prepared composite electrolyte shows improved ionic conductivity derived from co-doping of the binary elements, and the PPC helps to improve the ionic conductivity, thereby increasing the capacity of all-solid-state batteries at room temperature as well as 60 oC. It was confirmed that the capacity retention rate was improved.

      • KCI등재

        The Roles of Learning Orientation and Market Orientation in Driving Marketing Capabilities and Firm Performance

        신소현,이성호,채서일 한국마케팅학회 2011 ASIA MARKETING JOURNAL Vol.13 No.3

        The previous studies found the importance of market orientation (MO), learning orientation (LO), and marketing capabilities (MC) in driving firm performance (FP), but respectively. This research attempted to integrate the rather separate research streams of MO, LO, and MC in explaining FP. How MO and LO, as two critical constructs of organizations’ cultural values, affect FP was examined with the mediating role of MC (composed of marketing planning capability (MPC) and marketing implementation capability (MIC)). Specifically, we derived specific conceptualizations on the effects of LO on FP through MO, MPC, and MIC as well as the effect of MO on FP through MPC. Accordingly, we empirically tested a process of how LO, MO, and MC translate into FP, using survey data of 146 respondents from Korean companies. The results successfully supported our model. It is worth noting not only that LO and MO are found to have synergistic effects on FP through MC but also that LO fosters MO. The relevant implications of our findings are presented with limitations and further research directions.

      • KCI등재

        소아 환자에서 비외상성 유미흉의 임상적 특징

        신소현,송준혁,김민정,허세범,김우선,서동인 대한 소아알레르기 호흡기학회 2019 Allergy Asthma & Respiratory Disease Vol.7 No.4

        Purpose: To evaluate clinical characteristics of pediatric nontraumaitc chylothorax and to suggest appropriate therapeutic managements. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed medical records of 22 patients with nontraumatic chylothorax from January 2005 to December 2018 in the Children’s Hospital of Seoul National University. We analyze their etiology, treatment, complications and outcome. Results: Of the 22 patients, 16 were diagnosed before 1 year old and 6 after 1 year old. The causes of chylothorax under 1-year-old children were related to congenital factors (n=9), unknown causes (n=5), and high central venous pressure (n=2). The causes of chylothorax over 1-year-old children were related to congenital factors (n=3), unknown causes (n=1), high venous pressure (n=1), and lymphoma (n=1). All patients had dietary modification. Eight of them were cured by dietary modification, but there was no improvement in over 1-year-old children. Medication was added to patients refractory to dietary modification. Four patients with medication were improved and 5 were improved by surgical management. Nutritional, immunological and other complications occurred in many patients. Five death cases were reported. Four patients were under 1 year old and 1 was over 1 year old. The causes of nontraumatic chylothorax in dead patients were high central venous pressure (n=3), congenital (n=1), and unknown (n=1). Conclusion: Nontraumatic chylothorax more frequently occurs in under 1-year-old children. The most common cause is congenital factors. Stepwise management is effective in many patients, but specific treatment is needed in some cases. The prognosis is related to the onset of age and underlying diseases.

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