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        연구논문(硏究論文) : 한국 정부의 화전정리사업 전개과정과 화전민의 실태(1965-1979년)

        신민정 ( Min Jeong Shin ) 경제사학회 2011 經濟史學 Vol.50 No.-

        1966년 4월 23일 「화전정리에 관한 법률」 제정, 이 법률에 의해 화전정리사업이 전국적 규모로 확대되었다(제1기 화전정리사업). 이 같은 사업에도 불구하고 강원도를 시작으로, 전국 각지에서 자연재해에 의한 被災가 다수 발생함에 따라 정부에 의한 산림녹화?산림보호의 필요성이 고조되어 갔다. 1973년 정부는 산림녹화의 효율적 수행을 위해서 산림청을 내무부로 이관, 「치산녹화10개년 계획」을 발표하여 산림에의 액세스를 엄격히 단속하게 되었다. 또 같은 해 박정희가 영동고속도로 예정지를 순시했을 당시, 그는 화전·화전민 정리의 단계적 실시를 지시함과 동시에 산지개발에 의한 국토이용의 효율화를 중요시하였다. 그로 인해 1974년부터 본격적인 화전정리사업이 실시되었다(제2기 화전정리사업). 그러나 제2기 화전정리사업에 있어서도 한국 정부에 의한 화전민 대책은 불충분하였다. 그럼에도 불구하고 1970년대 화전·화전민의 존재가 소멸함에 있어 큰 역할을 다한 것은 사회경제구조의 변화에 의한 노동시장의 확대이며, 그에 따른 농산물시장의 변화였다. Compare with other provinces, Kangwon-do has a number of Hwajeon(slash-and-burn field) and Hwajeon-farmers(who illegally reclaim the mountain forests to do farming) in the 1960s. Hwajeon-farmers` cultivation accelerated forest destruction, and damage caused by natural disasters caused casualties. April 23, 1966 "Law of Clearance Project for Hwajeon" was enacted. By the laws, the country`s Hwajeon and Hwajeon-farmers Survey was conducted for the first time. Clearance Project for Hwajeon was expanded to national scale (Clearance Project for Hwajeon Stage 1). Despite these projects, damage, caused by natural disasters, appeared not only in Kangwon-do but also across the country. As a result, the government acknowledged the need for forest greenification and forest protection. Therefore, in 1973 the government transferred Korea Forest Service to Interior Ministry in order for the effective performance of forest greenification. Furthermore, the government announced "Forest conservation Project by 10 Years" which is a strictly restricted access in a forest. The same year, Park Chung-hee ordered the gradual implementation of Hwajeon and Hwajeon-farmers when he inspected the planned highway area; also he pointed the effective use of land was important through mountain development. And thereby the Clearance Project for Hwajeon was conducted by full-scale Project (Clearance Project for Hwajeon Stage2) since 1974. However, alternatives to stabilize the Hwajeon-farmers` livehood were insufficient even though Clearance Project for Hwajeon set on Stage 2. Nevertheless, in 1970 the existence of Hwajeon and Hwajeon-farmers disappeared. This phenomenon resulted from changing the social and economic structure which were the expansion of the labor market and changes in agricultural markets, respectively.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        30-40대 기혼 여성의 섹스리스 경험에 관한 연구

        신민정 ( Shin Min Jeong ),임춘희 ( Lim Choon Hee ) 한국가족관계학회 2021 한국가족관계학회지 Vol.26 No.2

        연구목적: 본 연구의 목적은 섹스리스로 인한 극심한 부부갈등이나 이혼의 위기를 경험하지 않으면서 안정적인 결혼생활을 유지하는 30∼40대 기혼 여성의 섹스리스 경험을 탐구하는 것이다. 연구방법: 섹스리스인 30∼40대 기혼여성 여섯 명을 개별 심층면담하여 질적자료 분석을 하였다. 연구결과: 연구참여자인 30∼40대 기혼여성의 섹스리스 경험을 크게 섹스리스 이전 경험, 섹스리스 부부가 된 이유, 섹스리스로 인한 갈등, 갈등에 대한 대처, 섹스리스 상황에 대한 인식으로 구분하였을 때 연구 참여자들은 섹스리스 부부가 되기 전활발한 성생활과 정서적 충족감을 경험하였으나 신혼기에 다양한 원인들로 섹스리스가 되었다. 그로 인해 연구참여자들은 심리내적 갈등과 부부 관계적 갈등을 경험하였으나 그러한 갈등을 회피, 수용과 적응, 적극적 노력으로 대처함으로써 결혼의 위기나 가족해체를 초래하진 않았다. 연구참여자들은 자신들이 섹스리스 부부라고 해도 부부간의 성관계를 긍정적이고 필요한 것으로 인식하였으며, 섹스리스로 지내는 현재의 생활에 대해 창피함을 느끼거나 불행한 삶이라고 느끼진 않지만 무언가 아쉬운 삶으로 지각하고 잠재적인 문제가 있을 수 있다는 불안감을 느꼈다. 결론: 우리 사회가 섹스리스 부부를 무조건적으로 문제시하는 편견에서 벗어나 활발한 성생활이 없다고 해도 부부간의 신뢰가 있고, 이혼의 위기 없이 잘 지내고 있는 부부들에 대해 보다 수용적이며 지지적인 태도가 필요하다. 부부가 친밀감을 표현하는 다양한 표현방식이 있다는 것을 인식하고, 이러한 섹스리스 부부들의 상황과 요구에 대한 연구와 유용한 정보제공이나 실천적 개입이 활성화될 필요가 있다. Objectives: The purpose of the study was to explore the experience of sexless marriage among married women in their 30s and 40s, who are stable and not experiencing marital crisis. Method: Six married women in sexless marriage were interviewed and recorded data were analyzed according to qualitative analysis. Results: The sexless experience of married women who participated in this study was largely categorized as pre-sexless experience, the reasons for being a sexless couple, conflict caused by sexless, coping with conflict, and awareness of sexless situations. Participants in the study experienced an active sex life and emotional satisfaction before becoming part of a sexless couple, but they became sexless due to various causes during their honeymoon. As a result, participants experienced psychological and marital conflicts, but by avoiding them, accepting them, adapting to them, and/or dealing with them through active efforts, the lack of sex did not lead to a marriage crisis or family breakup. Despite their reality as part of a sexless couple, they recognized sex as positive and necessary. Furthermore, although, they did not feel ashamed or unhappy about their current sexless situation, they did feel anxious that their marriage could be regrettable and potentially problematic. Conclusions: There is a need to eliminate the prejudice of questioning sexless couples in regard to research and public awareness of sexless couples. There is also a need for a shift in the public perception that sexless couples can have a satisfactory marriage without the risk of divorce if they are affectionate, trustworthy and emotionally connected. Recognizing that there are various ways of expressing intimacy between couples, research on the situation and needs of sexless couples and providing useful information or practical intervention needs to be undertaken.

      • 4차 산업혁명기술의 지식재산컨설팅업 활용방안에 대한 연구

        신민정 ( Min Jeong Shin ),엄용현 ( Yong Hyeon Eom ),이민구 ( Min Koo Lee ) 충남대학교 기초과학연구원 2022 충남과학연구지 Vol.39 No.1

        After presenting the Fourth Industrial Revolution on the agenda at the Davos Forum in 2016, interest in the Fourth Industrial Revolution is increasing rapidly around the world. The fourth industrial revolution, an era of industrial innovation in which ICT technology is integrated with various industries, is expected to bring about a new era that humanity has not experienced. Strategic management of intellectual property (IP) is important in order to secure the leadership of the future market. In addition, there is a need to revitalize the intellectual property service industry, which is a professional service industry supporting the creation, protection and utilization of intellectual property. In this study, we propose the application method in the intellectual property consulting industry through the future new technology in order to find the countermeasure of the intellectual property consulting industry during the 4th industrial revolution era.

      • 그리프스(Charles Tomlinson Griffes)의 피아노 음악: Sonata(1919) 연구를 중심으로

        신민정 ( Min Jeong Shin ) 한국피아노학회 2015 피아노음악연구 Vol.9 No.-

        The progression and development of Classical music from the late 19th to the 20th century was a turning point and landmark period in music history. Formally and harmonically, many disparate works were composed, and composers broke traditional molds, experimenting and constructing their own revolutionary paths. Charles Tomlinson Griffes’(1884-1920) entire output reflects this trend, as his productive years coincided exactly with this time frame. In spite of his relatively short lifetime, Griffes’ compositional legacy showed his gradual compositional evolution. Also, the genres Griffes covered are quite broad, but among these diverse genres, his attachment to the piano was very special, as it was the first instrument of his musical studies. As a skillful and polished pianist, Griffes expressed his musical imagination primarily through the genre of piano solo, and the list of his entirepiano solo repertoire shows how Griffes’ compositional concept changed and developed during the first two decades of the 20th century. The purpose of this study is to catalogue Griffes’ solo piano works by three main periodic categories and to examine their notable characteristics along with Griffes’ gradual evolutionary compositional progression from a performer’s view. Among his piano works, Sonata composed in Griffes’ late years is the most famous one, being evaluated as firmly woven architectural piece with various new accidental, abstract, and metallic sounds by opening new prospect in 20th Century atonal music. In Sonata, Griffes devised his own so called ‘artificial scale’ which was a new logic to weave countless nonharmonic notes. Compared to such well known American composers as Aaron Copland, Charles Ives, Samuel Barber, or Elliot Carter, it is very true that Griffes’ piano works are rarely programmed or performed nowadays. However, it seems necessary to provide more opportunities for audiences to appreciate not only Griffes’ own unique impressionistic colors which differ greatly from Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel, but also revolutionary sound especially reflected in his late Sonata. Overall, this paper shed new light on the value and importance of his music, hidden treasures and gems in the vast realm of the piano repertoire.

      • 화전민호수의 변화요인 분석 -강원도를 중심으로-

        신민정 ( Min Jeong Shin ) 한국농업사학회 2011 농업사연구 Vol.10 No.2

        화전정리사업의 전개에 따른 화전·화전민의 수량적인 변화에 한정하여 사업을 평가하는 것이 아닌 화전정리사업의 전개에 따른 화전·화전민의 실태의 변화와 한국의 사회경제 구조변화를 결부시키는 분석 시점이 중요하다는 점에서 오늘날 입수 가능한 당시 화전·화전민에 관련된 한정된 1960~1970년대 통계 데이터를 적극 활용하여 계량학적 접근을 시도하였다. 화전정리사업 화전민대책의 일환으로 행해진 신설상전 면적, 양잠농가호수, 경제발전에 따른 사회구조 변화 가운데, ①산림황폐화에 따른 산림보호·조림면적, ②공업화에 따른 화학비료사용량과 화전민호수와의 관계를 계량분석 해 본 결과, 신설상전면적과 화학비료사용량이 화전민호수와 유의한 상관관계를 가지고 있는 것으로 나타났다. This study attempts to examine the relationship between slash-burn farms, the arrangement of shifting cultivation which was implemented by the government from 1965 to 1979, and socioeconomic changes due to the economic growth using panel data from 1960s to 1970s. Based on the results obtained from econometric analysis, while an increase of supply of chemical fertilizers in consequence of industrialization has had an influence on the decrease of slash-burn farms, mulberry fields which were distributed to slash-burn farmers for free as a subsidy to encourage them to switch their business to sericulture and thus to reduce the number of slash-burn farmers has had a positive relationship with the increase of slash-burn farms as opposed to the purpose of the policy.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        포장 및 냉,해동 방법이 고구마 줄기의 품질 특성에 미치는 영향

        최희정 ( Hee Jeong Choi ),이상윤 ( Sangyoon Lee ),이지선 ( Jiseon Lee ),김수진 ( Soojin Kim ),서재희 ( Jae Hee Seo ),이중규 ( Junggyu Lee ),김하윤 ( Hayun Kim ),신혜림 ( Hyerim Shin ),조선경 ( Sun Kyung Cho ),신민정 ( Min Jung Shi 한국산업식품공학회 2016 산업 식품공학 Vol.20 No.2

        Food freezing preservation is an important process due to its high quality and long shelf-life. In order to improve the quality of frozen sweet potato stem, the freezing rate, thawing, and packaging method was optimized by the determination of physical properties. There was no significant difference among the treatment of freezing rate. Further, the drip loss of sweet potato stem was higher at a relatively fast freezing rate (immersion freezing) than at slow freezing rate (natural convection freezing at -20 or -40oC). For the comparison of packaging methods, the aircontaining packaged sweet potato stem had the lowest significant differences from the result of color, pH, and hardness. From the result of the drip loss, the high frequency and microwave using thawing samples were more effective than room temperature and water thawing. Therefore, fast freezing and thawing rate with air-containing package were recommended to obtain the better quality of sweet potato stem.

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