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      • KCI등재

        우주발사체 개발사업에서 신뢰성공학의 시스템엔지니어링 인터페이스

        신명호,조상연,조미옥,Shin, Myoung Ho,Cho, Sang Yeon,Joh, Miok 한국시스템엔지니어링학회 2006 시스템엔지니어링학술지 Vol.2 No.1

        Development of launch vehicle needs a large-scale and complicated System Engineering discipline interfacing to small-quantity production with special manufacturing processes. In general, the System Engineering discipline of launch vehicle has its relationship with Production, Operations, Product Assurance and Management disciplines and its internal partitions into the functions of System Engineering Integration & Control, Requirements Engineering, Analysis, Design and Configuration and Verification. As a function of Product Assurance, reliability of launch vehicle plays an significant role in risk management, system safety, flight safety and launch certification through design assurance. Moreover, major functions of systems engineering are integrated by means of reliability in the phases of design and verification. Therefore, derailed identification of system engineering interfaces of reliability, and execution of tasks for reliability assurance is required for successful development of launch vehicle. This paper identifies specific pattern and mechanism of the interfaces between reliability and system engineering.

      • KCI등재

        유도전동기 고정자자속 기준제어의 최대효율제어

        신명호,Shin, Myoung-Ho 한국조명전기설비학회 2006 조명·전기설비학회논문지 Vol.20 No.4

        입력이 최소가 되는 자속의 값을 찾는 유도전동기 고정자자속기준제어의 최대효율제어방법을 제안한다. 제안한 방법에서, 정해진 자속의 값만큼씩 기준자속의 값을 변화시키면서 직류링크에서 측정된 입력의 값이 최소가 되는 기준자속의 값을 찾는다. 또한 철손저항을 고려한 유도전동기의 모델을 이용하여 철손저항을 고려한 토크, 슬립각 속도, 비간섭 보상전류식을 사용한다. 시뮬레이션 및 실험결과를 통해서 제안한 방법의 효과를 입증한다. Maximum efficiency control scheme in a stator flux-oriented induction motor drive is proposed for minimizing input dc power. Flux level is decreased in steps for searching the minimum input dc power. In addition, Torque equation, slip angular frequency, and decoupling compensation current considering iron loss resistance is used. Simulation and experimental results verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

      • KCI등재

        유도전동기 고정자자속 기준제어의 최대효율제어에서 부하증가로 인한 문제 해결방법

        신명호,Shin, Myoung-Ho 한국조명전기설비학회 2007 조명·전기설비학회논문지 Vol.21 No.3

        Flux level is low in the maximum efficiency control of a stator flux-oriented control of induction motor under the light load. In this cast if the loaf torque is suddenly increased, torque component current is limited to the low level by torque-limit condition because of the low flux level. In this paper, a technique to solve the problem is proposed. 유도전동기 고정자자속 기준제어의 최대효율제어에서 경부하시 자속은 작은 값이 된다. 이러한 상태에서 갑자기 부하가 증가하였을 경우 전동기는 부하토크에 대응하는 토크를 발생시켜야 하지만, 낮은 자속 때문에 토크제한조건에 의한 토크성분전류는 작은 값으로 제한되며, 부하토크에 대응하는 토크를 발생시키지 못해서 속도제어가 안 되는 문제가 발생한다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위한 방법을 제안한다.

      • KCI등재

        한국사회의 양극화와 빈곤

        신명호(Shin Myong-Ho) 고려대학교 아세아문제연구소 2006 亞細亞硏究 Vol.49 No.1

        Since 1997, when Korea was unexpectedly struck by the financial crisis, the nation has been suffering increasingly growing disparities between the rich and poor, severe job losses of unskilled workers in labor market, and a distinct growth in working poor population. The phenomenon of polarization, however, has not been confined to the area of income and consumption, but has taken place in almost every economic arena, including industries and investments.<br/> The polarization in many areas throughout the society seems to result from globalization and its consequent flexibilization of labor. Although it is true that worldwide tendencies of de-industrialization and globalization make a structural force to press polarization in Korea as well, actual trajectories of social transformations are also influenced by politics among interest groups and social classes.<br/> At present we cannot be optimistic about our chances of curbing the currently widening gap between the haves and the have-nots. Such a gloomy prospect is associated with the present situation where Korean economy has not been capable of finding new sources of growth after the old model proved no longer efficient.<br/> But what we should bear in mind is that all the developed countries which had been exposed to globalization and economic afflictions didn’t converge into the same outcomes, instead, the societies seeking for the principle of social solidarity more or less succeeded in coping with the problems.<br/> The task that Korea is supposed to undertake is to establish a national consensus at the point closer to the reformist democracy. In order for Korea to shed the prevailing conservatism, a new paradigm of political and labor movements to overcome polarization should be created.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 이왕가(李王家)의 세습재산

        신명호(Shin Myungho) 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2017 인문사회과학연구 Vol.18 No.1

        일제는 고종과 순종의 생존 중에는 이왕가 소유재산에 대한 합법적 규제를 미루다가 순종이 세상을 떠나자 [왕공가궤범]과 [왕공세습재산규칙]을 공포하여 합법적 규제를 가하기 시작했다. 이 결과 이왕가의 재산은 기왕의 기본재산과 보통재산에 새로이 세습재산이 추가되어 기본재산, 보통재산, 세습재산으로 구성되기에 이르렀다. [왕공가궤범]은 7편과 부칙의 총 215조로 구성되었다. 7편은 제1편의 ‘왕가급공가(王家及公家)’, 제2편의 ‘신위(身位)’, 제3편의 ‘재산(財産)’, 제4편의 ‘친족(親族)’, 제5편의 ‘상속(相續)’, 제6편의 ‘상장(喪葬), 제7편의 ‘왕공족심의회(王公族審議會)’으로서, 이중 제3편의 ‘재산(財産)’ 중에 세습재산 규정 16개 조항이 들어 있다. [왕공가궤범]의 세습재산 관련 규정 16개 조항은 크게 일반 원칙에 관련된 1개조항, 설정 절차에 관련된 6개 조항, 관리에 관련된 5개 조항, 마지막으로 해제와상속에 관련된 4개 조항으로 구성되었다. 한편 [왕공세습재산규칙]의 세습재산 관련 규정 27개 조항은 왕공가궤범의 세습재산 규정과 마찬가지로 세습재산의 설정 절차에 관련된 조항, 관리에 관련된조항, 마지막으로 해제와 상속에 관련된 조항으로 구성되었다. 왕공가궤범과 왕공세습재산규칙이 공포됨으로써 1930년에 이미 이왕가 소유토지의 약 86%가 세습재산으로 설정되었고, 소유 건물 중에서도 중요한 건물은 모두세습재산으로 설정되었으며, 이 같은 추세는 시간이 지나면서 확대되었을 것으로 보인다. 이는 세습재산 설정이 겉으로는 이왕가의 소유 재산 중에서 후대에 전할귀중한 토지, 건물을 세습재산으로 삼아 보호하기 위한 것이라고 하였지만, 실제로는 이왕가의 소유재산에 대한 법적 규제를 강화하기 위한 것이었음을 보여준다. During the japanese colonial period, the japanese tenno offered an annual allowance for joseon royal family member. in order to manage this annual allowance, the management rule for basic property was established in 1915. at the same time, the basic property for joseon royal family member was also established in 1915. During the japanese colonial period,, joseon royal family have had the general property. so the joseon royal family property was formed by basic property and general property. the general property was formed by farmland, fields, woodlands, stocks, cashes and loans. In 1926, the japanese government had established the rule for joseon royal family and the hereditary property regulation for joseon royal family in order to control the general property. during the japanese colonial period, the joseon royal family property was managed by the chief of the bureau for joseon royal family member. also supervised by secretary of japanese imperial household agency. in the long run, we can conclude that the japanese colony controled and also supervised the joseon royal family property by the rule for joseon royal family and the hereditary property regulation for joseon royal family.

      • KCI등재

        동기릴럭턴스전동기의 자기포화를 고려한 최대토크제어

        신명호(Myoung-Ho Shin) 한국조명·전기설비학회 2014 조명·전기설비학회논문지 Vol.28 No.10

        This paper presents a synchronous reluctance motor drive for maximum torque to current (MTC) considering magnetic saturation. Measured d-axis and q-axis inductances are used to obtain current angle vs. maximum torque curve using torque equation. Maximum torque to current control is achieved by the current angle and stator current for maximum torque from the current angle vs. maximum torque curve at a given torque reference.

      • KCI등재

        조선전기 王妃 · 大妃의 本宮과 私藏

        신명호(Shin, Myung-Ho) 부산경남사학회 2013 역사와 경계 Vol.89 No.-

        조선전기에는 왕의 잠저뿐만 왕의 장인댁 즉 왕비의 친정집도 본궁이라 불렸고 나아가 세자빈의 친정집과 대비의 친정집 역시 본궁이라 불렸다. 왕의 잠저일 경우, 현왕의 잠저를 新本宮이라 하여 전왕의 잠저와 구별했던 것과 마찬가지로 왕비의 경우에도 현 왕비의 친정집을 新本宮이라 하여 전 왕비의 친정집과 구별했다. 한편 대비의 본궁 역시 왕의 잠저와 마찬가지로 소재지를 붙여서 불렀는데, 이는 왕의 잠저와 마찬가지로 대왕대비, 왕대비, 대비 등 다수 대비의 본궁이 여러 곳에 소재하여 구별하기 위해서였다. 조선전기에 왕의 잠저와 함께 세자빈, 왕비, 대비의 친정집을 뜻하던 본궁은 왕비나 대비의 사사로운 재산을 비축한 창고나 건물이라는 의미로도 사용되었다. 또한 본궁 재산을 관리하던 書題의 근무 장소를 의미하기도 했다. 이에 따라 조선전기 본궁은 국왕의 잠저와 함께 세자빈, 왕비, 대비의 친정집을 뜻하는 것은 물론 왕비나 대비의 사사로운 재산을 비축한 창고나 건물 나아가 왕비나 대비의 사사로운 재산을 관리하던 書題들의 근무처인 書題所를 뜻하는 등 다양한 의미를 갖게되었다. 조선전기 대비나 왕비의 본궁에는 친정으로부터 分給된 노비나 토지 등에 더하여 왕실로부터 別賜된 노비 그리고 내수사 長利등으로 구성되는 私藏이 있었다. 조선전기 대비나 왕비의 각종 需用에 충당되던 수입원이 바로 이 같은 본궁 私藏에서 확보된 연간 수입이었다. 조선후기의 대비나 왕비가 屬宮私藏의 연간 수입으로 친척들에게 베푸는 은택이라든가 기타 법으로 정해진 이외의 需用에 충당했던 것과 마찬가지로, 조선전기의 대비나 왕비 역시 본궁 私藏의 연간 수입을 이용해서 친척들에게 베푸는 은택이라든가 기타 법으로 정해진 이외의 需用에 충당했다. 즉 조선후기 各殿의 屬宮은 조선전기 대비나 왕비의 本宮을 계승했던 것이다. 다만 조선후기 各殿의 屬宮은 그 주요 재원이 궁방전이었음에 비해 조선전기 대비나 왕비의 본궁은 그 주요 재원이 궁방전이 아니었다는 사실에서 크게 달랐다. In early joseon dynasty, the original palace(本宮) for king and the parent’s home for queen dowager or queen were also called original palace (本宮). In case of the original palace(本宮) for king, new king’s original palace(本宮) was called new original palace(新本宮) in order to differentiate the original palace(本宮) for old king. in the same way, the original palace (本宮) for queen was also called new original palace(新本宮) in order to differentiate the original palace(本宮) for queen dowager. Furthermore, in case of the original palace(本宮) for king, the palace’s name was called with location in order to differentiate among many original palace. In the same way, the original palace(本宮) for queen dowager was also called with location in order to differentiate among many original palace. Because there were many queen dowager such as great great queen dowager(大王大妃), great queen dowager(王大妃), queen dowager. In early joseon dynasty, the original palace(本宮) for queen dowager or queen were also used as an office to administrate personal property(私藏) for queen dowager or queen. The personal property(私藏) for queen dowager or queen were composed of slave, land and grain from parents or king. When queen got married with king, her parents would give general division(分給) such as slave, land. Also, when queen got married with king, royal family would give special division(別賜) such as slave, land and grain. With these personal property(私藏), queen dowager or queen allocated for personal use such as presents for parents or relatives, religious activity and so on. In late joseon dynasty, the original palace(本宮) for queen dowager or queen were succeeded as affiliated palace(屬宮). So in late joseon dynasty, queen dowager or queen could use personal property(私藏) related to the affiliated palace(屬宮) for personal use such as presents for parents or relatives, religious activity and so on.

      • KCI등재

        宣靖陵의 歷史와 管理制度

        신명호(Shin Myung-ho) 역사실학회 2006 역사와실학 Vol.31 No.-

        In joseon dynasty, the royal tomb area was divided into three areas. First was the area of the burial mound(陵上). Second was the area of T-shaped hall(丁字閣). And last was the area for management buildings. Seolleung(宣陵) which is the tomb of king Seong-jong(成宗) and his second queen Jeonghyeon-wanghu(정현왕후), and Jeongneung(靖陵) which is the tomb of king Jung-jong(中宗) are also divided into three areas. King Seong-jong(成宗) was died in 1494 and buried in Seolleung(宣陵) in next year. King Jung-jong(中宗) was died in 1544 and buried in Jeongneung(靖陵) at the same year. The area of the burial mound(陵上) was the area where the bodies of the deceased king and queen were interred. In the area of the burial mound(陵上), various objects were placed such as statues of military officers and scholar officials and a stone table. This area was linked to the council hall, where the souls of the king and his departed ministers could meet. And the dusky palace burial chamber was made of stone. The area of T-shaped hall(丁字閣) was the area for gatherings of the living. The area of T-shaped hall(丁字閣) was made at the foot of the mound. This building, which served a purpose similar to that of main audience hall in palace, was likewise placed atop an elevated foundation and overlooked a wide open area extending to the left and right. A walkway called chamdo(參道) connected the red spirit gate(紅箭門) with the T-shaped hall(丁字閣), while a second spirit path(神道) was built a step higher and to the left of the chamdo(參道). The walkway up from the T-shaped hall(丁字閣) to the burial mound(陵上) was called the spirit bridge(神橋). The area for management buildings was built at the outside gate. The management buildings were constituted with jaesil(齋室), anhyang-chung(安香廳), jyunsa-chung(典祀廳) and gong-su(公須). An office for the royal tomb commander(陵令) and royal tomb curater(陵參奉) worked in the area for management buildings and managed the royal tomb. An office for the royal tomb commander(陵令) and royal tomb curater(陵參奉) also controlled hundreds of workers and temples belonging to the royal tomb.

      • KCI등재

        한국형발사체 비행 신뢰도 추정 방법

        신명호(Myoung Ho Shin),유승우(Seung-Woo Yoo) 대한기계학회 2021 大韓機械學會論文集A Vol.45 No.8

        베이지안 신뢰도 분석은 우주발사체의 비행 신뢰도 추정에 광범위하게 적용되고 있다. 한국형발사체의 비행 신뢰도 추정을 위해서, 베이지안 추론에 기반한 유즈노예의 신뢰도 추정 방법을 적용한다. 베이지안 접근법을 통해서 비행 신뢰도 추정에 지상에서의 개발시험과 인증시험으로부터 확인된 정보를 사전정보로 포함시킬 수 있고, 비행 실패 이후 취해진 교정조치 결과를 반영할 수 있다. 이항분포를 갖는 비행 신뢰도의 경우, 베타 확률 분포가 켤레 사전 분포로 적용될 수 있다. 끝으로 본 논문에서 제안된 방법론을 실제 우주발사체 비행 시험을 통해 확인된 데이터에 적용하여 그 결과를 확인한다. Bayesian reliability analysis has been widely applied to flight reliability estimations of space launch vehicles. To estimate the flight reliability of the KSLV-II, the methodology of Yuzhnoye based on Bayesian inference is used. Owing to the adoption of the Bayesian approach, the flight reliability estimate can contain a priori information from ground development and qualification tests as well as reflect corrective actions implemented after failure. For flight reliability estimation with a binomial distribution, the beta probability distribution was used as the conjugate prior distribution. Finally, an illustrative example is described by applying the proposed methodology to the case of a space launch vehicle.

      • KCI등재

        朝鮮 王妃와 明 皇后의 冊封儀禮 비교연구

        신명호(Shin, Myung-Ho) 동북아시아문화학회 2012 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.33

        after the founding of joson dynasty, the national ceremony have been repaired. as a result, during the reign of king tae-jong, the national ceremony for sacrifice have been finished. specially, the national ceremony related to the royal investiture ceremony have been repaired during the reign of king se-jong. when the national ceremony related to the royal investiture ceremony have been repaired, the national ceremony of koryo dynasty, tand china and ming china have been refereed. the most important national ceremony of china was tang china’s national ceremony. also, tang china’s national ceremony have greatly influenced to the national ceremony of koryo dynasty. the most important certificate in the investiture ceremony for queen of joson dynasty were a certificate to appoint queen and a queen’s seal. a certificate to appoint queen and a queen’s seal were influenced from tang china’s national ceremony. also, the investiture ceremony itself was influenced from ming china’s national ceremony. but there were a few unique investiture ceremony for queen of joson dynasty. for example, a attire for queen was a unique investiture ceremony for queen of joson dynasty. so we can conclude that the investiture ceremony for queen of joson dynasty was the complex of the national ceremony of koryo dynasty, the national ceremony of ming china and the unique ceremony of joson dynasty itself.

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