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      • KCI등재

        노인여성의 스트레스와 우울간의 관계 연구

        신경림,김정선 노인간호학회 2003 노인간호학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to provide the basic data for mental health promotion strategic and to increase the Quality of life in elderly women. The subjects of this study were 231 elderly women over the age 55, living in Korea. The tool of data collection was the Perceived Stress Scale : PSS(Cohen et al. 1983) and CED-D(Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression) Scale(Radloff, 1977). The data was analysed using descriptive statistic, t-test. ANOVA, Pearson Correlation, Simple Rgression by SPSS/Win 10.0. The results of this study were as follows : 1. The mean score of the stress was 28.05±4.469(range 18-42), and the mean score of the depression was 16.69±16.693(range 0-38). 2. There was a significant difference statistically in the degree of stress according to the income(F=3.318, P=.037). There was nothing in the degree of depression. 3. There was a significant correlation statistically between stress and depression (r=. 514, P=. 000). and There was a explanation power(26%) of stress by the stress. In conclusion, the results of this study show that stress is very important factor that effect on the depression for the elderly women. Therefore, it will be considered stress in mental health nursing intervention for the elderly women.

      • KCI등재

        임상간호 실습교육의 교수효율성 연구

        신경림,김미애 이화여자대학교 교과교육연구소 1999 교과교육학연구 Vol.3 No.1

        본 연구는 임상실습교육을 받고 있는 간호학생들의 평정을 통하여 임상실습교육의 교수효율성을 측정함으로써 임상실습교육의 평가를 위한 기초자료를 제공하고 더 나아가 임상실습교육의 질을 개선하는데 기여하고자 시도하였다. 연구 결과, 임상간호 실습교육의 교수 관련 현황에서 임상실습교육은 전임교수가 주로 지도한다고 했지만 전임교수의 참여도와 참여학습 내용은 1-2회, 집담회에만 참여하는 경우가 가장 많았다. 따라서 학생들은 실질적으로 임상 실습동안 전임교수로부터 학습목표 및 학생들의 요구에 부합되도록 충분한 지도를 받지 못하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 임상실습교육의 교수효율성은 '중' 정도이고, 요인별로 ' 의사소통술, 역할모델, 격려와 지지, 공정한 평가, 조직성, 전문능력, 전문지식, 협조' 요인은 교수효율성이 '중상'으로 나타났으며 대인관계술, 원조자, 유용성, 교수법, 적절한 배정' 요인은 교수효율성이 '중하'로 나타났다. 임상실습 교수별 교수효율성은 전임교수가 학생들의 실습만을 담당하는 과목별 실습조교보다 낮은 것으로 평가되었다. 특히 '친밀감, 열의, 융통성, 원조자, 유용성, 대인관계술, 교수법, 적절한 배정' 요인은 '중하'의 평가를 받았다. 간호학생들은 간호에서 전문지식과 실무경험을 모두 중요시하고 있으며 , 이론과 실제를 잘 연결시켜 줄 수 있는 전임교수를 가장 이상적인 임상실습지도자로 원하고 있었다. 그러나 전임교수는 바쁘고 실무에 약하다는 이유 때운에 차선책으로 임상경험이 풍부하고 과목별 실습 중 좀 더 가까이에서 학생들을 지도해 주고 있는 과목별 실습조교를 실습지도자로 택했고 실제로 교수효율성 평가에서도 높은 점수를 준 것이라고 생각한다. The purpose of this study was to contribute to the development of clinical instruction by students' ratings of teaching effectiveness in clinical nursing education. The subjects· were compprised of graduating class 618 students from 24 nursing colleges in the nation. These data were collected from conducting questionnaires for 34 day period from March 15 to April 17, 1996. The instruments used in this study were "neral characteristics &tatus of clinical nursing education"eveloped by the researcher and 'Instrument to Measure Effectiveness of Clinical Instructors"y <참고문헌참조 actuate="onRequest" inline="true" rid="ref24" show="replace" xml:link="simple">Reeve(1994)</참고문헌참조>. The Collected data were analyzed by the actual number, its percentage, the mean, standard deviation, ANOVA &ANOVA. The 50 questions used in the questionnaire were categorized into 13 components subject to factor analysis. The 13 components were interpersonal relationships, communication skills, role model, resource for students, favorable to students, encouraging to think for selves, teaching methods, evaluation, finding assignments for objectives, organization of subject matter, professional competence, knowledge of subject matter &orking with agency personnel. The results of this study are as follows 1. Status of clinical noising education: 1) Clinical nursing education were led by nursing professors(44.9%), a team of both nursing professor &ead nurse(6.8%), instructors from specific hospital(15.1%), instructors for a specific subject(14.6%), &ead nurse(6.8%). for3-year program students, 34.6% of the clinical nursing education were led by instructors from specific hospital &1.4% of the education by nursing professors for Bachelor’s program. 2) The longest clinical education performed lasted 11 days, &he highest number of visits led by clinical teachers during any education period was 1-2 visits of 59.7%. 3) The contents for clinical education comprised of Couerence being the most frequent of 34.5%; a combination of Nursing skills, Orientation Conference etc.22.0%, Nursing process 21.7%; Orientation 13.5%; Inspection(making rounds) 6.4%, &ursing skills of 2% being the least frequent. 4) 82.9% of the nursing students responded that lectures &linical education were held indeperldently. 5) 54.2% of nursing students felt that their clinical teachers played a role-model, the reason was based on the clinical teacheis professional knowledge &linical experience. However, the judgement was further based on how well the teachers applied their knowledge &xperience. 6) Students' preference of clinical teachers from the higest to the lowest were instructors for a specific subject being the most desired(44.9%) followed by nursing professor, head nurse, a team of both nursing professor &ead nurse, &nstructors from specific hospital being the least desired. 7. Students felt that the qualification for clinical teachers should be at least a masteis degree holder and 5 or more years of clinical experience. The reason they felt was because knowledge &experience are imperative for professional education. 2. Clinical teaching effectiveness: The total points for teaching effectiveness was 147.97(mean of 2.95 ± 0.98) where the total score is considered to be an average rating. 3. Teaching effectiveness as status of clinical nursing education: 1) The score ratings for the clinical instructors from the highest to the lowest were as follows : instructors for a specific subject, instructors from specific hospitals, a team of both nursing professors &ead nurses, nursing professors, head nurses, which resulted in significant difference(F=4.53, P<001). 2) The rating scores based on the teaching program from the highest to the lowest were as follows; nursing skills, nursing process, a combination of nursing skills, orientatiorn conference etc., coferences, orientation, inspectiof which resulted in significant difference (F=10.97, P<001). 4. Based on 13 categorized components from the questionnaires, questions related to communication skills scored the highest points of 3.20 where inquiries regarding resource for students scored the lowest points of 2.38. Inquiries on role model, encouraging to think for selves, evaluation, organization of subject matter, professional competence, knowledge of subject matter &orking with agency personnel were scored slightly higher than the average and interpersonal relationships, favorable to students, teaching methods &inding assignments for objectives scored slightly lower than the average. 5. Among the 13 categorial components from the questioulaire, Interpersonal relationship(F=3.18, P<05), Communication skills(F=3.88, P<05), Resourre for students(F=5.41, P<001), Encouraging to think for selves(F=2.65, P<05), Evaluation(F=2.74, P<05), Teaching method(F=4.21, P<01), Finding assignment for objectives(F=5.23, P<001), Organization of subject matter(F=3.38, p<01), Professional competence(F=3.37, P<01), &orking with agency personnel(F=5.70, P<001), instructors for a specific subject scored the highest points and head nurse scored the lowest, which resulted in significant difference. favorable for students, instuctors for a specific subject scored highest points and nursing professor scored the lowest, which resulted in significant deference (F=5.39, P<001). Role model &rofessional competence, instructors for a specific subject scored the highest points and head nurse scored the lowest, with minimum variation(F=1.29, P>05; F=1.64, P>05). 6. Based on 13 categorial components as a whole, the highest points scored among the 5 groups of clinical teachers was instructors for a specific subject and the lowest, by head nurse(F=1.94, P<001). A team of both nursing professor &ead nurse attained higher score in clinical education than their independent education.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        환자교육의 적용에 관한 고찰

        신경림 성인간호학회 1993 성인간호학회지 Vol.5 No.2

        This study was developed to apply patient education as nursing intervention. The Emphasis on patient education and disease prevention has increased with people becoming aware that they can control their own health care. Therefore it is important how well nurses are educating their patients and what methods the nursing profession need to consider in order to meet educational needs. The purpose of this study explores how nurse can teach and learn together to create education programs aimed at enhancing the decision-making processand and expanding knowledge. Patient education process was developed as follows : 1) Assessment : information collection, perception of needs, socio-cultural factors, stress which influence to learning effect. 2) Planning : formulating behavioral objectives. 3) Learning activity : lecture, demonstration, sociodrama, tion, etc. 4) Process and Product Evaluation.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        질적연구방법(Qualitative Research Method)의 철학적 배경

        신경림 성인간호학회 1994 성인간호학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        The Question regarding the essence of nursing has been continued with the beginning of Nursing and it is a question that demands continuous exploration and introspection by all the people who deal with Nursing. Nursing phenomena and Nursing origin that deal with the realities of life are very closely related with humanism, and humanism's philosophical value and beliefs have limits in experience -analytical points. In order to study it in a comprehensive way, qualitative research method which is a naturalistic method is needed. In coincidence with the need for Korean Nursing theory, many masters, and doctorate degree colleagues who applied the qualitative research method have been coming out ever since the 1980's and therefore a lot of Nursing researcher's interest and concern are increasing rap[idly. At this point, I thought that it would be meaningful to study the philosophical background of qualitative research method which has given way to this study. Philosophy also brings to mind the abandoning the realistic world to go into the essential world rememberring the idea(Platon) of the essential world. It is a study which establishes philosophy of life and the world and it, therefore, establisher the basic attitude towards life. At the same time it can be defined as a study which confirms the status of man in the world and it,therefore,establisher the basic attitude towards life. At the same time it can be defined as a study which confirms the status of man in the world and foundation of the elements of the world. This is formed in the manner of action, content, and attitude. If you look at the basic belief's principle when examing the change in world philosopy, Nursing paradime and health paradime, it predicts a lot more than scientific or restorative view and shows creative, complex, dynamic, pluralistic, uncertain, clairvoyant and different principles. Those Nursing researchers who emphasized the ontological side, found meaning through the human and human relationship :human-environment relationship's experience studies and they said understanding it involved threating the Nursing ontological side as the essence, as adeguate, Meanwhile, Nightingale Peeplau, Henderson, Orlando and King supported the theory of knowledge by saying that knowing in Nursing is reflecting the philosopher's discussion in the theory of knowledge and one of the purposes in the theory of knowledge in Nursing is that of confirming Nursing as itself. The purpose of qualitative research method can be seen as instrumentation, illustration, sencitization, conceptualization. Along with the philosophical, ontological and epistemological changes in Nursing a wide range of qualitive research approach method is being used and recently is increasing rapidly. However, Due to this rapid increase, the following kind of problems have been noted. Firstly, as the research method used by other study areas have been designed under different hypothesis, model and purpose is it really possible to use it as it is without any alterations? Secondly, it should be considered carefully whether this kind of method itself is either just a collection of data or an analysis. The fact that many researchers have acquired research method through' self-study' which results in adapting these methods according to spesific situation and each researcher's distinct style which gives way to various categories which is a problem. Thirdly as a result of all these. The result is not scientific and at best, it only is a mixture of a lot of rubbish. This further endangers the possibility of attaining desired results. If methods have to be developed and changed. it should be done by somone with a lot of experience and not by a incompetent person, a beginner. Fourthly, it is the usage of qualitative method which is used to concentrate theory. It is possible that a question like"should qualitative research method be as instructive as qualitative method or should it be described in a massive way to develop a distinct style which agrees with the researcher himself?"can rise. Based on all the facts so far, I am going to suggest the following. Firstly, rather than ragarding the qualitative research method based on humanistic philosophy in Nursing area as just a phase, I think that it will only be possible to explore to the real Nursing essence and knowledge when the researcher's philosophical attitude. content and action constitutes a harmony with the humanistic philosophy. If a researcher were to choose the qualitive research method for the purpose avoiding the differently in statistical analysis. then he is in the danger of being in a very precarious state a ascholar. Secondly, when in the process of research planning, the qualitative research method demands a lot of time and it requires flexbility variety, vagneness, and experience in life. It also requires creativity and scholastic preparation because data comes from the interaction between researcher and research participants. Thirdly, in order to use the qualitive method, various areas such as philosophy, phenomenology, sociology, anthropology, Feminism, Art, and history should be studied and prepared beforehand.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        중년여성의 우울 증상 실태조사 연구

        신경림 성인간호학회 1999 성인간호학회지 Vol.11 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to examine depression in order to identify health care strategies to improve health promotion among mid-aged women. There were 515 participants aged 40-65 years old. staying in the Seoul area. The data were collected from July to September. 1999. The instrument for this study was Beck's Depression Inventory(BDI) to evaluate depression. The collected data was analyzed with frequency. percentage. t-test. ANOVA. and Multiple logistic Analysis. The result of this study were as follows: 1. The average depression scores was 10.19 which is relatively low. 2. The depression score was significantly by age(p=0.005), marital status(p=0.049), level of education(p=0.0001), an average income(p=0.0001) and leisure acting (p=0.0001). Therefore this study suggests that the replicate study is needed more at different areas.

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