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      • 국제보건에 미치는 의료선교의 영향에 대한 연구

        송희완 고신대학교 보건과학연구소 2000 보건과학연구소보 Vol.10 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to identify trends occurring in missionary medicine some of which are radically altering approach to challenges faced In world health today. Significant changes have been and are taking place in health care ministries. When they happen slowly, they tend to be overlooked. It was attempted to place these trends within their historical context, highlighted by current examples, in order to maintain a balanced perspective. The first purpose of the christian medical missions is to fulfill the Great Commission and Great commandment. During the christian medical missions has been carrying its purpose, it also has improved the health condition of the third country. The christian medical missions has introduced the modern medicine to the nations which have not modern health care. They have brought the hospital to the lands where have not the hospital. This study identify the facts which medical mission has improved the condition of the international health care. If there were not the medical missions in past century, the medicine development are very much tarried. This study prove it though the past and the present of the medical missions history.

      • 종합병원에 입원한 암 환자들의 보완대체의학의 사용

        송희완 한국보건복지학회 2004 보건과 복지 Vol.7 No.-

        Background Oncologists are aware that their patients use complementary/alternative medicine (CAM). As cancer incidence rates and survival time increase, use of CAM will likely increase. This study assessed the prevalence and predictors of CAM use in the K General Hospital located in Busan area. Method Subjects were cancer patients at least 18 years of age, hospitalizing at the K General Hospital located in Busan, Korea, between April 7, 2003 and April 14. 2003. After explaining this study in every room, a self-administered questionnaire was given, cancer patients completed a self-administered questionnaire. The completed questionnaires were collected after 4 hours. Differences between CAM users and nonusers were assessed by [chi]2 and univariate logistic regression analysis. A multivariate logistic regression model identified the simultaneous impact of demographic, and treatment variables on CAM use; P values were two-sided. Results Of the 141 participants (response rate, 43.8%), 49.6% had heard of CAM. Of those, 32.6% was using at least one CAM approach. Use was greatest for vitamins and herbs (75.9%), spiritual practices (41.2%), diet therapies (38.4%), and movement and physical therapies (26%) and predicted (P<.05) by chemotherapy. Conclusion It is necessary for the patients to be holistically approached as human being with disease not as disease itself. If the patients use various complementary and alternative medicines(CAM) and it help the patients to cope with disease and increase psychological stability, it has to be received. The physicians have need of knowing about CAM in order to take counsel with the patients when they want to know about it.

      • 육체적 환자의 인격적 특성과 그들을 위한 사역

        송희완 高神大學校保建科學硏究所 1996 보건과학연구소보 Vol.6 No.-

        육체적으로 병든 환자의 인격적 특성에 대한 접근은 두가지가 있다. 첫째, 심령육체적 관점으로부터의 접근이다. 즉, 환자는 인격때문에 아프다는 것이다. 둘째, 심리학적인 접근이다. 즉 환자는 그가 아프기 때문에 이런 인격을 가지고 있다는 것이다. 사실 환자의 인격은 이 두가지의 요소들을 다 지니고 있다. 질병과 인격적인 특성사이에는 상관관계가 있다는 것을 분명히 관찰할 수 있다. 환자의 질병은 그 사람의 인격의 표현이다. 신체는 그 자체의 방법으로 말하는 능력을 가지고 있다. 그리고 질병의 조건을 통해서 반복적으로 그렇게 하고 있다.한편,질병은 환자를 환자의 인격에 영향을 주는 복잡한 심리학적인 상황으로 인도한다. 육체적,감정적,그리고 영적인 세가지 차원은 상호관계하여 환자 자신에 대한, 다른 사람에 대한, 그리고 생명의 근거와 기원이 되는 하나님에 대한 개인의 관계를 방해한다. 현실적인 의미에서, 육체적으로아픈 환자는 그 자신에 대한 그의 개념에 어떤 격렬한 이룬다. 그는 다른 사람과 떨어지고 분리되었다는 것을 느낀다. 이것은 자기 는 무가치하고 소외되었다는 것을 느낀다. 이것은 자기는 무가치하고 소외되었다는 내적인 감정으로 부터 나온다. 그는 생명의 근원으로 부터,삶을 의미 있게 하고 가치있게 하는 바로 그 존재 즉 하나님 자신으로부터, 소원되고 분리되었다고 느낀다. 그러므로, 육체적인 질병은 환자 의 생명의 모든 단계를 포함하는 전체적인 것이다. 우리들은 질병을 개인의 전인격적인 구조와 별개의 것으로 생각해서는 안된다.건강하고 온전한 사람은 그 사람의 육체적인 자원, 그의 감정적, 지성적 모든 자원과 영적인 모든 자원들이 적당한 기능을 발휘한 결과이다. 미해결의 갈등과 억압된 감정이 있다면 그것은 육체적이든지 감정적이든지 크고 작은 질병을 일으키는데 이바지 한다.이와같이 한 개인이 그 자신과 재통일이 되기 위해서는 숨겨진 파괴적인 감정들을 빛으로 이끌어 내는 것이 필요하다. 또한, 환자는 사회적 존재이다. 만약 그가 나-너의 인격적인 관계안에 없다면 그의 불화는 더욱 깊어진다.환자가 다른 사람들과 화해하게 된다면 온전함이 생명을 우리들 속으로 부어넣는다. 환자는 그의 실패, 즉 죄의 결과때문에 아프다는 많은 증거들이 있다. 환자들은 전에 깊이 숨겨졌었던 파괴적이고 건설적인 것들을 스스로 발견하게 될수도 있다.그때 그는 자격은 없지만 영접되어졌다는 자각으로 하나님과 화해된것 을 경험할 수 있다. 일단 이것이 그를 부수고 들어올 때는 그의 회복을 방해하는 것은 사라진다. 결과적으로 치유는 인격의 모든 차원에 서 일어나는 경험이다. 한 개인의 삶의 형태가 치유되어져 한다. 그의 전 인격구조가 검토되어져야 한다. There are two approaches to the personality traits of the physical ill patients: 1)from the psychosomatic point of view, the patients are ill because of their personalities:2)from the psychological approach, the patients have such personalities because of their illness. In fact, the patients' personalities consist in both elements.Personality is one of the causes of the patient's illness. There is a evident correlation to be observed between disease entitles(ulcers of the stomach) and personality traits (the aggressive, hard-driving business type).their illness are an expression of their personalities. The body has the ability to speak in its own way,and repeatedly does so through the condition of illness. On the other hand,illness leads the patients to a complex psychological situation,which influences the patients'personalities. All three dimensions such as the physical,emotional and sprituals, interpenetrate each other to hinder the individual's relation to himself,to others, and to God,who is the ground and source of life. In a real senes, the physically ill patients undergo some rather violent changes in their concepts of themselves.They feel alienated,separated from other people.This feeling comes from their inner feeling of unworthiness and isolation.Their feeling alinated and separated from the foundation of life,from the very reality that make life meaningful and worthwhile-God him self. The diease,therefore,is a total one encompassing all levels of the patients'life.The patients must be taken as a whole personality.It should be not thought of a diease in isolation from the total personality structure of the individual. A healthy and whole person is the result of the proper functioning of his physical resourcws,all of his emotional and intellectual resources,all of his spritual resources. Actually all three dimensions interact to produce health and wholeness. The presence of unsolved conflict and repressed emotion contrubutes in greater or lesser drgree to our brokenness whether it is physical or emotional.Thus for an individual to become reunited with himself it is necessary to bring to light these hidden destructive emotions.The patients are a social being and unless they are in personal relation of I-THOU their estrangment deepens.As the Patients become reconciled with others the wholeness infuses life into us. There are many evidences that patients suffer because of the consequences of their failure, that is sin, The patients may come to discover for themselves both destructive and creative depth that was hidden previously. Then,with the realization of being accepted even though undeserving they can experience reconcilliation with God. Once this begins to break in upon them,their resistance to recovery disminishes.Healing, consequently, is an experience taking place on all levels of man'spersonality.An individual's entire life pattern must be healed. His entire personality structure must be crutinized.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        병원 직원들의 임종 및 호스피스에 대한 태도 조사 연구

        강은실,송희완,서영애 대한간호학회정신간호학회 1998 정신간호학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        The purpose of this study were to find the attitude, and the knowledge on death and hospice and the various factors which influence the attitude and the knowledge of hospital personnels on a death and a hospice, furthermore to provide the data base for hospice educational program as personal resource of the hospice program for terminally ill patients and to promote the mature attitude on a death and a hospice and the posive attitude on their life and death. Research subjects were 513 hospital staffs of K medical center in Pusan, Korea. The data were collected from Feb., to May, 1996. The research tool which developed from literal review was used for this study. The results of study were as follows ; 1. The attitude on death 1) 97.9% of the respondants intermittently thought on their death. 2) They worried about their death because of progression of dying(31.8%), and loss of their life(25.7%) 3) 64.9% of the responants considered the meaning of death as the rest of the future life(life after death) or the peaceful rest, the end of their psycholog activity. 4) 30.1% of the respondants wanted to die at home, 16.4% at hospice ward or a hospice care unit. 5) 63.2% of the respondants wanted to die with their families and minister, 31.0% with their close families. 6) Of the total respondants, 66.3% observe the death and dying persons. 7) 67.8% of the respondants sincerely thought their death. 8) 55.2% of the respondants communicated with others about their death. 9) 50.5% of the respondants replied that they wanted to complete unfinished things before death. 16.0% wanted to serve the others. 10) 8.5% were interested in leaving something of significance for others. 11) 54.4% of the respondants had the plan to write a will 12) 65.9% of the respondants believed that there is the world after death. 13) 67.4% of the respondants had a positive attitude to their death, 21.8% had negative attitude to their death. 14) 51.5% of the respondants replied that health is the most important thing in their life. 15) 65.5% of the respondants were not satisfied with management of the morgue. 2. Attitude on Hospice 1) 48.0% of the respondants heared about hospice through hospital setting, books or educational curricula(32.0%), and masscom(14.2%). 2) Ideal models of Korean hospice program were suggested the hospice ward or unit in hospital setting(52.6%), home hospice(20.7%), free standing hospice(19.9%), hospice program in total hospice (1%), and hospice room in hospital setting(9.0%). 3) Most adequate hospice management institution was a religious or service group with the support of the government(52.6%), the second was a only religious or service group(23.6%), the third hospital governed(16.6%), and the national or public institution(5.7%). 4) The main reasons that hospice program couldn't be carried out in Korea are the lackness in understanding of authorities about hospice(28.1%), and economic reason for their hospital(18.3%). 5) Most of the respondants want to establish the hospice ward in general hospital setting(90.3%). 6) Most of the respondants recognize that hospice care must be a role of the medical teams (90.4%). 7) 89.5% of the respondants showed that dying patient want to counsell to their medical team, but they do not have enough time and chance for counselling. 8) 54.6% of the respondants want to committe in hospice service. Therefore, following suggestions are recommended. 1) Development of hospice educational program for hospital staffs is recommended. 2) Home hospice program and medical insurance law for comphrehensive home care are needed. 3) Continous research for theoretical background and philosophical basis for hospice are recommended

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