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        C. J. 체리의 『사이틴』으로 본 프란시스 베이컨의 인식론적 제국주의

        송호림(Song, Ho Rim) 새한영어영문학회 2021 새한영어영문학 Vol.63 No.4

        Reading C. J. Cherryh’s Cyteen, an axis of her Alliance-Union Universe series, this essay examines how the text explores epistemological imperialism related to scientific knowledge and discourse. The essay takes advantage of Francis Bacon’s imperialism, which refers to human beings’ complete domination over the nature, in order to account for how the human society of Cyteen set in deep space in three centuries repeats the same power dynamics between science and political power as that in Western imperialism and colonialism as a result of so-called the modern. The novel, mainly depicting power game surrounding human cloning, shows that however highly advanced science is, the old dynamic between science and political power operates for domination over the other, colonizing beings and cloning power.

      • KCI등재

        "A Latent Satire" for Romantic Utopianism: Nathaniel Hawthorne`s The Blithedale Romance

        송호림 ( Ho Rim Song ) 21세기영어영문학회 2011 영어영문학21 Vol.24 No.1

        Emphasizing humanitarianism and philanthropy, the reform movements in nineteenth-century America flourished with the intellectual support of Transcendentalism, which sought spiritual uplift through self-reliance. Both the reform movements and Transcendentalism are grounded on America`s national ideology, utopianism. However, Nathaniel Hawthorne had a sceptical view on such idealistic utopianism and urged reformers` self-examination of their own conscience and morality rather than social reforms. The Blithedale Romance is Hawthorne`s satire on utopian reforms and reformers. Although it is an undeniable fact that the text is based on his short experience at Brook Farm, a utopian community built on Transcendental beliefs, Hawthorne asks the reader not to regard the work as a realistic report of his experience at the institution, arguing The Blithedale Romance is not a realism novel but a Romance midway between the real and the fictitious. Nevertheless, by exploring the reformer characters` moral conscience and dark psychology in his Romance, Hawthorne latently satirizes his contemporary reformers and their romantic utopianism. In order to avoid showing his direct criticism on reformers and their activities, in addition to his emphasis on the genre of his work as Romance, he also diverts the reader`s concern to romantic relationships between the characters through his unreliable narrator. With his problematic narrative and ambiguous conscience, the narrator, indeed, serves as a literary device that makes The Blithedale Romance a Romance text and Hawthorne`s satire latent.

      • KCI등재

        포스트휴먼 진화-사이언스 픽션을 통해 본 인간과 인공 피조물과의 진화적 관계

        송호림 ( Ho Rim Song ) 21세기영어영문학회 2013 영어영문학21 Vol.26 No.3

        Taking advantage of selective science fiction texts, this essay attempts to establish a genealogical link of artificial creatures that have made human beings anxious about a future with them and show how the posthuman view of co-evolution with the creatures can be articulated in such a genealogical flow. The essay assumes that human beings desire for God`s capability of creating intelligent creatures and also worry about God`s punishment for the desire. Yet in the posthuman genealogy of artificial creatures, it is the artificial creatures, not the God, who punish the human desire for creation. This thought reflects human beings come to face a new stage of evolution, symbiotic evolution with artificial beings. The golem in Jewish legends and Frankenstein`s monster have contributed to spreading the idea that artificial creatures would be a competitor of humans in their evolution. Science fictions since the two creatures have striven to configure the direction of human evolution in terms of the competition, which would get more serious as technoscience blurs the boundary between humans and non-humans: science fictions stage the question of "what it means to be human" by foregrounding humanized machines and machinized humans. Some texts anxiously depict artificial creatures` win over humans in the evolutionary competition to warn humans against the thoughtless development of technoscience, and others suggest the co-evolution of the human and machine to affirm the impossibility of changing the evolutionary direction in our technoscience. The essay argues that the claims of superhuman witnessed in recent science fictions and cultural studies are the affirmation of the co-evolution of humans and artificial beings-or, technoscience in general. Indeed, it is the posthuman attitude toward evolution.

      • KCI등재

        『바부르나마』의 현대 우즈벡어 및 위구르어 번역 비교 연구 : 어휘의미론적 관점에서

        송호림(Song, Ho-Lim),후사무딘 투이군(Hussamuddin Tuyghun) 한국이슬람학회 2021 한국이슬람학회논총 Vol.31 No.3

        The goal of this research is to make a comparative study on the two translations of the Bāburnāma originally written in Classical Chagatāi: the version of Modern Uzbek language by Toshqin Bahoiy (Tāšqīn Bahāʼī, 2020) and that of Modern Uyghur Language by Hemit Tömür (1991). The two dialects are recognized as identical twins developed from dissimilar backgrounds. As the both languages evolved into modern times, therefore, we ought to examine and demonstrate the differences from Chagatāi period through comparing various manuscripts. For this purpose, I attempted a brief and lexical-semantic analysis of the two texts first. In addition, I utilized Bombay Persian manuscript (1891) translated by ʿAbd al-Raḥīm Ḵān-i Ḵānān, which is known to the oldest of the manuscripts containing the original literary style of Babur s era, and used Mano Eiji s Chagatāi critical edition that is also recognized as the best manuscript from a textual perspective. As for translation of the two versions, that of Toshqin Bahoiy is a complete Afghani-Uzbek Arabic transcription of the 2008 Uzbek-Cyrillic translation of Vohob Rahmonov and Karomat Mullaxoʻjaeva. In other words, it shows a tendency to maintain a particular structure of Modern Uzbek - heavily persianized Turkic - and the use of much Arabic loanwords and disregarding phonological rules also remain the similar in Chagatāi manuscripts. On the other hand, Hemit Tömür uses relatively more Turkic lexicons based on the Uyghur usage, a colloquial style, without damaging the meaning of the original context of Chagatāi. It also has a strong tendency of choosing concise Arabic-Persian loanwords that Uyghur readers can easily understand. But it often shows weakness in the translation of some complex meaning that require prior knowledge of Classical Persian adjectives.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        The New Wounded and Nonconscious Cognition in Tom McCarthy’s Remainder

        Song, Ho Rim(송호림) 새한영어영문학회 2021 새한영어영문학 Vol.63 No.1

        Investigating how Tom McCarthy’s Remainder introduces nonconscious cognition into a literary narrative form, this essay values a critical potentiality of novel that it enacts by adopting the scientific knowledge of nonconsciousness, a type of cognition that operates in the brain and neurones. The novel employs as its narrator a person of the new wounded, who has problems in nonconscious cognitive process due to traumatic brain damage. The damaged function of his nonconsciousness is never supplemented by conscious cognitive process, resulting in the transformation of his self and the loss of the sense of authenticity whose consequence gives him an obsession with repetition and total control. By depicting such trauma symptoms of the new wounded, the novel claims nonconsciousness as a significant element of cognition and self and dispels the traditional belief of metaphysics in the authentic self with authentic feelings, which limits human cognition to consciousness/unconsciousness.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        포스트휴먼 로맨스와 감성적 진화: 여성 과학소설로 본 테크노사이언스적 사랑의 의미와 욕망

        송호림 ( Ho Rim Song ) 한국영미문학페미니즘학회 2016 영미문학페미니즘 Vol.24 No.2

        Observing how some female science fiction writers deal with sexuality and love in the technoscience age, this essay proposes a new genre of science fiction-that is, female science fiction romance (female SF romance). While most of the SF writers tend to present human-like robots as threatening and monstrous figures, some SF female writers, such as Anne McCaffrey, James Tiptree Jr., Shariann Lewit, and Tanith Lee, endow them with partnership in human evolution. Following the narrative structure of popular romance novels, the female SF writers represent the partnership as love between humans and robots. Love with robots they depict explores not only women`s sexuality and desire in help of technology unlike traditional romance narrative, which expands and reinforces women`s gender roles as good wife and good mother, but those of the posthuman that is seamlessly interconnected with technology. Analyzing romances in female SF romance texts, the essay argues that for the posthuman, love is no longer a transcendental and metaphysical concept, but a transformative power that operates through interconnectivity and interactivity with the Other. Posthuman love with the transformative power, the essay suggests, is an ethic for the posthuman to live well with technoscience. Indeed, in our posthuman environment where many scientists and sociologists expect that love, as a sexual and emotional communication, with robots will be realized soon, female SF romance is a valuable text to portray the direction of the posthuman`s emotional evolution.

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