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        중대재해 처벌 등에 관한 법률의 위헌성 검토

        송지용(jeeyong, Song) 대검찰청 2022 형사법의 신동향 Vol.- No.74

        서민과 기업 종사자의 생명과 건강을 중대재해로부터 지키기 위해 중대재해 발생에 실질적인 책임이 있는 사람에 대해 엄한 처벌이 필요하다는 논의는 2000년대 초반부터 치열하게 전개되었고, 2020년경부터 입법 논의가 가속화되어 2021. 1. 26. 중대재해처벌법이 제정되었다. 그런데, 중대재해처벌법에 대한 필요성에 대한 많은 논의가 있었음에도 그에 대한 법리적 논쟁이 부족했던 탓에 기존 산업안전보건법이나 제조물책임법 등에 기초하여 중대재해처벌법이 제정되었는데, 중대재해처벌법의 입법취지를 살리기 위해 중대재해의 의미를 기존 산업안전보건법과 유사하게 규정하여 너무 광범위하게 인정한 나머지 “중대재해”라는 본질적 의미가 퇴색되어 버렸고, 기존 법체계와 맞지 않는 형벌체계가 도입되는 결과가 되었다고 판단된다. 더욱이 기존 산업안전보건법상 중대재해에 대해서는 가중처벌 조항이 없고 단순히 행정절차의 특례에 대해서 규정되어 있을 뿐이고 제조물책임법에는 입증책임 전환 등 민사상 특례에 대해서 규정되어 있을 뿐임에도, 기존 업무상과실치사상죄 및 산업안전보건법상 치사죄에 비해 매우 혹독하게 가중된 형사처벌 규정이 중대재해처벌법에 신설됨에 따라 법체계의 혼란 및 위헌 논란을 불러오게 되었다. 따라서 본 연구논문에서는 중대재해처벌법상 중대재해 또는 제조물 등 핵심 개념과 새롭게 제정된 가중처벌 규정들이 헌법상 명확성의 원칙, 비례의 원칙 및 책임 주의에 반하는 것이 아닌지 헌법적 관점에서 접근하는 방법으로 중대재해처벌법의 위헌적인 요소들을 세세하게 분석하였다. In order to protect the lives and health of ordinary people and business workers from serious accidents, the debate over the need for harsher punishment for those who are actually responsible for the occurrence of serious accidents has been fierce since the early 2000s. From around 2020, the legislative discussion has been accelerated and finally The Serious Accidents Punishment Act was enacted in January 26th. 2021. However, despite a lot of discussions about the necessity of the The Serious Accidents Punishment Act, since there was a lack of debates from the legal perspective, The Serious Accidents Punishment Act was enacted based on the existing Safety and Health about Industrial site Act and the Product Liability Act. In order to meaningfully enhance the legislative purpose of the Serious Accidents Punishment Act, the meaning of a serious accidents was defined similarly to that of the existing Safety and Health about Industrial site Act. As the result the intrinsic meaning of “serious accidents” has faded and does not fit with the existing legal system because definition of “serious accidents” was introduced too broadly. Moreover, although there are several special provisions of mere administrative procedures and no provision for aggravated punishment for serious accidents under the existing Safety and Health about Industrial site Act, and also in the Product Liability Act civil special cases such as conversion of the burden of proof, the new provisions of the Serious Accidents Punishment Act which impose a much harsher criminal punishment than penalties under the Safety and Health about Industrial site Act or Criminal Act, have caused confusion and controversy over the constitutionality of the legal system. Therefore, in this study, the key concepts such as “serious accident” or “manufacture” in the Serious Accidents Punishment Act and the newly enacted aggravated punishment regulations are will be approached whether or not they are against the principle of clarity, proportionality and liability in the Constitution. As a method, the unconstitutional elements of the Serious Accident Punishment Act were analyzed in detail.

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