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      • 健康統諸位性格, 自我尊重感 및 自家着護行爲의 關係分析 : 肺結劾 患者를 中心으로 With specific reference to PUL, TBC, PTS.

        宋愛朗 이화여자대학교 간호과학대학 1985 이화간호학회지 Vol.- No.18

        인간 행위의 대부분은 사회적인 상호 작용이며 사회가 복잡해 짐에 따라, 인간 행위의 사회적 측면은 점차 중요시 되어 왔다. 통제위 개념은 인간의 사회적 현상을 이해하려는, 사회 학습 이론으로부터 발전된 개념이다. 본 연구는 폐결핵 환자가 지각하는 건강 통제위 성격 각각의 성향과 자아 존중감 및 자가 간호 행위와의 관계를 알아봄으로써, 결핵 환자의 심리적 간호 중재에 있어 통제위 개념의 중요성을 제시하고자 시도되었다. 자료 수집은 1984년 3월 19일부터 4월 7일까지 20일 동안, 서울시내 2개 대학 병원 호흡기 내과 외래에서 통원 치료를 받고 있는, 폐결핵 환자 123명을 대상으로 실시되었다. 사용된 도구는 Wallston &Wallston이 개발한 건강통제위척도, Rosenberg의 자아 존중감척도 그리고 최 영희의 결핵 환자의 주관적 이행 행위 측정 도구였다. 위의 세가지 도구를 이용하여. 총 60문항으로 구조화한 설문지를 사용하여 수집된 자료는, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson Correlation Coefficient로 분석되었다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 제1가설 ; 건강 통제위 성격의 각 성향과 자아 존중감의 관계는 다르게 나타날 것이다 중에서. a. 내적 성향이 높을수록, 자아 존중감이 높을 것이다는 기각되었다.(r=0.053, p=0.559). b. 우연 성향이 높을수록, 자아 존중감은 낮을 것이다는 채택되었다(r=-0.292, p=0.001). c. 타인 의존 성향이 높을수록, 자아 존중감은 낮을 것이다는 채택되었다(r=-0.226, p=0.012) 2. 제2가설 ; 건강 통제위 성격의 내적 성향이 높을수록, 자가간호 행위는 높을 것이다는 채택되었다(r=0.240, p=0.007). 3. 제 3가설 ; 자아 존중감의 정도가 높을수록 자가 간호 행위는 높을 것이다는 기각되었다(r=0.120, p=0.185).

      • 노인 전문 간호사 제도에 대한 고찰

        송애랑 김천대학교 1993 김천대학교 논문집 Vol.14 No.-

        Senescence. the term associated with the process or state of growing old, is one of the natural developmental phenomena of man. To establish on a normative scale a cut off point at which one moves out of adulthood to old age is impossible. However, most investigatorsasnd authorities in developmental psychology and some in physiologic research use age 65 as the focal point for considering the physiologic, and sociologic aging changes in man. The physical changes consistent with old age include impairment of senses of hearing, vision, taste, and smell, loss of teeth: decline in muscle and motor strength; osteoarthritic changes connective tissue change: wrinkling of skin to inelasticity; and changes in the functions of internal organs, often with the evidence of organic illnesses, such as heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes. These individuals are important to our society. Like all of us, they need love, affe ction, interest, support, ad interdependence. There are significant roles they can play in the family constellation, if we take time to plan and work these out. Since most of the elderly are will continue to be a significatnt part of the community, the nurse "sinvolvement with their problems is essential.“ Community based facilities for the aged should be encouraged and supported politically and financially. Maintaining their health and supported their short comings are important responsibilities that the aging nurses and public health nurses must meet.​

      • KCI등재

        보건의료정보관리 전공 학생의 임상실습 수행능력과 실습 만족도

        송애랑 보건의료산업학회 2018 보건의료산업학회지 Vol.12 No.4

        Objectives : This study aimed to investigate the clinical practice ability and satisfaction of clinical training of health-medical information management major students. Methods : The data were collected from 68 persons from students finished clinical training at medical record (information) team using self administered questionnaires. The data were analyzed using t-test, ANOVA and correlation with SPSS 22.0 version. Results: Performance of data collection, data management, and data analysis were analyzed in three areas of the job area. In terms of academic characteristics and correlation, they were not related to the level of satisfaction with the practical experience. Conclusions : Research on a virtuous cycle clinical practice program that analyzes the factors by assessing the satisfaction level of clinical practice in each area of health care information management will be conducted continuously.

      • 한국 의료보험제도의 발달

        송애랑 김천대학교 1990 김천대학교 논문집 Vol.11 No.-

        In the Korea, Medical payment Insurances was opend one of the social policy On Dee, 1963, that established for Medical payment Insurances laws. But it was revised seven times. Non, it is giving effect to National medical payment Insurances. But we will make an endeavor to the management and education for the more development of the system,

      • 응급의료체계의 구축 방안

        송애랑 김천대학교 1995 김천대학교 논문집 Vol.16 No.-

        The purpose of this study suggest to further rationlization of Emergency Medical System Emergency Medical System is enliver by order of president on 29. Jun. 1990. EMS consists of the basic education, correspondence, transfer sys-tem, and hospital equipments. EMS composed of pre-hospitalization phase, transfer phase and hospitalizstion phase. The pre-hospitalization phase is the first consideration with EMS. This phase must be designed by stages.

      • 건강통제위 성격과 다면적 인성검사 척도와의 관계분석 : 정신분열증을 중심으로

        송애랑 김천대학교 1988 김천대학교 논문집 Vol.9 No.-

        The purpose of this research is to prove the importance of " The concept in Locus of Control" for psychological care of Schizophrenia patients. I have examined the relations between the character is tics of each Health Locus of Control, the degree of Self-Esteem and MMPI Scales. The survey of data was conducted among 13 schizophrenia pat-ients who were hospitalized at N-P ward, from April 1, 1985 to March 31, 1986. This instruments used for this survey were Wa 11 st on and Wallston's Multi-H.L.O.C. Scales. Rosen beg's Self-Esteem scales & MMPI scales. The result of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. The higher H.L.O.C. - Internal, the higher level of self-esteem. 2. The higher H.L.O.C. - Internal, the lower Psychoasthenia scale. 3. The higher H.L.O.C. -powerful, the lower Depression scale. 4. The higher level of self-esteem, the lower Depression scale. the lower Psychoast henia 5. The higher level of self-esteem, scale.

      • 청소년기의 정신건강 문제와 약물남용

        송애랑 김천대학교 1991 김천대학교 논문집 Vol.12 No.-

        Overdoses of drugs cause many health and mental health emer-gencies. The substances that act on the mind and influence be-havior include not only narcotics and other illegal drugs but also prescriebed medications such as tranquilizers and sedatives and even over the counter drugs. The treatment of substance abuse has taken on considerably gr-eater signi ficance of late because citizens, have become aware of the widespr ead use of drug in their family, the schools, and the communities. The tragedies of subst ances abuse have hit home all too often. Treatment includes a number of considerations controlled detox-ification, psychiatric evaluation and therapy in hospitals and community centers, cont inued medical supervision, counseling after return to the community and job rehabilitation.

      • 시설 노인의 삶의 질에 영향을 미치는 요인

        송애랑,소희영 충남대학교 간호과학연구소 2000 충남대 간호학술지 Vol.3 No.1

        A growing elderly population in the society has brought about the new focus of health delivery system on health service for this population. Since Welfare Law for Elderly was in active in 1981, there has been an increasing need to look at various health problems and socio-psychological problems for institutionalized older population. The purpose of the study was to identify the influencing factors on quality of life in the institutionalized older population. A non-experimental design with survey rescarch was utilized for the study to measure depression, quality of life, and ADL. Total of 48 subjects were recruited from two separate institutions for older people in Tae Jeon Metropolitan City. The data were collected from June, 23 to June, 30 in 2000. The measurements for the study variables were MSQ(Mental Status Questionnaire) for cognitive testing, physical symptom assessment scale(Choi,1991) for objective health status, physical functioning scale(Song,1991), Korean version of Geriatric Depression Scale-short form, medified scale of LSI-Z(Choi,1997) and Facial Expression scale (Andrews & Whithey.1976) for quality of life. The data were analyzed by SPSS/PC with decriptive statistics, x^2-test, Mann-Whitney U test, and regression analysis according to the study problems. The findings of the study are as follows: Among study variables, depression and health status were the most influencing factors on quality of life by both measurements. In conclusion, the study developed to identify an influencing factors on quality of life for institutionalized older people. Further study has been suggested with systematic approach of nursing intervention to reduce depression and consequently to promote health and quality of life for this population.

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