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      • KCI등재

        구성주의 국제이론의 기반과 유형론에 대한 분석적 검토

        송기돈(Song Khee-Don) 한국정치정보학회 2006 정치정보연구 Vol.9 No.1

        본 논문은 1980년대 국제정치 이론의 제3차 논쟁에서 등장한 구성주의 이론의 다양한 유형론을 재검토하여, 구성주의에 대한 보다 포괄적인 관찰점을 제공하기 위한 이론적 시도이다. 이런 새로운 추세는 실증주의와 탈실증주의, 합리주의와 성찰주의, 설명 중심의 문제해결이론과 이해 중심의 비판이론, 또는 근본주의와 반근본주의라는 대립적 이론 지형을 형성하였다. 이러한 이분적 구도 사이에 양자 간의 교량 기능을 모색하여 이론적 중간지대를 구축하려는 시도를 포함한 다양한 유형의 구성주의의 등장 배경이 연계되고 있다. 그러나 구성주의 이론적 계보는 사회학적 전통과 철학 및 언어학 등에 이르기까지 매우 다양하여, 그 이론적 유형이 매우 복잡하고 경계 중첩적인 특성으로 표출되었다. 따라서 구성주의는 존재론, 인식론 및 방법론 등에 있어 매우 다기적인 특성을 출발부터 내재해 왔기 때문에, 하나의 정형적 이론이기보다는 세계를 다른 방식으로 묘사하려는 대안적 존재론으로서의 어푸로치에 불과하다는 비판도 제기되었다. 현 단계 구성주의의 유형론에는 학자별, 특정의 연구주제, 전통성/근대성과 탈근대성/급진성/비판성, 존재론과 인식론, 해석학/언어학 등에 기초한 방법론, 그리고 페미니즘 등의 이론적 경향 등을 중심으로 다양한 변종들이 존재한다. 이들을 논리 일관적으로 통합할 수 있는 새로운 유형론의 창출 가능성에 대해서는 매우 절제적인 접근이 요구되지만, 다양한 관찰점들을 고려하여 보다 체계적인 유형론을 모색하기 위한 기초작업은 구성주의 자체에 대한 본질적인 이해는 물론, 현대 국제정치 이론의 양자 구도 및 이들 간의 중도 가능성 여부를 재검토할 수 있는 기대를 제공할 수 도 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study is to reexamine the general typology of constructivist theories in International Relations scholarship. It will first consider several main theoretical debates in IR, especially on positivism vs postpositivism, including rationalism vs reflictivism, explanation vs understanding, problem-solving vs critical theory. And then examine the pros and cons of an IR constructivist approach, contrast constructivism to other major currents of IR theory, and assess how best to do constructivist empirical research. IR constructivism maintain that a proper understanding of the way subjects interact with the world and with each other alerts us to the fallacy of conventional IR theory. And for a theory that is so obviously dependent upon a rigorous working of the relationship between social theory and its IR variants, it is highly questionable that IR constructivism(s) often advance incompatible theories. The 'Constructivst Turn‘ is a relevant promise toward new IR theoretical space or not? This study concludes that diversity constructivist theories in IR have constituted very confused their own peculiar theoretical backgrounds in terms of their ontological, epistemological, methodological and so on. Accordingly, to build a constructivism' via media or middle ground, a more synthetic typology should be needed to coordinate its diverse peculiarities within a integrated framework. That typology must include diverse divisions and theoretical bases of soft/thin(ner) constructivism and hard/thick(er), conventional/modern/neo-classical and critical/radical/postmodern constructivism, and methodological and other variants such as hermeneutic, linguistic, feminist, world-society and the English School's perspectives.

      • KCI등재

        외교의 외연적 개념 구도를 통한 공공외교와 지방(정부)외교의 특성 및 상관성 분석

        송기돈 ( Song Khee-don ) 한국자치행정학회 2019 한국자치행정학보 Vol.33 No.2

        Since the ancient times, principal agents of political communities have institutionalized diverse modes of diplomacy, as their trans-border interactions, through their continuous constructive and reconstructive process. After the Thirty Years War in 17th century, the first modern mode of diplomacy was created among sovereign-territorial nation-states’ central governments, and it is transformed into the mew diplomacy differentiated from the former traditional diplomacy. According to thereafter overall changing diplomatic environments, diverse modes of diplomacy had been erupted, and especially among those modes, public diplomacy in the diplomatic realms of non-governmental actors and soft power issue-areas, and non-central governments(NCGs)’ paradiplomacy came to be recognized as two enlarged newly diplomatic sub-fields from the unique theoretical and practical terms of diplomatic studies. The purpose of this study is to analyze theoretical and practical characteristics of paradiplomacy of local authorities relating to its networking connection to public diplomacy The research framework of this study is composed of temporal background of the respective constituents of main categories(or concepts): academic fields of international politics and foreign policy and global policy, and general diplomacy(pre-modern traditional diplomacy, modern traditional diplomacy and modern new diplomacy). Based on this scheme, reciprocal relationship between public diplomacy(traditional and new public diplomacy) and paradiplomacy(traditional and new paradiplomacy) is re-coordinated in terms of affinitive and differentiated features of their respective conceptualization, issue-areas and approaches. In conclusion, though two modes of diplomacy share some inter-spaces, their networking connection can be readjusted and re-regulated from the diverse different perspectives founded upon the principle of reciprocal subsidiarity.

      • KCI등재

        중국 화평발전(和平發展) 외교정책의 구도·개념 분석 -중국적화평발전(中國的和平發展)(도로(道路)) 백피서(白皮書)를 중심으로 -

        송기돈 ( Khee Don Song ) 전북대학교 사회과학연구소 2012 지역과 세계 Vol.36 No.2

        The Case of The China`s Peaceful Development Road White Paper-The purpose of this study is to comprehend objectively world view, beliefs, objectives and strategies of China`s Peaceful Development foreign policy (PDFP), through analyzing the overall concepts and contents and their logical interrelationship presented the 2011 China`s Peaceful Development Road. This study is especially focused on China`s foreign policy from the late Second Generation to the Fourth Generation leadership. The PDFP is the highest-leveled official document of China`s foreign policy, intensively conversed with various related concepts and strategies. This document is, however, composed of diverse confusing terms, with peaceful development, such as peace-elevating society and harmonious world, which signify economic development and more comprehensive society including both domestic and foreign strategies, respectively. As a result, the document shows its own logical confusions and most of readers are expected to present their own diverse interpretations or reasoning results. Accordingly, this study suggests a significant linkage interpretations of correlated concepts and contents and their reciprocally practical presentations. Some more concretely analyzed objects include other core terms relating peaceful development, diverse aspects of peaceful development, foreign policy guidelines, necessity of historical selection and global significance, defensive defense policy, independent peaceful foreign policy, national core interests.

      • KCI등재

        국제정치이론의 로제타스톤 무정부성(Anarchy)에 관한 이론적 분석

        안문석(Mun Suk Ahn),송기돈(Song, Khee-Don) 한국정치학회 2011 한국정치학회보 Vol.45 No.5

        본 논문은 국제정치이론의 가장 핵심적인 개념의 하나인 ‘무정부성(anarchy)’에 대한 각 이론 분파의 주장들을 비판적으로 분석하고 발전 전망을 제시한다. 신자유주의적 제도주의는 무정부를 약속이행기관의 부재 정도로 상정함으로써 무정부의 포괄성을 온전히 인식하지 못했다. 신현실주의는 무정부 개념의 중대성을 충분히 인식하고 이를 중심으로 세계와 국가에 대한 이론체계를 세웠지만 무정부 개념을 지나치게 갈등ㆍ경쟁의 구조로만 보면서 정태적인 이론체제를 보이고 있다. 이에 비해 구성주의는 무정부 개념을 가치중립적인 개념으로 보고 다양한 무정부의 문화를 상정하고, 사회적 구성에 의한 구조와 국가정체성의 성립을 강조함으로써 국제체제에 대한 설명력을 높였지만 구조와 정체성 사이의 사회적 구성 과정에 대한 보다 명확한 규명을 과제로 안고 있다. 영국 학파는 구성주의의 개방적 무정부 개념에 대한 논리적 기초를 제공함으로써 무정부 개념 논의의 진보를 추동했다는 점에서 그 가치가 인정되지만 과학적 체계성을 보강해야하는 측면을 갖고 있다. 무정부 개념에 대한 논의는 그동안 획일적 정형화에서 문호개방으로 그 성격이 변화해 왔다. 갈등적ㆍ경쟁적 무정부 인식이 가치중립적ㆍ개방적 무정부 개념으로 발전해온 것이다. 추후 논의는 이러한 경향이 지속되면서, 네 이론을 비롯한 다른 국제정치이론들 간의 조정 또는 창발적 접속이라는 내부적 경로와, 역사학적 관점과의 조화, 권위ㆍ거버넌스ㆍ주권 등 개념들과의 관계 설정, 무정부주의(anarchism) 일반론과의 융합, 정치이론(political theory)로서의 국제정치이론의 지향 등 외부적 경로를 통해 동시에 진행될 필요가 있다. This study conducts a critical analysis of arguments from academic schools about ‘anarchy,’ which is one of the most significant concepts in international relations theory. Neoliberal institutionalism fails to grasp the comprehensiveness of the term ‘anarchy’ since it conceives that anarchy means the absence of institutions of which responsibilities are to guarantee the enforcement of agreements between states. Neorealism fully recognizes the gravity of anarchy, bases its theoretical structure on the very concept, but tends to be static by just regarding it as conflict and competition. Constructivists assume that anarchy is open-ended and value-free, hence holds that there could be various anarchic cultures such as Hobbesian, Lockean, and Kantian cultures. Constructivism seems to be more relevant in explaining the real world by suggesting that the structure of international system is supposed to be constructed by intersubjective interactions between actors, but they have yet to put forward clearer and more concrete explanations on the social construction between the structure and actors. The English School prompted the progress of debates on anarchy by providing constructivists with the logical basis for various anarchic cultures, but lacks the systemic structure as an academic theory. Debates anarchy have developed from conflictual and static to open-ended definition. This trend seems to continue, and at the same time studies on anarchy in conjunction with history and research criticizing inclination to legal/rational authority are likely to be on the rise. In addition, the divisibility of sovereignty and a new structure beyond the dichotomy between anarchy and hierarchy will be and need to be closely examined to make progress in studies on anarchy.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 예비전력에 관한 연구경향 분석: 1970년~2015년 국내학술지 게재 논문을 중심으로

        박종길 ( Park Jong-gil ),송기돈 ( Song Khee-don ) 전북대학교 사회과학연구소 2016 지역과 세계 Vol.40 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to provide some future research directions of military reserve forces in South Korea through analyzing their research trends and content of the total eighty four articles published in scientific journals from 1970 to the present. The analytic criteria are based on each article’s fundamental materials(published period, researchers’ status and types of journals), research analysis(theoretical or prescriptive), methods(quantitative or qualitative) and scopes(conception/theme, disciplinarity and function), and content analysis(theoretical or practical). The main findings drawn from the analysis are suggested as follows. First, most articles were written by the researchers of the Korea Institute for Defense Analyses(KIDA) and were published more in specific journals of educational or research institutions than those of academic societies. The volume of research demonstrated its gradual increase during the period 1995-2010 and then its rapid jump in the last five years. Second, while pure theoretical articles were relatively few, prescriptive ones held an overwhelming majority in number, showing their methodological similarity of problem-solving orientation. And relating to data management, the community has not given undue value to quantitative methods focused on literature analysis than qualitative ones such as positively comparative case studies. And fourth, in terms of content analysis, those preceding researches showed ``military mobilization`` predominated ``reserve forces`` in concept and its one-sided propensity for simplicity in the scope of theme; most researches concentrated their disciplinary orientation to ``public administration``; and traditional institutional analyses were more than policy and theoretical studies in their function. In conclusion, some implications for future research include identity recoordination and qualitative advancement of reserve forces, further diversity of authors and issue-areas, intensification of theoretical pursuit, balanced endeavors of research themes and methods, systematic research for reserve forces as comprehensive military ones, and openness and mutual exchange of information.

      • 蘇聯 國際關係理論의 變化와 國際機構 : 1985-1990년 유엔外交의 轉換

        劉哲鍾,宋基敦 全北大學校 1993 論文集 Vol.35 No.-

        This study suggests a theoretical and practical viewpoint for examining and evaluating the Soviet theoretical perspectives on international relations in general and international organizations in particular under Gorbachev's period 1985 - 1990. The analytic focus is on the profound transformations in Soviet international relations scholarship and its attitude toward international organizations, including the United Nations. New Political Thinking, a triumph of knowledge and reason over dogmatic Marx-Leninist ideology in international relations, was linked to the comprehensive system of international security. It included effective resolution of newly emerging global issues, for common interest of the entire world society. Accordingly the Soviets believe in the potential of the U.N. to be ever more effective in achieving international cooperation and reaffirm support for the validity and relevance of the U.N. Charter and urge all states to abide by it. But the question is, even if one assumes a genuine Soviet commitment toward strengthening the U.N., what the extent of that commitment is? In spite of practical outcomes through the Soviet revolutionary turnaround in its U.N. policy, it can be a significant contribution to theoretical development of contemporary IR, particulary to multilateralism and international institutions. It is true, furthermore, of the up-to-date tendency toward the recognition of the U.N. as a political agency to allocate values authoritatively for the international society.

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