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      • 統合的 模型設計를 위한 製品關與의 本質糾明에 관한 硏究

        Kyun Seok Song(宋均錫) 건국대학교 경제경영연구소 1994 商經硏究 Vol.19 No.1

        The conceptualization and scaling of involvement has been of interest to consumer researchers since the concept’s introduction to consumer behavior almost three decades age. Though involvement has recently become a central issue to consumer researchers, substantial confusions exist as to its nature. Thus before involvement can be fruitfully investigated, researchers should reach some agreement as to the nature of this construct. In light of the need to clarify the product involvement concept, this paper will present a framework for integrating the diverse definitions of product involvement. Therefore the purposes of this paper are to integrate diverse definitions of the involvement construct and to present future direction for the product involvement research. The findings of this paper are as follows. ① Over the past 20 years, many different definitions of involvement have been proposed. However, most agree that involvement refers to consumers’ subjective perception of the personal relevance of an object, activity, or situation. Although many conceptualization of involvement has been offered, an examination of the definitions indicates the crux of involvement is personal relevance. ② Since involvement is a hypothetical construct, it cannot be directly measured. It can only be inferred from the presence or absence and intensity of its alleged determinants or antecedents. The operational question is to identify these antecedents of involvement. ③ Future study will address the dimensionality of involvement. The involvement concept appears to be both multidimensional and multifaceted where the definition and method of operationalizing often varies from one application to another. The reason for the diverse definition and measures of involvement are perhaps due to the different applications of the term “involvement”. We should be review Laurent and Kaferer’s Involvement Profile/Zaichkowsky’s PII Scale in terms of the integration of involvement measures. ④ The terms “high-involvement product and low-involvement product” are improper. Marketing researchers often have treated involvement as a dichotomy, either high or low, but this is not really appropriate. Consumers’ involvement actually varies along a continuum from very low, through moderate levels, to high levels. ⑤ I point that Laurent and Kapferer do not adress the question of whether their facets(profiles) reflect product-class involvement or brand-choice involvement or both. Future research for elaborate the involvement profiles is to develop and empirically test the measures of each of the involvement profiles separately for product-class and brand-choice involvement.

      • 환경친화적 소비자의 구매행동에 관한 연구: 환경제품의 관여도를 중심으로

        송균석(Kyun Seok Song) 건국대학교 경제경영연구소 1996 상경연구 Vol.21 No.1

        Environmentally-friendly consumers can exhibit environmental responsibility by acquiring and using green products, neglecting to acquire and use non-green products. This paper argues that environmentally-friendly consumer research can be enhanced by the application of the green product involvement and the symbolic interactionist perspective. The purpose of this paper is to examine the literature regarding green marketing and environmentally-friendly consumers, introduce the green product involvement construct and the symbolic interactionism perspective, and enhance the behavior research of environmentally- friendly consumers. This paper has attempted to show the potential for combining environmentally-friendly consumers with the green product involvement construct and the symbolic interactionism perspective. Consumers attempt to preserve or enhance their self-image by buying products they believe are congruent with that self-image and avoiding products that are not. Self-image is a powerful concept which has many implications and applications in the field of consumer behavior. The results of this research have discovered that the concern for the environment results in the green product involvement, which in turn relates to information search, buy intention, brand loyalty, opinion leadership, innovativeness. Future research is needed to test the proposed relationships and further establish and refine reliable/valid measures of constructs.

      • 統合的 模型設計를 위한 製品關與의 本質糾明에 관한 硏究

        Kyun Seok Song(宋均錫) 건국대학교 경제경영연구소 1994 상경연구 Vol.19 No.1

        The conceptualization and scaling of involvement has been of interest to consumer researchers since the concept’s introduction to consumer behavior almost three decades age. Though involvement has recently become a central issue to consumer researchers, substantial confusions exist as to its nature. Thus before involvement can be fruitfully investigated, researchers should reach some agreement as to the nature of this construct. In light of the need to clarify the product involvement concept, this paper will present a framework for integrating the diverse definitions of product involvement. Therefore the purposes of this paper are to integrate diverse definitions of the involvement construct and to present future direction for the product involvement research. The findings of this paper are as follows. ① Over the past 20 years, many different definitions of involvement have been proposed. However, most agree that involvement refers to consumers’ subjective perception of the personal relevance of an object, activity, or situation. Although many conceptualization of involvement has been offered, an examination of the definitions indicates the crux of involvement is personal relevance. ② Since involvement is a hypothetical construct, it cannot be directly measured. It can only be inferred from the presence or absence and intensity of its alleged determinants or antecedents. The operational question is to identify these antecedents of involvement. ③ Future study will address the dimensionality of involvement. The involvement concept appears to be both multidimensional and multifaceted where the definition and method of operationalizing often varies from one application to another. The reason for the diverse definition and measures of involvement are perhaps due to the different applications of the term “involvement”. We should be review Laurent and Kaferer’s Involvement Profile/Zaichkowsky’s PII Scale in terms of the integration of involvement measures. ④ The terms “high-involvement product and low-involvement product” are improper. Marketing researchers often have treated involvement as a dichotomy, either high or low, but this is not really appropriate. Consumers’ involvement actually varies along a continuum from very low, through moderate levels, to high levels. ⑤ I point that Laurent and Kapferer do not adress the question of whether their facets(profiles) reflect product-class involvement or brand-choice involvement or both. Future research for elaborate the involvement profiles is to develop and empirically test the measures of each of the involvement profiles separately for product-class and brand-choice involvement.

      • 자아이미지, 제품상징성, 제품관여의 관련성에 관한 연구

        송균석(Kyun Seok Song) 건국대학교 경제경영연구소 1993 상경연구 Vol.18 No.1

        This paper has reviewed relationships among self-image(self-concept), product symbolism, product involvement. Each Individual has a perceived image of himself or herself as a certain kind of person, with certain traits, habits, possessions, relationships, and ways of behaving. As with other types of perceptions, the individual’s self-image is unique, a product of that person’s background and experience. Individuals develop a perceived self-image through interactions with other people. Products and brands have symbolic value for individuals, who evaluate them on the basis of their consistency(congruence) with their personal pictures of themselves. Some products seem to agree with an individual’s self-image ; others seem totally alien. Consumers attempt to preserve or enhance their self-image by buying products they believe are congruent with that self-image and avoiding products that are not. Consumers also tend to shop in stores that have an image consistent with their own self-image. Consumers prefer the objects(product, brand, store) that project their self-concept. If the consistency between self-concept and product image(symbolism) exist, consumers are loyal to the product. The relationship between self-image and product symbolism affects the levels, responses of involvement. Therefore, for effective marketing strategy using involvement, a study on self-image and product symbolism should be preceeded. Three different self-image constructs have been identified : The ideal self-concept, actual self-concept, and expected self-concept. The concept of self-image has strategic implications for marketers. Marketers can segment their markets on the basis of relevant consumer self-images and position their products or stores as symbols of such self-images, Such a strategy is in complete agreement with the classical marketing concept. Self-image is a powerful concept which has many implications and applications in the field of consumer behavior. The concept has been used in market segmentation, advertising, packaging, personal selling, product development, and retailing. The marketing manager must identify self-images that are broadly held by groups of consumers and build a product image that is consistent with these images. Future research is needed to test the proposed relationships and further establish and refine reliable/valid measures of constructs.

      • KCI등재

        손실회피성향에서 시간적 거리감과 해석수준 효과

        송균석(Song, Kyun Seok),범상규(Beom, Sang Kyu) 한국소비문화학회 2012 소비문화연구 Vol.15 No.3

        본 연구는 이득보다 손실을 더 싫어하는 경향인 손실회피성향을 해석수준이론 차원에서 확인하는데 그 목적을 두고 있다. 즉 손실회피성향(loss aversion)의 시간적 거리감(temporal distance)이 발생한다는 선행연구(Bilgin and LeBoeuf 2010)를 확대하여 사람들이 이득보다는 손실을 경험할 때 시간적으로 더 짧고 가깝게 느끼는 조건들을 확인하는 것이다. 특히 손실회피의 시간적 거리감의 지각에 영향을 주는 또 다른 요인변수로 주어진 정보량의 크기에 따른 지각된 주의강도를 선정하여 모형의 확장성을 확인하였다. 더 나아가 기존 연구에서의 유형재뿐 아니라 무형재로까지 제품유형을 확대 적용하였다. 실험1은 이득/손실의 변경에 대한 사전예측 여부가 손실회피의 시간적 거리감의 발생에 미치는 영향을 기숙사 룸을 대상으로 실시하였고, 실험2는 주어진 정보량의 크기에 따른 지각된 주의강도의 영향 정도를 여행상품을 대상으로 조사하도록 각각 구성되었다. 실험1에서 기숙사 룸 변경에 따른 최종결과치가 이득일 때 보다는 손실로 주어질 때 시간적 거리감을 더 가깝게 혹은 더 짧게 느끼고 있었다. 또 이득보다 손실일 때 이득/손실의 변화크기도 더 크게 지각할 뿐만 아니라 최종결과물과 시간적 거리감의 지각관계에 영향을 미치는 매개효과를 확인하였다. 그리고 손실회피에서 시간적 거리감의 지각정도는 이득/손실에 대한 사전예측 여부에 영향을 받으며, 사전예측이 불가능한 경우 이득보다 손실일 때 시간적으로 더 가깝게 느꼈다. 실험2에서 무형재도 이득보다 손실일 때 시간적으로 더 가깝게 느끼는 것으로 나타났다 또 주어진 정보량의 크기에 따른 지각된 주의강도 역시 사전예측 여부와 마찬가지로 이득보다는 손실일 때 시간적 거리감을 더 가깝게 느꼈다. 그리고 지각된 주의강도가 클 경우, 이득보다는 손실에서 변화크기를 더 크게 지각하였다." The purpose of this study investigates the effect of loss aversion(Tversky and Kahneman 1991) on construal level theory(Liberman and Trope 1998, 2003). It is proposed that a future time interval’s perceived length will be affected by whether the interval ends with a gain or loss. Two experiments indicate that consumers perceive intervals ending with losses as shorter than equivalent intervals ending with gains. The current findings suggest that losses loom nearer and larger than gains. Because of this, consumers may want to expedite losses to minimize dread but delay gains to maximize anticipation. And suggest that moderating role of exchange expectations in loss aversion by presenting an dormitory-move scenario. Specifically, the second experiment indicate that losses loom larger than gains and thus have a greater subjective impact on attention than gains. Based on the previous studies on losses may attract more attention than gains(Baumeister et al. 2001; Rozin and Royzman 2001), this study suggest that a loss at the end of an interval may capture more attention than a gain at the end of an equivalent interval by presenting a travel product’s options-exchange scenario.

      • 재래시장의 고객지향적인 상인조직화 연구

        송균석 ( Kyun Seok Song ),범상규 ( Sang Kyu Beom ) 한국유통경영학회(구 한국유통정보학회) 2011 유통정보학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        우리나라 재래시장은 1996년 유통시장의 완전 개방으로 막대한 자금력과 풍부한 경영 노하우를 갖춘 외국 유통업체의 국내 진출 및 국내 대형할인점과 기업형 수퍼마켓(SSM)의 급속한 증가로 업태 간 경쟁이 격화되는 어려운 환경에 처해 있다. 게다가 재래시장은 시설 노후화, 상인들의 고령화, 현대적인 경영마인드 부재 등 내부요인으로 인해 경쟁력을 상실하고 있는 실정이다. 본 연구는 침체되어 가는 재래시장의 경쟁력 확보를 위해 재래시장 상인들의 상인조직화에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 이를 위해 전국 1,517개 재래시장을 대상으로 한 ``2010년 전통시장 및 점포경영 실태조사``를 활용하여 탐색적인 연구방법을 적용하여 도출한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 재래시장 상인회 운영 실태 조사지표인 10가지 항목을 토대로 요인 분석한 결과, 상인조직 기반역량, 상인조직화역량 및 상인조직 활동역량으로 구분된다. 둘째, 3가지 차원의 역량들 중 상인조직 기반역량을 제외하고 상인조직화역량과 활동역량은 경영성과에 긍정적인 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 상인회 가입률, 상인회비 납부비율 및 시설/경영현대화사업은 상인회 설립 기반에 관한 문제로 고객지향적인 요인은 아니라는 것을 의미하고 있다. 셋째, 법적단체인 등록상인회가 임의단체인 친목회/번영회보다 재래시장 경영성과를 더 높이는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 상인회 사무실 수, 상인회 상근직원 수, 상인교육 이수자 수, 공동사업 수, 그리고 대외연계 캠페인 수는 경영성과에 유의한 영향을 미친 반면, 상인회 가입률은 부정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 결국 고객지향적인 상인조직 운영을 위해서는 적극적이고 리더십을 발휘하기 수월한 등록상인회가 유리하며, 상인조직이 탄탄하게 운영될 수 있는 조직화 역량의 구축이 선결되어야 하며, 시설환경 개선 등 물리적인 측면보다 공동사업 추진이나 대외 연계 캠페인 등 재래시장의 이미지 제고가 필요하며 이를 토대로 재래시장의 공동브랜드 개발 등으로 확대하는 방향으로 상인조직이 운영되어야 한다는 점을 시사하고 있다. The conventional market in Korea is in market environment with intensified competition by entering domestic market of foreign distributor with management know-how and huge sum of money caused by complete opening of retail market in 1996 and by accelerating the entrance of the Large-scale Discount Store and SSM(Super Supermarket). This research is to seek the merchants-organization to generate synergy effect by condensing merchant`s power as a plan for securing competitiveness. We investigated 1,517 categories of desirable merchant-organization based on the data for nation-wide conventional market in 2010. The type of merchant- organization as an object of study presents registered merchant-association and social gathering/co-op of shopkeepers as voluntary association. As the results of empirical analysis, 1)Merchant-organizational Ability and Merchant-organization activity ability have positive effect on business performance, but not Merchant-organizational based ability, 2)Registered merchant-association as merchant-organization representatives appeared as the higher result type of organization than informal social gathering/co-op of shopkeepers, and 3)The merchant-organization with high result presents The number of office, employee, completing merchant education, joint-business and external campaign as key factors.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        기업과실에 따른 제품유형별 보상프로그램이 소비자 행동반응에 미치는 영향

        송균석 ( Kyun Seok Song ),범상규 ( Sang Kyu Beom ) 한국생산성학회 2011 生産性論集 Vol.25 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the consumers` cognitive and emotional responses to the firm`s compensation program on the recovery of the consumers` behavioral responses. This research suggested that the types of the product were divided into low involvement(such as family restaurant case) and high involvement(such as laptop computer case). Also, the types of the firm`s compensation program were divided into practical compensation such as gift voucher and hedonic compensation such as free musical ticket. This research conducted an experiment employed a 2(product: low involvement vs. high involvement) × 2(compensation program: practical vs. hedonic) between-subjects design. The results show that the hedonic compensation has influence more than the practical compensation on the recovery of the consumers` cognitive, emotional and behavioral responses for low involvement product. But the practical compensation has influence more than the hedonic compensation on the recovery of the consumers` cognitive, emotional and behavioral responses for high involvement product. This imply that the sunk cost effects on high involvement goods has influence more than low involvement goods in the losing situation. And then these are appeared to risk aversion when the consumer estimates the firm`s compensation. Therefore, this suggests that the consumer prefers the safe and certain benefit such as the practical compensation.

      • KCI등재후보

        브랜드 자산의 구성요소가 브랜드 친숙성에 미치는 영향

        송균석(Song Kyun-seok),남윤형(Nam Yoon-hyung) 한국상품학회 2006 商品學硏究 Vol.24 No.2

        The purposes of this research are to understand the relationship among components of brand equity and to identify the effect of brand equity components on the brand familiarity. This research proposed 6 hypotheses on 6 latent variables about brand equity and brand familiarity, and tested through structural equation modeling. The main results are that brand awareness was positively related with brand association and perceived quality and perceived quality has a positive influence on brand association. Also, both brand association and perceived quality related with brand loyalty, and brand loyalty has a positive influence on brand familiarity.

      • 제품관여도의 반응행위에 관한 연구

        송균석(Song Kyun Seok) 건국대학교 경제경영연구소 1998 상경연구 Vol.23 No.2

        The degree of product involvement is the most important factor that shapes the type of decision-process behavior that will be followed. When product involvement is high, consumers are motivated to search for relevant information and to process it thoroughly. Thus, product involvement has important implications for marketing strategy. But, since product involvement is a hypothetical construct, it cannot be directly measured. It can only be inferred from the presence or absence and intensity of its determinants or antecedents. Therefore, before product involvement can be fruitfully investigated, researchers should reach some agreement as to the nature of this construct. In light of the need to clarify the product involvement constructs, this paper presents a definitions of product involvement. This study defines the product involvement as “consumers’ perception of importance or personal relevance for an product.” And this study holds that the determinants of product involvement are personal factors, product factors, and situational factors. The typical types of the product involvement are situational involvement, and enduring involvement. The enduring involvement exists when we are interested in an offering for a long period of time and situational involvement is only temporary. Another purposes of this paper are to review response behavior of product involvement construct and to present the direction for the marketing strategy. The results of this research have discovered that the product involvement results in information search, opinion leadership, innovativeness, brand loyalty etc. These findings help marketer to develop a marketing strategy. Future research is needed to test the proposed relationships and further refine the findings of this research.

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