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      • KCI등재

        무행동 관성(inaction inertia)이 소비자의 구매의도에 미치는 영향: 행동 및 상태 경향성을 중심으로

        박종일,손현국,손영우 한국소비자·광고심리학회 2012 한국심리학회지 소비자·광고 Vol.13 No.1

        Inaction inertia is the phenomenon that one is less likely to act on an attractive current opportunity after missing a more attractive opportunity in the same domain. In Experiment 1, after missing a large (50%) sale and subsequently facing a smaller (10%) sale, we examined the different impact of how people cope with negative decision outcomes (i.e., action vs. state orientation) on inaction inertia. Results showed that state-oriented people were less likely to act on the current smaller sale than action-oriented people. In addition, they devaluated the current opportunity more and anticipated more regret. In Experiment 2, we added another similar alternative to the smaller sale and examined whether action vs. state-oriented people differ in alternative selection when both alternatives are available in the current smaller sale. Results showed that state-oriented people were more likely to choose the new alternative in the choice set of relatively less goal-relevant product. However, there were no significant differences in alternative selection for action oriented people. 무행동 관성이란 매력적인 기회를 놓친 경우, 현재 마주한 후속 기회에서도 행동하지 않는 현상을 말한다. 실험 1을 통해 큰 세일(50%)을 놓친 후 후속 작은 세일(10%)에 마주했을 때, 행동 및 상태 경향성에 따라 무행동 관성이 차이가 보이는지를 알아보았다. 행동 경향성 사람은 상태 경향성 사람에 비해 부정적 경험을 빠르게 극복하고 현재 상황과 분리해서 생각한다. 실험 1 결과, 상태 경향성 사람은 행동 경향성 사람에 비해 구매의도가 낮아지는 것을 확인 할 수 있었다. 이와 함께 제품에 대한 가치를 낮게 평가하고, 작은 세일에 참여할 경우 더욱 큰 후회를 예상하는 것으로 나타났으며, 행동 경향성이 높을수록 구매의도에 정적인 영향을 미치는데, 예상된 후회와 가치평가가 매개역할을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 실험 2를 통해 후속 작은 세일에 새로운 대안이 추가되어 선택집합의 크기가 커질 경우, 행동 및 상태 경향성에 따라 기존 대안과 새로운 대안 사이의 선택에 차이를 보이는지 알아보았다. 실험 결과, 목표 관령성이 비교적 낮은 제품의 경우 상태 경향성 사람은 큰 세일이 진행되었던 제품 대신 새롭게 추가된 브랜드 제품을 선택하는 비율이 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 행동 경향성 사람의 경우는 제품 선택 비율에 차이를 보이지 않았다.

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 완벽주의와 진로미결정 간의 성차 모형 검증: 걱정의 매개 역할

        이예진,손현국,오서진,임유경,이동귀 한국여성심리학회 2010 한국심리학회지 여성 Vol.15 No.1

        This study first attempted to examine the mediation effect of worry in the relationship between the socially-prescribed perfectionism(SPP) of multi-dimensional perfectionism and career indecision(CI) among college students. Next, this study explored whether the process of career decision making differs by gender on the mediation model. The results using structural equation preferred the complete mediation model over the partial mediation. In addition, the multi-group analysis was applied to the test for examining gender difference based on complete mediation model. Finding indicated that model of mediation effect of worry produced good fit to the data across gender. But there's a little bit of gender difference in the path between worry and CI. For males, all paths in the mediation model were significant. For females, however, the path between worry and CI was not significant. This contrasted result indicated the possibility of gender differences in characteristics and affect recognition to understand career decision among college students.

      • KCI등재

        성실성, 인지 능력, 메타인지 능력이 학습의 전이에 미치는 영향

        최송아,손현국,손영우 한국심리학회 2012 한국심리학회지 일반 Vol.31 No.1

        Metacognition, 'cognition of cognition', is one of the most important factor in learning. In this study, we aim to examine the influence of cognitive ability, conscientiousness of Big5 traits, and metacognition which means how one accurately evaluates oneself on transfer of learning. Participants answered questions regarding their trait and cognitive ability, and performed the visual discrimination task. The task consisted of 8 blocks of training session and 8 blocks of transfer session. In 5th block of training session, the task was designed for participants to experience change of difficulty during training session so that their accuracy of self-assessment becomes inaccurate. The differences between participants' anticipated scores and real performance scores of 6th block were used as indicators of metacognitive error. Results show that cognitive ability and conscientiousness are not significant predictors of transfer learning performance, but only metacognitive ability positively predicts the performance. The authors concluded that the metacognitive ability is the most important variable in predicting the learning and transfer of learning regardless of task difficulties. Such findings imply the vital role of metacognition in learning. 본 연구는, 기질적인 요소인 성격 특질과 인지 능력, 그리고 발달 가능하다고 알려져 있는 메타인지 능력-얼마나 자기 자신의 수행을 정확하게 판단하는가-이 학습의 전이에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위해 수행되었다. 참가자들은 성실한 성격과 인지 능력을 측정하는 검사에 응답한 뒤 컴퓨터 화면에 제시되는 두 도형의 일치 여부를 판단하는 시각 변별 과제를 수행하였다. 시각 변별 과제는 학습 단계 여덟 블록과, 학습 단계와는 다른 도형으로 이루어진 전이 단계 여덟 블록으로 나누어져 있다. 참가들이 자신의 수행에 대해 추정한 점수와 실제 점수의 차이를 통해 메타인지적 정확성을 계산하였으며, 이렇게 측정한 메타인지 능력과 기질적 특성이 전이 학습에 미치는 영향을 살펴보고자 하였다. 분석 결과, 난이도와 상관없이 성격과 인지 능력은 전이 단계의 수행을 유의미하게 예측해주지 못하였다. 자신의 능력을 정확히 알고 있는 집단만이 훈련 단계에서 학습 효과가 나타나고, 이러한 학습 효과가 전이단계까지 이어지는 것을 확인함으로써, 메타인지 능력만이 전이 단계의 수행에 유의미한 차이를 가져오는 것을 관찰할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        일몰입과 여가만족도가 직장인의 정서에 미치는 영향: 수면의 질의 매개효과

        박소리,하유진,정은경,손현국,손영우 한국산업및조직심리학회 2012 한국심리학회지 산업 및 조직 Vol.25 No.1

        In this paper, optimal experience that enhances positive affect and life satisfaction was explored based on the previous findings that defensive mechanism such as psychological detachment and relaxation does not promote positive affect but mastery experience does. Also the work-related factors and non-work-related factors among optimal experience were compared in terms of their influences on the arousal of positive affect. Lastly, the mediating effect of sleep quality on optimal experience was examined. The survey data were gathered from 142 conglomerate employees and work flow and leisure satisfaction were suggested as recovery mechanisms since each represents optimal experience in the work-related domain and non-work- related domain. In the first correlational analysis, psychological detachment and relaxation were negatively associated with negative affect whereas no significant correlation with positive affect was found, which was consistent with the previous findings. Work flow and leisure satisfaction were positively associated with positive affect while they are negatively associated with negative affect. In the hierarchical regression analysis, work flow and leisure satisfaction were compared in terms of their impacts on individuals’ affect. Predicting positive affect, work flow was the only significant predictor of the positive affect experienced next morning even when sex, age, school, usual positive/negative affect, and work satisfaction were controlled. Sleep quality significantly mediated the relation between work flow and positive affect experienced in the next morning. The result suggests that optimal experience such as work flow promotes a positive change not only in the affective level but also in the physiological level. The implications and limitations of this study and the directions for the future research were discussed.

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