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        익기보혈탕(益氣補血湯)물 추출물이 PTU로 유발된 Rat의 갑상선기능저하증에 미치는 영향

        손지혜 ( Ji Hye Son ),김동철 ( Dong Chul Kim ) 대한한방부인과학회 2015 大韓韓方婦人科學會誌 Vol.28 No.3

        Objectives: The object of this study was to evaluate the effect of Yikgeebohyul-tang aqueous extracts (YKBHT) on the propylthiouracil (PTU)-induced rat hypothyroidism. Methods: The rats were divided into 6 groups : intact vehicle control, PTU control, LT4, YKBHT 500, 250 and 125 mg/kg treated groups. Hypothyroidism was induced by daily subcutaneous treatment of PTU 10 mg/kg for 28 days. YKBHT aqueous extracts were administered once a day as an oral dose of 500, 250 and 125 mg/kg for 42 days. The changes were observed : weight of body, thyroid gland, liver, testis, epididymis and prostate, serum thyroid hormone levels, serum male sex hormone levels, serum lipid profiles, liver and testis antioxidant system. These results were compared with LT4 0.5 mg/kg intraperitoneally treated rats. Results: These PTU induced hypothyroidism and related hepatic and male reproductive organ damages were favorably and dose-dependently inhibited by treatment of YKBHT 500, 250 and 125 mg/kg, and YKBHT also effectively regulated the PTU-induced abnormal antioxidant defense factor changes in the both liver and testis. Although, LT4 also inhibited PTU-induced hypothyroidism and relative liver damages. But it deteriorated the hypothyroidism related testis, epididymis and prostate damages through testicular oxidative damages. Conclusions: The result of this study suggests that YKBHT has favorable effects on the hypothyroidism and related liver and reproductive organ damages with augmentation of antioxidant defense factor in the testis and liver. YKBHT 500, 250 and 125 mg/kg dose-dependently inhibited PTU-induced hypothyroidism and related liver and male reproductive organ damages in rats.

      • KCI등재

        국내 종합병원의 공용공간에서 나타나는 군집유형과 이용행태에 관한 조사 연구

        손지혜(Son, Ji-Hye),양내원(Yang, Nae-Won) 한국실내디자인학회 2009 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.18 No.5

        Recently general hospitals in Korea are focusing on healing environment which care for patients on the side of spirit and psychology without medical treatment. For the reason, architects are planning a public space on a large scale in which can be held cultural performances and artistic events. Those of social activities can be effective healing environment according to the "Anthroposophical medicine" studied by Rudolf Steiner. To the patient, Social healing environment is relation with normal life and back to the life. The case of a large-scale public space on hospital in foreign country shows the effect of healing environment through social community. So it is valuated as a social healing environment and community space. Even though the large-scale public space has been being increased in our circumstance, there is no evaluation of use on it. So there is no idea how people are satisfied with public space to stay and form a concourse by themselves. The purpose of this study is to find out the desire of people, who use the large-scale public space by analysis of observation research and interview in the general hospitals. And finally this study suggests the factors which can realize social healing environment on the planning of public space in hospital architecture.

      • 3.0시대 건강수명 120세를 위하여 1 - 출근길이 든든한 비결 위장 건강까지 챙기는 아침 간편식

        손지혜,Son, Ji-Hye 한국건강관리협회 2014 건강소식 Vol.38 No.9

        하루 중 가장 중요한 식사로 꼽히는 아침식사. 전문가들은 위장의 건강을 위해서는 아침식사를 꼭 하라고 권고하고 있다. 아침식사는 폭식을 막는 것은 물론 두뇌 활동을 높이고 혈당을 낮춰주는 효과까지 있다.

      • 1318 건강 - 장 속 유해균은 줄이고 유익균은 늘리고

        손지혜,Son, Ji-Hye 한국건강관리협회 2014 건강소식 Vol.38 No.7

        우리의 장은 음식을 소화하고 배출하는 기능이 대표적이지만, 각종 질병에 대항하며 몸을 지켜내는 면역력의 70%가 바로 장에서 만들어진다. 장이 건강해야 몸속에 몰래 침입한 병균이 옴짝달싹하지 못한다는 것. 스트레스가 늘어나고 인스턴트식품 섭취가 급격히 증가하는 청소년 시기의 자녀를 위해 장 건강을 꼼꼼히 챙겨보자.

      • 3.0시대 건강수명 120세를 위하여 3 - 한여름 무더위에도 손발은 꽁꽁 수족냉증 극복하기

        손지혜,Son, Ji-Hye 한국건강관리협회 2014 건강소식 Vol.38 No.8

        인터넷 검색창에 '수족냉증'을 쳐보면 의외의 결과에 놀라게 된다. 보통 여성들이 출산 후 산후조리를 소홀히 해 손과 발이 시린 수족냉증을 호소한다고 알려져 있지만, 사실 수족냉증은 10대 청소년부터 혈기왕성한 대학생, 직장 남성까지 매우 다양한 연령대의 환자들이 고통받고 있는 생활형 질병이다.

      • 종설(綜說) : 일개 지역 보건소 한방 비만교실을 통한 비만 치료 결과에 대한 고찰

        손지혜 ( Ji Hye Son ) 대구한의대학교 제한동의학술원 2012 東西醫學 Vol.37 No.1

        Objective: The purpose of this study is to prove an oriental medicine cure for obesity. Recently many people interest in obesity because it makes a lot of problems such as hypertension, arteriosclerosis, DM and so on. Methods: From September 2006 to December 2006, we practiced general treatment of the auricular acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, ow frequency therapy and herbal medicine for 30 outpatients in Sangju public health center. Results: The changes in body weight, degree of obesity, BMI, waist measurement, hip circumference, WHR and TG were significant. But The changes in body fat ratio, abdominal fat ratio, glucose, LFT, Cholestrol, and CBC were not significant.

      • 달크로즈 유리드믹스 음악프로그램이 만5세 유아의 행복감과 스트레스에 미치는 영향

        손지혜 ( Son Ji-hye ) 한국달크로즈유리드믹스학회 2016 국내학술심포지엄 Vol.2016 No.-

        본 연구는 달크로즈 유리드믹스 음악프로그램이 유아의 행복감, 유아 스트레스에 미치는 효과를 알아보기 위한 목적으로 이루어졌다. 연구대상은 S시의 소재한 S선교원에 다니는 만5세 유아 24명(남아 12명, 여아 12명)이 참여하였고, 11주에 걸쳐 주 1회씩 11회기 달크로즈 유리드믹스 음악프로그램을 진행하여 연구 분석하였다. 스토리텔링을 기반으로 유아들의 친숙한 소재를 선정하여 MYK 문연경 유리드믹스 음악 프로그램을 통해 다양한 악기연주, 클래식통합예술활동으로 프로그램을 구성하였다. 자료처리는 SPSS 18.0 프로그램을 사용하였고 연구문제에 따라 유아의 행복감, 유아의 스트레스, 유아의 행복감 하위요소의 상관관계를 알아보기 위해 대응표본 t검증, 독립표본 t검증, Pearson의 적률 상관분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과, 유아의 행복감과 유아의 스트레스에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며 유아 행복의 하위요소인 친구관계와 정서영역, 몰입영역에 유의한 정적상관관계가 나타났다. 이를 통해 달크로즈 유리드믹스 음악프로그램이 유아의 행복감 증진에 효과적인 교수 방법임을 시사하며, 유아교육현장에서 달크로즈 유리드믹스 음악프로그램을 적극적으로 실시하기 위한 지원 방안모색이 필요함을 제언한다. This study aims to examine the effect of the Dalcroze Eurhythmics music program on the five-year-old children`s happiness, young children`s stress. As the subjects of this study, 24 five-year-old children(12 boys, 12 girls) in S children`s missionary center in S city were participated, and the research and analysis were carried out by 11 sessions of the Dalcroze Eurhythmics music program for once a week during 11 weeks. Based on the storytelling, the familiar material for young children was selected, so the MYK Moon Yeon Kyoung`s Eurhythmics music program was used for the program which was composed with playing various musical instruments, and the classic integrated arts activities. For the data-processing, the SPSS 18.0 program was used by the research problems, and the corresponding sample t-test, independent samples t-test, and the Pearson`s product-moment correlation analysis were conducted to examine the correlation between the sub-elements such as the five-year-old children`s happiness, young children`s stress, five-year-old children`s happiness. In the result of study, it had positive impact on the five-year-old children`s happiness and the young children`s stress, and the sub-elements of the children`s happiness such as the peer relationship, the emotional area, and the immersion area showed the significant positive correlation. Therefore, it implies that the Dalcroze Eurhythmics music program is the effective teaching methods for the five-year-old children`s happiness promotion, and it suggests that the support measures for conducting the Dalcroze Eurhythmics music program in the education field for the young children actively should be found.

      • 계절건강 지킴이 - 명절이 지나면 남는 건 피로뿐? 후유증 없는 건강한 한가위

        손지혜,Son, Ji-Hye 한국건강관리협회 2014 건강소식 Vol.38 No.9

        대체휴일제가 처음으로 적용되면서 주말을 포함해 총 5일의 황금연휴를 즐길 수 있는 추석. 시작부터 끝까지 기분 좋은 명절 연휴를 위해 미리 알아두면 더 좋은 건강포인트를 체크해보자.

      • 계절건강 지킴이 - 콜록콜록~ 또 감기앓이? 감기의 릴레이를 끊어라!

        손지혜,Son, Ji-Hye 한국건강관리협회 2014 건강소식 Vol.38 No.11

        초가을까지 기승을 부리던 더위가 물러가자 감기가 몰려온다. 확연하게 커진 밤낮의 일교차와 건조해진 날씨에 병원을 찾는 호흡기 환자들의 발길이 잦아지고, 면역력이 약한 어린이가 있는 가정은 아이들 병간호에 여념이 없다. 겨우 다 나았나 싶었는데 재발하기가 더 악화되어 가을 겨울 내내 우리를 괴롭히는 감기. 대체 그 연속성의 원인은 무엇일까.

      • KCI등재

        국내 의료시설 기본설계 과정에서 나타나는 치유환경개념의 반영 특성에 관한 연구

        손지혜(Son, Ji-Hye),양내원(Yang, Nae-Won) 대한건축학회 2012 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.28 No.7

        Healing environment is one of the most important concept of healthcare architecture planning through increasing an interest in qualitative development of healthcare architecture. Existing studies of post occupancy evaluation(POE) has been analyzed by healing environmental criteria which doesn"t affect decision of architect in schematic design but is confined to evaluating architecture by researchers. Therefore it is difficult that verify the healing effect of space designed by healing environmental criteria proving from studies of architectural planning. The purpose of this study is how healing environmental concept and criteria are concerned in department planning and characteristics of space in schematic design. For this study, the prizewinner of healthcare architecture design competition since 2000 are analyzed by standards of healing environmental concept and criteria which was arranged by staffs of architecture. From this study, first, healing environmental design is more considered in ward, public space and exterior in hospital planning.. Second, nature environment is the most important design factor. Third, patients" privacy and daily life of their family are not well considered in the planning of hospital. Fourth, social support for patient is considered in not general wards but special wards.

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