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      • KCI등재

        보험금 부정취득 목적 보험계약의 효력 : 부당이득에 대한 상사 소멸시효 유추적용 법리의 명암 - 대상판결 : 대법원 2021. 7. 22. 선고 2019다277812 전원합의체 판결

        손유은,김제완 고려대학교 법학연구원 2022 고려법학 Vol.- No.107

        The Supreme Court confirmed that if an insurance contract was concluded for the purpose of improperly acquiring insurance money, the insurance contract would be invalid because it violated Article 103 of the Civil Act. In addition, the insurance company can claim the right to claim restitution of unjust enrichment against the policyholder. In this judgment, the commercial extinction prescription of Article 64 of the Commercial Act shall apply to the right to claim the restitution of unjust enrichment. Regarding these precedents, first, in the target judgment, the 10-year extinctive prescription under the Civil Act was not applied to the claim of the insurance company for the restitution of unjust enrichment against the policyholder. Instead, the extinctive prescription under the Commercial Act was applied by analogy. As a result, policyholders are more protected, which I think is desirable. However, the target judgment held that Article 64 of the Commercial Act, not Article 662 of the Commercial Act, should be applied by analogy to the insurance company's claim for the restitution of unjust enrichment against the policyholder, which I do not think is logical or reasonable. In particular, Article 662 of the Commercial Act excludes the application of analogies on the grounds of ‘legislative policy decision’, while Article 64 of the Commercial Act recognizes the application of analogies, which I do not think is logical or justifiable in terms of the legal system. Rather, I think that Article 662 of the Commercial Act, a regulation directly and more closely related to the case, should have been applied by analogy as an individual clause rather than Article 64, which is a general provision clause. Second, the Supreme Court considers that if an insurance contract is concluded for the purpose of fraudulently acquiring insurance money, the insurance contract is invalid, contrary to good morals and other social order prescribed in Article 103 of the Civil Act. but It is questionable whether such a principle is always valid. In this case, existing precedents that judged the act of concluding an insurance contract for the purpose of unfairly acquiring insurance money as an anti-social legal act under Article 103 of the Civil Act should be abolished. And they should be judged as legal acts by fraud and judged to be grounds for cancellation. Third, I point out the problems with the principle of whether Article 64 of the Commercial Act can be applied by analogy with respect to the right to claim the return of unfair profits, which is the legal principle that was the premise of the target judgment and the principle of exception. According to the Supreme Court, the reason that Article 64 of the Commercial Act sets the statute of limitations for claims arising from commercial contracts to be five years is “considering the characteristics of commercial transactions (mass, fixed, expeditious), It needs to be resolved quickly and efficiently.” However, it is a question of whether ① what kind of act should be regarded as a commercial act, and ② in what cases it is necessary to formally and quickly resolve the contractual relationship. In the process of judging this, the attitude of the courts to make different judgments without clear grounds for each individual case is also a problem. In addition, since there is also a question as to what ‘claim due to commercial activity’ is a requirement for the statute of limitations to be applied or applied by analogy, it is necessary to look at the indicators for its determination. Finally, I would like to point out that Article 64 of the Commercial Act has caused many problems around the application or analogy application problem, and fundamentally needs system improvement. Representatively, referring to the revision of the law in Japan that deleted the statute of limitations for general business extinction, it is considered that fundamental institutional improvement is necessary base...

      • KCI등재

        인권 침해와 그 구제, 어떻게 가르칠 것인가? -2015 개정 교육과정 중학교 사회의 인권 단원에서 관련 서술의 문제점과 개선 방안-

        손유은,정필운 한국 법과인권교육학회 2022 법과인권교육연구 Vol.15 No.3

        이 글의 목적은 학교 인권교육에서 인권 침해와 그 구제 방법을 어떻게 구성하는 것이 좋을지 제시하고,현행2015개정 교육과정 중학교 사회2교육과정과 교과서 서술을 분석하여 인권 침해와 구제 학습이 적절히 이루어지고 있는지 검토하고 대안을 제시하는 것이다.논의 결과 인권 침해는 인권을 부당하게 해하는 행위로서 이것을 인권의 정당한 제한과 개념적으로 구별할 수 있도록 제시하고,우리가 사는 세상에서 인권이 침해되는 양상이 다채로운 것처럼 교과서에서도 다채로운 인권 침해 사례를 제시하는 것이 타당하다.그러나 대단원6에서는 기본권 제한을 서술하고 인권 침해는 그와 무관하게 별도로 서술하는 경향을 보이고 있다.또한 일상생활에서 인권 침해에만 집중하여 전쟁,구조적 폭력 등 중대하게 인권을 침해하는 현상을 분석할 수 있는 기회를 제공하지 못하고 있다.그리고 인권 침해에 대한 구제 방법은 소송과 같이 국가기관에 의한 구제 방법뿐 아니라 표현의 자유,청원권 행사와 같은 법에서 인정하는 시민의 행위에 의한 구제,시민불복종,저항권과 같은 법 밖의 구제 방법까지 포괄하여 서술하는 것이 타당하다.그러나 대단원6에서는 국가기관에 의한 법적인 구제 방법에 집중하고 법에서 인정하는 시민의 행위에 의한 구제,법 밖의 구제 방법에 관해서는 침묵하고 있다.대단원6의 교육과정과 교과서 서술에서 이와 같은 문제점을 개선하여 학생들에게 좀 더 나은 인권교육을 할 수 있길 바란다.

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