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      • KCI등재

        일 대학 대학생의 문제 음주 실태 조사와 문제 음주 군의 정서 및 성격 특성 연구

        손용표(Yong-Pyo Son),사공정규(Jung-Kyu Sakong),박창중(Chang-Jeung Park),장우영(Woo-Young Jang),곽경필(Kyung-Phil Kwak),이광헌(Kwang-Hun Lee) 대한생물치료정신의학회 2012 생물치료정신의학 Vol.18 No.2

        Objectives:Based on the degree of problematic drinking on the early twenties in college students, the study emphasizes the emotional and characteristic traits in anxiety, depression, self-esteem, impulsiveness and stress coping. Methods:The survey has been conducted on 361 college students. It includes “The Korean version of Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test(AUDIT-K)”, “Beck Depression Inventory(BDI)”, “Beck Anxiety Inventory(BAI)”, “Barratt Impulsiveness Scale(BIS)”, “Self-Esteem Scale(SES)”, “Ways of Coping Checklist(WCCL)”, and “Checklist for Alcohol-induced Problems”. The sample has been classified into two, problematic drinking(AUDIT≥8) and non-problematic drinking (AUDIT<8) groups. The characteristic difference has been analyzed through Chi-square test and t-test. Results:The 60.4 percent of participants have problematic drinking. Male gender and extra-curriculum activities have been related to problematic drinking. Most of alcohol induced problems occur in the group of problematic drinking. The scores of BDI, BAI and BIS are high, and the SES score is low in problematic drinking group. Emotion-focused coping is mostly used for stress coping. Conclusions:Emotional and mental problems caused by problematic drinking in the college students are issued from our study, and therefore, the education for the prevention of alcoholic abuse has come first.

      • 정신과 거역 퇴원 환자들의 외래 추적 치료에 대한 순응도와 관련된 요인

        한영훈(Young Hoon Han),이도윤(Do Yun Lee),손용표(Yong Pyo Son),박창증(Chang Jeung Park),이광헌(Kwang Hun Lee),사공정규(Jeong Kyu Sakong),곽경필(Kyung Phil Kwak) 대한사회정신의학회 2010 사회정신의학 Vol.15 No.1

        연구목적: 이 연구는 정신과 입원 환자 중 거역 퇴원을 한 환자들을 대상으로 어떠한 요인이 퇴원 후 외래 추적 치료에 대한 순응도에 영향을 미치는가에 대해 알아보고자 하였다. 방 법: 2006년부터 2009년까지 4년 동안 동국대학교 경주병원 정신과에서 거역퇴원을 한 163명의 환자들의 진료기록부를 조사하여 퇴원 후 외래 추적 치료를 나온 군과 나오지 않은 군으로 나누고, 외래 추적 치료를 나온 군을 다시 6개월 이상 추적 치료가 지속되는 군과 지속 되지 않는 군으로 나누어 각 군에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 요인들을 비교분석하였다. 결 과: 거역퇴원 후 외래 추적 치료에 한 번도 나오지 않은 환자는 43명이었고 한번이라도 나온 환자는 120명이었다. 그 중 6개월 이전에 외래 추적 치료를 중단한 환자는 49명이었으며 6개월 이상 치료를 지속하는 환자는 71명이었다. 외래 추적 치료의 여부에 영향을 미치는 요인은 거역퇴원의 이유와 거역퇴원 당시의 환자의 상태, 입원 기간이었다. 환자가 환자의 병을 부정하거나 치료에 불만족하여 거역퇴원을 한 경우는 외래 추적 치료가 잘 되지 않았고, 퇴원 당시의 상태가 좋거나 입원 기간이 긴 경우에는 외래 추적이 잘 되었다. 이러한 요인들 가운데 6개월 이상 외래 추적 치료가 지속되는 것에 영향을 주는 요인은 입원 기간뿐 이었다. 이러한 요인 외에 진단명, 사회 인구학적 특성, 입원 경로, 입퇴원 요일, 주치의 성별 및 연차 등 어떤 것도 외래 추적 치료에 영향을 주지 못했다. 결 론: 거역퇴원 환자의 외래 추적 치료에 환자의 병에 대한 인식과 입원 기간이 큰 영향을 미친다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 실제 임상 에서 거역퇴원 환자라 하더라도 외래 추적 치료를 잘 받을 수 있도록 하는 치료진의 노력이 필요할 것이다. Objective:The purpose of this study is to research factors which affect Outpatient department(OPD) follow up and consistency in psychiatric inpatients discharged against medical advice from psychiatric hospitalization. Methods:The subjects in this study were 163 patients who were discharged against medical advice from Department of Neuropsychiatry at Dongguk University Hospital between January 1, 2006 and December 31, 2009. Patients were divided into two groups:patients who came for OPD follow up treatment and patients who did not. The group of patients who came for OPD follow up treatment was then subdivided into two groups:a group with patients who continuously came for OPD follow up treatment for more than 6 months and a group with patients who were lost be-fore 6 months. After classifying the patients, we compared and analyzed the factors which could influence each group. Results:After being discharged against medical advice, 43 patients did not show up for OPD follow up treatment at all and 120 patients came for OPD follow up treatment more than once. 49 patients were lost before 6 months and 71 patients continued to come for OPD follow up treatment for more than 6 months. Factors that affected OPD follow up treatment were the reasons for the patient’s discharge against medical advice, result of treatment and the duration of psychiatric hospitalization. When the reason for discharge against medical advice was complete denial of illness or dissatisfaction with staffs, patients were not well followed up at the OPD. On the other hand, when result of treatment was good at the time of discharge or when the duration of psychiatric hospitalization was long enough, patients were well followed up at the OPD. Among these factors, duration of psychiatric hospitalization was the only one that could affect the continuance of OPD follow up treatment for more than 6 months. Apart from these reasons, diagnosis, so-ciodemographic characteristics, mode of admission, day of admission, day of discharge and gender or grade of doctor did not influenced the OPD follow up treatment. Conclusion:Insight of their own psychiatric illness and the duration of psychiatric hospitalization affected OPD follow up treatment in patients who were discharged against medical advice. In clinical application, even if patients are discharged against medical advice, psychiatrist should make efforts to get those patients to receive OPD treatment.

      • KCI등재

        일 대학병원 정신과 외래를 방문한 우울증 환자에서의 하지불안증후군

        이도윤(Do-Yun Lee),사공정규(Jeong-Kyu Sakong),곽경필(Kyung-Phil Kwak),한영훈(Young-Hoon Han),손용표(Yong-Pyo Son),박창증(Chang-Jeung Park),원승희(Seung-Hee Won),이광헌(Kwang-Hun Lee) 대한생물치료정신의학회 2011 생물치료정신의학 Vol.17 No.1

        Objectives : This study was designed to investigate the clinical characteristics, relationship with antidepressants and incidence of restless legs syndrome(RLS) in depressed outpatients. Methods : Total 160 adult patients(male 32, female 128) of psychiatric outpatient were enrolled in this study. We use the diagnostic criteria of International RLS Study Group(IRLSSG) for RLS. Also WHO quality of life scale abbreviated version(WHOQOL-BREF), Hamilton Depression Rating Scale-17(HAM-D) and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index(PSQI) was used to investigate the relationship between RLS and depression severity, quality of life, sleep quality. Results : In 39(24.4%) out of the total 160 patients were diagnosed as having RLS. Among those 39 RLS patient, 19 patients(48.7%) was reported to have developed their RLS after starting depression treatment. The RLS group showed higher PSQI and HAM-D scores(p=0.02, p<0.01) and lower WHOQOL-BREF score(p=0.06) compared to those of non-RLS. Compared to those of non-RLS group, the bupropion group showed a significantly low rate of RLS group (p=0.043) and the venlafaxine group showed a significantly high rate of RLS group(p=0.018). HAM-D score 7 or more group caused RLS 4.5 times compared those of less than HAM-D score 7 group. Conclusion : In this study, depressed outpatients showed high incidence rate of RLS and RLS had influence on sleep quality, depression severity and quality of life. Moreover, certain antidepressants had potential to induce RLS. Therefore, these results suggest that appropriate treatment for depression is required to clinicians and development of RLS from depressed patients should be carefully monitored. Further research about the relationship between antidepressant and RLS is also necessary.

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