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        한약박 및 유기셀레늄이 체내 중금속 축적도에 미치는 영향의 모발 분석과 혈액 및 장기 분석간의 상관도 연구

        손영희,유지은,허지연,장성표,이병수,이보름,윤선기,이치호,Son, Young-Hee,Yoo, Ji-Eun,Heo, Ji-Youn,Jang, Sung-Pyo,Lee, Byung-Soo,Lee, Bo-Reum,Yun, Seon-Gi,Lee, Chi-Ho 한국축산식품학회 2008 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.28 No.2

        모발에 축적되는 중금속은 한약박 및 유기셀레늄 같은 기능성 원료에 의해 효과적으로 억제되며, 이는 간 및 혈액으로 대별되는 조직 분석과도 밀접한 상관관계가 보여진다. 또한, 기능성 원료의 여타 효과 즉, 항산화 효과, 항염증 효과 등 부가적인 기능성도 동시에 부여할 수 있는 가치가 있어 산업적인 효용성이 충분히 보장된다고 할 수 있다. 더불어 침체 되어있는 국내 사료산업에 고 부가가치 산업으로서의 기능성 원료를 공급하여 사료산업 활성화에 일조할 수 있으리라 전망한다.

      • 다문화가정 학생 멘토링 개선 방안 연구

        손영희(Son Nyeong Hui) 한국다문화교육연구학회 2011 다문화교육 Vol.2 No.3

        이 연구는 다문화가정 학생을 위한 요구분석을 바탕으로 효과적인 멘토링 개선안이 무엇인지 알아보는 연구이다. 멘토링에 대한 요구 분석은 경기도 다문화교육센터에서 실시한 멘토링에 참여한 다문화가정 학생들의 신청서를 바탕으로 희망 서비스를 분석 했다. 멘토링에 대한 요구분석에 대한 연구 방법은 양적연구법을 사용하였다. 연구 결과 다문화가정 학생들의 요구분석을 살펴보니 학습지도 128명(39.1%), 한글 57명(17.%) 외에도 이중언어 40명(12.2%), 놀이 및 체험활동49명(14.9%), 상담 및 정서교류 22명(6.7%), 미술ㆍ음악 등 예술분야가 31명(10.5%) 등 희망하는 멘토링의 내용이 다양했다. 요구분석을 바탕으로 효과적인 멘토링 개선 방안을 살펴보면, 첫째, 다문화가정 학생들에게 대상별 멘토링 프로그램이 제공되어야 하고, 멘토링을 할 수 있는 장소 확보와 다문화가정 유형별로 차별화된 서비스 제공과 더불어 부모교육이 실시되어야 한다. 특히 법령과 제도 개선을 통해 장기적인 계획을 가지고 기관중심의 공급자 위주에서 다문화가정 학생들의 요구가 반영된 수요자 중심의 맞춤형 멘토링이 실시되어야 한다. This study intends to investigate an effective improvement measures for mentoring based on the need assessment for students of multicultural families. Need assessment on the mentoring was implemented based on the applications submitted by the students of multicultural families that participated in the mentoring program conducted at the Center for Multicultural Education in Gyeonggi-do. Quantitative research method was used for mentoring need assessment. In adidtion to instruction for learning (128students, 39.1 %) and Korean language (57students, 17%), the result of assessment on the students' needs show that the contents of mentoring they desire are varied as bilingual education (40students, 12.2%), game and experiencing activity (49students, 14.9%), consultation and emotional exchange (22students, 6.7%) and the field of arts such as art & music (31students, 10.5%). Improvement measures based on the result of need assessment for effective mentoring are as follows. First, appropriate mentoring program shall be provided for students of multicultural families by object and Second, a place for mentoring shall be secured and education for parents must be provided along with differentiated service by the types of multicultural families. Especially, through improvement of laws and systems with long-term plan, customized and customer-oriented mentoring that reflected various demands of students of multicultural families, not supply-oriented centering around organization must be implemented.

      • KCI등재

        『무명인 쥬드』: 쑤 브라이드헤드의 인물 형상화와 남녀관계

        손영희 ( Young Hee Son ) 근대영미소설학회 2000 근대 영미소설 Vol.7 No.1

        In Hardy`s later novels the protagonists repeatedly try to establish ideal man-woman relationship as a substitute for the values of the Victorian society. Social criticism and the pursuit of new values through an ideal man-woman relationship reach their zenith with Jude the Obscure. But as in Hardy`s other novels the union of Jude and Sue eventually fails, too. The narrator suggests that their tragedy is brought about partly because Sue cannot overcome ascetic Hebraism. However, Sue`s condition as a woman, subjected to biological laws of nature, is presented as being more important in bringing about tragedy, and this makes her an inconsistent character. Sue`s inconsistencies have made her one of the most controversial characters Hardy created. Her inconsistencies are in part caused by the fact that Hardy was uncertain about her role in the novel when he wrote it. As one of Shelleyan intellectuals, Sue is a sexually importent character like Clym and Angel. But she is also a New Woman; in this respect she has sexual spontaneity, which is suppressed to keep herself independent of men. This illustrates that to some extent the textual conflict between her role as a Shelleyan intellectual and as a New woman contributes to her inconsistencies. However, Sue`s inconsistencies are produced mainly because the narrator and Jude think women are subject to biological laws of nature and thus emotional rather than rational. It makes Sue`s volte face, culminating in her return to Philloston, inevitable. This view of the narrator`s is contrasted with his tendency to explain Jude`s. failure of entering Christminster University in term of the corruption of social institution. The narrator doesn`t articulate one uniform voice but multiple voices on Victorian women. He criticizes patriarchal institutions and sympathizes with the causes of the New Woman Sue argues. But his views on women are also conventional in that he represents them as closely related and subject to biological laws of nature. While the narrator is not altogether consistent in his views on Sue`s sexual impotence, he insists on presenting it as one of core problems. Three cultural images, all of which assume sexual impotence, are mixed in Sue: an Angel in the house, a Shelleyan intellectual, and the New Woman. Hardy demands us to take notice of the interrelatedness of these images. They are all products of Western culture organized around the idea of subjection of body to spirit, and therefore, the signs of disintegration. The narrator`s critical attitude towards Sue indicates that Hardy was well aware of the potential danger of disintegration in the three Images. In Hardy`s novels marriage is one of the fundamental concepts, for it symbolizes an integration of the male and female principles. Among many ideal couples in Hardy`s novels, only Jude and Sue overcome the barriers of social conventions and live together for a few years. They try to break the conventional marriage custom where a wife gets economic support from her husband in exchange for her sexual subjection. They attempt to experiment a new model of man-woman relationship. Sue, as Jude`s comrade, continues working whether it is mental or manual work, and stands independently on her own. Jude-Sue relationship is an attempt at finding a substitute for the VIctorian marriage custom. But their relationship eventually fails since the narrator as well as Hardy cannot be completely free from Victorian institutions and conventions. The narrator admits that individuals cannot live outside social conventions. But at the same time he realizes that the social conventions are too corrupt for him to accept, so he himself is in the midst of acute conflict between the allegiance to the Victorian values and the rebellion against them. At the end of the novel old order is seemingly restored by force, but the narrator`s sneer at the plot, which compels Sue to succumb to the conventional marriage and Jude to die, reveals that the bases of the social conventions are already being undermined. Thus the denouement of Jude the Obscure paradoxically requires the advent of new order and the integration Jude-Sue union symbolizes.

      • 경계선상의 앙뚜아네뜨

        손영희(Young Hee, Son) 신라대학교 여성문제연구소 2013 젠더와 사회 Vol.24 No.-

        본 논문은 진 리스의 『드넓은 사가소 바다』의 주인공인 자메이카의 백인 크레올 여성 앙뚜아네뜨가 어떻게 자아 정체성을 회복하는가를 다루고 있다. ‘흰 바퀴벌레’ 혹은 ‘흰 검둥이’로 불리는 앙뚜아네뜨의 인종적 모호함을 탐구하기 위해 경계선상의 존재를 의미하는 크리스테바의 ‘아브젝트’ 이론을 차용하고자 한다. 앙뚜아네뜨는 백인의 정체성을 획득하기 위해 백인 남성 지배 이데올로기의 대표자인 로체스터와 결혼한다. 하지만 로체스터의 눈에 비친 앙뚜아네뜨는 지배 이데올로기를 위협하는 ‘아브젝트’로 상징적 질서로는 이해할 수 없는 ‘기호적 코라’에 속해 있다. 앙뚜아네뜨의 인종적 모호함, 무성한 자메이카 자연과 같은 기호적 요소의 범람은 상징적 질서의 취약성을 드러낼 수 있다. 또한 이항대립적인 요소들을 연결사 ‘and’로 결합하는 앙뚜아네뜨의 꿈은 주체와 타자를 결속시키는 크리스테바의 용어로 ‘여성적 윤리’의 한 예를 보여준다. 따라서 앙뚜아네뜨는 백인과 흑인사이에서 양자택일이 아닌 경계선상의 존재 그 자체를 수용함으로써 정체성을 회복할 수 있다. 진 리스는 앙뚜아네뜨의 정체성 탐색 과정을 통해 이분법적 논리를 전복시킴으로써 타자성을 수용하고 다양성을 추구하는 가능성을 시사하고 있다. The purpose of this paper is to examine how Antoinette, a white Creole woman in Jamaica, recovers her own identity in Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea. This paper draws on Julia Kristeva’s theory of abject, which means the being on the boundary, to examine Antoinette’s racial ambiguity between the white and the black. In order to acquire her social identity as a white, Antoinette marries Rochester, a representative of the nineteenth-century male-dominant European ideology. From Rochester’s point of view, Antoinette is not an English like him but an incomprehensible “abject” and belongs to “the semiotic chora” which, according to Kristeva, deconstructs racism, imperialism, and patriarchy that Rochester as an Imperial British represents and are based on an acute dichotomy. Through Antoinette, Rhys shows that the symbolic order can be vulnerable by the semiotic elements. In this third dream, Antoinette fulfills Kristeva’s “herethics,” which means to embrace heterogeneity and to bind the subject and the other by combining the dichotomous concepts with the conjunction “and.” Antoinette can recover her racial identity by giving up being accepted by either the white or the black and by admitting herself as a “being on the boundary.” Through Antoinette’s quest for her identity, Rhys seems to suggest the possibility of embracing diversity by deconstructing the binary logic in race and gender.

      • KCI등재

        호세 안토니오 비야레알의 『포초』: 이방인에서 트랜스내셔널 주체로의 실험적 실천

        손영희(Son, Younghee) 미래영어영문학회 2022 영어영문학 Vol.27 No.2

        José Antonio Villareal"s Pocho is regarded as the first modern Chicano novel which reflects the author"s autobiographical experience as a Mexican-American second generation. Pocho describes the life of Juan Rubio, a Mexican migrant worker who settled in Santa Clara, California, and focuses on the identity problem of his son, 9-year-old Richard Rubio. It deals with the issues of bilingualism, biculturalism, and dual identity that Richard Rubio faces in the racialized society because he is a stranger, neither American nor Mexican. In fact, Villareal has been criticized severely by many Chicano critics for being too assimilated in American society. However, Pocho can suggest a new reading in the transnational era where the boundaries of nations, ethnics, and races are blurred. This paper attempts to explore Richard"s struggle to find his own identity as a transnational subject, not a stranger who dose not belong to either of them, in that he resists the dichotomous violence between Americanness and Mexicanness. It examines the meaning of Chicano Spanish with regard to the creation of his transnational identity. In addition, it seeks to understand the lives of Chicano migrants, who are excluded from American history and monolingualism, with a more balanced transnational literacy.

      • KCI등재

        르 파누의 『카밀라』에서 레즈비언 뱀파이어와 어머니의 귀환

        손영희(Younghee Son) 19세기영어권문학회 2021 19세기 영어권 문학 Vol.25 No.1

        In Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu’s Carmilla, Camilla overtly reveals homosexual desires unlike her vampiric counterparts in John Polidori’s The Vampyre and Bram Stoker’s Dracula. In Carmilla, three lesbian stories with similar characters and incidents are intricately entwined and the boundaries between each young lady and the vampire, past and present, and the dream and reality are constantly blurred. This enables the reader to interpret the lesbian vampire as the heroine’s double embodying her repressed homosexual desires and her absent mother. In this paper, referring to Sigmund Freud’s concept of the ‘Uncanny’ and Barbara Creed’s refutation of Freud’s theory, I argue that Camilla’s biting of Laura’s breasts with phallic teeth awakens her repressed homosexual desires and forces Laura to confront her absent mother thrown off in childbirth as the abject. Since Camilla’s vampirism threatens to forestall the patriarchal customs of the exchange of women as a gift given to men in marriage to reinforce male bonding and restore Laura to the matrilineal society, the alliance of authoritative men is established. Through the execution of Carmilla, the lesbian vampire-cum-mother is castrated and expelled. However, Laura is reborn as a vampire and threatens the law of patriarchy.

      • KCI등재

        다양성 수용과 혁신행동의 관계: 상사의 친화태도를 조절변수로

        손영희 ( Young-hee Son ),이형택 ( Hyoung-taek Lee ) 한국유통경영학회(구 한국유통정보학회) 2021 유통경영학회지 Vol.24 No.1

        Purpose: We want to look at how the degree of diversity acceptance perceived by members of an organization affects the ability to change and innovation behaviors that are indispensable to today's corporate competitiveness. In particular, it was intended to verify how the acceptance of diversity (social category, information, and value) perceived by employees of export firms affects employees' innovation behaviors. In addition, we tried to verify how diversity- friendly attitudes of boss play a role in the relationship between perceived diversity sensitivity by employees of exporters and innovation behaviors of members. Research design, data, and methodology: 272 questionnaires were collected from employees working in export companies and 253 were finally used for actual analysis except 19 which lacked value such as centralization tendency, omission, and insincere response. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and hierarchical regression analysis were conducted respectively. Results: We found that social category, information and value diversity sensitivity has a positive effect on innovative behavior. We confirmed that the diversity acceptance of employee was very closely related to their innovative behavior. In addition, we confirmed that the supervisor’s diversity-friendly attitude plays a meaningful moderating role between accepting social category diversity and innovative behavior. Implications: Companies that emphasize employees’ innovative behavior in the future need to make various efforts to make them recognize diversity positive. First of all, firms need to create an atmosphere in which all organizational members can understand and recognize the need and importance of diversity that has recently emerged significantly in our society. Companies have organizational culture with a lack of basic understanding and respect for diversity require systematic education and training. And, it is very important to hire applicants with a high degree of perceived diversity sensitivity in the recruitment and selection process. In effect, various HR institutions and policies related to perceived diversity sensitivity provide practitioners with a good starting point to improve employees’ innovative behavior.

      • KCI등재

        『뱀파이어』와 『드라큘라』에서 성적 금지와 부르주아 성인에의 입문

        손영희 ( Younghee Son ) 한국근대영미소설학회 2019 근대 영미소설 Vol.26 No.1

        In Polidori’s The Vampyre and Stoker’s Dracula, aristocratic vampires have a close relationship with bourgeois men, but they vamp the women closely related to them, not the men themselves. Since these women act as substitutes for the bourgeois men, vampirism represents an indirect sexual attack against the men under the disguise of heterosexual desires which displace their homosexual desires. In both works, the vampires liberate repressed sexual desires, bringing about the potential disintegration of the bourgeois dichotomy of gender and sexuality. In The Vampyre, Aubrey keeps his vow not to disclose Ruthven’s secret, which actually turns out to be his own secret of homosexual desires. In consequence, he is destroyed and fails to initiate into the bourgeois manhood. In Dracula, however, Mina breaks her vow not to read Harker’s journals and learns of his deviant sexuality, thereby inviting Dracula. The crisis of her awakening to the repressed sexual desires triggers vampire hunters’ frantic pursuit of Dracula. With the destruction of Dracula, the bourgeois gender and sexual norms seem to be restored and reaffirmed. However, Mina becomes marginalized and inarticulate while Harker proves his masculinity, initiates into manhood as a successful lawyer, and becomes a disciplined modern bourgeois subject that can control his own sexual desires. As Quincey Harker was fathered by Dracula as well as by Lucy’s three suitors, Van Helsing, and Harker, Dracula is resurrected through the boy and once again threatens to wipe out the bourgeois dichotomy of gender and sexuality.

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